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Show The Garfield County Insider EXPLORE-1 ESCAVANTEI jana@exploreescalante.com The Fire Station is almost complete. The outdoor finish awaits warmer weather as the finishing touches go on inside. We're all anxious for warmer weather and the buds on the Chinese Elm tell me it's coming right up. Heidi Noyes told me that this year's seeds have been delivered. If you're sprouting your own and getting them ready for outdoor planting you might think about getting started. With all this snow the wild flowers could be wonderful. And the sage,Juniper and pines should flourish from the rebuild of the aquifer. Before long, the water project can be completed and the reservoir rebuilt. The airport runway rebuild project still looks positive and the new committee is working on various events to support that effort. So what project should we do without available city matching funds? The most discussed topic is our school system and the continuous cuts. Not just the enrollment figures and the cuts to aide's positions, but the financial impact to Escalante Merchants from fewer jobs. There's a lot of talk about bringing more jobs to Escalante, but we have a bigger problem right now – housing. We need modern affordable housing in Escalante both to own and rent. And it's not that there isn't any water meters available. It's also encouraging investors to build rentals. We currently have a number of employees at the Interagency Office (families with children) that are living in Tropic and the employee commutes to Escalante each day because there is no modern affordable housing. It creates a problem not unlike the hamster in the running ring. We need more families, with children, to live in Escalante, to shop at the local merchants, to have the money circulate in our community, to buy food, to pay employees, to increase enrollment, to bring in new families, to spend those federal dollars in our community. How do we do that? Housing. Perhaps it's time for City Council members to invite Gary Zabriskie and Justin Fischer from Five Counties Assoc of Governments up to talk about affordable housing projects. The city could commit a certain amount of water for multifamily housing (which could be apartments or duplexes) so that some builder could qualify for loans that 5 counties could fund. There are lots now available for purchase that has water meters on them that could be built and rented out. If we want our local merchants to be open year-round we need to get an adequate volume of people here year-round to support them. The ongoing discussion between Kane County and the Federal Government got more interesting when the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed to have the full court revisit an earlier ruling that Kane County illegally tore down signs restricting off-highway-vehicle use in the Grand Staircase and Glen Canyon NRA. In 2005, the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and The Wilderness Society sued the county and, in May 2008, US Dist. Judge Campbell ruled Kane County was in the wrong. On Sept. 1, 2009, a three judge panel of the 10th upheld that ruling 2-1. Judge Michael McConnell dissented, arguing that Kane County shouldn't have to prove that it owns the roads. He also sided with Kane County's argument that the environmental groups had no standing in the case. Last week, the full court ordered lawyers to address several issues in their briefs for the rehearing, including whether the plaintiffs have standing, whether a local government can assert road-ownership rights (under RS2477) without litigating quiet-title actions road by road and whether Kane County's decision to remove its road signs makes the case moot. Stay Tuned. In Utah, the Legislators have been working on a number of bills around "State's Rights". The whole issue continues to heat up and the Governor signed his first bill regarding manufacturing of guns and ammo in Utah without leaving the state is a right of the State to regulate. The Imminent Domain bill is working its way through the halls of SLC. That bill could help develop