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Show x & DUNHAM, eat ann es Ale 00 Aas | wared in Silver Reef dnd immediate vicin- Sa ec “is seh. 3 W, Onoles in, anite “Cornggiieje.ascsntre eaver, Utah. KEEPS eoniteetly. nea J.B. Linpsay, Frisco, YUtah, N.B. Our nts ain are abahortged to crliect moneys dué this offiée, také orders for advertising and sttend to all other business devolying upon them ‘as the ae of ‘the | publishers. — ; Patent - POST OFFICE:. \ ee or = He a for tiie erection of S. e-s HAVANA. © CIGARS~ant tw BEST LIQUORS Ge be had in Town $ f at a Bit # Drink. Ts ‘ » "Also a good Supply.of © is Going Out 6of the ra aw adant ry Ne QHRISTENSEN, than | Pla . Two doors below aes a UAH tone aan OVS FI teed. e Comfort ntee seJ. Me LY é “ eee sas UNITED STATES, Menta, Of) 9” SUH) CASSIDY, NCH Mein At, Btiver Beef, btah. oy = ‘ CABINET ‘SALOON; - CLARK é wocaii te , Everything First: Class, ae ‘Wines ‘Liquors. & Cigars. Ree! Bakery sal ee a “a coined. w. thout. limit; eee We usd f cat earage Yares thas best quality of bread Sine Reef. Remember | ing to proyide messy for feller to :| our bread is hot adulterated: and maitre selling ont end deciared 1in Bee ai fiat lbs for one dollar. Be aire ace Bh buy | timidated ballet and a fait cent,, from the ook esonauay he Reef.¥e Eb a Mei Btoae President ractised, suppression of stand taken by the 1) teat vanguite oR pres sepehrad,ae 28.07. Dolan soldiers 8, vioduring, the war ha outages prison’ leuce of pavtiaeh wort in © ere Wh should be FAVORS cobaes s owt Co asI} condemned, as it seaks ed thé | of the ‘ hile consplRnk ag a fue SG RA Pitand’ Caltes, esthe EGTA" Sn} ‘Plog’ ‘Best’ in ptho| | seteconnmy he p unta we ‘Feedzand, Liyety 2Stable; »po f ewer |L... Obtainable in the Bintara Hai THANK THE cyntip FOR PAST olicit a am: Sor yaepureal 0 “ie fr Roe 16 . rr r a CIGARS, aan ee Durability’and Guara London Dispatches. J. BIBBERD, Prop’r. ; Elagancd, “Wines, Liquors& be the most elégant and commodious es tablish meat on the raiurvad between Umaba and Sacra- All My Old Friends thos Binghatn ane Invited to Call. | Hoot, aud; she Maker. Main Street, a ") ee a a |; Patronage Generally Rolicited. his FRESH-BUITER&. epee ~ | CAPITOL. The depot hotel at Reno, when fin'shed, will 28, Night: A. FORDONSKI.. | Stormont Boarding House. Clothing Business and is selling stock below cost. any other house, pies wad tid Dr. Mc Donald is lecturing to the Austinites upon the subject of bathing, How so0u au ittu-" erant ee drops — the wants of B cums). ~ muuity. The Chronic says Kearney.is a dirty black. Lonpon, May 28. The British Parliament adj journs for the Waly guard, aud Kearney resort by saying the Us ron. icle is a lechérous, jying sheet. Guess they are Restaurant. Lea suutide holiday uatil June 9th. boih right. 9 terms of the Anglo: ‘afghanist an treaty A Eurekan now sojourning in Leadville writes Oor. of Main and. Centre streets. privide’ for the ae of mn wenenser: ‘to the to @ tricnd that h<’d rather come back and live Ameerof £60,000 an ally." — J moiber-! sy there, -Jymust |’ Competors iu aatnie for th liking chain: | BI3 Resteurant, hitherto known ay the re - r bionsaip xf be a tough Wealliy. - é ver Reef itestaurant, is not second In Weils, Fargo & Co.'aOffice;-¥ieginia City, |) | establishment of the kind in Utah. ‘Its cen- Rowell, Eanis, Browa and Harding. They feet Start on the 16th of June ‘The list will 8e opén reve » & piéce ‘of Ore from the}Mammoth tral location renders it convenient to miners, until br.day, to give Weston al opportunity to ming, wake Lustrict; was ou exhibition. -which: business men end the traveling public. ” enter goes $240,000 to the ton... The pool of. $5,000,u00 for the Denver and Rio Mrs. K. HANREHAN, Grande road, projected in Coiorado, was easily India Goaventin Proprietress, filed in the tiHroad circies of the east, and 8, May 10. Repressntat’ ves “of ie” different civilized nheaveforth the prcgress ot that line will be — A tribes in Indian Territory met in convention rapld.. yes erday at EKuiaula for the purpose of’ considThe Martin White Mining Company has ‘aeeriny the invasion of the Territory by waites Clared tis tirst one ot 80 cents per share, and the set:ling on ceded Ana Hepes by mee aggregating ‘ $30,000. The amount “préviously| couecied i essessnients ts $650,000, but, the One.of” the . finest. puso Tabien mine is n¢dwopis paying-basie,: : The Ohio Republican Convention. Charles Beck, formerly. book-keeper with th in the per inacedt i 25 MAIN STREET, SOINS ATI, May 28," Northern Bell Mining Company, who shot a The Republican State Gonvestion met at 11a. Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express Offiee. m, Charles Foster was manypated for Governor willed‘anoiher attache of the company in a mvment of unguarded passion, jast fall, was coneekSilver Keef.is most conveniently: lo ‘onthe first ballot. vieted of murder in the second degree, at Auted for the laborer; busing&s: man an reveling public, an@ is conducted on strictly Osterest| lial " Nevada miners have their organs of benevoi. pe _ Always on hand, ; avail first-cliss principles. “At its well-: oe tables lehoe largeiy developed. ‘those employed a the WASHINGTON, May 28. can alwys be found the best that marget It is understood that the reason why the Pres- Grand Prize. and Argenta mines raised/ atfords, prepared by the best of eke. # “Fine Club, Room. in. the: rear. ident’s veto Message was Dot sent to Congress ‘of $690 and gave it to two disabled juliana _M: DONCVAN., Franto-day_is becatise iv had been said that He in- men, 14 order to hélp tuem to Visit j22 tended to transmit it to te House this afternoon ciaco, and procure medical treatment. «with a view tO producing an effect’ ou the Ohio Nearly every mining camp in':Nevada has Republican Convention. ‘'o avoid evetl a suspi- s8>me peculiar Hobby, viriue or characteristic of cion of such a Motive, ho concluded that’ hé which it buasts. hureka, for ins:ance, boasts. of would hold it over tili to-morrow, its pretty beiles ao eae See and ube Thera is a growing diapbaltion attiong the 3 boast of thieir |; feet, #hile SITUATED TO Democrats to pass the suspended appropriation godiy Ss pe TS He ‘Reefs capacity w hola anes Seer ‘cooweberry pud- Cnpeeis Harrison House, e ous mines being worked on bills, without acy political riders, and gecuré an ding without inconvenience to their digestive eee i 0G the Buckeye Reef and furnishes good beard at early adjournment, by the 15th proximio, if not Organs than aby other class of epicures. sooner. EYEE TINe IN < FIRSROLASS srrbe se e Per Week. 82, From ,arties who know whereof ms Aes and the best of 3 ee we learn that the tuture of Piochei no |, There ‘are’ good” sleéping ‘apartments conmeans dark. A, movement. ‘ig now. oa cae The lowa seeepeack Ritenticn. : nected with the Reeae, where those deLiqvons ‘AND consoliaate the Meadow Valley and Raymond & WINES, siring it can obtain Lod cis QB ELF “8 Moves (Iowa), May 28. If _you want. nice,, tive "DINNERS S, call at Tho State Geeta Couventi n.met at 10 a, ly mines, and in the event.thé arrangement is Only mn ‘over the Bar: wast made vaiusble grodud between No, -6' Of the the Buckeye Re taurant, which is second to m,. J.B, Welch. teaporary, Chairman, made.a no house inthecamp, ‘The proprietor is doing speech, predi-ting the. succ.88, of .he Green- Meadow. Valley, extending‘ asont weet. 34 {he * Bigot hel Mv RAFBERTY. up. ww Se Open ied , his re to please his customers, Give us a b.ck party aud: that iden, J, B.. Weaver would-be}: if st sthow Bajoon + 1200 feet west of the Lightner shafteed pe the Workingmen’s presitential ca sgidals ja a9 ‘J. I. MELLGREN. 