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Show Help Wanted November 19,2007; DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE B4 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted NURSE LPN/RN Medical Front Oftlea MAINTENANCE We are currently seeking a partINSTRUMENTATION for Plastic Surgeon Fax resume NURSE MARKETING LEGAL OFFICE SERVICES Maintenance and repair of time dispensary nurse to comINSTRUMENT & ELECTRICIAL TraskBrltt, P.C. Is seeking an ofURS CORPORATION Is a leading 266-3401 or heavy manufacturing/ Industrial plete our Orem clinic. Valid liTECHNICIAN Merrick worldwide consulting firm spe- hlneswmd9qwest.net fice services manager with equipment. Swing Shift CNAS & HOUSEKEEPERS cense required. Hours Include Responsible for safely trouble records experience. Detail oricializing In engineering, applied MEDICAL Bank mainly Saturdays and some shooting £. repairing electrical & ented, professional, organized, opening: 3:00pm-11:30pm. and environmental sciences and Medical Asst/LPN for homecare visits. Must be reMANUFACTURING Instrumentation equipment in computer architectural design. If you're a Full time position working in a liable £ have own transporta- Sundays with occasional weekproficient. Valid Position requires troubleshoot- Merit Medical Systems, inc. Is a day hours. Send your resume eluding compliance with rella drivers' license. Mln. 3 years strong team player with excel- highly dynamic, progressive arid Innovadynamic cardiology tion. Competitive pay par visit. blllty, quality assurance, envl similar exp. 4 year related de- ing, repair and preventatlve tive company with a strong global lent communication skills, clinic. This Individual must be a Call Melanle 281-0537 or fax to: DISCOVERY HOUSE, of machines/ presence. Merit currently has the 714 South State Street Orem, ronmental & government pro- gree preferred. Excellent bene- maintenance come Join the team ranked the self-starter and patient ori- 28B-2443 UT 84056. Fax: 801-426-6464 grams. Collect meter readings & fits. Salary DOE. Resume toequipment: electrical, following Manufacturing openings: number one pure design firm ented with previous medical of- harmonyhomehealth.com mechanical, electronic, or email perform calibration of meters & cdoe3Ptraskbrltt.com or ASSEMBLER 00 Openings) by Engineering News Record. We fice exp. Excellent benefits and hydraulic, pneumatic and PLC/Murray, UT Assembles medical Jsanford9dlscoveryhouse.com analyzers. Maintain preventa- fax 801-961-9835. have the following position competitive salary. Email re- NURSE Loglc Control equipment. Com- products on an assembly operation, Powerful commitment, exceptlve maintenance system. Must available In Salt Lake City. REGISTERED NURSE sume to puter skills, and multi-tasking performing a variety ol tasks on a lonal nursing opportunities for be able to be on-call & respond LEGAL hr9heartandlunglnstltute.com Medical ICU rotating basil. Applicant must have skills required. a lifetime-check us out on the to pager/cell phone call-outs. P/T FILE CLERKDowntown law MARKETING MANAGER Acute Medicine Rehab Unit Subject: Medical Asslstant/LPN • the ability to web at www.dlscoveryhouse.com Must be able to travel (25%) to firm seeks a professional IndiSurgical Unit Wages based on experience and perform a variety of assembly tasks URS Is seeking a Marketing MEDICAL OFFICE remote locations lor support vidual for our records dept. Manager with the ability to Surgical ICU requiring dexterity and fine motor Experience with process analyz- Responsibilities include: re- ability. Benefits, paid vacation, skills. Be able to visually check work think strategically and cre- Busy office expanding, looking Operating Room ' ers and Allen Bradley PLC's de- shelving files, retrieving files 11 paid holidays, personal atively. Prime responsibilities for PT/FT position. High en- Manager of Clinical Staff Develperformed and Identify whether a sirable. Must be able to read & from file rooms and distribut- days, 401(k) and more. Apply in product has been assembled corinclude developing marketing ergy, multl tasker & must have opment & Education Program understand P&ID's and wiring ing to firm personnel and locat- person Mon-Frl from 8am to rectly. To apply and see detailed Job materials and presentations, high speed at keyboard. Medi- Inpatlent Psychiatry (part-time) 3pm at LEVOLOR KIRSCH schematics. Knowledge of dec ing lost files. Other duties descriptions visit our website conducting research, assisting cal exp. Is preferred!I Beautiful Infection Control trlcal distribution systems S assigned. Candidates must have WINDOW FASHIONS www.merlt.com