further control of state-owned school lands now under the control of federal land managers. We'll be watching that one as well. Until next week - - - Results of Utah BLM Quarterly Oil and Gas Lease Sale The Bureau of Land Management held its quarterly oil and gas lease sale today at the BLM Utah State Office in Salt Lake City. The BLM sold one of the four offered parcels, totaling 1,762 acres of federal land located in the Cedar City Field Office. During the oral auction, BLM received $3,526 in bonus bids for the federal oil and gas lease rights. In addition to the bonus bids, the sale netted $2,644.50 in rental fees and $145 in administrative fees, for $6,315.50 in total revenues from this lease sale. Mr. Vern Jones of Salt Lake City, Utah, submitted the highest total bid per acre—$2 on parcel number three containing 1,762 acres and located in the Cedar City Field Office. The highest total bid per parcel was also submitted by Mr. Jones—$3,526 on parcel number three containing 1,762 acres and located in the Cedar City Field Office. March 4, 2010 PROW= EBRYCE AG MARKET NEWS by Vicki D. Syrett 679-8687 or vickidiane36@hotmail. Receipts: 1,215; Last Starting with Saturday's icut and another from Eden, is retired but Helen still an Week: 1,517. Last Year: earthquake in Chile'. It was Utah. Others came from active trainer of educators 985. Feeder Steers: mixed one of the scariest days of Chicago, all over Utah and on the Smart Board for the but mostly weak to 1.00 my life. We have a grand- many of our local ladies as Chariot Group. However lower; except 500-550 lbs son, Joseph Jensen son of well from Garfield County. they were just at the conferfirm to 1.00 higher. Feeder David and Debbie Jensen They were treated to what ence as visitors this time. The Youth Fireside went Heifers: mixed wts under of Central Valley, who is they call "Trunk Shows" 550 lbs 4.00-5.00 higher; serving in the Concepcion' where guest speakers show very well. Cannonville and wts over 550 lbs mixed but Chile' Mission. From our their quilts and tell stories Henrieville attended with mostly steady. Holstein area also is Pace Clarke about them. The classes fifty-five youth and twentySteers: to few for com- serving in Concepcion' went from early morning four adults attending. Patriparison. Slaughter Cows: also, he is the son of Wes to late at night and every- arch Munson of Escalante 1.00-2.00 higher. Slaugher and Ellen Clarke of Tropic one enjoyed every minute was the guest speaker. He Bulls: 2.00-3.00 higher. and Tim Hughes of Es- of the Retreat. Keela was had spoken earlier in the Feeder Steers: Medium calante who is further north even fortunate enough to Henrieville ward. Lunch and Large Frame 2: 200- in Chile' and is the son of visit with a girl who had was served and everyone 250 lbs scarce; 250-300 lbs Greg and Sabrina Hughes of been her daughter Lacy's enjoyed the time together. Logann Eager was re116.00-124.00; 300-350 lbs Escalante. Not knowing for roommate in college. It is 116.00-125.00; 350-400 lbs several hours if these mis- a small world indeed. The leased as Relief Society 115.00-125.50; 400-450 lbs sionaries were hurt, alive, ladies learned new ideas, Secretary and we are sad 114.00-124.50; 450-500 lbs dead, or even where they visited the Vendor booth's to see her and her fam108.50-117.00; 500-550 were was a very tense time. and took all kinds of quilt- ily move to Cedar City for lbs 104.50-115.00; 550- We believed they were al- ing classes. It was very awhile. We will sure miss 600 lbs 100.00-111.00; right but it is just the know- well attended with over 200 them. Kassidy Floyd was 600-650 lbs 98.50-109.50; ing for sure that makes the ladies who made good use called to fill that vacancy. Montana Platt and her 650-700 lbs 93.00-103.50; difference. The Internet of their time together. Bon700-750 lbs 91.50-101.75; and the Church web site nie Miles did an excellent brother Tyson came home 750-800 lbs 90.00-96.75; were very busy that day as job once again. She even for the weekend to help 800-850 lbs 88.00-95.50; was KSL.Com as everyone gave one pre-class herself their dad, Ken Platt celebrate his birthday. 