1880... The fact was devveloped that wo elements 100 Text bolow the d:ift, the vein has been crossbaci and a.vein, torty.. feas, Fe eas’ which ere were present, the muenichtthsenuaekers, in favor he main goes up into the of paying bonds in legal-tender note’, and an eleme t in favorof paying them in gsld, silver ae ene i acelin or legal-tender notes. The latter party ee One’ door north of Wells, osc and thereupon the Wapello couaty:d Eases eet anh ca aerOwee SEl PH gi withdrew from theconvention. The platform yi g-Aa: te Fara~ }eis's, fe)“e PREMISES REFITPED: adopted sets forth that grievous: wrotgs er wes Pogo be 5 Vs béen perpetrated upon the péople by those!to Bo egies whom has bsen delegated ths power of govern» Firry YHousanp Fer of mining | limber” a or ment, especidliy by ‘limiting the legaltender sale at $35 per M. feet at quality of the governm-vnt to datioual bank corz HEckaTHonx && de.’ B. porations; by changing'government boxuds into vom bonds payable in Ei by ‘cotiverting the non-interest-beariug'd t; thus ©-ucing ‘shrink. Sedu ihdcat fécei¥ed on ‘Monday! fiom the | aze'in vanes, depressio Guesiness, ots. ty East a Heene forte of ery) Glass,|’ pla'form further Reson resnumption; deolares that public), money ‘hae’ been’ wasted in Lamps, eto, | é6normous Jand grauts and’ exorbitant salaries; SALOON.”© »a SD it declares that \he governmentialone tmuset-is® fiestavione 2 xd; ‘titve tlre'Tarj i, -HORN | ‘ ELE sué Morey in an amount to be’ constitutionally stock of lumber, in jows., AW ELL Main Street. fixed upon a capital basis; that netional banks f issue must be. abolished and: greenbacks sup‘Roxt door to the Drug Store, :.Torers hundred pounds, of Choice, Fresh, ; plot their joan that, the silver dollar be g. a a FAMILY: GROCERIES. He Open BUCKEYE BOARDING HOUSE, i eS eee order SR. - Private. club Rooms, . BICKOX OF.4.. Wall Paper ae the dumps oFirst Class: : GREENBAUM ya » Liquors ‘and’ Apa —BY— bey $5.20 per ‘head of the population | Y SILVER REEF Restaurant,. JUST. RECEIVED! LOT Decoration Day. 22 it ore ies ar inélipria save-voel reanced quartz mills. Steam eagines tested ‘by’ fdicator and reports wade of their economic capacity and general performances, Valves an and valve motions set an ee usted to give‘their highest attainable results. Agents for H./¥, John’s Asbestos steam beiler and pips coverings. Addret P. 0..Bow.19, Silver Reef, 0 YA°FIN® 2Dispatches. : tae: STREET. died ut Denver eee : oe May 28 Vessels arpceniiiee: at a. Oregon, with A Walla Walle di y.of In- Chinese. Some two thousand were landed last | dians made a raid on ihe oath uth Fork ofat Balm t We 3 river, Idaho,: fourteen mi! “Tt is antat that600 men at least ‘Will be distwo white men, Hugh JaShactvat =e Paseall Dawsheeend. from the Butro tunnel on the : rat of £0u, were kil d. A Bakersfield ‘dispatch. says: About 12:16 this A Ey, is tobbe fected to lay 3 a cable hom morning some one ‘called at the door of the Hawalian I slands and court honge, and was answered py Jai ond Reed, a Pacili¢ coast who was requested to.open the door. refused, wuen the door, was foeritie broken | Tom Luckett, formerly Deputy Sheriff. at open, and about seventy-fivé men entered, Battie Mountain, hag been gent to the insane jatlor was ordered to throw up his hands, ‘which asylum at Stockion. he did. The keys were demaniied bat refused. The Enterprise alludes to te irrepressible Com Search was made, and the keys being found, the as ee enteréd the cells contsining fhomas and flict between Kearney and the Chronicle iam Yoakum, and ares them’ by hanging “delicioas row.’” Mace in. the cells, Wiiliam, Yoakum was. chainThe: quicksilver mines of Lake county, Calied to the floor of the call, and as the chain could fornia; nave nearly all shut down, on account of not be loosened, he was hung with the chsin on the low price of quicksiiver, eet. He was shot Several times after being New York company has just secured control hung,,, The Youktims were in jail for the killing of the Dunderburg mine, in Ulear Creek county, of Johnston and Tucker, at Langton, more than. Ool, "and. has stocked it for arenes ayearago. Willam Yoakum had his trial, and Frank Chalata was arrested a wes convicted of murder in’ the. first degree, and the Suprdme Court ruled last week that he recentiy, on a@ charge of caoupsagtelsing: nasis shonid have a change of venue, and his case suppoged that he ran a miniature maint, of his was moved t> Fresno