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Show March 1981 Deseret Reefer Page 2 YOUR TURN °penine Dear Gnomes: Many congratulations an international Gnome. met a man who made gnomes. He is now in Cheers — . JB — SLC, UT Ed. he citizens when in fact is it the citizens who own the state. Ath. The alcohol control laws are based on the idea thatc drunkenness causes _irre- sponsibility 5th. Dear Chief Gnome: If your customers are to survive this LSD experience, it will be necessary for you to create some external reference points. structure of Well, ideas, repression, and out-right stupidity. Consider, for example, State Representative Robert Sykes, representing District 4 (Capitol Hill) area of SLC. He’s convinced — and a human said so right on the House floor — that bongs should be outlawed because they encourage “‘oral sex’’.. He stated: “Some of these devices are made in the shape of sexual organs and are designed to encourage or condone oral sex.” This is the same liberty-loving Republican who sought approval for a measure that would allow teachers to write their students a $10 ticket if caught smoking on school grounds. Buying his argument — and in-spite of the efforts of the Hole in those are the basic facts in the case. The point is the Universe Gang to inject some rationality into the proceedings — Utah legislators proceeded to outlaw the sale of all “drug-related” reality exists, independently of your perceptions, whims, or opinions about it. sincerely, idea that the in reality it is the child who is paraphernalia. Dear Editor & the ““Lone Ranger & the Cache County Gang of 4”: Last week, !, a man of dark complexion, read your paper. | was surprised to read the Lone Ranger’s letter. I'd like to make it clear both to your readers and the local police that | am not the Lone Ranger and my friends are not the Cache County Gang of Four! This thing was brought to my attention by one of my friends in SLC, who read it and told all his friends, ““I know this guy”. Well, since then everybody | have shown this to thinks its me. I’m sure the police think its me, too. My black ass is in enough trouble as it is here in Logan, having (more, for getting into one). of the constitutional objections the courts in other states have raised. ing on this. very important issue. . A lot of rumors have been circulating around as to exactly what is covered in the bill. Some have questioned whether or not the Deseret Reefer will be able to keep publishing once the law goes in- : to effect. HAving read and re-read the bill several times, it is our opinion that the bill would not forbid the publishing of newspapers: such as the Deseret Reefer. However, we would not be able to accept any ads relating to drug paraphernalia — which could be a serious financial blow. ‘In any event, we will certainly fight any attempt to close-us down to the fullest extent possible. As you have no doubt moticed, we have been forced to begin | charging twenty-five cents a copy of The Deseret Reefer. Ad and A head working an entry level job and because of its winds up getting very inferior whatsoever) and most always gets convicted offense. With money they almost always beat constitutes gross economic discrimination. This is the newest thing against dopers. papers won't print ~ tions like NORML convicted (whether he has not got the Lawyers won’t touch it. News- it. Networks won't deal with it. Organizawon’t consider it. Almost invariably a doper is or not due process is done correctly) because money whereas a major trafficker gets off, be- subscription sales are slow and so we came to a choice of either clo- sing down the paper or begin charging. We have financed each of the two issues out of our own »“ckets (and none of the Stoned tinue to subscribe to the Deseret Ri. |. — the reason subscriptions are still $7.00 is that they are mailed “First Class” so that you can e receive your copy promptly. In other changes, the size of this issue of the paper has been increased to 10 pages — next month’s will be 12. We are arranging lay it on a lawyer's desk. (As one SLC lawyer said, ‘‘Why should | fuck with the people who don’t have the cash when some dealer ~ walks in and lays $2500 on my desk?’’) | also must cite the public defender’s office up here for what | feel is helping this particular institution railroad dopers. Almost: none have gotten off with her. with “Stoned Gnomes” Plus, she’s the only public defend- to submit news articles.about busts, government corruption, mari juana, etc. We will also publish pictures of your “victory gardens” Some of which she believes the client is guilty before court even starts). This, | feel, is an extension of economic discrimination. _ Your paper: | think it’s too full of satire and cuts and not enough news on the Utah drug scene. The paper offers no legal - Outs for bustees. This is: a major consideration for any fledgling dope organization with all the dopers needing help. We need legal aid, not comic strips. We need organization not cuts on Spencer if they are sent ANONYMOUSLY (the less we know the better off to provide anyone Also,we are unable everyone is in this case). with information concerning where they could buy marijuana, cocaine. or other controlled substances. While we can hope and work for the:day to vote and provide a means of communication them(us) then the real things start happening. between Only votes can re- shape the system here. Have a state referendum where heads are brought to the polls in a fair election and change these archaic laws. This is one of the few places where church and state are almost synonymous. This has to change for both the good of church & state, for the everyday person and the country as a whole. There are enough voting age heads in this state to completely lega- distribute about Ed. Note: Since the first DR, we have been tryiag to find a lawyer to do a legal column — plenty are willing, IF we put up the money. Also, we are all in favor of legalizing pot (See DR num- real place in the movement. months a day-long workshop on ending