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Show te SILVER REEF, WASHINGTON SILVER REEF MINER. OF SUBSCRIPTION; . \ Deliver iby at a — AND— Corner Main and Gentre Sts, Western Kan das, Agent Mills and an army officer who went to | remonsirate with them, were ordered to leave, anne filver Beet, Utah, Beaver, ~~ Frisco, W. O. Rogers. Mra. E.O. Grouch. 3. R. Lindsay, “ * califtrnia Ind Indifferent, New Youx, 9, “An eastern journalist, who has returned from California, after three years experience of newspaper work iu San Francisco, said of affairs on | the Pac fic Coast in a récent conversation ‘ ““Thé | people care very little about what goes on in the East, their attachment to the Union is not strong. If there should arisea second seces- KEEPS constantly on hand a well-assorted .B. Our agents are authorized to cvllect moneys ‘due this office, take orders for advertising and attend to all other business devoly- } fmg upon them as the representatives of the publisher. DRUGS, MEDICINES, ee: Class Lunch Stand. | » PERFUMERY, Open TOILET ARTICLE ETC., ee ETC. Physicians’ tae D. PW. HEDON. Carefully {Late assistant U. S. Att’y for Utah.) Will attend te any legal business entrusted tev his care. rah Publie., es APSE SILVER BEEF, UTAH, Will practice in all courts in Sou‘hern Utah. a dee in| attention given to collections. ; X, I ; UTAH. MAIN hn . 8. SHUBRA wave of Virginia one Jos. Mining et S. Shubra and Opposite Wells, A.J. Moorg, 0. E, (Saa Francisco.) ) traveling & Co., Mechanical steam enuines for pumping a d BUCKEYE mill work’, The application of compressed air in pumping our specialty. ' Depositions made ef che stength o¢ materi |i structures of iron and wood. Contractors for the erection of quartz mills. steam engines tested by Indicator and Pevcrt yoade of thelr performances. and adjusted results. Agents for otler and pipe Address economic capacity Valves and to give their and STREET, Fargo & Co’s Express Offiee. and is conducted on strictly BOARDING HOUSE, BE CONVENIENTLY “SITUATED TO the various mines being worked on the Buckeye Reef and furnishes good board at general $8 valve motious set highest attainable H. W John’s Asbestos coverings. P. 0. Box 19, Silver Reef. REEF first-c]iss principles. Atits wel!-supplied tables can alwys be found the best that the market atfords, prepared by the best of cooks. M. DONCYAN. j22 Engineers, hoisting, pubiic, Pe: Week. There are good sleeping. apartments connected with the Restaurant, where those desiring it can obtain Lodging. If you want nice, HOT DINNERS, call at the Luckeye Re:taurant, which is second ta no houseinthecamn. The propriotor is doing hie eet to please his customers, Give us a eall. steam JUST “RECEIV ED! J, L. MELLGREN, GREENBAUM US. Bakery, = BI— a »-A .- AND CIGARS had in Town at a Bit s BEST A Drink. QUALITY OF FULL LINE OF CAKES, Also a good Supply of That defy competition, FAMILY GROCERIES. N. WALL PAPER A SPEQIALTY, Boot He is Going Ont of the Clothing} Business and is selling stock below cost. Spectacles PIONEER RES'’T. HE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVEnamed bakery takes pleasure in announcng to the public that he is now. prepared to supply the trade with the THE...,.. BEST LIQUORS be STREET, ‘NEXT TQ FINE LOT OF..'s HAVANA To MAIN his Main FRESH BUTTER“& EGGS AT ALL TIMES, sells SRAM ia in your orders *]| P. SCHEER. CHRISTENSEN, and shoe nt | Maker. Street, Two doors below Postoffice, Elegance, Durability and Guaranteed. to Suit all Ages. WALL PAPER AT COST! aa Remember thie place any other honee. BREAD PIES, ETC. fend Keef, Boots } Wines, Liquors & Comfort “Little by little the coral is laid, Day after dey he's inoressing his trade” nation on church. account of his long service Oblainable in the Ladies, Misses. & Children’s Shove, "y “And Merehandise in General.” J. H. CASSIDY. Groceries, ) Liquors, wines, Cigeve; and Tobaccos ca WHOLESALE : y é a : . Groceries, Provisions, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, LIQUORS, CLOTHING and NOTIONS. 3 STORMONT, Main Street. : - was held immedi- NEAR SILVER REEF, SILVER REEF . Silver Reef. Commisson The Choicest WINES, LIQUORS 9 h inst., for the purpose of taking some action which would permit the introduction and consideration of certain financial measures during the present session? House AND and CIGARS. ately after the adjournment of Congress on the Produce PIONEER MAIN Oppusite in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening last by the colored people, for the Market, STREET. Harrison House,’ Deals constantly in the purpose of raising means for the colored refugees from the South now in St. Louis. Addresses were made by Bishop Payne and others, Groceries & Provisions, . Billiard after which quite a large sum .was raised, One The Detroit Common Council*Tnesday night passed a resolution requesting the Legistature to amend the charter of the city, ac as to allow the city to iesue bonds to the amount.of $750,000 for the purchase of Belle Isle, and the construction of a bridge across the American — of the finest Hall Fruit, Billiard Tables Vegetables, in the Territory, Eggs & Butter, CANDIES, NUTS, ETC. First Class Liquors and Cigars Always on phos: In the House of Commons, Ottawa, on Wednesday, Decosmos, member for British Colum- | bia, moved for leave to, introduce a bill to pro- The highest eash price paid for the produe of th @ country. 