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Show ee / SATURDAY... cy-0000 ese APRIL 12, 1670| ooh LOCAL INTELLICENCE. and, ; 80 Fires and overedats have been in oy for thepast.wogke: - § =~ + a new key by sundown é A rich strike hedtese: made i inthe ddsipton mine, adjoining the Duffin. "Pwo souls with but'a stngle thought, Two hearts thut beat asone— ~~ One's locked-up for evils wrought, The other—well, he run. . and che 4 Dry Goods Store “And will keep constantly-on hand a fall line of Staple and Fancy Dry. Goods, Mitlin Notions and Ladies, Misses and Children’s Shoes, all of thf latest styles and eet make all goods for cash will sell |~ to suggest that any one is mistaken is likely to be followed by the pulling of a six-shooter and—a single-handed . footrace: We have , The first services in-the new Catholic Church will be held to-morrow commencing at 10:30 a:m. -High mass will be sung by the choir who have been busily engaged in practicing duiing the past week. eatioty all. DoKEN se 2 For several years past t have be nected with Messrs.’ “Aterbach & Bro. +) Salt my business, the ladies will do well to defor Paphissiag till they examiner ee “Te irregular- and hghe “ba Dry ou J, BIRCH & €0., ~4. PERSONAL. Captain If. §. Lubbock has gone to Pioche and will be absent a few days. MrgMartin Florida, representing George A. Lowe of Salt Lake, came in on. Thursday by private conveyance. Mr. W..T. Cromer, the live agent of Walker Bros., has beoh interviewing our mercnaiits for the past two days. : “Mr. Friedman os received yesterday by “ex: — Go To S8tePHENs’ For your Stylish’ Boots and Shoes. He has just recofved a lot of. Fancy Uppers. Ladies’ French Polish for sale. Buy your Canned Goods, Butter and Eggs of “ MoMants & Reap. o-oo S, Friedman has presented to the gazs of Silver Reefors a new sign, painted fy | Closin g-out préss @ choice assortmént of Linen Suits, J. Birch & Co., of Leeds, prosent their adverDusters and Ladies and Misses’ suits, which tisement to the readers of the MINER this week. he will guarantee to suit his lady customers. When in want of anything in their: line give His stock of general dry goods is increased by them a call, daily additions from New York. The publie Rey. Iliff, who is at present conducting revival may be assured of the politest attention from Mr. F., who is the only merchant in the Reef meetings in Beaver, writes that he will reach dealing | exclusively in Dry Goods. Give him Silver Reef next week, and will spend Sunday April 20th here. 2.call. ~~oo Lrxen CoLtars, Bows, Black Sik Fringe and Dress Trimmings just received at’ FroMay’s, House flies have made their appearance in the Reef in countless numbers, and tickle the nose of the noon-day snoozer with the same amount of impudpnes as of yore. ~~ Raver your money by buying Lumber of Mo, Manué & Read. Cheapost and best in the market. Wholesale and retail’ordérs promptly filled. aeor y esterday our live hardware merchant, Mr, J. J, Halpin, received two tons of shelf hardware dicsect from the East which he offers to the Reefers at very low figures, Call on him and exantine his new stock. ev Lippe Bros. have just received their Spring Mr. Mahoney informs us the Hospital Cont. Stock of Ladies-and Gentlemen’s Buckingham| Pinitiweis-mesting with the most flattering sucShoes, Call early and make your purchases, cess in collecting the monay subscribed for the erect.on of the Hospital building. All who © Tux Largest an@ choicest patterns of Calico were ca}led upon respotided promptly, and pur and Bunting, which the Ladies of..this vicinity ears Will soon bo grebted with the sound of the are inyited to call and oxamine, just received at saw andthe hammer “employed in the construeFRIEDMAN'S, . tion of the Silver’ Rec! Hospital, ' pit. oe ae meERRE: eS 0. Black sili {Assay WAGON. sli