under the "Careers" in preparation and/or coordina- office, excel, benefits. Antlcoagulatlon Clinic (part2525 W. 1700 S., SLC. We are motor control centers prefer excellent organizational skills & tab, ond click on "Application". tion of business development Fax resume 527-2680 time) able. Must possess excellent MERIT MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. basic computer knowledge. If an Equal Opportunity NURSE meetings, responding to RFP- MEDICAL OFFICE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE Employer. Murray Facility: 79 West organizational skills. Praxair of' Interested, please email to: MOTIVATING.CHALLENGING. s/RFOs and managing public re- Busy office expanding, looking Acute Medicine/Rehab Unit 4510 South Murray, UT 84107 fers competitive salary & com' recrultment9wnlaw.com REWARDING. lations endeavors. Additionally, for PT/FT position. High en- NURSE PRACTITIONER 801-253-1600 recrultlngtfmerlt. prehenslve benefit pkg. To ap' Attn: File Clerk the Marketing, Manager works ergy, mult) tasker & must have Pain Medicine and Palliative Care com ply, visit our web site at: www.' At Garden Terrace Alzheimer's EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER closely with Business Line Leads high speed at keyboard. Medipraxalr.com Click on Careers LEGAL SECRETARY In developing and monitoring cal exp. Is preferred!! Beautiful The applicant selected for this Center of Excellence In Salt Career Opportunities & Search Draper Law Firm seeks to hire FOOD & DRUG STORES forecasting, marketing plans office, excel, benefits. position will be eligible to apply Lake City, we offer a unique and IIUHllllllBIHI for Administrative/ Technician/ an enthusiastic, organized & deexciting experience In our nursand supporting sales strategies. Fax resume 527-2680 for an education loan MARKETING Driver/ Other Career Opportuni pendable FT Legal Secretary. MAINTENANCE Mechanic ing department for our reimbursement award under the ties. Click on the Job title from Candidate will support attor- Smith's Is seeklngan experi- Events ManagerClose To My MEDICAL General Requirements: A miniprovisions of the Education associates. Heart, a growing scrap booking the complete Job List or search neys In the practice area of Cor- enced ORAL SURGERYF/T Front Office. Surround yourself with a team porate, Real Estate £ Construc- MalntenenceMechanlc.Must company In Pleasant Grove Utah mum Bachelor's Degree In re- Dental or Medical exp. req. Fax Debt Reduction Program by Job number 0702158. of caring, challenging profestion law & will perform adminis- have 2-year associate degree is In need of an energetic, expe- lated major as well as work ex- resume & refs. 561-8286 EOE M/F/D/V perience for at least 8 years In ••criteria for all positions avail- sionals who aspire to meet the trative tasks. Exp. not nee. Fax and/or 3 years commercial ex- rienced, & creative 'Manager of same goals as you. the architecture, engineering, MEDICAL able by contacting Nurse INSURANCE perience In resume to (801)571-9929 Events'. This Is a F/T. benefited CNAs|RNs|LPNs Recruiter or P5 Health Plan Solutions, a subelectrical and mechanical re- position with the following re- and construction industry. Can- Physical Therapist Assistant sidiary of Pinnacle Health Sys- LEGAL SECTION pair, experience In repairing sponsibilities: Identify, plan & didate must have working- Part time for busy physician wnw.vacarcers.va.gov owned clinic. Potential for FT Full-time, part-time and PRN tem and Healthcare Partners, Is Blue Healthcare Bank, providing food-processing equipment, a develop budgets £ prodecures knowledge of Word, Excel, one of the nation's most Inno- products and services to Blue- good driving record and a cur- for the department, organize & PowerPoint, illustrator, Photo- work and rapidly growing clinic. •Guaranteed hours for full and positions are available with new wage increases. part time staff vative healthcare companies. Cross BlueShleld Plans In the rent copy of your driving record plan corporate events, research shop and possess a strong at- Experience preferred. Fax resume to 284-8699 Implementation of Consumer from DMV. fax/e-mall resume sale aides for events, advance tention to detail. Shifts not cancelled If census Ask about our sign-on We are seeking the following: bonuses available! Driven Healthcare Plans (CDHP) to: AUDITOR the Events processes of theURS Is looking for a highly moti- MEDICAL PHYSICAL THERA- drops This position plays a critical Is looking tor QUALIFIED candi- Dieter Thurnwald, Company with other depart- vated Individual with experi- PIST Tech F/T, for busy ortho- • Full time RN's accrue 5 weeks Brenda Izatt, DON part In retaining clients and es- dates for the following posi- 1-801-973-1758, ments & outside vendors, & ence in managing people and pedic clinic. Experience pre- vacation annually 801-261-3664 ' " projects successfully. Position ferred. Excellent benefits. Fax tablishing the reputation that tions: dleter.thurnwald9sfdc.com. lead the Events Planning Team. Visit us online at the company has In the Indus- SR. