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Show TELEGRAPHIC NEWS.| ee The ; 7 THERE seems to be something inhereat in American miner Nosooner is the discovery of ore shall be first at the scene of excite-, ment, The - Mere Indian Ou iat. more remots is the new - Eldorado. more intense is their desire to go, snd the impulse becomes quite irresistable as soon as their caghressurces “are cxhsusted. ‘Thus ig ts thet: ail new Camps o: brokes.”". sre overrun Many of witha lot of “ fist our Silver Reef miners are now suffering from this stampede malady, the \_..igaemsof the dissase having procesded from three recently orgenizod districts:—3almon River, Snake-River avd Tombstone. floatthg population of a mining camp, ig evidence suficient that few men will As fares | we can ascertain, the advantages - which these new camps: offer the miner whose purse is low amount to absolutely nothing, for no such bodies of ora have yet beep discove red as to justify the Isboring ola ss of this or any other long established and permanent district in leaving for those newly discovered scenes of mushroom excitement. undoubtedly sble to Salmon a gcod country River,though fora buy into locations man whois or board himself while prospecting for new ones, presents no field for the investment of muscle alone. companies are operating, no mills . in elrediation. Every his for. s stranger to “ahould. he secure obtain employment. Snake River, though con- scientiously recommended possesses fewer b Y certain disinter- to go to, really advanteges (han Salmon. We aréfeliably inform ed by lettér that Lane whi hasbeen reported as collectinga vast amount of gold is making no more than ordinary Wages, while the man who works the adjoining olaim cleaned up $26 after 9 five weeks’ run! Tomb- lately been, direcied. There is little possibility of its becoming a great ore producing country till aftar the oom: pletion ef the Southern Pacific, and then richer ore will have to be discovered before the camp Conceding fora. moment that}. by visionary prospectors, it stil] remains a good place.to stay away from. The country is as bare. of vegetation as a bala head; the climate is hot & scarce article, ig lit. erally solid with small yellow wortns which live the appearance of vermicelli the clear sparkling soup beverage rather in a mining camp, whose advantages aré so inferior to’ those of Bilver , Reef ? Let our miners etay where they are wile’ they can get work, A rojling stone gathers po moss. in several localities in Nevada which, if persisted in with the Nevadans’ usual energy, will eventually prove effectual in ridding the Thoso interested in the movement avow their intention of withdrawing ell trade and business refrom Americans who patronize Mongolians in any shape or form; crusade promises the and’as the to be of fortiidable propor- tions business men will no longer dare to keep the heathen watchword apply. ” in ‘their now is, emplo;. No Chinaman need og Le THE exOdus of upwards of 3,000 negroes from | States within the past month is causing grav apprehensions am propérty holders, who fear the, ra Roojners ie 1 r The real cause of the immigration ap- peard'té be twofold, thé ‘Republicans claiming that it results from polities! oppression, ahd the Democrats asserting that it is owing to the par- tial failure of the cotton crop and the fears of Ano yellowthe feverepir demig fj ORDER —OFr— ODD the $3. ae 2 ea To Invitation be Wholesale IMP ORTED St Sash Doors. and Finest Made GENERALLY TO |) yr FURNITURE, specialty. Carpets, Mattresses & Bedding, HAVE YOUR CEILINGS Pure White, | Without injury DEPOT, ee nn Zrrrin O14 age and the possession ‘of wealth are no ‘safeguard againgt the gost giséniuatiem as the citizens of biiver Reet well know, wee J to ~ TAILORING. Mirrors. the Walt? Paper, Ce UT by CHISON, At the Post Office, “JOE”. LAUNDRY ” MAIN STREFT, SILVER REEF, LL WORK DONE IN ee Style-and-at-ReasonableP ? BOARDING. » of f quiet Hoar and Our aa * sia Be Be su i" of o / / ONE A i; Be ee core ff ae Borders and Decorations - And everything pertaining to that Thee, . AL&0, A complete assortment of , COFFINS Kopt constantly on,hand