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Show SUNDAY 3 ing all the buildings in ite course, excepting two REEF MINER. :.caces... LOCAL eeeteeereee heeim INTELLIGENCE. & EO The Best Part of Silver Reef ‘| Yesterday was the hottest of the season, Shall is indefinitely postponed. we, or shall- we pot, have a fire Where © The- bullion peagiony May aggregate $107 for the month The postoflice for the time Poise atthe Leeds Bank.. \,-te-opened-ai For the Minks is absence from of The bucks and squaws formed a prominent feature in the bucket brigade and worked like but cellars of Messrs. P. Harrison, Heitzelmer. & ‘Ponjade and Jacobs & fu'tan were pretty well filled, but it was not known in what condition the contents were. At the close of operaticns at the bank new lines of the bucket force were eats, dogs, pigs, chickens ard calves constituted a bill of fare. that could be feund no- Silver Reef, tias not at this writing been definitely ascertained. It was firat discovered under the plank side-waik in front of the Palace Saloon. aud Restaurant.’ ‘Thé smoke issuing from this zelman & Poujade remained upright in the walls of its recess and unscathed by the fire, The whore else in the Territory. The parties who got away with a mattress quarter caused some ane to give " -THE aLARM OF FIRt. fromthe rear of the Ming office probably think they got a soft thing. We doubt it; fostead of hair it is stuffed with bed-bugs, whigh we have little doubt will return it to its old quarters the first opportunity. When the fire broke out f He was joined yesterday the reach the main body of the fire with water. fifteen minutes and in half an hour most ofthe matérial was in a place of safety. The most agreeable piece of work we have performed this and but two for some time was in packing it all back little if any progress wis made towards checking the conflagration. It being (evident at this NOTICE, juncture that at least the block of buildings in = which the owners of goods. A stream of Ten The above yeturning = Dollars nicke!-plated lost on restaurant, whistler to this Main. street J. J..Halpin, purchasing last all his Stoves, Hardware,’ &c, in the East ero Market, has facilities for selling all goods in his line cheaper than can be bought anywhere south of Salt Lake. * ROGERS & RICKARDS, — GENERAL— NEWS FOUR DEPOT, DOORS BELOW POSTOFFICE. nea V E HAVE JUST RE‘EIVED, DIRECT from Chicago, a complete and well selected assor.ment of FANCY “ARTICLES, STATIONERY, QuUrLEeRy, 1GaBs, ToBacces, ConreoTIonERy, MaGazines, Purtorrara, : pee cs RICKARDS, Prices.« Ms ep © ALSO, the most comulete Ladies and Children’ line of Boots. and ORES ores, Shoes & coe have also openeda very handsome took of DRESS GOODS And all kinds of Fancy Articles in this line. ~—Also the largest stock of— FOR A ~ of OROCKERY and HM. MaIN STREET, SILVER _ Tn soliciting your age anew, we assure that one trial will convince our friends that meau what we aand are satisfied tuat we och abie to furnish better goods atcheaper prices than can be found anywhere, without exception, Work, Of all shapes done on short notice. Horse-Shosing “all the same." be parts RETALLICK, McPHEE &'€O., UIg-¢10 ‘o) pepuesye <iydenord sieps0 11y¥ ‘HVLa ° ‘Bleck SE smith ‘aaau AAATIS 200138 UB ‘USLNIVd| [e}ueMeNIO pue UsIg ‘esuoH | ASINOWO1E WAGON-. STIOP, Main Street, Leeds. WK SEP gusiantly on hand «a good sons © ba Kr lron aud Wagon tim 2 ORES BHOEING 4 @PEGALTY, "W's M’CORKINDALE ‘SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW R. WARNOCK & CO. Forwarding oe ABD X X X X FLAKE FLAKE FLAEE FLAKE Commission Bee ips Transacts BANKING a Ceneral ' BUSINESS. Furnishes = on Malt L Sen Fram cisco, aud all parts of the Mas Lake, Gan J ane Europe, _ JOHN H RICE, Osshier, MERCHANTS. SPENCER & seis Carpenters, Contrac- tors & Builders, © Prifcipal place of business, Work Will Contract for and. put up Buildings