OP, Main REEF A, SPEUAALTY. - Sas Office, > Ore'aseayod ‘and Bullion _ melted ‘on ‘ghort. MORRIS & BUBB Main see ree ak - ernee et ee ‘0} popuoye <[dmo1d sIopio [Ly BLAcKsmITEING( AND - ‘AVIA “ Won on ‘ATAU UAATIS: one misse oe Of all shapes done on short notice. Horse-Shoeing ae reynomeUs ‘pure usig ‘sno ‘1SINOWOTE ‘Wd. “SNOW EEEDS | Being sey X FLAKE ‘Transacts X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE | SNOW Z FLAKE SNOW a payee BANKING BUSINESS. Furnishes Exchange on Salt’: aitiaks, San Fran. ciseo, and all p ts of the SAE Kastern JOHN H States and RICE, Cashier. SPENCER & JAQUES, Carpenters, Contrac= will Contract put. up Sviptiotiion noe: eee A York --Utah eA OF FRoysus Forwarding from that point, and a the only. Company:-that can‘ furnish Rainier back loading, which secures to us the best outfits on the road, and enables us to guarantee the deliyery of all classes of importations op the shortest possible: time. ens increase of business enables ussto ard:goods at one-half our former rates, EXPRESSLY. FOR THIS oe and. Sold at the. Very Lowest lien, have everything tha he Market requires be all our goods are the XXXX Brand the same as our Snowflake Flour. HEITZELMAN & A general line of Job and Shop work done, _ ®an work dono with dispatchf ict dhtisfar- MERCHANDISE| PRINCIPAL tion guaranteed. Also keep on “HGF As a stock of lumber and shingles, which they will sell as. low "at lowest, Corner of Main and Boyd Btreetm. SILVER 022-3m REEF, UTAH. ni H. A. Lusk. * : Kab »% rate | Lovis Grrmzn POUJADE, PEOPLE'S MARKET EUs & GERMER the above nathed of advising the public on hand every variety Handling, Sampling, Shippin. ahd ‘Selling Ores and Bullion a Specialty,’ ‘ FULL LINE ceneral Terminus Utah Southern Railroad. THE and short notice at the lowest sible figure. = DOING for Buildings. of evéry MERCHANTS. ARE = tors & Builders... AWD Commission WE — “allthe same.” THE = = uh x e ET, /MALN STRE notice and at reasonable ra’ Streét, Leeds. SHOEING eS “Opposite Wells, Fargo& Co's, EEP constant] Yon hand aa wood supply of Tire Iron and \agon ‘tim Saar @ ASSAYED. “COA BULLE, Aggayer” mith a K we BULLION SILVER _RETALLICK, + cs ae om. Stree, opposite Harrison ‘House | ORES JACOBS & SULTAN, Sliver Reef, Utah, ' orrics CHANDLER and, CRONAN. Sal ee And pSvers willrae do wellt 0 examine our stock saint on canvas, The,bullion shipment for the week ending April)12th, through Wells, Fargo & Co.’s express, aggregates $23,802.27. ; aes i" “4 Forwarding : Riverap, Leathered and Plain Overalls and Sumpore just received by McMants;& Read; also ajull assortment of California Mission Underclothing of the heaviest and finest quality. ee as ogee ee eels Mr.’ Walter Huey, who for the past six months |has been the telegraph operator of the Reef, left yesterday morning for Salt Lake City. Walt is an accommodating young gentleman and his many, friends wish him -success wherever his lines may be cast. most Stylish Designs ‘FRIEDMAN’S, cs ee Taig is Belivaly a R. WARNOCK & C0. +». Mutton at al! fal? lhe ds bole Neil of. ang Harrisburg, Toquerville, on the River, Ete. oe Sorwaing Wlereluiuts. - Shoes HARD AND TINWARE. * Firet-Class Liquors! Opera \Suawre of the now on = at gl and ES Boots and LUMBER! : gras -SHOTBING, Leeds -- - years to come. Ye ae : ‘st RT C. WESTOVER, & co., Prop’ $. Mining Tools, Before drawing the jurors for the May term of Court Jadge Boreman on Wednetday telegraphed to Governor Emery to know whether it would be held in: Beaver or Silv er known ‘in many casés ‘to postpone their doReef. No answer had been rpeeling before’ Utah. parture till 3 and even 4: 0’clock the next |. age we wont to press. morning. Horse racing, usually a popular Wa J. Doughérty; attorney-at-law,; formerly amfisement, becomes a farce in a country like Last ef Pioche and well knowg in