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Show Thursday, August 28,2008 KUTE soars once again level of programming never seen before from the humble radio station. Halls believes the standard radio STAFF WRITER signal is a thing of the past, and is According to ancient Phoenician currently developing a Facebook mythology, the phoenix is a mythi- application that will allow students cal firebird that dies in a nest set and other listeners to access streamaflame. Once the nest is reduced to ing K-UTE programming. By using ashes, a new phoenix arises. The a Facebook application to connect bird was said to have regenerative listeners with K-UTE, Halls looks powers, making it nearly immortal. to add an unprecedented level of interaction. Like the mythicalfirebird,U student broadcaster/listener radio station KUTE has risen from Online patrons will have instant acthe ashes to be reborn a stronger, cess to opinion polls conducted by live programs. The station also plans brighter bird. After continuous budget cuts and to have the application give listeners waning student support, 2007 looked access to archived programs, releaslike the end for K-UTE. It was an un- ing them from the rigid programfortunate but understandable situa- ming schedule that constrains stantion. With a history of inconsistent dard broadcasting. program schedules and a weak AM Halls and Kubichek have an ace signal, it was difficult for U students in the hole with the kind of conto access the content. Despite these tent they plan on broadcasting this nagging issues, the station was able year. Even with the technical probto procure enough funding to keep lems that have hindered K-UTE in itself afloat under the direction^f thejp&st, the programming planners former station manager Jamh tepdecTto be complacent. son. Since handing off the DTQVeTDi"Pe/iple just wanted to stick with al baton to marketing doctor Scan iheJftatus Jf quo, there h was no desire di Halls and distributipfydirector Bob^-lp-mnovate," Kubichek said. Kubichek, K-UTE i/tfoised to come ,3%i&. attitude has been given a back with a veng*?nce>;sOffering a/^swift karate-GjrofSTSourtesy of Halls Chase Straight and Kubichek's new approach to KUTE, which can best be described as nothing short of serious guerilla radio. Taking advantage of the station's small size and their plans to focus on Internet distribution, KUTE wants to be the balls-to-thewall renegade radio that informed and discerning college students deserve. Step number one was assembling a team of student DJs who were willing to provide the kind of programming content necessary to reach this level. All the new student DJs will work as volunteers, unlike in the past when they were given stipends. With the new approach being more of a labor of love, the DJs are given a large amount of freedom, empowering them to reach out and make some real noise. "The difference is that we love what we're doing. We've acquir; great team with really good ch try," said Kubichek. DJ James Thatcher agrees, IS excited to have the artistic freedom to play basicatly^vhateyeriie" wants, electronic music frpm Europe or playing "Dark ^de^artlie^oonJjLn its entirety. "Radio is so commercialized, they play it because they have to, not because they want to. Radio has lost its edge," he said. The direction that K-UTE has recently taken seems to encompass more of a lifestyle than just a way to play music and talk shit. The station plans to sponsor a safe sex campaign in the fall, hold an open mic day weekly at the Heritage Center for students to dish out praise or vitriol, and they even want to start an online television station. Only time will tell how many of KUTE's recent innovations will take root, but it's certainly a good start for a station that has been irrelevant to most students for some time. Kubichek understands the challenges that await, and looks forward to and"c£re"Ss they've riuHnro^their statidn/it's easy to believe tnatquality -^nkertainnient will come of r *""" — the*1 imperishable phc ~"~ has been reborn. As Kubiche :'re back from the 1 K-UTE online at wwwMtahJedu/kum 5 ) O |