of every desription on --Utah A FULL LINE oP 3 short notice at the lowest pose. sible eae General Terminus Utah Southern Railroad. (MERCHANDISE Hall and Clark & Morehous’ saloon, to the south, - Were one mase of flame. Then came ~ qu:zstion, ( “WILL THE BANK BUILDING s8TOP IT?” ws ARE NOING THE PRINCIPAL The fron doors of the bank acd Liddle Bros, & | rwarding from that point, and are .Co."s were immediately closed, Mesars, RB. T. the. only; Gosapaay that can furnish teamsters peek} loading. which secures to us the best outGilieapie and J. W. Kerr remaining in the bank fits «n the road, and enables us to guarantee and Mr. Von Schmidt in the store. A doubie the Colivers of all app of importations on the shortest possible line of the bucket brigade was quickly formed Our increase of eitaces enables us ‘to> for from the creek in the rear of the Miner office ward goods at one-half our former r to the top of the roof of the bank, and a etream Bees: Piteae re d EXRRESSLY , FOR ‘ THIS and Sold at th Lowest have everything that the Market our goods are of the XXXX the =e as our Snowflake Flour. MEITZELMAN & POUJADE, as had not before been concen- Ona door Sowh of the Lafayette howe, Silver Reef. . shipgies. .At the same time every necessary precantion was taken to prevent the lumber building of McManus & Read, situat.d immediate'y to the south, from catching. The burning of the roof cf the bank creat:d no special alarm, as beneath it on the upper joists Izy a A ora of Jo) and work done, All work cope with dispatch ai ane satisiae> tion guaranteed Also k whisk 5 picket ba things, which thoy. will sell aa Jow a4: lowest, Corner of Hain and ‘Heya: Bireets, oD-3m actin B a UTAH, ° H. A, Lusk, Handling, Sampling, Shipping 7 and: Selling Ores and Bullion a Specialty. Ftody of dirt éighteer. inched thick,and..the _N. CHRISTENSEN, — Maker. Two doors below Postoffice, Elegance, Durability and Comfort Guaranteed. chances in favor of the fire penetrating below it were thought to be slim, And eo it proved. After some thirty minut.s the inflammable portion of the, roof had been consumed, the fire ‘was checked, and the solid walls cf the building, with iia doors intact, showed but litle aigas of ‘the conflagration which had 1.it eo large a por‘ton of the/town a tass_of burning coals and smoking embers. :It was now, evident that THEEFine Was OH! CEED, | It having exhavsted itaelf to the west, in which direction it was driven by the wind, by consum- Apill pay wae wagon gna Palies Railroad freight on 1 Willee girws ae wii All 0 f freight f f rom communications Adare 4 RR, auswered all points promptly. 3 WARNOCK | AND Wagon JACOBS & SULTAN. pwr pe ee free fo charge . BEEF. RR BLACKSMITHING( ) aa Property. WARKOCK, N. BUBB, also received a new stock of MILI. stock on oa Silver Reef: Blacksmith Shop, ar ALSO a complete GLASS WARE. aaa ae ape, oe pro’ nr olive: roptly, Sorwarding Blerchants.. B, Office, Opposite Wells, Fargo « Co's, wet a MINING SUSUPPLIES and everything in the sALE! Valuable wind and a good supply of water, her building Was saved. The direction of t'e wind was favorable for In a few minutes aft- oe ASSAYED. REEF Ore ass: ayed and Bullion ‘melted motion aa ani at-reason aale rane - Ever displayed in the Reef. Sixty acres of land with water—twenty acres under fence, fourteen acres in lucerne and the balance sated! @ for gardening. Also one stone bull + Leeds, auitalie for-a store, and eight re ote lots opposite it; and a good lumber nalts, 24x24/in a desirable ens of. Silver Reef, sth go.d water at the For further bartisilare call on of , B. ©. BOREN, silver Reef. was in the ascendant, and owing to a favorable entertained of saving at least thie part of the town. The fronts and roofs of the buildinge im. mediately ‘opposite the fire were covered with wet blankets and constantly dashed with buck, ets of water. - To the south of the