and made to order n short notice, and everything pertaining to & first-class line of Undertaker’s goods, J.J. HALPIN 4 che hiong ‘Silver Reaf.. Fiara ware, Highest price aid for First-class help. MeKAY & BERGAN, Att f delivers = clothing without extra char PAPER, TRON & STEEL. Wagon makes daily trips and gathers up up and ging room at the Cotiarge, Silver Reef, WALL IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Fine work aSpecialty. number of boarders, / TERMS, $7 Ber week in advancé or gnonthiy payment recur J, &. JOHNSON, " Pictures and Picture Frames, Main street. SILVER REEF " tailor. with Main Street First-C!ass Artists always in attendance and gees respectfully solicited, Closes on Sundays at 2 o’cloek, A. WENQUIS 7, habits, accommodated Putty and Glase,. or Pink: Hair-Dressing Saloon, LIMITED Shades, consulting "7s attacks on Bayard, Randall and other membars, and its open advocacy of schemes before ngress have alienated the good will of the batter class of Democrats and forfeited their | confidence. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Fine su fts mado Democrats ‘are mach disgustéd with the to drder. An assortment of Fine, Iimportnépotism exhibited by:their Senators. It has ed ENGIASH CLOTHS, always or hand. bg been the habit to criticise the RepubA@ Shop, Corner of Centre and First West ans for appointing their relatives and near Rtreets, ds Merchant, has just réceived a new ship-i of Merchandise, consisting of Ladies.and sses Sun-down and Leghorn Hats, trimmed he is offering at Salt id nntrimmed, , which ke Prices, i / . and Blinds, Window or in Delicate Tints | of Blue Little Pink House, First west st. ' sa) AVING CONSOLIDATED THE STOOK. The Capttale published a letter written by | and business of Mr. A, ©. Hamiiton, of; PAINTING IN -ALL ITS BRANOHES Garibaldi before leaving Uaprera . He says Italy the Silver Reef News Depot With our own, leave a Done with Dispatch and at- Moderate owes gratitude tothe Royal House, for haviog us better facilities for catering to the wants c f Prices, contributed to its unity, but it did not accom- the reading public. We sha!l Coatinite: to deal in all the leadin g plish it alone. General Garibaldi daily recetves| “periodicals of the day. Blank Books and choi ce Stationery, Agents for all the re Dailies a: ad visits from political personages, ; Weeklies and the Sinver REEF MINER. A full line of iniiey articles, Giga, Cigarett ps, A New Republican Organ. Piper and choice brands of Tobaccos. yikes 10. Arrangements are in progress for starting an AND organ which shall be free from any suspicion GENERAL DEPO? FOR ICE.. venality and constructed on a high plane * Four Doors Below the Post Office, fit will command Republican consideration. ROGERS & RICKA RDS, 002 Doors, Sash MADE - nds to confidential places like clerks of the ‘eos but no. such grabbing game as witnessed was ever seen before. _ Of every description. Paints, Oils, FOUR ‘DOORS BELOW POSTOFFICH. Mr. §) J, Frixbwan, our enterprising Dry with.the American ‘poopie. CAN ROGERS & RICKARDS, NEWS — Windows and OR —GENERAL— Sohnson., LIBRARY.’ and DONE EK. Main St., Silver Reef, Utah. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING Doors. Furniture Our and P. HARRISON. brands of Havana Cigars for onr retail cus:omers, of Usetul Necessary Articles. Has the largest and best selected line of gooda South of Salt.Lake City, consisting of Also a. CIRCULATING Sign of tle Big Sash, tion J. CIGARS:} Con’ eatlaneeys Variety and Fancy Coods. Full supiply of school Books; Etc., Etc. Repaired. WORK DOMESTIC ationary:. Committee. aNd Perfumery and Fancy Gaods, Toys and Notions, Together™ with a Multitudlnous Collec- and Retail Dealer in AND ‘ Meerschaym and Other Pipes, ° ionery. Prices low enough to pay you for atepping from Main Street when such goods are desired. KRAUSE, “Si noking and Chewing Tobacco, CARPENTERS. East of Jacobs & Sul/an. Work AND SATISFACTION ‘GUARANTEED. IHE RMAN f had Sta ( On ebloek west of the Harrison House. —-JOB-—. JOB Figs, Prones, Dates, Citrons & Canned Goods in Great Variety. Spices, Baking Powders, Pickles, Honey, Tea and° Coffee, Sieves, Tinware, Coffee Mills and Cora Poppers, Wash. Tubs and Boards, Measures, Rulers, Baskets, Clothes Lines and Pins. Oils, ‘Putty, Harnkss Oil, Axle Grease, Blacking.