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Show The Salt Lake Tribune and The Deserel News Thursday, August 28,2008 A7 JTnt DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Provided by: Classified Deseret News ®f)f 9alt£nkr 3ritmne Place your ad online at www.yourutahclassifieds.com or call 237-2000 in partnership with 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted 100— Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted 200—Unfurnished Apartments " V f l H O O l n'O'tlODS" 270—Unfurnished Houses 270—Unfurnished Houses SALT LAKE AfiEA HOUSES EASTSIDE AND WESTSIDE AND NEARBY COUNTIES DAVIS-WEBER-TOOELE UTAH AND SUMMIT SOUTH JORDAN 11036 Cadburv Dr. 4bd. 3ba, no imoKo/pot $1895 SAFEGUARD 566-9339 ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION 8 SPECIALIST Beginning Yearly Salary $29,760 to $31,200 bated on oducafion and experience. Excollont benefits. Rosumoi will be accepted until the position Is flltod al iho Housing Authority of Salt Lake City 1776 So. Wcit Tomplo, SLC, UT841 15. Email: l5tocking@haiki/tah.org or Fo* 801-466-3240. EOE. For accommodation with application procosi call 801-487-2161 exl.1203 (voice) or 801-487-3361 (TDD). AUTOMOTIVE LOTATTENDANT Mark miller Subaru Is hiring pari lime lot attendants. Mint bo at least 18yrs old with good driving record. Apply al 3734 South State Streol of lend resume to mlkoi@markmillor.com MECHANIC Mark Miller Subaru h hiring experienced mechanic, wilti own icoli and good driving rocord. Apply at 3734 South Stale Strool or send resume lo miko((S5)m a rkmiller.com CHILD CABE TEACHERS Summer Positions Now Available. FT of PT working vtlth school ago children. Compahika wage lor enthiniaitic per. ion. Permanent posiiioni avail, with BENEFITS Learning Tree Schools Murray 266-3590 Weit Volley 974-5B86 Won Jordan 255-3325 HEAVY EQUIPMENT : OPERATORS » Hunl Electric is looking ;1 | for Hoovy Equipment ' Operators for iho Salt ! Lako, Park City ond ,( Ogdon aroa. CDL license preferred. Email your resumo lo; Succeod@ HunlElocirk.com or fax to 801-975-0511 • Contact Hunl Electric a! • 801-975-8844. FUBUCIDAD CLASIF1CADA HACE MAS COSAS PARA MASPERSONASOUE CUALQUIER OTPA FOfiMA DE PUGUCIOAO, Print Finishing Spocialliei FA driver & jhlp/rcc help; maturo, friendly, team playor, detail orientod. Apply al 1507 So. Gladiola Str. bring current MVR. HEALTH CARE Qualified Mental Retardation Profnijlonal (QMRP) for 16 bed caro center. College dogree rea. FT. Wage nego. Benetlis, 401k avoir Call Carol 968-8122 Want a family vacation but don't know where to get the extra money? Deliver a newspaper route! See our ad in today's classifieds. D I I I I I T A C I W C Y North Temple Now hiring tor Housekeepers. Flexible days & weekend* avail. Groal Pay' Groat BenefltsI Groat Bo mo Incentives! Apply at 2170 W. North Tomplo or fax 801-359-7575. No phone colls please. Candlewood Suites North Temple Now hiring for Executive Housekeeper. Flexible days fi weekend* avail. Groal Payl Great BenefitsI GroaT Bonus Incentives! Apply al 21 70 W. North Tomplo or fax 801-359-7575. No phono colls please. INSTRUCTORS OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Part time $2500 Sign-on Bomn Excollont benefit! beginning the day you ilart. 