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR To apply, please Qualifications Include: a mln. of requires multitasking end bal- resume to 284-8699 www.LCCA.com EOE/M/F/V/D Blue Healthcare Bank Is seeking try. Accurate transmission and contact: 5 years Event Planning/Manage- ancing several projects at one MEDICAL I NEW TODAY j Physician A » U - Vickie Bain, RN great communication Jobtt1827 tracking of claim submissions an experienced Sr. Contract Adment experience, excellent writ- time, tantFT, Mon-Frl days. Come ministrator to work with In- MAINTENANCE and pay Nurse Recruiter New Trane ten, verbal & organizational skills and a positive, team-oriwork at an adolescent residenented attitude. This person house counsel to prepare and Rental Operation In SLC 2 Posi- skills, and the ability to manage REQUIREMENTS: VA Medical Center tial treatment program. Provo Minimum of five years experi- negotiate legal agreements with tions MAINTENANCE TECH: Prep several projects at once. We are must have excellent creative, 500 Foothill Drive Canyon School has been sucwriting, editing and production both vendors and customers. ence In claims payment setting chillers for rental duty. Build £ looking for a friendly, creative, Salt Lake City, UT 64148 cessfully treating youth and skills. Candidate will lead and particiExcellent working knowledge of overhaul pumps. Pipe, MIG, TIG, and dynamic Individual. A bach801-584-1219 wort Ing with families for over pate In negotiations with cusmedical claims administration & gas welding. 5 yrs. exp. req. elor's degree In Public Relations 36 years. Must have current li- fax: 801-584-1251 Ability to troubleshoot report- tomers to produce letters of au- CHILLER SPECIALIST: or Marketing Is preferred, We offer an attractive compen- cense and work well with youth. VlckIeJo.Baln9va.gov thorization, statement of work, sation package Including flexiIng and be able to differentiate Maintain & repair chillers. In- though non-college graduates If interested, please apply to: between system problems and joint marketing agreements,- spect & test. 7+ yrs. commer- with be considered. CTMH of- ble benefits. Apply on line at Equal Opportunity Employer master administrative agree- cial AC exp. w/varlous ton- fers excellent pay, benefits and www.urscorp.com Reference Provo Canyon School processor error NURSE MOTIVATING.CHALLENG4501 N University Ave ments, and supervise. Requires »URS24488 EOE M/F/D/V nages & Assoc. degree In AC "GREAT BENEFITS, COMPETIa great working environment! ING.REWARD1NG. Provo UT 84604 TIVE SALARIES, FRIENDLY ENVI- 5 years experience working In a tech. req. EPA cert. Both posi- We are located In Pleasant NURSE At Garden Terrace Alzheimer's Email: legal environment negotiating tions req. various shifts, on call; Grove, between SLC S Provo, MECHANIC RONMENT" 2 year RN wanted for busy or- Center of Excellence In Salt employment9provocanyon.com and preparing business con- computer exp. Qualified? Re- Utah. Please send resume to BODY SH0PS1000.00 Sign Apply online at: thopedic practice. F/T 40 hrs. Lake City, we offer.a unique and Fax: 801-227-2034 tracts and an advanced degree sume to fax 303-228-2828 or jobsiJ5closetomyheart.com WWW.PHS-C0RP.COM or on Bonus No weekends. Good computer exciting experience In our nursEOE under Employment Opportuni- In English, Journalism, or Com- Jacqueline.Pettit9trane.com fax to 801-847-3091, ATTN: Interested In a full-time Job knowledge, patient skills, an- ing department for our munications. Candidate should with excellent pay and benefits. EEO/AA ties - Subsidiary of Healthcare Scott. EOE swer phones, schedule surg- associates. Surround yourself MEDICAL possess basic to advanced Fast-paced growing company is Partners Company PHYSICIAN Medical Director eries, work with hospitals, good with a team of caring, challengworking knowledge of standard MANAGEMENT looking for a body mechanic to MARKETING EOE needed part time for our local medical decision making. Hos- ing professionals who aspire contract language and have ex- Hospital Privileges ManagerCHG Experienced SEARCH assist In major body repair of outpatient substance abuse fa- pital experience helpful. Send to