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Show See a5 a8 : § e = =" - ~ a = — ~ Tr THE ~ taught it by the fre. no doubt it was our duty |’ and to have thus averted the calamity alto- | gether, now that it is a thing of the past the - true'policy is to take off our coats, roll up our insure immunity with from facilities that will futare danger. New York Dis Dispatches. follows: “The Workingmen’s party of Calijor- sufficient distance from the car track for perfect safety. .The incline is sunk onthe line between the two pr perties—the Barbee and Walker—which are the most northerly develnia will elect the full State ticket next Septemoped mines on the Reef. ber, besides four Congressmen and the LegislaTHE 120 LEVEL 3 tare that chooses = United States Senator to To the south has been run 150 feet on the vein succeed Booth. It will also p’ace a third ; arty feet again. in the field for the Presidential campaign of and the face continues in $20 ore. The stopes , | from this level would indicate that many thouee next year, and California will cast ite @ sands of tons of.ore have been extracted. At vote for that third party. This will throw the MISCEGENATION. a distanee of 100. feet from the incline a winze election of. the President into the House of Representatives, and California will nominate her connécts with the 160 level couth, which Even as polygamy sotietimos brings to grief shows a continuation and widening of the ore man. I would like to see John Swiaton occupybody ard an increase.in richness with depth. the patriarch who practises it, so miscegenaing the White House.” IN THE 180 LEVEL tion in the South works sorrow to the high ‘alfred G. Holcombe yeaterdsy reeeived notice merchants have met their misfortune bravely and & strong pull anda pull altogether is all that is now necessary to place the Reef on its An interesting case in ‘Yom the Patent Offize that application has been contracting nate allowed for his invention, which the Times this morning asserts has solved the problem of the divisibility of the electric current for ordinary pointis that of Edward Kinney, a colored oe sen of the United States and of the State Virginia, who married white woman. Under Mary Susan the State lighting purposes. Minute candles of lampblack Hall,a are used ——— law forbid- ding such marriages, Edward and his bride] were arrested, tried, convicted, and sent to prison for five years. Thsreupon Edward carried his case by habeas corpué Into the Fedexal Circuit Court, setting The Iowa Greenback ing to endorse Brick Pomeroy, and several delegates withdrew. 7 counsel that the State of Virginia had unlaw- \ Chicago Di Dispatches, Bais Twenty-two competitorg entered for the O’Leary belt in the seventy-ive hour walking tournament. The start wes.made shortly before 9 o’clock to-night. Five thousand persons were present. Six miles were accomp!'shed by tiev. Gyuon in 1:14, by Geo. Parry in 1:02:20, and by Peter Orogsland in 1:15:47. The following is from Messina. The volcano State and Territory, nook -and corner of the American Union. That was Edward’s view of the matter; but Judge Hughes thought differently, and refused to issue the writ, on the ground that the United States Courts have no of Mit. Etna is in full eruption. jurisdiction over aetent of marriage. His opinion was: “ That the laws of inaiviage are at thesovereign control and will ef each State, un‘ected b y eny pestis of any article of the Gemstibetion s ; tl.at abso© and 6!sare Gers r over there laws is neces‘easily left. all on Fi vag world and ‘in ‘this Union of Statest vernment of lucal mate that the oy uD er which the parties eonv Fgh th the unrestrained exisistiy ive po of Vireinia fo enact it, and sg it is,wat "prohibited by any provision of the n: — ean nnion: As to making contant the n holds that section 1.977 of we which secures to served within = United States the righti —y State to e und entorce contrac etc., can ie refer to coutracts lawful ander ey of the btate: wherein it is pro): wee adios nageathens: Admitting that marriage is ntraet, the opinion hoids that the priviter At of exforeh it extends only to lawful e at if a citizen of Virginia ent to the District ff Golam bin. or to the lava are flowing down the western slope. meantime, ’ The Ohio Republican Convention. CINcIN? aTI, May 29. The“ loeal leadéts here have joined in the to the if any Utah: In the patriarch thinks atatement that the convention would ssund the! key-note cf the next Presidential campaign, 5 campaign which according to. them, would on the Repub‘ican side have to be fought by either Sherman or Grant, If this ba true, then Ohio must be regarded as equally divided between her “favorite son,”’ the of the Treasury and the ex-President of the United States. rr i a ee of visiting the Southern or Eastern States, let him do it accompanied by one wife Sev- eral villages are threatened with destruction, and there is great alarm among the inhabitants. The Inter-Ocean’s W: specia] says: Plans for the great excursion to meet Gen. Grant at San Francisco are about matured, and\thé manager will issue from his headquarters at St. Nicholas Hotel, New York, in a few days a announcement. The fare. from New O)8an Francisco and return will be $150; | Chicago and return $125. / Grant will San Francisco shank. the 15th of July. accordance w eg jal law, he ala not: or wrortsto Virreturn with ie consort ginia and exject to su Mordicate } her laws of marriage to the laws of pina a ttedintion ” Supreme Court of the United States. Three new cra- ters appeared near the town of Randazza, at the northwest foot of the mountain. Streams of there married in carried | Cuicaeo, May 29, bia where it was contracted, is valid in every | be Conventicn. Drs Mores (Iowa), May 29. In last night’s sersion of the convention there fully undertaken to punish him for exercising his inalienable right as a citizen of the United States to woo and wed the woman he Joved, whatever her color; moreover, that the matriage being valid in the District of: Colum- The case will probably carbon ro wasa split on account of the convention refus- forth through his Terrttory of v tah. of theeee Ladies, Attention ! only,’ \The reason that Friedman’s Dry Goods busiotherwise ho’ imay get. inte trouble, to’ say ness bas improved so rapidly of late is that when anything new in his line appears on the nothing of the penitentiary. market he at once orders it by express, and can therefore supply his customers with’ New Store, New Firm, New Ceods ariicles which they can purchase nowhere The undersigned begs leave to announce to | else. itis through the completeness of his the public of Silver: Reef that he has opened | stock as well as its excellence that he is enbetween tho Postoffice and the News Vepot a abied to guarantee satisfaction to all who may honor him with their esteemed patronfiret-class __ Dry Goods Store age, and. it is on account of his extensive asAnd will keop constant!y on hand a full line sortment that he relies for public support, of Staple and Fancy Pry Goods, Millinery. for when a store contains everything to be -~Notiong and Ladies, Misses and Childron’s found in the leading establishments of Salt ” Shoes, a]! of the latest styles and best make Lake, there is no occasion why the ladies and at prices ‘beyond competition. Buying ehou!d not make suitable purchases. Friedall goods for cash will sell for cash only. man’s is therefore the place to buy goods, Wi}l guarantee that my prices will satisfy all. where the Jadies are waited upon by the preAll are invited to call and examine goods and possessing proprietor or his Chesterfieldian assistant, whose greatest pleasure is to give prices. satisfaction to all. Call on Friedman. For several years dest I have been connected with Messrs. Auerbach & bro., Salt Lake, and having had a long experience in my bueiness, the ladies will do well to deer purchasiig till they examine my goods. 8. J.. FRI EDMAN. $$ 3.3, Hatrin received on Monday fiom the Eéet a large assortment of Crockery, Glass, Lamps, etc. | f : JUST Fancy ‘eed FISB \ Woolf & Jordan's. Bordder Oraccs : Hor tgmber of al dimensions promptly filled, MoMiwos be \ _————o2-o Mintng BEST LIQUORS & READ, ___-——-— Lumber! “We wilt hererftor sell all Kinds of mining tumeee * MoManvs - ‘prices novor be‘vre offered in the market. All goods brought direct from New York: - & Jorpan, Haurm is selling tee’ latest improved 1ib. rary lamp for eight dollars. It is the in Town at a Bit a Drink. —— ' ° Also a good Supply of ‘Teen Our! For great bargains in Dry| Goods, Gtuceries, Clething, Ete. Our new stook will be opened next week and sold