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Show 2 Thursday, August 28, 2008 I I -*. wf I I ^— ' J EDITOR'S NOTE with Case The Pulse A lyrical 'interview' .• o •. A • • A Erik Lopez Welcome back STAFF WRITER You've seen it a million times already elsewhere so I'll only say it once here: welcome back to school. If you weren't around to read the paper during the summer, then welcome also to the Red Pulse, the arts & entertainment supplement of The Daily Utah Chronicle. I invite you to take the time to read it and send us any stories you think we should cover or improvements you think we should make. We also greatly encourage local artists to get in touch with us, especially those artists affiliated with the U (going to, teaching at or living close to). You can reach us at t.hale@ chronicle.utah.edu or k.stegerwald@ chronicle.utah.edu. Thanks for reading and welcome back to school. Kyle Stegerwald For info on writing for Red Pulse contact the editors. I am sitting in my room, six shots of whiskey in and two years of love lost. Sound familiar? It should because it's the raw material for every singer/songwriter album written by a lovelorn 20-something with a tear-in.my-beer sob story and a guitar. Fortunately, Neko Case is not your conventional open-tuned crooner. Since 1994, she has been sharpening her teeth and tugging at the heart strings with punk bands such as Maow in Vancouver, as well as transforming into a wood-grain chanteuse in her own band. My two favorite Case albums, Furnace Room Lullaby and Fox Confessor Brings the Flood showcase her subtle, moody and moving voice, which complements and strengthens stories weaved together through confessional verse (confessions that nonetheless remain ambiguous in ownership). I recently sat down in my living room, downed a six pack, and started playing my guitar to the tune of eight questions (in E» minor). Here is what Case had to say to me: Chronicle: I have noticed that there are a lot of strong female singer/songwriters who have a Advertising 801-581-7041 News801-581-NEWS Fax801-581-FAXX EDITOR: Trevor Hale Chase Straight, Christie Franke, Makena ASSISTANT EDITOR: Kyle S t e g e r w a l d Walsh, Sarah Custen WRITERS: John Fitzgerald, Erik Lopez, PAGE DESIGNERS: Alyssa Bailey, Chad Zavala Red Pulse Magazine is a division of The Daily Utah Chronicle, published once a week during Fall and Spring Semester* (excluding test weeks and holidays) and once a month during Summer Semester. Reel Pulse editors and staff are solely responsible for the newspaper's content. Funding comes from advertising revenues and dedicated student fee administered by the Publications Council. To respond with questions, comments or complaints, call SO!-581-7041 or visit www.dailytiUthehronide.con}. The Chronicle and Red Pulse are distributed free of charge, limit one copy per reader. Additional copies of the paper may be made available upon request. No person, wittiout expressed permission of The Chronicle, may take more than one copy of-any Chronicle issue. Neko Case will be playing tonight August 28, atthe Gallivan Center. Show starts at 7pm. large lesbian following. You seem to evade this. Why is this and how do you do it? Case: Oh, the path you walk is on fire, so wild and unashamed. With a passion you inspire, I'm rmnn-i l u a n t-Vi/^eo m a n nt n-air gonna keep those men at bay. Chronicle: On the same vein as that last question, you also seem to be under the radar of a lot of people who like more sincere guitar music. Why do you think that is? What could account for your minor obscurity? Case: When the new crowd starts to bore you just remember there is someone to adore you. When you're weary of nights out on the town, look for me, I'll be around. Chronicle: Next question, how does it feel to be an honorary Ca- See NEKO 'Page 5 |