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Show DE STE IOON ee DRAB REN PET $I i LE EOE ‘ IE ES GET MN d EI aE “4 “means SIEGEL& MARKS, ‘LIDDLE BROS, & C0., \ WHOLESALE AND BErat Grocers & Dry Goods Merchants. Gerner of Main and Centre Stresis} 4 & y FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, We have just received the largest ‘and finest stock of Constantly on CLOTHING ¢ ~ LfTopaccos SOLE “, CIGARS, AGENTS FOR DU PONT’S BLASTING POWDER Bte. “y brought to Southern Uta, whieh Ope pieeoteeespm onesie 5 FURNISHING GOODS — Hana. we Will sell at Lewer AND Priees GIANT POWDER IN SOUTHERN UTAH. ag PRDet Sea Than any ether heuse. Ft eso shies ian ie fa Hats we, carry the celebrated STETSON HATS. Made to our special order. We earry:e full line of White, Culored aod Cashmore SHIRTS. mm Boote, we have * HEORT & BUCKINGHAM'S —sM0— e An immense line af Hand-sewed Boots & Shoes, Crockery and Glassware. as COPARTNERSHIP HERETOF ORE g between Hartwell & Retallick Unirep States LaYp OFFicr, is this yi dissolved by mutual come Balt Lake City, Utsh Ter., Dec. 16, 1878, B. RTWELL, Nias ey Gh 18, HAREDY, O1YEN THAT _ Leeds, April ist, 1879. “J. he ‘TALLICK. : il and Mining Company” whose postoffice acer is San Francisco, ‘HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING ENsxthorited Bd Fides on Ce : tered into sopartagrship will hereafter manta Stag catraat is Silver Reef, Washington } S2z7¥,00 the business of the old firm, collectcounty, Territory of Utah, has made applica- | tion for a patent for fourteen hundred and | twenty-two (1,422; linear feet of the ree mining claim, bearing silver and lead, together with surface ground four handied and twenty-seven and five-tenths Car 5-10) feet in wid h on the southeriy’end_ line thereof, and yandred (600) feet on the ee end tn thereof, situated in Har Mining tse County of Washington shed Nerrtors tah, and more particularly described in the official plat and field notes thereof i ats in thi office. Magnetic variation’1 : easi Commencing at the south-east corner of said Galifornia mining elaim oh a vine ost four ear eer fe : Re iets eae 01, 1, . S. 55,” w ore o. ae mining 10 to ‘No. of; ‘non north 34° 48” east 1,414 5 feet to post No. 3 thereof; thence south 54° 45' t 600 feet to post No thereof; thence soatheal’ 4 west st No. 1 thereof, the place of beginning, Setatntag an area of 16 67-100 acres. From | No. 3 thereof, "3 ae mineral monument o. 1 bears: north70° 45! east 2527 5-10 feet | distant,.and fromse No.2 ae 12 inches in diameter, bears north 20° ast 66 feet distant, and froin post No. 4thereTs a stone cabin on Last Chance mine bears Uabse thence north at '} north 73° 30’ east 9134 feet distant. fornia mining.claim dety compeution. We always have on hand a full and eomplete stock of ' Pewder, is situated to be published Hardware, fod oll other Miners’ Supplies: THOMAS sum of ee $6.67, cd Now, theredreeuane and WHITE hues " SIEGEL & MARES. Lake ity. at all prices. 4 OVERSHIRTS. and Flannel AND Undershirts QUALITIES. om oe THE HECHT BROS. & CO’S BOOTS Clothing, For Mining, and Fancy Wear a specialty. 1 | Also a fine asscrtment of . | ; Ladies ! and oe Children's 4 ‘Shoes, Of all deseriptions, 2 Tobaccos, Liquors & Cigars Of the best and choicest quality kept constantly on hand. GENUINE CALIFORNIA HARNESS AND SADDLES ae |" And ‘WE have received the agency of the Saddlery of all Kinds. q J Jessup Lumbar Company, ian aeia meth crefore Ree! ® therefore eee able Po of to give Topsceos, Cigars and Pipes, every description snd of the beat quallty furnished on short notice and lowest terms. EB AT ELES 8 a8 BREED MY BATH-ROOMS the Harrison House, 1 am now prepared to give the public warm baths, day or night, in Well- a } ; Furnished and Comfortable Apartments... P. HARRISON, HARDWARE. Iron J. A. TURRILL, LUMBER and GRAIN. Goods delivered free of charge to evesy part the district. a ef Salt : Groceries. Provisions, Figures. Seuth. & WOOLEN ALL-COLORS and Steel, Powder | and : Fuse, Lard, Coal and Lubricating Oils, &o. } Bettom stock and & FANCY LINEN "Lower Main Stredt, Silver Reef We respectfuliy solicits eall from the public. as we are always pleased te show our goods and guarentee ; whick «Heaviest FRAT S HE ATTENTION OF THE POBLIO IS directed to our new and seiect assortment of Merchandise just received. ; 7 ° er: paid to me the various sums above set forth within ninety days from the’ date hereof; the entire interest of each and all eA you will ecome mine by virtue H..8. LUBBOCK. Silver Reef, March 8, 1879. Best In all better inducemen any other Company ‘can sibl ofhord: ee solicit the ins pection WASUEY | and eats basmining and mill men, aebe: A. Lenimon—You are hereby noti- the ' Ga - in i the fied that there is due me from each of you for | work done upon the Great Western Lode and Company Mining Claim, situated in Harrisoe Mining District, Washington county, Territory, the following sums for assessaed work for the year 1877: From you, ell, the sum ‘of $20; from you, Thomias m you, ‘A. Wasley, fie suml of’ $19 OF; sssessi + Kessell, the sum of $20; fromy ‘homas carry IN in bowpabin the mining ground, claim, lode, vein or premises or any portion thereof as aforesaid described, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed as according to law within sixty days from the-date of the first publication bereof, they will be bared by virtue of the provigions of law JNU B. NEIL, Register. Tilford & Hagan, apace ays for applicant 5 F. KESSELL, VW anus Of. We We recommend our large assortment of Said Cali- being the} a mining claim, for a full period of sixty days and any and all persons aan adversely A, Lemmon, eethe Fe buse, ~~." Olle. : GENTS’ CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS; Mission %4 of section 12 thereof. “the nearest known locations are the Mag; a8 cates d ewell, eaeneert, Thompson and Nally miningc! Notice of location. of said California mining ie is eee 2 a i sald coe Minin ee at Silver Reef in § county an this notice . (} ao(0. 4p conte, range 14 west and in the N T° We moe alpen Onis ene, PAST NE wl indebtedness ® RETALLICK, McPHEE & CO. ; Wi 6-10 fect MERC HANDISE NOTICE. GROCERIES . Ge) PATENT. | DISSOLUTINE OF F COPARTNERSHIP. | Norice No, 469 Tair ios We also have ann excellent assortment of’ ‘ AFPLICATAR AOR ‘A. LEMMON, ~-Carpenter, Builder and CABINET MAKER, Ont door South of the Lafayette hotuse, Silver Beet, 4 / Miners’ Tools, Ete. - Parlor and Cooking Stoves, And everything appertaining to Eto., the same, as ei aI Cooking Uteneils,, , CARPENTER. -TOOLS Of all Desertptions. uf |