meet the same goals as you. cellent written and verbal com- Healthcare Services Is currently ENGINE MARKETER LABORATORIES class 8 trucks. Heavy lifting & cility. Contracted position re- resume and cover letter to CNAs|RNs|LPNs Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc. munication skills. some tools required. Wage seeking a Hospital Privileges Full-time, part-time and PRN quiring 6 early morning hours bones9utahboneandjolnt.com Data Analyst - Genetic Sequenc- CONTRACT CLERK Manager. We req. candidates to Drive online sales for a portfo- based on experience. Send re- per Week. Fax CV to Program or fax to 801-713-0606 positions are available with '. ing (FT) Job Code: 4200-1155 Blue Healthcare Bank Is seeking have 2 years exp. as an lio of big brands (DISH Net- sume to: new wage Increases. Ask about Director at 801-292-2578. Due to new growth Myriad Is a contract clerk to assist Con- administrative supervisor, work, ADT, DIRECTV, and Central Refrigerated Service, Inc. our sign-on bonuses available! NURSE seeking several Data Analysts. tract Administrators and In- preferably In healthcare. Candi- more). "UTAH'S 5TH FASTEST Fax: 801-924-7337 Brenda Izatt, DON ATT: RN & LPN Analyze patient data output house counsel In administering dates should have experience GROWING COMPANY" MEDICAL www.centralref.com 801-261-3664 from genetic sequence analyz contracts with vendors and PT/ FT PHYSICIAN needed In an $500 Bonus for Contracts Equal Opportunity Employer hiring, training & monitoring Visit us online at ers to Identify mutations for customers. Duties Include urgent care setting In Lehl. Fax Flex. Per Diem also department productivity mea- For more Information please www.LCCA.com PICUNICUICUM/SER use in clinical diagnosis of pre- assisting In drafting and finaliz- s,ures and demonstrated com- visit resume to 801-768-1569 clearllnk.iapplicants.com MECHANIC EOE/M/F/V/D 801-685-8989 disposed risk for Breast, Ovar- ing various legal agreements, petence In motivating team or email Utah Transit Authority an- MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST/ Jobtt1827 ian, Colon, and other cancers. research, and administrative members to achieve desired re- HalleySJclear-llnk.com; 801- nounces openings In the Salt SCHEDULING NURSE Must maintain appropriate doc- support. Requires a minimum sults. CHG offers excellent com- 937-6960 Lake Business Unit Bus NURSE Full Time position working with umentation of analytical data of 3 years experience working pensation and benefits, Maintenance area for Transit patients In check In/ check out. CNAS & HOUSEKEEPERS RN'S $5000 and comply with all technical, as a paralegal or legal Vehicle Technicians. Minimum Must have excellent customer for homecare visits. Must be re- SIGN ON BONUS career growth, and a work-life liable £ have own transportasafety and administrative proce- secretary and possess strong balance. EOE/AA. Please apply qualifications are: Immediate needs for RN's on service and phone skills. Must O.C TANNER dures. Requires a BS/BA In bio- written and verbal communica- online at Must be at least 19 years of be a self-starter and multl- tion. Competitive pay per visit. Call Melanie 281-0537 or fax ICU. ED, and Med/Surg. Night logical,' chemical or medical lab- tion skills. A degree In English, age, high school diploma or www.chghealthcare.com shifts. Sign on bonus for full MARKETING Markat Rtiearch equivalent, one year of Techni- tasker. Excellent 288-2443 oratory science. Specific course Journalism, or Communications Job Code 45126 time positions with shift differProject Manager 0. C. Tanner Is cal School and/or one year re- benefits S competitive salary. harmonyhomehealth.com work In Molecular Biology, Hu- is preferred. Only qualified canentials. ED (emergency) must Interested applicants please looking for a numbers-oriented didates apply by sending their man Genetics, and Biochemistry MANAGEMENT lated experience and a satisfac- send resume as e-mail have 1-2 years experience. team player that can manage Is desirable. Six months Molecu- resumes to NURSE PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR tory score on an aptitude test Apply on line at: multiple projects and tight administered by UTA and have attachment with subject: COMPLEX CASE MANAGERCON- www.lakev1ewhospltal.com lar Biology or other clinical labScneduler/Receptlonlst to kkrotosky@bluebankfsb.com or CURRENT REVIEW NURSE oratory experience Is preferred, Simmons Company has an Im- deadlines effectively. This Indi- required tools. Must have a : PRE-AUTH0RIZAT10N NURSE however new graduates are also tax to mediate opening for a Produc- vidual will be