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Show Page 7 THE GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER JULY 20,2006 LEGAL NOTICES AG MARKET NEWS GARFIELD COUNTY ORDINANCE 2006 - 1 STREET LEGAL VEHICLE ORDINANCE NOTICE TO WATER USERS The State Engineer received the folAN ORDINANCE DEFINING OFF HIGHWAY V EHICLES Receipts: 684. Last Week: No Sale. lowing Application(s) in Garfield County AS "STREET LEGAL" V EHICLES WHEN OPERATED ON ROADS Last Y ear: 819. Feeder Steers: Feeder (Locations in SLB&M). For more inDESIGNATED FOR OFF HIGHWAY V EHICLE USE. Heifers: Holstein Steers; Slaughter WHEREAS, 36 CFR 4.2 indicates that unless specifically addressed by regula- formation or to receive a copy of filCows: Slaughter Bulls: no comparison tions, traffic and the use of vehicles within National Park Service areas are gov- ings, visithttp://waterri ghts.utah.gov or Sale not held last week. call 1-866-882-4426. Persons objecting Feeder Steers: Medium and Large erned by State Law, and to an application must file a CLEARLY Frame 1-2: 200-250 lbs scarce; 250-300 WHEREAS, 36 CFR 4.2 indicates that violating the provision of State Law is READABLE protest stating FILING lbs 143.00-155.00; 300-350 lbs 139.00- prohibited, and NUMBER, REASONS FOR OBJEC151.00; 350-400 lbs 135.00-147.00; 400- WHEREAS, there is no Federal or Utah State statute defining "street legal," and TION, PROTESTANTS' NAME AND 450 lbs 130.00M 38.00; 450-500 lbs WHEREAS, UCA 4l-la-202.(2)(j) indicates that Off Highway V ehicles cur- RETURN ADDRESS, and any request 123.00-130.00; 500-550 lbs 119.50- rently registered under Section 41-22-3 are exempt from registration require- for a hearing. Protest must be filed with 122.50; 550-600 lbs 112.50-119.50; 600- ments under State Law if the OHV is operated on a street or highwaydesignated the State Engineer, Box 146300, Salt 650 lbs 107.00-113.50; 650-700 lbs as open to Off Highway V ehicle use, and Lake City, UT 84114-6300 on or before WHEREAS, UCA 41-22-10.5 gives Local Governments the authority to desig"102.00-110.00; 700-750 lbs 100.00AUGUST 16,2006. These are informal 105.75; 750-800 lbs 99.50-102.75; 800- nated routes for OHV use in their jurisdiction, and proceedings as per Rule R655-6-2 of the 850 lbs 97.75-100.75; 850-900 lbs 95.00- WHEREAS, UCA 41 -22-10.1 indicates that registered off highway vehicles may Division of Water Rights. (The Period 98.50; 900-950 lbs 92.50-96.00; 950- be operated on public land, trails, streets, or highways that are designated by the of Use is generally year-round except 1000 lbs 90.00-94.75. irrigation which is generally from Apr 1 controlling Federal, State, County, or Municipal agency, Holsteins Steers: Large Frame 3 -200- NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby ordained as follows: to Oct 31 each year.) 300 lbs scarce; 300-500 lbs 89.00- Off Highway V ehicles as defined by Garfield County Ordinance 2003-3 that are CHANGE APPLICATION(S) 125.00; 500-700 lbs 79.00-101.00; 700- currently registered under UCA 41-22-3 and are operated on routes designated 97-2214(a31693): Escalante Town 900 lbs 75.00-88.50; 900-1000 lbs 71.75- for off highway use under UCA 41-22-10.5 are "street legal." Corporation, State of Utah Board of 79.50. Water Resources propose(s) using DATED June 12, 2006 550.0 ac-ft. from groundwater Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Commissioner D. Maloy Dodds, (Escalante City) for MUNICIPAL: In Frame 1-2:200-250 lbs scarce; 250- 300 Commissioner Clare Ramsay, Escalante. lbs scarce; 300-350 lbs 127.00-137.00; Commissioner Dell LeFevre 350-400 lbs 123.00-128.00; 400-450 lbs 61-2698(a31707): Harpin Living Trust DATE APPROV ED: June 12, 2006 110.50-119.00; 450-500 lbs 110.00propose(s) using 0.5 ac-ft. from groundPUBLIC NOTICE 119.00; 500-550 lbs 108.50-115.00; 550water (1 mile west of Hatch) for IRRIPUBLIC NOTICE The Garfield County Commission is 600 lbs 108.00-116.00; 600-650 lbs GATION; DOMESTIC. The Utah School and Institutional Jerry D. Olds, P.E., STATE ENGINEER 99.00-107.50; 650-700 lbs 99.50-107.00; considering the adoption of a 1.25 per700-750 lbs scarce; 750-800 lbs 93.50- cent increase in the transient room tax Trust Lands Administration hereby gives Published in The Garfield County Insider 100.75; 800-850 lbs scarce; 850-900 lbs rate. The funds collected from the in- notice that the following property is beon JULY 20 & 27. 