at re fo be had & Reap. ; eee a ' — ~ HAVANAA CIGARS - * OF. 000 —A sh— latest styles of C'othing, Hats and Gente’ Furnishing Goods to be found at spt LOT Wall Paper Goods at Woolf & 0 em 8a" Tho ! GREENBAUM| sar The only Tull and' complete stock of Dry Goods and Jardap's. ae most pawdsome lamp in use at tho prosent time. FAMILY lie GROCERIES. is Going Ont of the Clothing Buciacss and in selling his siock velow cost. FRESH BUITER & kGGS AT ALL TIMES, aa Remember — hay other house, piace aolla cheaper than 27 Work er ae continues aid“stoping on the vein, of a severe wound. in the leg Main street. of one AO =~ HARROUN & COMPANY, —-JoB— CARPENTERS. ~ 0 W. Store. East of Jacobs & Sul'an. _ 100 JOB - o-oo J. J. Hatrin bas just York a larga aseorsment Painters’ Materials, received from New of Paints, Oils and Mar’ ioe TO Boots Fre neh ‘Material. ress, 1 can [ORDER and & pet ots he ‘sing practicn a . MEATLY J. Oo j ce | asd DONB TO DEALER IM LUMBER and .. GRAIN. Goods delivered free of charge to every part the distriet. P. HARRISON. Main St., Silver Reef, Utah, Mas the largest and best selected line of geeda South of Salt Lake City, consisting of FURNITURE, Of every description. Carpets, Mattresses & Bedding, Doors, Sash and Blinds; Windows and Window Shades, Paints, Oils, Puity and Glasa Mirrors. Pictures and Picture Fremea, Of every size and pattern. WALL PAPER, Borders and Decorsions ~ And everything pertaining to that Maw ALO, A counplets assortment of : COFFINS Kopt constantly on hand and made to ordes on short notice, and everything perteining wo a a firet -olase line of Undertaker’s pe | Eleckathom & Co, DEALERS 18 Tsumber SHINGLES, DOORS, _ SASH and MOLDING, 3 ae best boot or B. STEPHENS. Made Repaired. GENERALLY ORDER. GEXERAL in he busi- DONE. ~ WORK Doors. Furniture Groceries. Provisions, sawn is Sevres: Give me a ale Laat Fit guaranteed. Dress Boots. ‘and Shoes a Spe- cially EPAIRING and Doors. Lower Main Street, Silver Reef, a0 make ao Sign of the Big Seah. J. A. TURRILE, Piosk.m 0 W 10 90 Piok um OW 100 9) 100 20 mines produce, the averaze assays, Wé are in- zinghain UW Pinkham u W. 100 96 formed, giving $60. At 160 feet from the botukhbam C W yu 90 tom of the main incline a winze has been Pin-ham U 60 10 50 10 sunk to ascertain the nature and extent of the Pinkham 0 W biukham © W... 59 10 fault, which rroves it to be of no material inabaw C 59 10 consequence, the vein looking strong = uni | {nabs Pinkham G W 60 10 form rough the entire depth of lv ie Piokhba'u 0 W 5u 10 ¥eom THR 200 LEVEL inkham C W r 60 10 50 10 On the north a winze was sunk to the 300 level Pinsham C W 25 5 through an average of £45 ore, the vein shuw- riuknam CW Pinokha on. 0 W 25 5 ing weil the entire distance with an averagé 25 3 thickness of about 14 feet." This portion of Pinkham 0 Pinkbam.c W 25 5 the ground has zene ro extensively =e 25 5 and'has p usands 6) tony of good Cc 25 5 ore. The workings aTethies rthow . sumey 25 5 what broken formation plain does not appear 25 5 “asi any portion © uth dri:ts—threugh 50 10 which the walle appear. eheaaty defined and 50 w regular. ‘Through tois part of the mine the 50 1d ground appears quite hears and shows skillCc 60 10 ful engineering and systematic working. As QO 5) 10 one scrambles thruugh these subterranean OW. snes. Sl 60 10 labyrinths, wes treasures of which have C W....... ean aie 50 1 elped to spread the iame of the -Reef tar Piwkhom inkham OC W.. . 85 1000 and wide, Pinkham U W.... .. 36 1000 20 4 PERFECT RETWORK OF TIMBERS nkham C 109 411 82 20 ‘Meets the eye, and here most of the miners are es inkuam J F, srusiee... 18 20 4 at ent working. ines of staging are Pinkham J F, Trustes... 19 20 4 -used to work the uprer portion of the al Pink JF, Trustee... 20 20 4 and they Tumbling of the masses of rock co PinkhamJ F, Trus.ee... 21 20 4 ing from the.stopes above and the reports Pi nsham J F, Trustee... 223 20 4 and concussion from the blasts mane one unnbham J-F, Trustee... 23 20 4 Scousunes feel as tivugh he might possibly PiPinkham J #, Trustee... 24 10 2 getin the wrong place or that he might 83.1 Pink cham J ¥, irustee... 25 410 2 well not be in there. PFinsham J F, Trustee... 26 lo , 2 +ikhemJ F, Trustee... 27 10 a THE 200 LEVFL 10 3° On the north has been rur 150 feet through a PinkhimJ F, Trustee... 