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Show DESERET REEFER March ‘con’t. from page 4 prices for their favorite smoking mixture, and leave them open to systematic brutalization at the will of the legal system, they will have to do something besides sabotage the DEA by finding out its telephone company credit card numbers and running up its phone bills. More and more of them are looking to electoral politics as the - answer, and realizing that enither the Republicans ( the Coalition for the Abolition of Marijuana Prohibition) in Atlanta, the American Harvest Committee in San Francisco — and took a more hard-core line. These new organizations weren’t interested in the taxed and regulated market in the liberals has anything to offer them. For years the politically active in the mari- juana juana cied movement that lay in making had thought otherwise. their best hope always They fan- of achieving legitimacy an alliance with the liberals who defended the freedom to dissent, to deviate, to be different, to be a ““non-conformist’’, and who had, moreover (many of them), seen their own teenage children arrested and jailed for the crime of smoking dope. The child of this fancy was NORML, the marijuana reform lobby founded in 1970 by Keith Stroup and got off the ground through the financial largesse of Hugh Hefner. At the peak of its influence in Washing- ton, circa 1977, NORML’s clout was considerable. In the spring of that year, for example, President Carter issued - ON Marijuana Stroup, a major domestic policy statement (reportedly written in large part by at the request of the White House) in which he called for “removal of all criminal penal- ties for juana.’ the private possession and use of mari- But those days are past. President Carter learned very quickly how unpopular marijuana still is in Washington, where it isn’t gaining in popularity nearly as fast.as it is everywhere lese in the country. After all, in Washington, a great many jobs depend on marijuana prohibition, Asking for the abolition of. marijuana prohibition in Washington . is like asking for the abolition of movies in Los Angeles. And its necessary for a President to have a good working relationship with the people in the other departments of government. How else can he accomplish anything? So nothing has come of the President’s bid for decriminalization, Within little more than a year of his first uttering it, in fact, Jimmy-boy had done a neat turn on his heel and begun vigorously defending the infamous Paraquat program, under which the US marijuana and various other mariSince envisioning. Paraquat, it’s been increasingly difficult to sell potheads on the idea that they need government were always — to insure that the marijuana they buy is what it claims to health. be And and won’t be damaging to their they’re almost all horrified by the prospect of marijuana being farmed and processed -and packaged andisold the way cigarettes are today — which means they’re all horrified by the prospect of a licensed, regulated, taced, govern- ment-dominated tribution imposed system of production and dis- of the kind liberals have long since on the tobacco industry and now want to impose on the marijuana industry. They jus want the government out of their business and out of their lives. And more and more of them are, frankly, turning to the Libertarian alternative — so many that High Times now considers a full-length interview with Ed Clark (Libertarian candidate for _’ President) the sort of feature which would appeal to its readers. High Times did not interview any of the other presidential candidates and for obvious reasons. Carter has led them down den path before. the gar- Ronald Reagan calls marijuana “possible the most dangerous drug in America” (a designation which would seem properly to belong to orange hair dye). John Anderson has scrupulously avoided ever making a public state“,. . 34% OF AMERICAN ADULTS NOW FAVOR REMOVING ALL CRIMINAL PENALTIES FROM MARIJUANA. ONLY 12% FELT THAT WAY TEN YEARS AGO.” State Department assisted Mexican troops in systematically poisoning the marijuana being grown in Mexico for use as smoking material by US citizens (while incidentally training the Mexican soldiers ment on the subject (and his cas ters declines to comment. headquar- The only candidate for Bicsident in 1980 — in fact, the only political party that demanded the WATCEH FOR THE FIRST DAY OF RAGE protest April £5th son who violates this subsection is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. : (2) It is unlawful for any person to deliver, possess with intent to hee. or manufacture with intent to deliver, any drug paraphernalia, knowing, or under circumstances where it reasonably should be known that the drug paraphernalia will be used to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce a controlled substance into the human body in violation of this act. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. (3) Any person 18 years of age or over who delivers drug paraphernalia to a person under 18 years of age who is three years or more younger than the person making the cee is guilty of a third degree felony. (4) It is unlawful for any person to place in any newspaper, magazine, handbill, or other publication any advertisement, knowing, or under circumstances where it reasonably should know, that the purpose of the advertisement, in whole or in part, is to promote the sale of drug paraphernalia. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. Section 6. Drug paraphernalia is subject to seizeur and forfeiture and no property right can exist in it. CEST TTT DISSOONT MEAD SC, SROP total repeal of all laws regarding or regulating the consumption, sale, cultivation, distribution, im- in the sort of Vietnam-style anti-guerilla tactics — port, or export of marijuana was the Libertarian Party. . Marijuana Prohibition is a public policy which has, in the half century of its existance, violated the personal freedom of millions upon millions of Americans, and led directly to harmful and coercive interventions in our economy and such as massive defoliation — which they might need to put down any provincial uprisings touched off by the oppressive practices of their employer, _ the US-backed Mexican government). NORML’s clout had obviously faded, and quickly. Also, as the years passed and the President’s 1977 decriminalization call came to nothing and Paraquat forced marijuana smokers to give up Mexican hemp and spend three to five times the price for untainted Colombian, enthusiasm for NORML which NORML liberals | OFE*E* ALI | PARAPHERNALIA. 1101 S. STATE in the internal affairs of other nations. Truly, as the legend on the American Harvest Committee’s fund-raising tee shirt puts concerned, “FREEDOM it, where marijuana is is the issue’’. —EEkeceeesessses ss and for NORML’s whole gradualist, one- East Coast Pharmaceutical 5 n&d $ 1° me ~ —S ~ P, Ogu ct}, n> - Distributor’ BLACK DEX — BLACK 335 — RJ8’s — GREEN CLEAR = WHITE CROSSES — AND MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ON OUR FREE PRICE LIST. LEGAL STIMULANTS — MEN— TAL ALTERTNESS CAPSULES AND SLEEP AIDS — WHICH MANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS SAY ARE BETTER THAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGS!. Tt- SMARTS — > — — ~ te — anes GNOME APPROVED — Made with Love & Cannabis by the Stoned Gnome Family. EAST COAST PHARMACEUTICAL DISTRIBUTOR’s GUARDIAN SUITE 2112 | 207 UNION AVENUE PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island 02909 QUALITY 50% Cotton 50% Polyester Colors: White, Yellow, Green Sizes: S,M,L,XL DEAR STONED GNOME: Is it really true that you are only ssix inches tall? Curious Dear Curious: I though everyone knew that Gnomes were little people — if you aren’t careful, you will step on us! (So be careful, for Gnome’s sake, where you step ). DEAR STONED GNOME: What evidence is there that you aren’t simply a figment of my imagination? Doubting Gnome - Dear Doubting Gnome: ( MARI) Saari a cf 15% OF ALL T-SHIRT SALES DONATED UTAH ACCESSORIES ASSOCIATION. "I55, “Y %, 64 Be oo ™ BE WILL "1, TO THE TRADE Haven’t you ever been stoned and seen a little Gnome peering out from behind an azalea at you, puffing contentedly on his pipe? That was prbablyo me, cjecking the situation out. Trust your senses — reality is all around you a ee. oe GANG es (believe it or not!). Pr pa ee STONED GNOME PRODUCTIONS YES! Rush ve these T-shirts POB 6175 Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 No. Size White Yellow 1 AM OR DERINGe-nran-----------T SHIRTS.@ $695 EA =$--nnencnnenccnnnee POSTAGE&HANDLING =$—--1/222..... TOTAL ENCLOSED = $----n-------2---. : NAME CHECK’S OR MONEY ORDERS ONLY! ADDRESS CITY. Green STATE ZIP | NO CASH PLEASE NO COD’S 7 . THE REMOVAL OF ALL CRIMINAL PENALTIES FOR THE PRIVATE POSSESSION AND USE OF MARIJUANA HAS BEEN ENDORSED BY THE AMERICAN MEDICAL SSOA— CIATION, AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR: MENTAL HEALTH, AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIA— TRICS, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES, ACLU, JAMES J. KILPATRICK, WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, ANN LANDERS, AND ART LINKLETTER.” inch-every-ten-years style began waning among rank NORML began finding it more - and file smokers. difficult to raise money, began closing regional offices. Rival organizations sprang up — CAMP nor the Democrats, enither the conservatives nor — 1981 THIsis THE STATE SPEAKING, YOU ARE IN COMPLIANC OF STMUTEBem73d, FERMION ONS 3-4, PERMISS 7 GRANTED FOR INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP ae |