responsible for valid driver's license and be ATNN: Rachel at encouraged to apply. Please (801)569-2977. NURSE RN/LPN tion Supervisor. Competitive the daily management of quan- able to obtain a CDL, DOT card hrtyheartandlunglnstltute.com Successful candidate must comsend or fax a cover letter speciFull-Time or Part-Time 20-30 hrs/, M-F w/ benefits. salary and great benefits, medi- titative and qualitative market and be forkllft certifiable. Com- MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST: plete background check and research projects. fying which Job code, a comavailable! General Povlde nursing/ medical sup-, cal, dental, 401k, tuition, pleted four foundation ASE Cer- Medical practice seeking ma- positions drug test. Equal Opportunity The O.C. Tanner Company has plete resume and the names of port for 24 kids in short-term reimbursement and more. tification classes in Auto, ture, friendly Receptionist to Med/Surg, Transplant, or NICU an excellent benefits package School Bus, or Medium or work out of American Fork or experience helpful three professional references Employer M/F/D/V day tx at 195 W 7200 S. Fax reResponsibilities Include; including medical/dental plans, to: sume to Barbara, 263-7203. Job Review production schedules Heavy Truck. Responsible tor West Jordan office. Primary duLoan OHIcer 401k retirement plan, paid holiMyriad Genetics, Inc. Experience Necessary. Broker and control associate hours, es- days, vacations, and bonuses. making minor repairs or assist ties Include: answer telephone, Requirements: RN's or LPN's SI 031-4. Attn: Human Resources has affiliation with a builder for tablish or adjust work proce- For a full Job description and to with major repairs and rebuild provide specialized Info, to pa- welcome to apply. Experience NURSE RN/LPN any and all coach systems, tients/ Insurance companies, preferred. 320 Wakara Way, a steady source of leads. Man- dures to meet schedules. Night Shift Available apply, visit www.octanner.com. Salt Lake City, UT 84108 FAX: agement opportunities avail- Implements and enforces all The O.C. Tanner Company Is an such as electrical, power train, schedule patient appts, Sign-on Bonus $1500.00 safety and quality policies and air system and perform prevenmaintain work area. One year of Apply today at http://careers.801-584-3741 able. Fax resume 801-796procedures. Resolves employee Affirmative Action/ Equal Op- tive maintenance work on medical office exp., basic com- cvty.com and refer to requisiJobs3>myrlad.com, 0874 Make a positive change. Join our Issues. Supervise approximately portunity Employer. coaches. Pay Rate Si5.11/hr, puter skills, outstanding com- tion No phone calls please - E0/AA plus $0.50/hr shift differential. munication end organizational 842506 - Complex Case Man- Ouality Award Winning SNF. MACHINIST Weir Specialty 20 factory employees. 2-5 MARKETING Employer. Call Tammy 601-262-2908. Apply online at skills req'd. Apply online at ager Pumps has an opening for a Ma- years experience UR5 CORPORATION Is a leading www.rideuta.com EOE LABORATORIES www.rmlnc.com. chinist In Its Salt Lake City loca859193 - Concurrent worldwide consulting firm spe- or any UTA office: Please see our sd under Hurt* tion. Candidate Is required to Apply via email to Review cializing in engineering, applied 1110 S Geneva Rd, Orem; MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST: RESEARCH Myriad Genetics, Inc. set up and operate major ma- ckerr9slmmons.com Pre-Authorlzatlon Cottonwood Treatment Center and environmental sciences and 3600 S 700 W, SLC; Private medical practice seeking 65613 Is seeking LPNs or RNs to help chining equipment Including or In person at 1130 S 3800 W, architectural design. If you're a Nurse LAW 135 W 17th St, Ogden. UTA is a receptionist to join our team empower change In the lives of lathes, drills and NC/CNC ma- Ste 100 SLC UT 84104 EEOE strong team player with excel- an Equal Opportunity Employer for our fast-paced front desk. BE A BOUNTY HUNTERCall children. PRN and PT positions chines; Interpret blue prlnts/lent communication skills, M/F/D/V. 801-467-3699 Strong telephone, computer, In ALTIUS are available. Cottonwood ofdrawlngs; verify and accurately come join the team ranked the terpersonal and multi-tasking HEALTH PLANS fers a competitive compensareport on quality and quantity number one pure design firm skills are a must! At least 2 EEO/AA Employer tion package with lucrative benLAW ENFORCEMENT of work performed; maintain a by Engineering News Record. MEDICAL ASSISTANT years experience In a medical efits available including Communications Administra- clean and organized work