28 10 3 rmation somewhat broken and the vein Pinkham 2 F, irustee... 29 J F, Trustee... 30 10 3 = ia oe A ten-inch streak of $175 Pinkham 10 2 appears in the face and there is no doubt tinkham J F, Trustee... 31 JF, Trustee... 32 a 3 : bat that it will be fourd to come to-ether and contin e intact at no great distance. ‘lhe yinsham J F, Trustee... 100 20 irregular nature of the vein as -hown in some Pinkham J F, ‘Trustee... 34 100 20 of the north workings may be accounted for Pinkham J F, Trusiee... 35 JF,‘ tee... 36 100 , 20 from the iact that the incline was sunk at or wanessel 50 10 near a large break in the Keef, and while the Hyates eesrane c0000.0000. 38 25 5 entire vein is a very etiong one, it cannot but | Hyates TOWN. 2000 400 show the fact of the external. di turbance. Jacobs & Sultan Svescunst 39 15 15 Wor as been extensively provecuted and DodgeA B..ccecscesesee BB -. 89 715 15 the groundi i pretty generally stoped out fora DodgeA E........+. ge A: Bee c.sce .. 90 92 18 40 di ut 75 feet north trom the ee geA E.. i eat 150 30 inciine© and - towards the suriace as far as -. 9 100 200 1D level. ‘Ihe walis at places areeshown to oe DoigsA E.., Dodge A E.....6.....:-0005, 99 1100 200 trom 15 to 20 feet apart. Lodge A E . 94 500 100 THE 120 LEVEL Budge A 95 500 100 North is run 75 feet. The vein. shows consid- Dodge AF... .ccscccscseeee . 96 500 106 abty broken, but has cee proved very Dodge A OT bab 1.0 rich, as ‘from these up;er levels the ore was Dodge A . 98 508 300 taken that induced and thaterially aided the DodgeA Beseccescnccess 99 500 100 owners to erect their present machinery. DodgeA E..eseencese- 100 590 100 The venti‘ation throughou! the mine is ex- Dodge A Tol 500 100 cellent and everything avout the workings White & Al'eu, Trustee. .105 60002808... shows competent and skillful management. Pinhham John F 111 100 20 Pinkham Jobo 100 20 THe MILL, | Pinkham John F........ 100 2” Which is a model for convenience, is rituated Piukham John F..... Sl 100 20 as near the mouth of the incline as facility ia Pinkham John F........ 116 100 "90 ‘handiing - ore requires, and receives me Pinkham John F.......: 116 100 vt] ore from the dump upon 9 Pinkham Jubn F...,,..-. 7 100° 7) whence it is pened through a Blake crasiier Pinkham John F 118 ae 20 -which teeds it to the battery. ‘ihe five stam s pkham John F.,...... 119 20 com ten pans and five settlers totreat the Pinkham John F........ 1 100 20 pulp aud they wilt mary paiva sufticient And in accordance with law, and an order of while working the slums,w ave accu: the Board of virectors, made on the twentmulated to a very large ona, none having —. day of March, 18 9, so many. shares of been worked since the miil was erected. 9 in parce! of such stock aa may be neces:-ary, machinery is all compiecte aud works admir* will be sold at pudlic pepe * ae anction -ably. A rrazier & Chalwers 5) horse-power: room of Juhn M ddieton.&.Son, No. 419 Pine | engine and 52:inch Loi:er furni>hes the power street, Sun francisco, Californias, on o MONDAY, for dsiving the stamps and running the pans. the ninth day of spore 1879, at the hour of two ‘Lhe boiler aiso turnisaes steam tor the hoist- o'clock, p. m., of day, ‘0 pay said déiining werlss, which, by the way, area model of the kind, plain and la king in.complication, quent kssonoment tere: n. sogetber Pi kag costs vertising and expe ses O running with friction gearing ioe ~ EO. g S8PINNEY, Becretary, AN INCLINED PLANE Offic ’—Room No. “a. No. = Pine street. oe ; Something over 100 feet in tenet is ready to Franci:co, Oalifornia. receive the cars and is to in hoistin lim’ from the aver below to oe * them on the mill ratthe pans; ihisw J. B. STEPHENS, be driven by power ane shaiting nmnentel —PRACTICAL— with the mill machin "the assay office, biacksmith and carpenters’ BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, | shops are conveniently located every thing around has a businesé appearance, Next Door to Cassidy’s Saloon, The mill is under the supervision of Mr. ames‘crapan, an experienced millman, and « SILVER REEF its bullion product tor this month foots up MAIN STREET sole owner: Sash Screen ore product from this point is the richest the The Company’s property is enter ie. teres superintendénce of Mr. J. b. V whos in | connection with J udge Barbie, is the 6 MANUFACTURER OF Delinquent Sate aetee, Pinkham i Tin, Steel, Iron& Copper Ware INKHAM MINIAG «<OMPANY. Lovauon of preset piace of business, dan Francisco, Cali Location of weak ~ pilver Reef, Washington county, Utah, Notuce.