850-900 lbs 87.50-95.00; was trying to find out the on Tuesday. I am a bit late with this 900-950 lbs 89.50-92.75; news of their loved one. It Coming through Pannews but Dana and her 950-1000 lbs 89.00-91.75. was only when it was an- guitch Saturday evening we daughter Emilee Courtright Holsteins Steers: Large nounced that the missionar- were shocked to find a herd have finally moved into Frame 3 Baby Bull Calves: ies were all accounted for of deer right in the middle their new home and they scarce; 200-300 lbs scarce; that we could take a breath of the road in front of a moare loving it. Emilee even 300-500 lbs scarce; 500- of relief. Not complete but tel there. There was even a has a visitor for few days. 700 lbs scarce; 700-900 none the less we felt bet- big buck in the group which Sending out a Get Well lbs 54.50-64.25; 900-1000 ter. We pray for the people seemed unusual to us. They wish to Catherine Littlelbs pkg 58.25. of Chile' and wish them a were beautiful and with the field who took a bad fall Feeder Heifers: Medium speedy recovery from this snow falling you knew they and broke her ankle in three and Large Frame 1-2: disaster. I can't image the had come into town looking places. They had to put 200-250 lbs scarce; 250- lose of Iloca, Chile' where for something to eat. Wow some pins and things in it 300 lbs 111.00-123.00; they lost over 340 people of what a treat to see them to put it all back together 300-350 lbs 110.00-118.00, their 550 people town due to there. Hope they safely got again. She has a long repkg 128.00; 350-400 lbs the earthquake and tsunami. back to where they belong. covery ahead of her and we 108.50-122.00, pkg 127.00; Devastating news and we Gayle Moore went to want her to know she is in 400-450 lbs 107.00-119.50, were still reeling from the the UCET (Utah Coalition our prayers and thoughts. pkg 127.00; 450-500 lbs Haitian earthquake. Nature for Utah Technology) Con- Her family would like to 107.50-119.00; 500-550 sure does have its way. ference in Murray Utah. tell the E.M.T.S from the lbs 102.50-112.00; 550From Wednesday until It was all a part of a Math Tropic Area that responded, 1000 lbs scarce. Heife- Saturday at noon you could Grant State Wide for Fourth thanks for the help and the rettes: 53.25-71.00. find a lot of ladies taking Grade Teachers to improve ones from Panguitch that Stock Cows: Medium and classes, looking at quilt math instructions and helped out as well. The Large Frame 1: Few Older demonstrations, enjoying scores using computers. people at the hospital were Pairs 750.00-990.00/pair. good food, visiting with The Grant paid all expenses great also. Catherine we Slaughter Cows: Boning friends, and winning door for the teachers. It was a hope you are soon up and 80-85% Lean: 50.25-59.25; prizes at the Bryce Can- "Teaching is Through Tech- around and wish you the Breaking 75-80% Lean: yon Winter Quilt Retreat. nology: grant that is good best. 52.00-62.00; Commercial: Bonnie Miles, formerly for two years. No school Well guess what? It scarce; Cutter 85-90% of Tropic, is in charge and or school district funds snowed again. Can you beLean: 44.00-50.00. she does a wonderful job of were used for this train- lieve it?! We wanted more Slaughter Bulls: Yield getting teachers, presenters ing. Gayle said it was very moisture so it came. Hope Grade 1000-1500 lbs and guest speakers together well done and she learned a everyone is very careful 58.00-65.75; 1500-2525 for this Retreat. People lot. She also was excited to when they are out in the wet lbs 66.00-73.25; come form all over the see Norm and Helen Davis cold stuff. Yield Grade 2 1000-1500 United States. Keela Man- from Henrieville at the ConPlease have a great week lbs scarce; 1500-2110 lbs gum reports that she had a ference. They are Trainers and call or email your news. 63.50-65.25. Feeder Bulls: cousin come from Connect- for the Smart Board and he Thanks VS scarce. BRYCE VALLEY SCHOOLS...... Congratulations to our wonderful boy's basketball team, the Mustang's. They came in third place in the Region Tournament and will now have a playoff