60 part of ovr r«hob team whars wo "Get people back to work, lo play, lo living." Apply onlino ati www.nealthsovth.com /careen Keyword: Utah Job IDr 5215 Equal Opportunity Employer HEAUHSOUTH. Rehabilitation Hoipiial INSTRUCTORS ®Jir SSalt £akr eritmnr K t M t r A r e * HoallhSoulh Homa Health Is looking for an HOTEL COME JOIN USI 'RE GOING PLACES! A Candlewood Suites Morning News ACCOUNTING CLERK/ OFFICE ASSISTANT Full, Time: $11.00 per hour Working with people with diiobllillos in a workshop. Mon-Fri. 30 hrs wkly. Medical/Dental/ Retirement offorod. 8.00 hrly +Exp. Call Nlci @ 975-6539. EOE M/F/D/V MEDICAL OFFICE Busy pediatric from office seeking 2 individuals with groat customer service and multi-tasking. Previous modical a MUST, iome billing axperlonco preferred. Full/part-time rtours, may Include some ovos and weekends. This fun, upbeat pediatric office li located in Murray with wonderful doctors ond staff. Pleate fax reiume lo Office War. at 801-747-8701. Provides clerical support to the CFO and department managers, and performs general office duties within the accounting department. Measures ads In printed copy and compares the measurements with the computer-generated manifest to ensure accuracy for billing purposes. This position requires the ability to be flexible and solution-oriented, meet deadlines and work efficiently under pressure with frequent interruptions. Applicants must have excellent math skills with emphasis In ability to compute percentages and computations Involving decimals, basic bookkeeping (education or equivalent work experience), strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as accurate typing and data entry skills. Must be able to use a 10-key machine and computer applications MS Word, Access, Outlook and Excel. Submit resume to Robin at adv500@applyutah.com, or fax to (801) 237-2711. A typing test will be given at time of application. CALL TODAY 237-2000 Over 500 Apaiimonti Studios $400 to $635 1 Bdrm. $425 lo $875 2 Bdrm. S525toS1075 3 Bdrm. $715 to $1200 Express Rentals 261-4433 www.Bxprestrontali.com SALT LAKE CITY 2 & 3 bdrm apis, hugo fir plani, groal mgmt, call tor dotails 263-1620 3960 S. 500 E. COTTONWOOD & Sandy Jirtl bring tuitcat* luxuri-' oui •xftculivs homes. 2-6 Bdrrm. Ptti welcome aalodglng.com 943-3450 800-246-2992 EXPRESS RENTALS bdrmi avail, quiet community, huge fir plans, CIOMI to ichooli & ihopping. Lincoln Park 4236 S. T615 W. 262-7921 HEY LANDLORDS LIST IT FOR FREE DRAPER 14338 Mayfield 4bd/3bd, fam rm view no smoke/pots 51 395 SAFEGUARD 566-9339 HOLLADAY 5 bdrm., 3 ba. 2 car, rcc room, don. 2180 E. Sunnybrook (4020 S.I $1700. Broker /Owner 571-6293 R1VERTON 12229 Haven Hills, Lovely 3bd, 2ba, no imofce/pel SI795 SAFEGUARD 566-9339 200—Unfurnished Apartments MAGNA RENT & DEPOSIT SPECIAL O A C , Elk Run Apartments 8 5 2 5 W . 3 6 1 5 S. 252-0200 MIDVALE 3bdrm, heat & hoi woter Incl. hkps, pen okay 566-6674 or 485-3922 COTTONWOOD HGTS Executive rental, absolutely perfect, just bring luircase! $1 195 Kovln 205-1263 Coldwell Banker MIDVALE FREE HEAT FREE HOT WATER FREE CABLE TV 1 bdrm., 1 ba., starling at $590. Call n o * for availability. No Pets. VVVJII worth tho wail. 565-0691/ 25-1-7639, MIDVALE RENT SPECIALI 3 & 4 bdrmi available Garage incl. ChaddsFord 255-2825 7440 S. 900 E. 64% of adult s who plan 10 look for a Lcwc BOUNTIFUL/SANDY 6bdrm, 3ba. Rent To Own! No Qualifylngl Low Down. 897-8890 FIND IT FAST OFFICE AT 1 24 E. 3900 S. www.oxprosirontali.com TAYLORSVILLE I . 