marijuana prohibition. Finally, we think satire and sarcasm — along with humor — has a than with vinegar”. ‘More flies are caught with we think you have some good points. can be had Maybe some our of readers INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Text of the “Ban the Bong” bill Info on plans to challenge the bill The Deseret Reefer is published monthly by the Stoned Gnome Family, living high on a mountain top in the Shadow of the Everlasting Hills (. ... we know that’s a paradox, but that’s the way it is... and it makes more sense than a lot of newspaper like this? here. . . anyway, Can’t be too would farecul YOU put YOUR home these days, there Homegrower’s Handbook address on a Cooking with Marijuana Movement News might be some Danites lurking around the bushes somewhere. .. oot to mention the FBI, CIA, vice squad, narc squad, and other assorted low lifes. Seriously, for purposes of | The National Tax Strike communication we have borrowed a post office box (POB 6175, SLC, UT 84106) to which you may address letters, cards, and comments. We earnestly solicit your ideas, articles, and manuscripts for future issues. If you want your manuscript returned, enclose astamped, self-addressed envelope. And if you liked this issue — the Due to ‘space problems’ the ‘“Stoned Gnome Guide to Recreational Drugs” and “Dear Stoned Gnome” will return next | month. other things around Details from GNOMES and have some ideas? We regret any “identity confsionu” and simply wish to note that the handwriting of the original letter from the Lone Ranger and the handwriting of this letter from the Lone Stranger are quite different and obviously could not be the work of the same person. costs, -etc. "STONED . honey Your letter is much appreciated, however, to friends and customers. thei. “‘The Lone Stranger’ time in the next two Reefer wholesale Well, may the Lord Cannabis forgive us for our miscellaneous musings and ramblings. We want to thank you for your support of the paper so far — and ask for your continued support in the future. Sit back, toke up, and enjoy the Deseret Reefer. Send us your comments — suggestions — disagreements. Your feedback is important and helps make our efforts better, more effective, and | more relevant to YOUR needs. Freedom Love Peace through proper constitutional processes! | So let’s get on the stick folks and go for it before every head in Utah is subjugated. 1! realize you’re new and on shakey ground but your not going anywhere like this. Let's see some action. — and will be sponsoring , g some Deseret the distribution, Stoned Gnome Family (see the ad for “‘Guerilla Distributors”’ elsewhere in this jssue) lize marijuana if they all registered and Called for a referendum ber One) when your local dealer could list his/her ““wares’’ in the Deseret Reefer, that day has yet to arrive. We are also looking for individuals and stores who would like to Kimball. We need a voter drive not “Dear Stoned Gnome” Voter drive: If anyone can promote a drive for heads to register in other cities to exchange news and views on the High Community throughout the nation, and thus will be able to bring you even more news. We also encourage each of you er here. You get her whether you want her or not. (I've, so far, seen personally two cases where she just plain refused to plead the whole thing for one reason or other. —° hy.) We hope you will con- could be consideres, Gnome family cause he can afford to bring in 3 or 4 thousand dollars cash and _ It — also, in our Thus, it is hard to accurately predict the result of a court challenge. A lot will depend on which judge actually rules on he case. Court challenges are expensive — it is estimated that this case will cost at least $15,000. The bill will rise if the case has to be appealed A number of fund-raising activities will be going on for the next couple of months in order to raise the required funds. We will attempt to keep you posted in the Deseret Reefer as to what‘s happen- been busted Dec. 17th (about the same time the hash arrived) for cannot afford this help( or no help of the drug-related the charges. This ‘an see from the copy of the bill printed in opinion, represents a gross violation of the natural rights of every citizen, an incredible abuse of constitutional government, and an unwarranted invasion of the privacy of all Stoned Gnomes. Of course, all these things will not stop plutocratic Demo-publicans from enforcing the law. Our legislators apparantly have better things to do than worry about rights, liberties, and freedom. | Various plans are being made to challenge the bill in court. According to information we have received, each time the bill has been challenged in court it has been overturned as unconstitutional. However, this bill has been amended to take into consideration many Neo-American berry Lodge, Church of Utah. sales and possession of pot. Lone Ranger, I'd like you to know you're frying me whoever the hell you are. If you'd really like to help then assist me in my legal problems — | need help. | look forward to meeting you, Lone Ranger. | From being involved in this recent bust in Logan I’m finding that competent, and most of all willing, legal help cannot be had here in Utah without spending an arm and a leg. This has become general. Lawyers are asking $1000 up for starting a drug case As you this issue of the paper, it is quite comprehensive. RA, Founding Potentate, Cran- educa- its own has the Utah Legislature seen such a collection of backwards political being can be legislated. 