area. We have the following position FT position avail, for busy Inter- office required. This is a full NURSE MANUFACTURING BLOWMOLDfree daycarel Send resumes to tor/Supervisor This is a Journeyman level posinal Med., Exp. req. Fax available In Salt Lake City. time position which boasts a COMPLEX CASE MANAGERCON- damon.o,arner@>uhslnc.com or tion requiring commensurate ING MOLD TECHNICIAN MARKETING MANAGER URS Is 408-3598 competitive salary and robust CURRENT REVIEW NURSE Huish Detergents a large manufax to 801-433-2942. training and experience. QualiThis person manages seeking a Marketing Manager benefit's package, Including PRE-AUTHORIZATION NURSEapprox 15 civilians for busy fied candidates will possess at facturing company Is looking with the ability to think strategi- MEDICAL BILLING Full-Tlme or Part-Time 401k, Interested candidates, NURSING EMT», RNs, LPNs communications center operat- least four (4) years of experi- for a Mold Technician to work cally and creatively. Prime re- Myriad Genetic Laboratories, please submit resume to position! available! Genera Youth Care of Utah, an adolesing 24/7. Responsibilities In- ence operating NC/CNC lathes, in the Blowmoldlng department. Inc. - Billing Reimbursement kmrasmussen9yahoo.com or Med/Surg, Transplant, or NICU sponsibilities Include developcent residential treatment cenmills, machining centers, and Person would organize molds & ing marketing materials and clude budgeting, equipment Specialist (FT) Job Code: 4900- 801-281-2383. experience helpful Require- ter, is currently seeking PT and conventional machines. Machin- mold specific tooling, perform presentations, conducting re- 1197 management & more ments: RN's or LPN's welcome FT EMT's, RN's. and LPN's Commaintenance on molds and ist must be able to do own setto apply. Experience preferred.- petitive wages and benefits search, assisting In preparation Job Duties: Myriad Genetic Labups, calculate feeds/speeds, mold specific tooling; this In- and/or coordination of busi- oratories, Inc. Is seeking a deH/S diploma orequiv Apply today at clude repairs £ modifications as available for both PT and FT.required. 3 yrs exp In dispatch understand G&M codes, edit needed. Person must supply ness development meetings, re- pendable, detall-orlented Indihttp://careers.cvty.com Fax resumes 542-7099 EOE tapes when necessary, have or law enforcement preferred. vidual with medical billing/ coland refer to requisition sponding to RFPs/RFOs and own tools, and be available to own tools.Thls Is a day shift managing public relations en- lection experience Responsibili#42506 Complex Case ManNURSING Family ainfc 7am to 3:30pm. Wage starts at Applications will be reviewed do shift work. Weir Specialty $19.50 but will consider a per- deavors. Additionally, the Mar- ties Include genetic laboratory MEDICAL ager 059193 • Concurrent with selected applicants Invited Pumps offers a competitive son experience and Is nego-keting Manager works closely billing and collection of patient Review 65613 - Pre-Authorlza- HOSPICE RNCASE MANAGER X-RayTech to Interview on DECEMBER 10, salary, a $2,000 signing bonus, tiable. Company offers competi- with Business Line Leads In de- accounts as well as Insurance LPRT or RT tion Nurse ALTIUS HEALTH and benefits package. To be 2007. veloping and monitoring fore- follow up. Minimum Require- Full-Time position with bene- PLANS EEO/AA Employer All star Hospice Case Menaqer considered, send resume or ap- tive wages, comprehensive ben- casting, marketing plans and ments: Must have a minimum with special combination of talfits. Signing bonus available. efit package and advancement ply In person to: of 2 years experience working Competitive salary. Schedule Is Nuna Cottonwood Trtatnwnt ent, education and experience. Salary: opportunities. Person must be supporting sales strategies. Human Resources 547,461- $68,764 - DOE, able to pass a drug screening General Requirements: A mini- In medical billing/ collections. 