on Tuesday to see if they get to go to State. We know you will make it boys and wish the best of luck in Richfield. The dates for the State Tournament are March 3-6th at the Sevier Valley Center. MUSTANG Pride Program. Congratulations to the January Winners, Edith Garcia, daughter of Eddie and Suvelda Garcia and Lesha Le Fevre, daughter of Layne and April Le Fevre. For February the winners were Rozin Manning, son of Gil and Shantel Manning and Deborah Gray, daughter of Belinda Gray. These winners represent the studentbody of Bryce Vallely SENIOR CITIZEN MEALS •• Please call by 10:00 A.M. if you want a meal. 679-8666 Tues. 2nd: Fish, Mac & Cheese, Fruit Salad, Hot Roll. Wed. 3rd: Chicken Fried Steak, Pot. & Gravy, Corn, Applesauce, Wheat Roll. Thurs. 4th: Veggie Beef Soup, Bread Sticks, Peaches, Choc. Chip Cookie. Tues 9th: Chicken Noodle Soup over Mash. Pot. Green Beans, Jello w/fruit, Cornflake Cookies, Hot Roll. Wed 10th: Sweet & Sour Pork, Baked Pot. Steam Broccoli, Bananas, Muffins, Brownies. Thurs. 11th: Beef Stroganoff on noodles, Corn, Pineapple Chunks, Hot Roll, Turnovers. Tues. 16th: Whit Beans & Ham, White Bread, Mandarine Oranges, Sweet Rolls. Have a good meal. Delicious!! High School and the Pride Program is sponsored by the PTA. David Pollock, and Teresa Thompson, were the representatives for the Staff. Congratulations to everyone. Under the direction of Mrs. Teresa Thompson, twenty two students attended the FCCLA Area Conference held on Feb. 16th on the campus of SUU. Competing in numerous categories, all twenty two students qualified to advance and compet at the State FCCLA meet which will be held in Layton, Utah on March 23-25. Those competing include Maycee Barton, Jacob Syrett, Hayden Johnson, Chelsea Thompson, Lesha LeFevre, Malory Clarke, Kara Page, Cajun Syrett, Alexis Tebbs, Sydney Cornforth, Shan Thompson, Joshua Alvey, Dawson Johnson, Tanner Barton, Ashlynn Syrett, Whitni Syrett, Shelby Cornforth, Janette Pollock, Taylor Talbot, Emily Pierson, Tiara Winegar, and Michelle Syrett. (news courtesy of E. Slack, pincipal) Our High Honor Roll of 3.75 and above grades include: 12th grade - Shelby Stock, Kam Roundy, An- thony Rose, Carrie Platt, Trevor Pierson, Jade Harris, Tena Copfer. 1 1 th grade Lesha Le Fevre, Kara Page, Tannia Winegar. 10th grade - Sam Cloud, Cajun Syrett, Alexis Tebbs. 9th grade - Jordan Johnson, Whitni Syrett. 8th grade - Tanner Barton, Codi Mangum, Janette Pollock, Michelle Syrett, Taylor Talbot. 7th grade - Joshua Alvey, Jarom Johnson, Elizabeth Platt. The Honor Roll - 3.5 to 3.74 includes: 12th grade - Chyenne Syrett, Dayne Shakespeare, Kaylea Shakespear, Tysheene Curlely, Maycee Barton, Kelton Adkins. 1 1 th grade - Brian Clark, Samantha Harman, Trevor Henrie, Hayden Johnson. 9th grade - Anna Bybee, Abbagail Harman, Erin Hayden, Lexi Le Fevre, Jacob Pollock. 8th grade - Edith Garcia, Brennan Stewart, Taryn Syrett. 7th grade - Ashlee Chynoweth, Payton Johnson, Tiara Winegar. Congratulations to all of you. Great work!! Our new Debate Team under the direction of Mrs. KayeLynn Nielson is up and running and doing a great job for beginners. They attended a meet in Wayne County and did quite well. On March 12-13th Sydney Cornforth will attend the State Competion in St. George as she qualified for the honor. Good work Sydney. The whole team has good attitudes and are excited. They received good comments from the judges and are ready and willing to prepare for next year. The students participating are Sydney Cornforth, daughter of Karl and Sage Roundy, Marilee Platt, daughter of Nathan and Lori Platt, Susan Mitchell, daughter of the Mike Mitchell's, Mabry Word, son of Mabry and Kim Word, and Jacob Pollock, son of Gayle and Marie Pollock. Keep up the great work team. We are looking forward to next year. Coming events are next week we will be honored to have the Virgin Valley Choir from Mesquite present a program for the entire Bryce Valley School. Then on 17 March the Shakespeare company will come and present from "Taming of the Shrew". The elementary are doing well and enjoying the snow. Not much news this week from them. |