2006. 93.75-95.50; 900-950 lbs 86.50-94.50; creased rate would be budgeted to cover ing considered for disposal through sale: PUBLIC HEARING 950-1000 lbs scarce; Heiferettes:-41.50- an increase in operation cost at the GARFIELD COUNTY Township 35 Aspen V alley Subdivision (Previcounty landfill. The ordinance will be ad- South. Range 3 East Section 27: E2E2, 80.50. ously titled Bear V alley Subdivision) Stock Cows: Medium and Large Frame dressed at 2:00 p.m. during the July 25th NW4NE4, E2SW4NE4, Panguitch City Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. If adopted, the in- NW4SW4NE4, SW4$E4 1: Few pairs 750.00-1,030.00/pr. Commission will hold a public hearing Slaughter Cows: Boning 80-85% Lean: crease would take effect November 1, Any party asserting a claim to a tem- on July 27,2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the City 41.25-49.75; Breaking 75-80% Lean: 2006, making a total transient room tax porary easement or right of entry in the / Library Conference Room, 25 South 40.25-47.00; Cutter 85-90% Lean: rate of 4.25 percent. subject property pursuant to 72-5-204, 200 East, Panguitch, Utah to discuss the 33.25-41.00. Utah Code Annotated who wishes to proposed Aspen V alley Subdivision (preADVERTISE IN Slaughter Bulls: Y ield Grade 1 1000make such easement or right of entry viously titled Bear V alley Subdivision) 1500 lbs scarce; 1500-2450 lbs 57.75permanent may file an appropriate ap- (northwest of Panguitch). 65.00; Y ield Grade 2 1000-1500 lbs The Aspen V alley Subdivision (preplication, as set forth in Utah Adminis50.00-53.75; 1500-2240 lbs 45.00-57.00; IT WORKS! trative Rule R850-80-250(2). Applica- viously titled Bear V alley Subdivision) Feeder Bulls 1025-1245 lbs 53.00-76.50. tions will be accepted during the follow- preliminary plat plan will be available for ing period of time: From: 8:00 A.M. Date: review at the Panguitch City Office BLM ACCEPTING BIDS FOR June 29, 2006 Until: 5:00 P.M. Date: between the hours of 9:00 a.m. -12:00 COMMERCIAL PINE NUT COLLECTION noon and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday September 29,2006 The Bureau of Land Management, Cedar City Field Office, is getting ready for TRUST LANDS ADMINISTRA- through Friday beginning July 7,2006. the 2006 pine nut harvest by offering commercial permits in the Indian Peaks Range. TION, 130 N. Main, Richfield, UT Bidding for those permitswill be by written sealed bid only and will be accepted until 84701 PUBLIC NOTICE 1 pm Mountain Daylight Time on August 3, 2006, at the Cedar City Field Office. Please take notice that the Garfield Applications will be evaluated purThe advertisement, bid prospectus, bid forms, and map are available by County Board of Adjustment has schedvisiting the Cedar City Field Office at 176 East DL Sargent Drive, Cedar City, Utah, suant to Sections 53C-1-302 and 72-5- uled a public hearing on Thursday, July 203(n(a)(D. Utah Code Annotated. If or calling the office number at (435) 586-2401. ' 20, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. in the Garfield Submission of the required security deposit and a written bid at not less than the no application is received, or if an appli- County Commission Chambers, located cation to make the temporary easement at 55 South Main Street, Panguitch, advertised appraised price shall be required to participate in bidding. Additional information on the product, condition of sale, and bidding may be or right of entry permanent is not ap- Utah, to receive public comment regardobtained at the BLM office in Cedar City before bids are submitted. proved, the temporary easement or right ing a variance request on lots 46 and 21 For those wanting pine nuts for personal use, no permit is required for up to 25 of entry will be extinguished upon the of the Panguitch Lake Estates Subdivipounds per year. execution of a certificate of sale. sion. "THE INSIDER" |