4 days per week to Include 2 Center Is seeking LPNs or RNs Must be confident, self reliant, Dept.440 W 800 S Full Time/Full benefits and a background check. You mum Bachelor's Degree In re- Must have knowledge of CPT evenings. Easy access off 1-215. to help empower change In the critical thinker, thrive in Salt Lake City, Utah lated major as well as work ex- and ICD-9 coding. Excellent or- Fax resume Attn: Deb 801-365 lives of children. PRN and PT multi-tasking, seeking a career may apply at: Fax: 601-530-7907 communication, 1036 or email admin* perience for at least 8 years In ganizational, Applications: positions are available. Cotton- that challenges the head and hr^welrsp.com Monday thru Friday from 9:- the architecture, engineering, multitasking and teamwork foothlllfamllycllnlc.com www.tetonwyo.org/sherl f f wood offers a competitive com- warms the heart. Call MIchele at EOE 30am to 3:30pm at skills are a must. Preferred and construction Industry. Canor 160 S. King St Jackson, pensation package with lucra- 505-5013 Mortgage Loan Offlctr 1650 South 3600 West Skills; Genetic laboratory billing didate must have working Wyoming tive benefits available Including To make consistent, good NURSING Warehousett4or email knowledge of Word, Excel, Pow- and collection of patient acmoney In the lending) mort- free daycarel Send resumes to $500 SIGN ON BONUS employment.ut@riulsh.eom erPoint, Illustrator, Photoshop counts preferred. Please e-mail Application deadline: damon.garner9uhslnc.com gage business, you need good CNAs and NAs needed for all Equal Opportunity Employer and possess a strong attention a cover letter specifying which December 6, 2007 leads £ the experience to get fax to 801-433-2942. shifts. We have a great working F/M/V/D to detail. URS is looking for a Job code, a complete resume MAINTENANCE them sold, approved fi funded. environment with terrific pay, highly motivated individual with and the names of three profesAddition info - Captain Trlpp Full Time Maintenance In our We have a database of 10,000+ NURSE JOIN OUR tuition reimbursement and benWilson etlrement community excel- MANUFACTURING FABRICA- experience In managing people sional references to clients who already know who PROFESSIONAL HOME HEALTH efits. Will train/ certify CNA's and projects successfully. Posi- Jobs9myrlad.com. No phone 307.732-8202 or lent benefits fax resume to we are & over 18 yrs experience AGENCY "SIGN ON BONUS" TION & PRINTING Leading comMust be team oriented and tion requires multitasking and calls please - EO/AA Employer. 800.531.2331. 571-7640 apply 10970 S. In the industry. Different pay TOOELE AREA MANAGER mercial graphics firm seeks hard working. Please apply In balancing several projects at email: twllsonStetonsherift.org plans & benefits possible. If you self-motivated Individuals for 700 E. person at Sandy Regional one time, great communication MEDICAL are interested in a lasting ca- Full time position for a regis- Health Center, 50 East 9000. fabrication and printing depts. LAW ENFORCEMENT skills and a positive, team-ori- CANCER TREATMENT CENTER reer, call 801-676-1000 Details at www.FerrarlColor.com tered nurse responsible for the South, Sandy. Communications Administraented attitude. This person ADMINISTRATOR /MARKETER (about us). Fax or email resume dally operations of our Tooele tor/Supervisor This person MAINTENANCE must have excellent creative, Seeking Center Administrator to 801-355-4152, Become part of the Facilities Area Office. Candidates shall NUR5ING manages approx 15 civilians writing, editing and production with with health care operations | NEW TODAY | Activities Director (or busy communications cen- Team at UTA. UTA Is growing mlund3iferrarlcolor.com skills. We offer an attractive exp. Responsible for the day- Mortgage Loan Officer To make possess strong supervisory and Come work In a greatenvlronter operating 24/7. Responsibil- and we need Facilities Journey MANUFACTURING compensation package Includ- to-day operations of a stereo- consistent, good money In the lend- leadership skills to help main fain the quality of. care to resi ment. FT, training avail. Kathl ities Include budgeting, equip- Ists to Install, repair and trou- Salt Lake Manufacturing Plant ing flexible benefits. Apply tactic radlosurgery facility in the ing/ mortgage business, you need 523-0384 bleshoot various building & ment management & more on line at www.urscorp.com greater Escondldo area. Posi- good leads £ the experience to get dents In the Tooele area. Candihas Immedlatefull-timejobs: dates shall also possess excel NURSING Activities Director H/S diploma or equlv required. facilities equipment. Minimum Reference 8URS24488 them sold, approved & funded. We tion oversees staffing, budget/ qualifications: Must pass a quallent Interpersonal, communica Come work In a grcatenvlron3 yrs exp In dispatch or law EOE M/F/D/V Assembly-2nd Shift financial, physician relation- have a database of 10,000+ clients enforcement preferred. Applica- ifying exam and demonstrate Inspection - 2nd and 3rd Shift who already know who we are £ tlon, organizational and time ment. FT, training avail. Kathl. ships, marketing & compliance tions will be reviewed with se- applicable skills during the In- Machine Operator - 2nd and . ". over 18 yrs experience In the Indus- management