burning block a. more formidable difficulty was presented. : The: hight of thé Harrison House,’ which was already in flames, rendered it almost certain that the fice would be COMMUNICATED TO ak -PIONEER RESTAURANT, South of Center street, and thence to the buildings in the immediate vicinily of the bank, and terminate nod cne cenid teil where. Notwithstanding the roof of the Pioneer was covered with blankets and drenched with a s'‘ream of water from the buckets, it was soon in flames, and had_to be abandoned, the unfortunate proprietreas, Mrs. K, Hanteban, saving but a small <r SILVER FURNISHIN G goons, @ 0) BULLION L.A, BULL, Assayer, MAIN STREET, = .. Clothing and Gents 832.50 street, which was done only by the untiring ef- | the east side of the street, and great hopes were | > and Assay Ever seen in Utah. ~ 25 erin Hg nme $2.000; A. H. Parker, $700; 8, H. —— side of the forts of a large force of men. At one time, however, it- seamed in: imminent danger, the wood-pile in the immediate neighborhood catching fire,. But Miss Dougerey’s lucky star of water auch CABINET MAKER. Shoe other celine: CHANDLER and CRONAR. —Which“we are offering at— Reduced In addition to their cellar, un- OFFICE trated on any one point, turaed on the flaming Carpenter, Builder and and the with the ground, and the U. 8. Bakery, Rice’s A. LEMMON, Main Street, on erward’s Johnson's store, to the west, was level ana full ‘ine of Miners’ Notions. Boot situeted portion of her furniture.” To which we beg to direct public attention. ROGERS & FLAMES, Then came the tug of war to save the Barnum Reward! reward will Le paid to any one office which was Thureday night. IN GROCERIES H. H. Omaspane, ASSAY Wil buy 1000 feet of selected mining lamber of MoMaxvus & Kean. But ali ¢ffort faiied, and the increasing heat soon drove everybody from the immediate vicinity of the flames. | Ip ten minutes from the breaking (a out of the fire the Palace restaurant, Schwartz’ Notice. store and Quillan & Mahoney's, saloon to the All parties having buckets not’ belonging SoU, and the shop house, shos shops; barber to them will please leave them at the office of shop, Heitzelman & Poujade’s store, ths Capital Messrs. Barbee & Van Hagen, so as to becon- saloon and Jacobs & bul:an’s establishment to the north, were venient incase of ‘afddther fire. WHAPPED Jas,Onoxax. FAMILY Winquist, $2,000; Heckaihorn & Uo., $5.000; | Miles ' Quillan, $2,000; F. Hamernick, $2,500; Wm. Scheer, $600; H. Krause, $5,000; T. Hatchison, $600; Mrs. Grambs, 56,000; Geo, Goldthwait, $1,£00; John Fisher, $/00; John Davis’ $5(0; Jas, Burns, $3,100; J H. Rice, $13,060; Wiest & Repp, $300; J. shurber, $100; He'tzelman & Poujade, $10,000,—insurance, $6 000; P Heitzalman, $4,000; John G. Fortman, $1,500; Clark & Morehous, $3,000; Roy Bemis, $750. building any longer, the crowd, would fall back to the next adjacent roof, covering it with wet ALL eraser oa bit & Newblirg, $500; J. E. J. huson, $8,00); .a. | 3« firs had originated waa doomed, the property fell to work to save their large force of men, however, kept a water paying on the line of fire, FIGHTING IT INCH BY INCH. biankets and pouring on barrels of water. to purchasiug our ee we, and wiilundersé}/-all our competi We have'just received an immense stock of fresh Jacques $650; Ine Fordonski, $500; Blake Boyden, $2,000; Quillan & Mabonney, $4,000; Nes- When it was impossible to remain on top of a ‘@ne Hundred DOllars Reward! t will give $100 reward for the recovery of my gold watch and chain and no questions asked. I. FORDONSKI. . time a large musaber. of men had taliled, th it acti ’ owing to the building being hemmed in on sides by other buildings and the light, com- EE To those of our patrons and. friends. who have suffered from the fire, we wouid state that any notices that they niay wish published in the Miner will be cheerfully inserted free eicharge. By bustible character of. the ma‘erial in flames, but agein. a Hanrehan, now appeared to be coming from the back por tion of the building, and it was impos-ible te together and the. press yanked to pieces in ed all kinds o are lying. within the foundation walls, partly covered by the debris of the burned building, and are supposed ‘to hod their contents in a sound conditition, List oF Losers, : Jacobs & Sultan, $8,000; J.H Cassidy, $8,000; Matt. Coschina $1,000; Pete Clancey, $2 000; P. Harrison, $30000,—iusurance $10,000; LI. Schwartz, $10.000,—insurance, $3,(00; Mrs. K.