2 & 3 Please call us for all your Classified Needs. 237-2000 100'S OF HOMES new job In I be next year read Vie Salt Lake Tribune or De- CALL 261-4433 GOOD-BAD CREDIT OK PET OK / N O PE1 HOMES RENT-LEASE-OPT TO BUY 2 Bdrm $550 and up 3 Bdrm $750 and up 4 Bdrm $950 and up 58drm $1025 and up 2BdrmMobilo $550 Udrm+Garage $500 2Bdrm+Carport $630 28drm+750 sq.fl. $725 3Bdrm Mobile $750 2Bdrm 2Garage $850 3Bdrm 2 Garago $900 •IBdrm+Garago $895 3Bdrm+Garago $975 4Bdrm 28a Fence $950 4Bdrm 2Kitchen $1050 5Bdrm3SaDon $1025 4Bdrm38o 2Gar $1150 68drm Don Gar $1200 5Bdrm 3Ba 2Gar $1200 5Bdrm 2Ba 2Gar $1250 4Bdrm 3Garago $1400 6Bdrm 38a Den $1450 5BdrmOen2Gar $1425 5Bdrm3BaDon $1500 4Bdrfn3Ba 2Gar $1450 6Bdrm 3Ba 3Gar $1600 LUXURY HOMES 300+homes $1300-2500 Morning News. NO QUALIFYING Hundreds of Home* with SELLER FINANCING Real EjiCennoct455-8555 WEST JORDAN 2bd/2ba, 51200/mo. 1500 sq.ft. fenced yard, Call Cordoll 801-243-3051 Classifieds work. Cloiilffecis Condos, Townhomes CONDOS/TOWN HOMES OVER 200 UNITS 1 Bdrm S550 lo $860 2 Bdrm $600 to $1300 3+Bdrm $750io$16O0 Expron Rental! 261-4433 www.axpr9ssrentals.com SOUTH SALT LAKE Newly Romodoled 1 500 tq ft. townhome $995 ONE MO. FREE OAC Mountain Ridge 253 E 3570 S 263-2024 DUPLEXES & 4 PLEXES OVER 150 UNITS 1 Bdrm $450 to $700 2 Bdrm $500 to $1200 3+8drm $695 lo $1500 Express Rentals 261-4433 www.exprcsirenta ll.com '01 AUDI A6 2.7AWD blue $10,995 292-4433 www.wilioyford.com CALL 261-4433 •97 CHRYSLER Sebrlng Sal. Auction 1 pm Buy Out! $1350 270-0900 dl5843 SALT LAKE IMMACULATE, UGHT, OPEN, AIRY 38D, 2BA, DOUBLf GAR. SI,250. EROGAN RE/MAX METRO 364-0824 '07 FORD Focm SE power pko white SI 1,995 2924433 www.willoyford.com "02 FORD Ranger now molor Call Randy 604-9477 "07 KIA Spoctra EX 4dr 27k $1 1,995 292-4433 www.wllloyf ord.com SANDY Romodolod 6 bdrm, air, 3 bath, fenced yard, garage. Private. $1500. 859-91 18 237-2000 CAU WANT ADS 237-2M0 •08 MAZDA 31 1 5k while this wookond $14,995 292-4433 www.willeyford.com '02 SUBAfiU Forester rroof $8,995 292-4433 www.wllloyford.com Rent To Own Can! Nor Crodit Checks) Drive Away Todoyl $500 down $200/monm. 2770 S. 300 W, 4B6-5134 We are a unique and diverse, media company with an exciting new vision for the future. We continue to expand and grow our many and varied customer-focused products, including ' Utah's two largest daily newspapers. • NAC Is looking for individuals wha waul to invest in their own future by being part of a (ofward-looking company. • You can build a career by taking advantage of the opportunities for advancement and growth we have to offer, In addition to agreal working environment, NAC offers: Comprehensive Benefits Package, including Health Insurance and 401(K), Competitive Pay. Free Parking and Employee Fitness Center. The Newspaper Agency Company LLC (NAC) is a progressive and growing Equal Opportunity Employer. we've Call Robin Today! 