6th. The MX missile is based on the idea that an individual can delegate his right to selfdefence without someday being required to pay the bill. : teacher is responsible for the education of the child, when responsible for tion. in fact it is The marijuana laws are mical because Dexter, she took me there personally, and showed me the halls of the mountain king. 2nd. Compulsory education the March is often termed the ‘‘windy month” — and as Utah picks based on the idea that the che- Ist. LSD is in fact created by - elves in the mountains, | know, on when PARAPHERNALIA oe LAW up the pieces from the recent ending of the 1981 Utah State Legislature,that name has taken on added significance. Seldom in its decades long war against freedom, liberty, reason, and the Twentieth Century irresponsibility that causes drunkenness. é That’s encouraging. is based space 3rd. The draft is based on the idea that the state owns from ! once plastic prison. TEXT OF ANTI- * * * Marijuana: Freedom is the Issue Part III. Liberal Hypocrisy Your Space — Letters to the Editor AN ACT RELATING TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES: PROVIDING THAT IT 1S UNLAWFUL TO USE, POSSESS WITH INTENT TO USE, OR DELIVER ANY DRUG PARAPHERNALIA; PROVIDING GUIDELINES FOR DETERMINING WHETHER A - PARTICULAR OBJECT IS DRUG PARAPHERNALIA; PROVID-— ING FOR CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah: - Section 1. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Utah Drug Paraphernalia Act”: Section 2. It is the intent of this chapter to discourage the use of narcotics by eliminating paraphernalia designed for proces- sing, ingesting, or otherwise using a controlled substance. Section 3: As used in this chapter: “Drug paraphernalia’ means any equipment, product, or material used, intended for use, or designed for use, to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, package, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale,or to otherwise introduce a controlled substance into the human body in violation of chapter 37, title 58, and includes, but is not limited to: i (1) Kits used, intended for use, or designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, rowing, or harvesting any species of plant which is a controlled substance or from which a controlled substance can be derived; | (2) Kits used, intended for use, or designed for use in manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, or preparing a controlled substance; (3) Isomerization devices used, intended for use, or designed for use to increase the potency of any species of plant which is a controlled substance; : (4) Testing equipment used, intended for use, or designed for use to identify or to analyze the strength, effectiveness, or purity of a controlled substance; | (S) Scales and balances used, intended for use, or designed for use in weighing or measuring a controlled substance; (6) Diluents and adulterants, such as quinine hydrochloride, mannitol mannited, dextrose, and lactose used, intended for use, or designed for use to cut a controlled substance; ' (7) Separation gins and sifters used, intended for use, or designed for use to remove twigs, seeds, or other impurities from mari- | juana; (8) Blenders, bowls, containers, spoons, and mixing devices used, intended for use, or designed for use to compound a controlled substance; (9) Capsules, ballons, envelopes, and other containers used, intended for use, or designed for use to package small quantities of a controlled substance. (10) us al Containers and other objects used, intended for use, or designed for use to store or conceal acontrolled substance; (11) Hypodermic syringes, needles, and other objects used, intended for use, or designed for use to parenterally inject a controlled substance into the body; and . (12) Objects used, intended for use, or designed for use to ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce marijuana, cocaine, hashish, or hashish oil into the human body, such as: | (a) metal, wooden, acrylic; glass, stone, plastic, or ceramic pipes with or without screens, permanent screens, hashish heads, or punctured metal bowls; ae (b) (c) _(d) (e) ial, such short to (f) (g) water pipes; carburetion tubes and devices smoking and carburetion masks; roach clips, meaning objects used to hold burning materas a marijuana cigarette, that has become too small or too be heldin the hand; ; miniature cocaine spoons and cocaine vials; chamber pipes; (h) carburetor. pipes (i) _G) (k) (1) (m) electric pipes air-driven pipes; chillums; bongs; and ‘ice pipes or chillers. (Editor’s note: “Whew!’’) Section 4. In determining whether an object is drug paraphernalia, the trier of fact, in addition to all other logically relevant facts, should consider: : (1) Statements by an owner or by anyone in control of the object concerning its. use; | (2) Prior convictions, if any, of an owner, or of anyone in control of the object, under any state, federal law relating to a - controlled substance; © (3) The proximity of the object, in time and space, to a direct violation of this chapter; (4) The proximity of the object to a controlled substance; (5) The existance on the object; of any residue of a controlled substance bea: (6) Evidence of intent by a person in control of an object to deliver it to a person whom such person knows, or should reason- ably know, intends to use the object to facilitate a violation of © this chapter; the innocence of a person in control of the object should not prevent a finding that the object is intended for use, or designed for use as drug paraphernalia; ? (7) Instructions whether written or oral, provided with the object which explain or depict its use; (8) Descriptive materials accompanying the object which explain or depict its use; | (9) National or local advertising concerning its use; (10) The manner in which the object is displayed for sale; (11) Whether the owner or anyone in control of the object is a legitimate supplier of life or related items to the community, such as a licensed distributor of dealer of tobacco products; (12) Direct or circumstantial evidence of the ratio of sales of the object to the total sales of the business enterprise; (13) The existence and scope of legitimate uses of the object in the community; and | (14) Expert testimony concerning its use. Section 5. (1) It is unlawful for any person to use, or to pos- sess with intent to use, drug paraphernalia to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce a controlled substance into the human body in violation of this chapter. Any perContinued page 5 | — |