° and discovering emoke and fisme, got an ax aud terms of the MineR were just being “made up” for the inside. We never before made them up so quick. Our type was “‘slapred” one The Choicest Outs of Beef, Pork and Mutton Always on ‘Hand. we are now: our damage. On opening their safo this firm fuund its contents all rght.. thesafe of Messrs. Heit- Mr, Kennedy Hanley, who was breakfasting in the Pa'ace, ran immediately to the front aoor, commenced tearing up the floor, atwe ities. and st and piles of red-hot coals encumbering them cooled off, Towards sun-down the Harrison ccliar was opened and a large amount of goods, mostly furuiture, found to be in a greatly dam- Which yesterday iaid in ashes nearly one half of Cc. SesroveLitochal E TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORM: formed on the cellars, aud their heated walls Roasted ' [Empire Market, Important iug our ns and the community at lar that we have entirely given up our inaeasien of Jairing trom ness ae ra mainly from the stores uuder -the Harrison | House, were all that we could discover. The der their building, Jacobs & Sultan had a large amount of goods stored in a fire-proof warehouse, which escapeG without the slightest The most fastidious epicure might have had afr _ district revealed the unpleasant fact that but very little goods had been saved. A single pile in Genter street, east of Main street;-taken are not much greater. No lives were sacrificed, and eno»gh houses remain to shelter and protect the unfortunate. “ ‘THE ORIGIN OF THE FIBE , @ roast to his satis{attion yesterday. e An examination of the burned have reascn to congratulate ourselves that they before the day was over. fe business, aged condition, .. the devil till the fire was subdued. ‘Ihe bucks, “Rewover, got even on it by getting P. d. drunk: b Naught Remains Biackened Ruins. end é ANNOUNCEMENT! the west side of Main street, only the blackened walls of..two small stone buildings remained north of the bank to tell of its former wealth . A black and ‘grinning gip now pedi itself in the heart of silver Reet, and the chrrred remains of a quarter of a miliion dollars’ worth of property proclaim. the visit of the fire fiend to the homes and houses of our prosperous community. But severe as are our losses, We the will church :this morning. At> line of business houses which had composed . Fall Particulars of Yesterday's pPisastrous Fire— Losses; insuranee¢, Incidents, Etc. ; has been first time in its publication « day behind time. This eccount for our pride of the town, was no more, and of the solid A Conflagration Sweeps the West ‘ Side of the Town,’ brigade? The dates Bide conspicuous at the fire by their absence. bank revealed a frightful gap. “That proud elevation, the Harrigon Houre, which had been the Burned to the Ground. oe The Masonis ball residences, which were saved only by the most strenuous exertions on the part of their owners. A glance over the field mu. the top of the = SILVER ey co., ‘YORK, Wtab, SNOW X FLAKE “SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE Lovis Graze om: 6 PEOPLE'S MARKET Bot & GERMER HAVING PURCHASED above named take this method of savining the publi that they Keep conianag nea Meat. and pases any one guaranieing Order romp wai 1 the ad eee reCall om us at our plas of eatin tie, |