—Lnere is Seat srs the followipg described stuck,on acco (No. se jevied on the runes h day of March, lo79, the sev amiuDis Bet op; osite vertical air shaft, 100 feet from the surface. the names of the respective share-holderz, as’ This shaft-was sunk before the level was run toliows: No. No. 7 and continued 15 feet below the main vein, Ce.tif. Bhares, Am’t. where it developed a smaller one 3 feet in TRMOW F, Winccses essere ccsees 40 2500 Suu 00 thic«ness and asscying $40. This, however, is Pinkbam UW. rues 10 | 20 100 Qu not being Worked at present as there is an Pinsham uv MS eeeeeeed 14 ike O Wie sci cisncee 15 100 abundance.of.ore on all sides more convenient. Pinkham © W 100 20 ¥ROM THE 300 station nkham U w 10u 20 Pinkham 0 W., 5U0 100 And bottom of the main incline‘ level has han C 100 20 been run tothe north 300 feet. In‘driving Pinkham C W 100 20 this level a fault was encountered wh ch cut tiokbaw 0 W 100 20 1vu off the ore for a distance of some 00 feet. it ia now found in its natural strike, and the ‘ Cooking and Heating Stoves. ee Friedman’s New Silver Reef. IRON & STEEL. _ Tho choicest lot of Ladies’ evening and dress gloves, also silk mits, at - rIaraware, that the male partner on this oceasion had got eonsiderably the beet of the fight, causing the ‘‘weaker vessul’’ and her little daughter to ery loudly for help. The Justice of the Peace and one or twe others went to her assistance and arrested her more powerful and brutal consort, lodging him in jail for the night. . The abused woman, as is often the case; had a brother, and when Wilson was turned loose Hancock hunted hint up andattempted to make a small lead mine othim. One shot was fired which took effect in Wilson's right leg just abové the knee-cap, the ball lodging against the bone. -Wilson sent for the doctor, the abused wife refused to appear against her husband in court and Hancock retired satisfied it is supposed with the punishment which he had inflicted'on the cowardly wife- beater. . which here thows a width of 8 feet and assays $40. ‘Lhis level has. been run south 200 feet and the face is in the same grade of ore. Thouvands of tons of ore are here encompassed by the workings. In these levels and stopes the thoroughness and stability ot the timbering ata attention. at 2235 FRET A level has recently been started and a vein of $50 ote is being worked which averages from 3to4 feet and the entire vein at this point will assay $30.. This level connects with a = a : of the combatants. It appears that Wilson and his wife were having one of their periodical flare-ups, and Ses sam J. J. HALPIN at sists last Thursday morning which wound up with the use of the revolver and the inflicting a “Miseetlncons, | — ; rrel a 8. A little family “onpleasantness” occurred — wooden steps continues to the bottom, and ‘at Naw Yor, May 29. Denis Kearney to a citizen here, which closes as Our & W With a viéwW to give publicity to our ininton resources, we yesterday made our first visit to the above-named Company's property, and | through the courteous guidance of Mr. John Barbee, superintendent of the mines, ‘were enabled to make a thorough tour of all the workings. _We entered the mines by the main working incline, which is run on the top vein and which dips at an angle of about 45 degrees. A series of well-secured and convenient The Merald prints a characteristic letter from epee the Mine ana | !t wink we '&, . Little Farnity the Barbee M. and u. Oo. Wasereeror, May 29. Tho President's veto message was read in the House to-day. } THE PISTOL.| ON THE WHITE REEF. A WWisit Through tonal,_ to have profited by the experience of others sleeves. and rebuild % “8 the court stenographer, the sentence of Miles haa eee povlpensd walt ihe Sink by the. lesson While * Owing to a prers of business im the hands of we have Silver Reef will profit y ) Batt tat Dian, ourLoon, . Savere a are our ae shat ie TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ee .. JR gat ‘i REEF MINER. SILVER SS } = (eae van) eee ie “Lay wimps or—. 2 Carpenter Work DONE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, |