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Show Film Wednesday, August 28,2008 Sexy Jesus fails to rock Fitzgerald In TAicson, Ariz., "Where dreams go to die," Mr. Marschz (played by British actor Steve Coogan) is a STAFF WRITER failed television commercial actor The hype at the Sundance Film turned high school drama teacher Festival this year regarding "Ham- whose latest adaptation of "Erin let 2" set the benchmark pretty high. Brockovich" was shot down by the Viewers seemed to really want an- student theater critic Shea Pepe other festival jackpo't winner like (Noah Sapperstein). Things seemed "Little Miss Sunshine" or "Juno." as though they couldn't get any Unfortunately we're going to have worse for Mr. Marschz and his two dedicated theater students. That is, to wait until next year. With a clever title like "Hamlet until the class quickly grew from 2" my hopes for a film of greatness two students to more than 20. soared. Co-written by Pam Brady of At first, the new roughneck stu"South Park: Bigger, Longer & Un- dents are slow to follow the lead and cut" and "Team America: World Po- enthusiasm of the original two theslice," "Hamlet 2" was quickly tagged pians and their farcical teacher. Paas being highly demented and of- tience wears thin until Mr. Marschz fensive. While the film was at times decides to try and teach and inspire funny and occasionally amusing, his students like he's seen in the in the end was very mild. But I ad- movies time and time again. As a mit, it takes quite a lot to offend me. character reminiscent of Napoleon "Hamlet 2" meandered around a lot Dynamite (seriously, it's time to let of great ideas but never made up its it go), Mr. Marschz somehow helps mind on exactly where it wanted to the students find reason to particigo. It never seemed to win, lose, or pate in the next school musical, his offend—it*was kind of just there. recently penned "Hamlet 2." For John Fitzgerald more bad news, Principal Rocker (Marshall Bell) has just informed Marschz that all the arts funding for the school has been cut and this will be his last production as the drama teacher. That is until the theme of "Hamlet 2" is leaked to Principal Rocker making him attempt to stop the production altogether. Oh, and on top of all this, Marschz's wife (Catherine Keener) thinks he's sterile. After the students dope the teacher in the obligatory hallucinogenic drug scene, Marschz has a run in with a vice long forgotten and, after a comical attempt on his life, he decides to let the show go on. He is aided in part by Cricket Feldstein (Amy Poehler), the out for blood lawyer who will sue anyone for anything, anytime. In afilmthat seemed to be playing off "High School Musical," "Patch Adams," "Mr. Holland's Opus," "Dead Poets Society," "Leaving Las Vegas" and "Dangerous Minds," I was constantly trying to figure out if the movie was so bad it was trying to make fun of these movies, or if it really was just a bad movie. My gut feeling tells me the latter was right. "Hamlet 2," with its "Rock me, sexy Jesus" catchphrase and filmmakers not afraid to offend (judging by past projects), seemed like a movie that was supposed to shock, but it just didn't. It seemed that there would be a big payoff or some sort of redemption for having alluded to so many other movies both high school and non-high school alike, but there wasn't. In a movie where lines like "I*m married to a Jew! I*ve got nothing to lose" are thrown about, it seemed like the film wanted to rant against Hollywood, or anything really, but never quite got there. In the end it was all smoke and mirrors and another victim of the Sundance hype. It may not have hit all the marks audiences wanted it to, but don't worry because Sundance is only five months away. Maybe next time. j.fitzgerald@chronicle.utah.edu |