& .Bryspes & Lamp Chimneys OF— Carpenter HARROUN & COMPANY, Screen Cigars, Pipes, Raisins, and MOLDING, DONE Plants Candies in Variety, Maple Sugars, . Chestnuts, Pecans, Walnuts, Hick: ory Nuts, Cream Nats, Filberts, « Peanuts, Cacda ‘Nuts, Halibot, Codfish, Trout, Herring, Sal. mon, ‘Tobaccos and Snuff, IN - -ALL KINDS and DRUGS;MEDICINES.- PE LLOWS. THE I. C. F. ASSOCTATION OF Silver Reet wil give a ball at Rice’s Hall on get stock tor A Fair Asvortment of Trees, Shrubs= and Plants furnished to order. . SHINGLES. THE—’ 3 Tue acquittal of ae —CF ’ Trees REEF T.wumber BALL INDEPENDENT he Post is. not recognized as a party exponent but rather ss*an individual tpeculation. Its will prove infectious among the colored population. SILVER DEAL EFS . ad the Southern - HABIS ae Barber Shop Fe lorpda's ¢ o in Full Variety & Son, Philadelphia. planting while assortment is Complete. J. B. STEPHENS. ANNIVERSARY masses of Burmese soldiers are moving towards the Longhoo ae which has not been re-inforced, — (Fhe Standard has good reasons for stating hat France and England will first approach the Khedive ina firm but friendly: manner, and afford him an opportunity to'retrieve his deplorable blunder. Should he fail -to avail himself thereof, the Porte willbe seriously itivited to take the matter into at 507 Rome, Ay ‘anti-Chinese movement is iow On foot lations STREET.” Field Seeds Landreth Now, is the time to EASES, TO. onnER ALL nye of -Boéts and Shoes from the bes Erench Material Being practica! in the baste { can make whatever style of boot or ia is desired. Give me 2 ealk Good Fit guaranteed. Drees Boots And Shoesa Specialty. RE PAIRIN G NEATLY’; DONE. = Lake. mese Government wishes for peace but large | °° Sagebrush State of John Chinaman. MAIN be bought anywhere south of Salt Lexpoy, 16. Reports cote from Kieff that that the political prisoners there are most cruelly treated.— Many have been shot while attempting to escape. A dispatch from Ragoon says: ‘*The Bur- is so frantic'for lucre ag to risk life and health from D. Stoves, Hardware, d&c, in the East ern Market, has facilities for selling all goods in his line cheaper than can Ald World | News. of nature, What white man can live in such a conntry, and who dh J. J. Halpin, purchasing all his finally disposed of. than etable and tnd SHOE whee Bight Dollars ! from these Committees from day to day until and multiplyin the system, and which give it Fresh Seeds ! Five Hundréd Ponnds of Flower, Veg- Next Door to Cassidy’s Saloon, Bileger- Bogs to announce to the Ladies‘of Silver Ree that she has at her residence on Main stree Card Board, Zophyr, Beads, Needles and Patterns for sale.’ Freneh Stamping done. She is also prepared to.giye lessons in Fancy and Ornamental Needle-work. ASHINGTON, 10, The House yesterday 1 by a cee vote of 130 agairst 100, authorized its four Financial Committees namely Bapking and Currency, Ways and Means and Comage, to report bills at any time and provided further that a simple misjority of the House may make what are known as continuing orders. for consideration of bills, the mineral wealth amounts toall that is claimed: and | damp and the water, AND nrcelven- — JOEIN sONSs STEPHENS, —PpraenicaL—" BOOT i year House. nl3 ee P. Lk. Anthoriing Commitaes * Beport Bills.: TICKETS, will assume that prominence which enthusiasts predict for it, ; M. Grin, A, Wingitjgt;Janies M. Lynch. stotie, Arizona, ‘is anotliét mining disttict to which much attestion has B. Friday Eve, April 25, 1879. Even work, he can make-no more ested journals a3 a good country ¥. 