Silver Reo‘, died this wheré time is so badly mixed. —AGENTS FOR- “* suddenly in Beaver Thursday evening from an “Sumner, if we recollect earrectly, it required attack of cardiac exhaustion. His brother at three hours and forty minutes for one of our MOUNT TRUMBULL Piocho was telegraphed for and the funeral best flyers to run 400 yards. Itscems that the man at the starting point had Cassidy time will await his arrival. and the judge at the outcome had Fordonskt Engineer Baer of the Laat Chance mine ve time. It was tho.slowest race on record and constructed a telephone which reaches from the reputation of the horse was rnined to such a AND CLEAREST IN UTAH the engine room down into the mine, and an extent that he volunteered his ‘services On r Be prepa to fill any bili, of messages are readily and accurately passed a whim for his board. Last Chance men who any size on short notice and as cheap as any over tlie lino from both ends, common lumber from ether yards. live up town and who arise before daylight in On account of ill health and a desire to go order to get to work on time frequently do not Fa ee to California, Mr, B.C. Boren js offering for arrive at the mine until 9 er 10 o'clock, while fale considerablo property in and around Sil- Buckeye men who do not Ieave tie town till | noon often reach the.secene’of their labors bever Reef. Read the advertisement. fore sunrise, or at least b-fore tho time for F YOU WANT SOMETHING REALLY he warm weather has afflicted the “Poor Good and unaduitergted, pay us a yisit. changing shifts.. On many occasions men have We sell cheap to Families and pepe We keep Los’’ around Silver Reef with spring fever. been known, to walk from the postoffice td the constantly ou hand a supply of The squaws continue industriously engaged in Stormont mine, a distanée of over two miles, choring and washing whilethe lazy bucks who Dry Goods, Notions, in less than no time, incredible as it may pass the time away playing poker generally , appear, arriving there sometimes soyeral , Flour. and Grain, bhapven along in time to get the larger share hours. before they intended to. start. of the provisions earned by their laborious citi- 4 Which will be ‘dolivered It is said that..some of our to any part’ of Spouses. zens are growing old at the rate of Silver Reef, Leeds or the camp. The oxcitement recently occasioned by the thirty-six hours per day. andlords call to }-_ J. BIRCH & CO. reported discovery of horn silver mountains célleet their rents several days before pay. in the Paria country has not yet éntitoly sub- rments are duo; many of our delinquent subsided. Several prospectors who have been seFibers fail to square their accounts until recomméncing the search for wealth arrived long after the money should be paid according ees 2: They may be in,the Reef a few days ago and express con- ‘to our book-keeper’s watch. ‘fidence in the new Eldorada. ES ee SALE! In the matter perfectly honest, but their timepieces are People of selecting sgmples of ore, however, they were weeks, yea even months too slow. who in other countries where 12 o’clock in the A. _ rather unfortunate, as tho gsnecimens they ainauin. Progoery. # have had assayed show 100 pértent. country” daytime may be relied upon-to occur at noon, rock with no trace of anything resémbling Wi ere the sun rises in the morning and where Sixty acres of land: with water—twenty Silver. Try again, boys. a’ ‘standard of correct time exists are at a great acres ander fence, fourteen acres in lucagne and the balanee suitable for:gardening. disadvantage in Silyer Reef. ‘fhey date their Parties who have been unsuccessful in one stone building at Leeds, suitable fora letters wrong, often eat threo.meals in tho| store, and eight building lots opposite it; and making a stake in Silver Reef leave the camp morning and go to bed in the afternoon, pera good lumber building, 24x24, in a desirable and report that it isfbusted.”’ Does an averpart of Silver Reef, with good water at the ceive no difference between yesterday, to-day age shipment of upwards of $30,000 per week eor. For — particulars call on ‘and to-morrow and can hardly tell Christmas substantiate any such statement? The mills C. BOBEN, ' Silver Roof. from the Fourth of July. are being worked to their utmost capacity and Fh 2s Te Who will suggest a remedy and what time the mines give not the slightest indication of shall we adopt? “pinching out;” in fact, the. more they are es worked the more flattering are the prospects for the permanency of the camp. Hundreds faery has all widths of wire sereen on of tons of ore are now on the dumps awaiting hand. nae BR, WARNOCK, H. M'CORKINDALE the operations of the mills and leaching works . tr and it is no exaggeration to stuto that 20 more Elgkt Dollars! stamps could be put to work in this district é without any lack of ore to run on. The word we >-“busted™ will not apply to Silver Reef for nd £ pit rok etitateae Empire. MEAT MARKET. ena! oni ‘MAIN STREET, ‘ockery, New To-Day. immethodical. Wate jons, 8. J. FRIEDMAN, Qur Church services which open etéry SabWath at 11 o’clock are attended by men who enter.the building at-all hours of the ‘day ‘from Saturday night till Monday morning., The Stormont boys who call on theiy inamoratas. at Leeds eyery. evening hay¥e, been Silsilyer Reef, BARGAINS) “STN eg Christy and John Rice time. Some men carry Smore “ Old Judge,” ‘* Puck” and “ Vanity two. watghes, and some carry none. Some Fair’ for sale by MoMaxvs & Reap. neyer Wind their watches, others take off their hands,, while no} @ few remove the works. Eight Dellearst . | The confusion which naturally follows this state of affairs is serious as well as ridiculous. | The habits of rogular and methodical men }are becoming < Pe Lake, and having had a long experience in Pioche, Virginia City, Salt Lake and.Dublin \tims; also Stormont, Buckeys, “Barbee, - t WAGON SHOP. forge Will guarantee that my prices Wi All aro invited to call and examine goods and prices. a new watch bofeto bed time. _Evory mill, every mine and every individual-seems to have original and independent ideas as to the time of day, and Judge, Boreman will render his decision in the Kenner-Neutral case on the 2Ist inst. New goods arrive almost daily in i the Reef. This.i¢.2 fair indication of the faith our merchant$ have in the stability of the camp: between the Postoflice and the News Depot.a first-class undertake to get the ‘opinions of the Reefers avte the correct time at any moment of the .day and he “will find himself turning the hands of his time-piece back and forth at the rate of a mile a minute. He would need to ie WAHAKEN th public-of Silver Reef that be has Opened Clock ”’--or Any other Clock. The sandstone formation of Silyer Reef may bd puzzler, but it has wrought no such con ns in the public mind as the time ques ti Let any one whose watch’ has stopped “ to-morrow | New Store, New Firm, New Goods The undersigted begs leave to antiounce to aay Scnece yourself church. THE TIME QUESTION. An Opening for* Grandfathor’s co ‘SILVER REEF MINER. | | Fresh HAViINA PURCHASED market take this method that they keep constanty of Meat: and Sausage: oer ill pay wagon and Resid freight errant prompt all goods consigned to our ca Willnes a give rates of freigh Tat Wee a ght ‘- from All ‘sommunintone all poit “Addrose: R, WARNOCK ‘ CO., YORK,ie long ao in’ the biisiness watrants guaran satisfaction to our customers. Orders promptly filled. Meat delivered to any~ partof the gaan om us at our place of businées on Main Fee! Sod. M. LYNCH S50 Feed and Livery Stable, ¢ Wi e Lower fee eet eninnoe Mate St., Silver Reef, Vtab. |