skills. Prior home 523-0384 with all regulatory rules & MECHANIC lected applicants Invited to In- terviewing process. Must have 3rd Shift try. Different pay plans £ benefits health and supervisory experl NURSING regulations. Strong communicaSorensen Companies, a utility ence preferred. We offer an ex terview on DECEMBER 10, 2007. HS diploma or equivalent; three Maintenance - 2nd Shift team builder, critical possible. If you are interested In a years experience as either (a) excavation company, is seeking tor, cellent benefits package and C.N.A Evergreen Canyons Is Salary: lasting career, call 801-676-1000 thinker & business knowledge. Warehouse-1st Shift looking for a good strong staff Facilities Maintenance Journeya dlesel mechanic in our West competltlvecompensatton. $47,461- $68,764 - DOE, for days & evenings shifts. lst or (b) HVAC/Refrlgeratlon at Must be 18, have basic, com- Jordan location. Must have one- Great oppty. for existing health- MORTGAGE Full Time/Full benefits care administrator (BS In Please Contact Dave at Journeylst level or (c) Electrical puter skills, and able to speak, year experience with engines, Miller Mortgage is looking for Applications: controls at Master or Journeylst read and write in English. Apply hydraulics, and fuel injection Healthcare admin, pref. or RN exp., Loan Officer to network Send, fax or email a resume to B01-272-1892 or www.tetonwyo.org/sherlff Human Resources: In person Mon-Frl from 9am- systems. Must have own tools. looking for an oppty to step Apply In per son at level or (d) Graduation from an with 80+ agents, David 838or 180 S. King St 46,00 So. Highland Dr. approved Facilities Maintenance 3pm at LEVOLOR KIRSCH WIN- Experience with excavation Into a management role. Excel 7264 or Donna 838-7275 Jackson, Wyoming lent benefits & compensation DOW FASHIONS, 2525 W.1700 COMMUNITY NURSING program at a Journeylst level. equipment a plus. Full-time, utahmortgagepro5.com NURSING Application deadline: pkg. DOE. Email resumes: SERVICES Have or be able to obtain a S., SLC. Wo are an Equal day or swing shifts, with great C.N.A Evergreen Canyons Is December 6, 2007 Opportunity Employer MORTOAOE COL; must have either (a) benefits. Wage range $13.35 - Into42259yahoo.com looking for a good strong staff Addition Info • Captain Trlpp HVAC Certification; (b)Approved Mortgage PROCESSOR. Mln. 2 yr 6949 High Tech Or $22.50, BOE, Pre-employment for days & evenings shifts. MECHANIC Wlfson exp. req. Must have FHA exp. Salt Lake City, Utah 64047 Electrical Master card; (c) Apdrug screen & a clean MVR re- MEDICAL FILING CLERK Please Contact Davt at MECHANIC:Experlence quired. Please apply at 4185 Medical Filing Clerk needed for High pay potential. Work in o Fax: 601-233-6109 307.732-8202 or proved Electrical Journeylst LINE 801-272-1892 or with food processing and pkg 800.531.2331. E-mail: bphelps9cnsvna.org fun, exciting office. Call card; or (d) AAS In HVAC. Pay West 8370 South, West Jordan busy OB/GYN practice In West Apply In per son at 4600 Soi Equal Opportunity Employer email: twllson®tetonsherlff.- rate of $22.62/hr plus benefits. equipment a plus.Company of- or fax resume to 282-5555. Jordan. Medical Terminology 801-656-7604. Highland Dr. ' org Apply at any UTA office or on- fers competitive pay and bene- Call Jeremy at 801-628-7354 and/or previous experience In a NANNY fits. Starting pay $19.30 w/pay NURSEREGISTEREDNURSEFull NURSING CNA'S NEEDED line at www.rldeuta.com. for more information. See our medical office a plus. Please fax LEGAL ASSISTANT/ F/T, Bilingual Spanish req. 2 and Part Time Positions available for performance Increases. 3600 S 700 W, SLC; web site at www.goscl.com. resume to 569-5333. CASE MANAGER kids, must drive. Sandy area Jordan School District has open135 W 17th St, Ogden; 1110 S Email resume to; 8-12 hour shifts for our growSouth Valley PI Law Firm seeks Gil 808-1984 Fax to MEDICAL ASSISTANT MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE ings for an RN. Log onto Geneva Rd, Orem. Reference paul®cookletree.com 1 ing private duty division. full time assistant. Good Pay (801)265-2727 Exp. MA needed In a pleasant At busy Gl practice. FT. Experl' NURSE RN'SRN'i nefldtd for www.jordandlstrlct.org Job 81999. UTA IS AN and Benefits. E-mail Resume to or in person at Cookletree Bakfamily practice. Fax resume ence pret. Fax resume 263- Home Health & Hospice $30hr under Classified Positions EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Call Olivia or Mlcheleat 801utahhrmgrSihotmall.com. eries 4122 S. 500 W.. SLC. 282-2050 8485 for Job duties and application. Call 295-7113 973-0900. Smith's Foothill ATRIA |