0. NICHOLS, “J. | has greatly strengthened himself among the Republicans by his support of the anti-Chinesa bfil, anda large majority of the party prefer him to any other candidate. Tne Democracy of The eve of tho sixtieth anniversary of the establishmnent of Odd Fellowship\in America. the State appear tobe entirely suited with Tilden and will support hie nomination. Speaking editorially sf this immense masa of CoMMITTZE or ARRANGEMSTS: opinion here collected in one continuous article, the Times says: ‘ Our correspondents are not Adolph Sultan, H. 8. Lubbock, Neil Boyle J. confined to the ranks of journalists or politicians. L. Rule, Julius Jordan, 0, F. Bowen. They include membera ef both political parties and in many cas‘6 their political leanings are InViTa TION COMMITTRE: unknown to us) The ery for Grant in the ReAll members of the order in Silver Reef. publican party dors not come werely from office-holdera, , past, present ‘and ~prospective, } REcEPTION COMMITTER: though that class ia eubstantially a wnit in his favor. “The people- want nota government of force as the Massachusetts authority: puts it, \ , Froor Dmmecior,—Ruesell Beott, but a government of strength. A PennsylvaFLooR MANAGERS: nia correspondent probabiy touches the vital point of the Maine statesman, in the remark.y ‘J. L. Rule, Neil Boyle. that ‘Blaine modifies his position as a statesJinan, by his art as a ee, a money thsn he ean here, the wages being only four dellars per day. Wirs. be required. . Room ie ie Silver Revf, Wor. 43; 1 \\ < Seema OnEGoN.—In Oregon asin falffornia Blaine own property and there is absolutely no chance seryices may ere ws e vor with Republicans, but Grant isso nearly even with him that circumstances may turn the scale, ‘he Democrats are ‘nearly solid for Tilden. ‘ been man is developing ine silenee,. heart, and his name now is in the highest fa- No large have orite territory thes oe might be New Your, 10. | The Times bassan} article of 83 golumns in length, giving views from every state in the Union on the political situation, wherein it is proyed that the Republicans first choice for the néxt President is Grant, and that the Demecrats will be compelled to accept Tilden. The Times takes it for grented that the action of Congress has| Tmade a tremendous difference in favor of Grant. The following opinions, interesting tothe Pacific Coast, are embodiod tn the Times’ article: Nevapa.—This Siate holds an exceptionable position on the Nst in’ declaring agains! two leading candidates. The Republicans favor tle nomination of Blaine, and the Demoerats wou'd be best suited with Thurman, but would vote for anybody that is likely to be named. CaLirokN1a.—Blaine’s positign cn the antiChinese bill endeared him to Californian’s put up and @ very limited smount of money is My intention is ta divide py. time etween Pioche apd, t The length of stay this time ‘wtheyend on how long my Indians and Mexicans night do the world an inestimable service by being drowned unawares aud the authors of tar western litera‘ture for boys would lose so much of their fav- ————> nancial conattion of nine out of tenof what may get rich by stampeding. by the flooding ‘thich The Presta Outlook, In our opinion this tomplaint is fatal td prosperity ‘and the f-" be termed the : tions,to bo grind ware k AM fully prepared to perform. al’ operations in the Dental line. thost good and athotsadd or tito’ of very bad , DEapweon, D. T., 10. A party of Indians attacked Sergeant Kennedy late signal observer. at Deadwood, and a roa soldier named Bader of the 24a Lavi two én’ were eating lunch at Mizpah, tohyctive miles from Fort Keogh, their destination, when fired mpon, Bader*.Wes instantly killed and Kenngdy badly wounded, ‘The latter ‘erawied into the brush end kept the Indians off witha -gix-shooter until assistance arrived. Bader was | manet Renpedy wil probably. recover. ass 2 and the less the stampeders know about it the ~NerwYorr, 10, There are rom o glerioud, from commercial considera- “+- Balnsa's Cofunn. DEN TISTRY. "3 “The Tlerald cass advantages, aside Governor Frémont, proyotes for ‘the ArizonaCalifornia desert. Seme millions of rattle spakes wonld be put where they would do the Black a. ladians Again Raosing heir War Paint, in any logality, than ® general strnggle takes ‘placs to see who tine’ 7 Anti-Chinese *Fight “Doing Him Good Service. whicb impels fk es “Froomast! 8 Flosding Scheme, Presidential Prophecies Prc ‘of the New York t ’ nature of the him to stampede whenever ree es —4180— Cooking aid Heating Stoves. MANUFACTURER OF . [Tin, Steel, Iron & Copper Ware |