3 B64 Fine Club-Room: in the rear. 2 vide for the peaceful separation of British Col») umbia from the Dominion of Canada. No one seconding the motion the Speaker declared it out of order and the matter was allowed to drop. P..L. BRIEGER. ED, THOMPSON. CABINET SALOON, Opposite Harrison House, A number of representatives of the colored men of Boston, held a meeting on the evening of the 9th inst., to consider plans furthering the negro exodus from the South, A committee Was appointed te call a mass meeting in Faneuil Kall at an early day, and arrange means to transport as many as may be desirous of leaving for new homes in the West, Seat |: Silver = Saloon. “QUILLAN & MABONT- veers IN FIRST-CLASS STY and the be WINES, LIQUORS AND CIG Only passed over the Bar. WM. Cote The Republican journals are elated at the result of their elections, and their Washington telegrams speak of a decidedly bine feeling among the Democratic Congressmen... Even the -} Sun's Washington special confesses. that much. In Ohio's citiesthe battle was fought on the isates made at Washington, and the result was more than was expected by the mort sangnipe republicans, Prices. The Alhambra Hall. s.cnt & CUSHING, to the The discussion of Rules in the House was interrupted on Wednesday, by a person in the gallery exclaiming, ** Woe! woe! woe! to this den of thieves!’’ The door-keepars promptly removed the disturber. meeting was -held Ee BSS { ike ~A FULL LINE OF~ UNITED STATES. The local home organ: of Seymour, the Utica Observer, is authorized and requested to ‘pay that uiider no circumstances whatever, will Gov. Seymour consent to become a candidate for any public office. A large ‘ CIGARS, As was expected and predicted the Republilcans elect the Mayorin Hoboken for the first time in years, and make substantial gains in Jersey City and elsewhere. No Mayor was aa ed for in Jersey City. A brief Democratic caucns and Shoes, ; tary to the Pope, declining to accept his resig- NAHE Silver Keef ia most conveniently lo cated’ for the Jaborer, bnsiness man and RAWINGS, ESTIMATES AND SPECIFICations mde in all branches gf mec? anical engineering and especially in thé construction of a Restaurant,Ra RECORDER REEF, St,, Silver , Dry Govas Ate oe GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. THE BEST: The Hersid’s Washington special says Ran- Proprietress. SILVER PUBLIC, SILVER XN Main TELECRAMS. dolph will sopn present in the Senate, a bill for "| the relief Fitz Jon Porter. Mrs. K. HANREHAN, Loughery. AND MINING SHORT The World has a political leading editorial which will probably be accepted as a come out for Hendricks. 022 -Bestameants. ——————= Frank YOR MEN AND BOYS. CAPITOL. ee -- PIONEER AND WOTARY CLOTHING: +! Cureaco, 10. storm Jast evening a meteor, in the air and about a foot the ground on the South side pieces just before striking. The dispatches from the South announce that. the exodus of the Negroes continues, and the | Southern planters are becoming seriously alarmed, Restaurant, A dispatch from Madrid of the 9th saya: *'A Gor. of Main and Centre streets. ‘ | terr-ble sporadic fever is rafiing at Oasa Blanca, —_— )— Morocco, among both natives and Paar: = I B13 Restaurant, hitherto known as the SilBusiness is at a stand still, vot Reef Kestanrant,.is not second to apy estabiishment of the kind in Utah. Its cenA letter was received on Wednesday by Arch tral location renders it convenient to miners, Bishop Purcell from Cardinal Simeoni, Secrebusiness men snd the traveling public. AT-LAW, Notary at all hours of the| | THE Ah 8.. POTTER, . | Prescriptions compounded day or night. Attoruey-at-Law SILVER REEF, UTAH, ATTORNEY: N ight. vind A Falling | Meteor. ae | Darke a thunder | which Jooked white in diatieter, tell to ;Suréting into many f s-mblei clinkers. Physicians. RA and FORDONSKI. At wag white with heat and the fragments re- ~~ Day in California, | i | ~~ Ready-Made "Private Club Rooms, sion movement, it will not be in the South bat arrives. frfrom de George datly at.12 m. and departs at 2:39 p. m. The mail arrives from Salt Lake and. Pioche at 5 p. mm, and departs for the same placed at 9 a, m. Mail closes for the North a: 8:36 a. m, B. H, Pappocx, Fostmaster. Bayes, “Has just received another inyoice of BILLIARD TABLES. Patent Medicines,|, POST OFFICE: we a aie: Office aoe 9 4.m 0 2 30 p.m, and from 8:80 to B. i. sandy, from 1 to 2 p.m, Reet. Liquors & Cigars away from camp and gtarted iu the direction of SILVER REEF, UTAH, ‘Silver WINES, “|APOTHECARY, ii Siiver”iseat and immediate vieiu¥ per week icles t ate oe —Thé best of — Cheyennes on the War Path, Wicurra, Kap., 9. Reliable news has been received that the Cheyennes-are,on the war path, They broke . $8 00 pbccessccege © OU 22 ners ‘STORE MAIN STREET. — First door South of Post-officé. An intesegtiog Batch of Short Tele| grams. Drugesist Pf? RATES & PIKE. EXCHANGE SALOON, Chinese Question.. BY BUSER APRIL 12, 1879, ena ~ | California's! Position-“onsthé Anti- | fy. WAGNERW jaguep xynur— COUNTY, uran, SATURDAY, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Apotecnries. Wednesday and Saturday. es ae et Devoted to the, Mining Interests of Southern Utah, = a oo ‘ ELK-HORN SALOON. Main 1& Street. CLARK & MOREHOUS, One doen north ef Wells, Fargo & Co's. ERE MISESARTLA TER: Next door to the Drug Store, | 4 \ amo Cig always, the beat Wines, GRORGE Liquors MPLLBR, Wines: Liquors é& Cigars. - |