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Show DESERET REEFER ARE | March You LOOKING | ‘PHE UE? STONED NOME know, cigarette smoking is bad for one’s lungs - and while no other ill effects can actually be substantiated — it is true that inhaling marijuana smoke is not the most healthy activity for your lungs. There is a way out, however, and that is taking your marijuana in the form of food — cookies, brownies, butter, etc. In addition to being healthier, you are also less likely to be busted by the police. They will nail you in a minute if they catch you with an ounce in your pocket on Here are a few favorite recipes for cooking with pot, furnished by Sinsemilla Tips (POB 432, Monroe, Oregon, 97456 — publisiied quarterly; one year’s subscription — $7.00;sample copy, $1.50) The “Stoned Gnome Chef” invites you to send your favorite recipes to be published in future editions of the Deseret Reefer. MARIJUANA BROWNIES — % cup butter or oil % cup honey 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla In an effort to both boost circulation and provide an alternative source of income for readers of the DESERET REEFER, we are offering our readers the opportunity to become a DESERET The way this works is quite simple. As more and more people take responsibility for their lives, they have an understandably increased concern about their health. As we all could be more American than chocolate chip (or carob chip) cookies? | DESERET REEFER — -|GUERRILLA | DISTRIBUTORS | “Guerrilla Distributor”. As you know, we are now charging twenty-five cents for eaxh copy of the Deseret Reefer. As a Guerrilla Distributor, you will have the opportunity to buy the Deseret Reefer in quantity, at a discount, thus making a profit from each sale. Any papers not sold may be returned for full credit (or cash refund). While many readers of the DR pick it up at the local head shops, there are many more who rarely (if ever) make it into a head shop. In addition, as long as the ‘‘Bong Ban Bill” remains in effect, the future of head shops — as head shops — remains uncertain. Thus, we think it is important to build an independent distribution network to supplement the efforts of stores to sell. the Deseret Reefer. _ With a population of one and one-half million in this state, the Deseret Reefer has a potential readership and circulation of 150,000 (based on governmental estimates of the number of pot smokers in a given population). In a real sense, this is an opportunity to get in on the “ground floor’’ of what could be an exciting (running the DR is never dull), profitable, freedom-oriented, indepen. dent business. If you are interested, contact Bob or Gary at the DR, phone 364-2149. 1/3 cuo carob METIS TTS i 2 Tbsp. dried milk 1 tsp baking powder 1-cup walnuts (or pecans) chopped 1/8 cup finely ground marijuana Mix butter and honey togetner. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Mix dried ingredients (except nuts and marijuana) seperately in a bowl and then combine with the honey/butter mixture. Stir fry the marijuana ina heavy pan over medium heat ( — that simply means keeping stirring the pot in the pan while frying) till alit wisp of smoke appears. Remove from heat. Add the marijuana to the brownie mixture. Stir in chopped nut and bake at 325 for 20-25 minutes in a greased 8-inch square pan. _Cool in pan before cutting. Makes 18 brownies. CAROB CHIP COOKIES %2 cup honey % cup butter | | 1 tsp salt 2 tsp baking soda ; ¥% to 1 cup of carob chips (depending upon taste) 1% cups whole wheat flour : % cup finely ground, sauteed marijuana (cooked over a low heat in butter) — or Use % cup marijuana butter in mixture in place of regular but- ter called for in this recipe (instructions for making marijuana butter are also in this column). , Mix honey and butter, add egg and vanilla. Mix dry ingredients separately and add to wet mixture. Add sauteed marijuana and carob chips. Drop on greased cookie sheet and bake at 375 for 8-9 minutes. OATMEAL/EVERYTHING COOKIES % cup marijuana butter % cup honey cups whole wheat flour cup oats cup wheat germ tsp baking soda tsp cinnamon. tsp cloves cup raisins | - % cup sesame seeds %2 cup coconut 1 tsp vanilla _ % cup orange juice Cream the butter and honey together. Add the eggs. Stir in the flour, oats, wheat germ, soda, and spices. Add the vanilla and orange juice. Stir in the seeds raisins and coconut. Make large cookie batter balls. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes. Makes 30 SOOES MARIJUANA BUTTER — Marijuana butter is an excellent base for using marijuana in cooking. It can be substituted into any recipe that calls for butter. This is also a good way to utilize seeds and stems that normally would be thrown out. The more pot that you use — the stronger the butter will turn out. Af ter your first batch, play it safe and try it a little at a time to test its potency. eps Take a large kettle, add marijuana, 10% lbs of butters, and ahalf gal- lon or so of water (Note: i you don’t want to make this much, simply scale the recige down accordingly). Let this mixture simmer for at least 6 hours. Strain through colander into bowls or wide mouth jars. Let this sit in the refrigerator or a cool plcae overnight. The butter will rise to the top and sola: The butter should then be skimmed off and stored (store any you are not going to use right away in the freezer). Some butter always sticks to the remaining mush. Boil some more wa ter and pour it over the remaining mush and repeat the above process toget get a few more “globs” of marijuana butter. era TBDRe DP FROM REGAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURES It’s VIVID it’s DARING | SPU a" UTE EYE ne Z SS Gemiy re a > Ve a ? \G ; USU ENGINEERING Dae haa POWERFUL BUT It’s TRUE AUDITORIUM Saturday, March 7th, 9:30 & 11 PM. A joint presentation by Students for a Libertarian Society and the Hole in the Universe Gang. — — — — ONLY FIFTY CENTS — — — NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN/ ALSO SHOWING AT U OF U UNION MARCH LITTLE THEATER — 12th, 7:30 PM — admission 25 cents. ‘Students for a Libertarian Society. ; Sponsored by — | 1 egg 2 1 % 2 1 1 1 E ‘ 2/3 cup whole wheat flour 2 eggs NMA Cookery the way to a party — but what cop is going to accuse you of illegal activities after noting a dozen brownies in a white bakery bag? And what -TPAMILY Is Kookinc Bor GROJAES To ACT AS | REEFER Marijuana FOR: | ax Corr rE iaENw'r | AID WW EEA" Us Ee E:? IW TEIG Page 9 1981 “No, Senator Hatch, I told you DAY care center!” as |