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Show Page March 18, 201 Evertyleounts Ak*\ Because I Have Been Given Mull I Too Mat Give things for granted. I know I did, especially before my trip to Haiti. Truly, staying in an orphanage where electricity came on at night in 2-hour increments only was inconvenient for me especially because I had writing to do, but it was what it was. And I thought I knew what the word "inconvenient" meant before Haiti. Not in the least bit. In the meantime, until I get back to Haiti, I will help these people in any way that I can especially, "Because I have been given much I too My heart aches to go lage to teach others what he back to Haiti and help the knows. He wants to know people there. Since I've what he needs to do to make been home I've received his dream of studying in the phone call after phone call United States come true. I and email after email from am working with some peosome of the people I met in ple in St. George who will Haiti. The Haitian people help make Juvenel's --and are in need of many things. other's like him-- dream must give." Number one is shelter, even Ho about you, what if merely a tent, especially will v I e today and tc with the rainy season comw1-1 ing up. Food is a close second along with work, shoes, and clothes. Today I heard from Juvenel. He's a former University of Haiti student who wants to come and study in the United States. This is what he wrote in his email: "Hello Miss Kimball, i from a Haitian father and in hosting a Haitian high wish that everythings do- husband. It reads, "hello, school or college/university ing good for you and your how are you? This is broth- student, please send me an family, let say that I'm er Lucien*, i am in haiti, email. stell happy to have met i try to call you to day, i *Name & numbers have you, and all the other gays dont find you it is the rea- been changed. and firstly I thank God and son right i write you. So, i © 2010 Every] Counts, you after, truly sometimes i have something to tell you, LLC. All rights reserved. would like to come in help i do nothing, i dont have Cynthia Kimball Humpeaples making parts of my a job, so i want when you phreys is a professional comunoty, but my capac- will come in haiti, you do speaker and trainer through ity is not anouth to be able, something for me. I want a her company Every] Counts, and let say as I have got my job , cause in have maried, i LLC (www.everyl counts. pasport, and i was in my have children...you it's very net). She writes a column firt year hatian university, i hard, but heph me please for weeklies in southern wish you to send me a list to sister.I give you my num- Utah and is a southern Utah make my trice, and if thers bers phones: 12344567* correspondent for the Depossibility to help others, and 7654-4321 *.I suffer seret News. Her column, in the name of jesus i thank so much cause, i dont have "GR8NESS," appears on deyou for all you you've done nothing, a nother things seretnews.com monthly. She for the hatian peaple, and i want you will bring for can be reached at kimball@ God know how to give me it's a TENTE please. every 1 counts .net . you Back. We miss you, God bless you sister Cyntia and hope you so mutch to Kimball. Ok thank you..." This brother needs work. be back, we love you. god He has a family and needs bless you endlestly." I know it is tough to to provide for them. He read Juvenel's email, but also needs a tent for shelter. basically he wants to come We've since arranged a tent study at a college or univer- to be delivered to him, but sity in the United States and what is his family currently then take his new learned sleeping under, I wonder? knowledge back to his vilSometimes we take qJ the lAuGhiNg pOINIZI Corn Problem bl We were eating corn on the cob two weeks ago and my 5-year-old daughter Rachel seemed to be struggling with it a little bit. I said "Rachel, eat it like a typewriter". She looked at me with pure innocence in her eyes and said "Mommy, what's a type- writer?" Cruise Ship There was a nice bathroom scale in our ship's cabin on our recent cruise. Since the sign in front of the fitness center claimed that the average cruiser gained 7 to 10 pounds during a cruise, I figured the scale was a way to help the cruiser avoid the weight gain. I stepped on the scale. It was 10 pounds too low. I asked my wife to try it. She said that it was registering about 10 pounds too low. The thing was broken. The ship had excellent service and I was super impressed with the cabin steward. I didn't mention it to him, but he must have known that our scale was out of whack and not measuring correctly. When I stepped on the scale on the last day of the cruise my weight was reading perfectly. Excellent cruise service! Enlistment Choices "Daddy," said my 11-year-old daughter, "I think I want to join the Army." "Baby," I answered, "I think the Air Force would be a better option for you." "But I don't want to be a pilot." "You don't have to be a pilot," I told her. "There are other jobs in the Air Force." Her answer: "I don't want to be a flight attendant either." GARAGE DOORS www.garagedoorstainingutah.com (435) 616-2829 Errol, 435-616-2829 — embutah@gmail.corn Outrages: Prices, Fees 8 More.. At the conclussion of the Winter Olympics, my eyebrows went up to hear that scalpers were asking (not sure if they got) up to $12,000 for tickets to the closing ceremonys...On the heels of this disclosure came a News Investigation that several hospitals across the country had made these charges: $1,000 for a TOOTHBRUSH... $140 for ONE Tylenol...$53 for ONE pair of disposable plastic gloves and $23 for ONE application of hand sanitizer. We got to wondering about Other Outrageous fees & charges and what the average citizen has to say and how they respond...From $2,500 for two pizzas to a $40,000 hospital-stay overcharge which included six surgical screws -- at $1,750 each! - we take a look at some of the most outrageous bills ordinary consumers have received. Charge for: Two Pizzas - Total Bill: $2,500 What Happened: The Heigh family of Alberta, Canada was on vacation in the Philippines when they ordered two pizzas from Pizza Hut. Instead of charging them in the 2,500 in Filipino pesos, they were charged $2,500 in US dollars. MasterCard froze their account and started to investigate. The family eventually recouped the charge for one pizza, but is still fighting the other. Charge for: Four-Day Car Rental Total Bill: $871 What Happened: Claude Hite only intended to rent a car for four days, but he went on a camping trip, parked the car in a risky place and watched as it was washed into a ravine by a flash flood. The car sat for 43 days in Olympic National Park, and the charges added up Finally...this has got to be one of the 'cheapest' friends around... Mets Moocher: I was lucky to get my hands on two Mets playoff tickets back in 2000. I invited my best friend. I drove, paid for gas, EZ pass and parking and I didn't even get a beer out of it. Cheap best friend. A soldier was asked to report to headquarters for assignment. The sergeant said: "We have a critical shortage of typists. I'll give you a little test. Type this," he ordered, giving him a pamphlet to copy and a sheet of paper, and pointing to a desk across the room that held a typewriter and an adding machine. The soldier, quite reluctant to become a clerk typist, made a point of typing very slowly, and saw to it that his work contained as many errors as possible. The sergeant gave the typed copy only a brief glance. "That's fine," he said; "Report for work at 8 tomorrow." "But aren't you going to check the test?" the prospective clerk asked. The sergeant grinned. "You passed the test," he replied, "when you sat down at the typewriter instead of at the adding machine." Custom STAINING... (wood) Custom PAINTING... (metal) Over a decade of experience! vita be Lad 1-i Charge for: iPhone International Roaming Total Bill:$2,100 What Happened: The debut of the iPhone was a bit bumpy for some. There were complaints about 300plus page bills that played cheekily on YouTube. And then there were tales of outrageous roaming charges. Even the tech-savvy got caught short, like Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson, who blogged about his $2,100 bill. HD Movie Downloads Total Bill: $54,000 What Happened: A 29-year-old factory worker spent days downloading TV shows using BitTorrent, which was supposed to be free. But his unlimited wireless plan actually had some fine print, and he started to rack up enormous charges until his service was cut off. Clerk-Typist There ready is strength in numbers. Let's work together to quit tobacco. For tree and confidential help, call 1.888.561TRUTH OP visit utahquitnet.com . The TRUTH- |