801.237.2512 '05 DODGE Caravan SXT 45k blue 510,995 2924433 www.wllleyford.eom '07 FORD E250 cargo van 6k $16,995 292-4433 www.willflyford.com •04 FORD Freestar, 86k Sat. Auction 1 pm Buy OtrH S5495 270-0900 dl5843 '05 KIA Sodona 42k 7posi clean $8,995 292-4433 www.willeyford.com '04 MAZDA MPV7pass $10,595 292-4433 www.willeyford.com Sport Utility Vehicles '08 FORD Expadillon EL XIT loathsr $26,995 2924433 www.wllleyiord.com resume CALL AT 237-2512! Retail Territory Sales Reps Earn $32,000 Annually "05 FORD Fjcapo XLT loaiher $13,995 292-4433 www.wllloyford.cem '05 FORD Freestyle AWD 45k loaded $14,995 292-4433 www.wllleyford.cofn '04 FORD Expedition oc r soat $10,995 292-4433 www.wllleyford.com or more depending on experience plus Commission. Submit resume to adv37G@applvutah.com or fax to (801) 237-2711. '04 LANDROVER Froolander $10,995 292-4433 www.willoylord.com 2 Years Sales Experience Preferred. Niche Products Sales Rep '08 FORD Explorer r ieat 4k blue 519,995 801-292-4433 www.wHleyford.com "07 FORD Explorer Eddie Bauor 16k $21,995 2924433 www.willoyford.com ' Earn $30,000 Annually plus incentive. Submit resume to adv495@applyutah.com or fax to (801) 237-2711. YourUtahJob.com has just partnered with Yahoo! HotJobs to bring you more Salt Lake Area job listings. Sell advertising space to existing and prospective customers. Develop relationships with current accounts, make cold calls, and provide product and sales presentations using ImMedlate and PowerPoint programs. Requires excellent sales skills, effective Interpersonal and communication skills, excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. Must be organized and manage time effectively. Must have proof of auto insurance, a valid driver's license, and access to a dependable vehicle. A current Motor Vehicle Report will be requested at time of Interview. Magazine Sales Rep Earn $32,000 Annually or more depending on experience plus Commission. Submit resume to adv487@applyutah.com or fax to (801) 237-2711. Sell magazine advertising to existing and prospective customers- Requires an above average sales person to develop relationships with current accounts, makes cold calls, as well as provides product and sales presentations. Must have sales skills, effective Interpersonal and communication skills, excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, be well organized and manage time effectively. Must be able to make presentations using ImMedlate and PowerPoint programs, with a minimum two years magazine sales experience preferred. '08 MERC Mariner AWD white ipeclal $19,995 292-4433 www.wllleyford.com '07 TOYOTA RAV4 23k AWD $17,895 292-4433 www.willeyford.com •06 FORD 1/2 ion crew XLT 32k $18,995 292-4433 www, wlllayford.com 1 We're looking more impressive than ever with more job opportunities. More current listings. More of what you need to find the right one. "06 FORD 500 roof loathor loaded 31k $12,995 292-443 www.wllloyford.com "06 FORD crow 1/2 ton 4x4 roof loaded $22,895 292-4433 www.wllleyford.cofn "06 FORD K Ranch crew 1/2 ton roof block $23,995 292-4433 w w w.w I lie y for d .com '05 FORD F35O Larl.t xcab 19k larlet S28.995 292-4433 www.wllleyford.com Visit yourutahjob.com today. PLACE YOUR In partnership with YourUtahJob ©2007 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Source: Corzen i;6;tjobs' Inc.. 4/07 CLASSIFIED AD 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. MONDAY THRU THURSDAY AND 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. ON FRIDAY 237-2000 1 |