county. The mob were proposed to hold’a spelling ‘match’ in‘Vir? ail masked except five, ; i gains cuy some time in June, in which the entire State of Nevada will be emtitled to: partici, PIONEER “Moore, 0. ¥. (San Francisco.) Contrac' 1880 By direction of President H he A’l ihe de- and» Mechanical Engineers, wood. Prescriptions te commemordtive ceremonies. RAWINGS, ESTIMA1ES AND SPECIFIC; ations mide branches of mechanical eres a especially in the on of s nes for hoisting» aos ad il works, aus application: of Reso air pumping our specialty. Deccet ons made of the stength uf. iad ja] im _gtructures of iron sand © par:Ments wil! be closed on Friday, ‘Deccration Day, ko that the émployes may partietpete in the Jos. 8. Shubra & Co., isles » the: rially changed the WatHINaTON, May sonal business cneres a 23 ey : tae Fr @ate of VirginiaCity. ) ETC. day or night, (Late assistant U.8. Att’y for Utah.) Attorney -at-Law SILVER’ REBF, UTAH, 5 = ARTICLES, Carefally compounded at all hours of tho nen 1.8. aes. i ETC., Physicians’ _Bauuers, Will attend ts ay to his care. > Medicines, TOILET of the Case, epl AMAUNE _ First door” Sorith of Post: ‘fe An Jot ary ba fre the at of | character at $5 000. A gee eyrawetot tae: in.the Comstock mines average one each w. ci Sg etna ener: cite the envy of the hard the virginia city a nment one year, 5) pio sistomzaruntr ep :toe thal a | San Franc a well-assorted + is the latest invention aoe of the elephants connected with the vole } er thoroughly reviewed thie reco: Event ef.the Judge..advocate Gen eral received, the | President will take’so action in. the matter. PERFUMERY, .fec ‘fom 8 at238" om. Bake-and Pioche at 5 p. the same at 9 a, m. North at 8:30 a.m Hepman Krave, Postmaster. 'D. eee city railroads .aré poeet: ated, without “The chooolate cocktail evidehce:. which ¢ was: would, \if admitted,ha aspect Sts; DRUGS, MEDICINES, Office Hours from Damto? 20 p.m. and from 3:30 to Bh Sunday from lto2a m. Mail exyives at 12 mv and> de mail afrives from Salt m, and departs for Mail closes for the of our “EXCHANGE: SALOON, 4 18 tote at. Galis aro sing at trom $10 to the of pay dempnded.-—~ , . of ie “Theincrease wegen rk hinge potion opponents SILVER REEF, UTAH, 108Safe Deposit Building, San Francisco. Roarns & RICKa KI Silver beef, Utah, Maus. €. 6.'Ca0 yw: strikes of the horde-shoers and atablemen APOTHECARY, street, SS * GOAST. CLIPPINGS. * iw Yous Lana 28, ks whe cette ceive. and hops mét a large number of weaithy laymen ud country last nizht at the rooms. of Xavier ey ing Hepre*entative Catholics were present from —_ of the omen net California. Among iscusted were the plans of Be ua tholie "Oulinizstion aasoota!ion Pot the -Phoritarens. iY ead: “may. 31, IRB, obs officials are raiding opium-dens. . The Yankes Fork fever bas broken out in Ne- sts. WAGs BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION; Sao nien® - EYERY— mnas, _ oP pl vran, ‘SATUR is Popa - coosrr, TELEGRAPHIC NEWE Apotheraries. “i Medncsany, ane baceeneii 0 a} PIKE WASHINGTON * SILVER’ Re F MINER ISSUED +; 4 SILVER: REE, ican epee afways, the best Wines, Lito aa es 4 ) Cigars, asa tar The onlysfulk and.complete deals of tid d Goods ordane, eee and Fancy vier Goods at Woolf Woolf oi. be oe Koes PEAT TT ane & GRORGE MILLER. Potts chee ae TIT ‘ rr atid: tytel ac $38 Soe wins ote Tar sy ; os Sn eel Ba Kremlin Saloon Matai | | ostec laae ar 33aesets aie sount;. al 0 dow hat the s and ofbclals be held amp proves the Greenback “opeegauaire the Silver Rect-Bak~|-and-copeciaily..ondoraeg. Weaver en nist OF urn tee a adit ips ees » et. Well tice 0 be found a “Sy ‘ ‘ee “ : j-eryt try our bread: aids wo are sure you will | tbeircontest with the combin-d opposition of For lamber of all dimen sions promptly filled, never buy anywhere olge. hy . both the oldae 6 Recewn ? itoam g: ia a i - MoMargdt | bieeed le a ie aaa sr : pen sihnie aldnain nomad all eee Orders | Be ing ‘PRP Patt ra. Siw ‘a! alseds MANO: os Rs sb c : Anima 3 we. °K yea axtlet addia ‘ § MPa? i vl ‘peed eEe_» omosdarasd |