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Show of TD 9 (aX C3)Wea SRS NS NS SSBB SHS SVT SS 5 SHB SHB SRS SOM rapes ‘and hooks. en - ———— Ly pet MW Cee at least twice as many You will need to be able to keep MW rate of Uf plant The growth. length of the “growing day” that you permit your plants will depend on what you want them to do. A plant may have 24 hours of light. It will grow fairly rapidly, but it will never mature. The following light periods will yield these results: plants in yogurt cartons as you will finally grow to maturity. 12 hours per day will yield flower tops in 2-2% Depending months; upon the attrition rate, you have a fair number of plants to select from. may decide to keep your best plants should under You | 16 hours per day will yield flower tops in 344 gro- months; : ; lux lights and to move the rest outside if conditions 18 hours per day will yield flower tops in 5-6 months. - permit. You should water your spray them with water about The best possible facility ly large enough to hold your painted with a glossy white permit maximum reflections. (2) The plants must be moved by about the third week because they will become root-bound if left in a small container. This will stunt their growth during the fastest. are more the time when they need When likely to suffer injury. them to If you don’t have any friends, me ... (Just kidding folks). your plants, make sure that the You may want to add a substance called Transplant—one to the water. It helps to prevent transplant shock. It is available in the gardening section of most discount stores. The containers for planting should be at least 13 inches deep and 11 inches wide. Food: storage containers work fine. They should have drainage | (3) If you have more small plants than.your gro-lux lights can handle, you can use them as presend moving roots are thoroughly soaked with water. to expand Plants which have become root-bound sents for friends. — the lights directly above each plant and as close as possible to the plants without touching them. This ae eee Ba oO keep a regular watch on the It is important to remember several key Start SS If you are using fluorescent gro-lux lamps, you will want to arrange the plant containers and lights for maximum efficiency. Each 4 foot double lamp fluorescent fixture can serve 4 to 5 plants. The lamp should be hung with a system of chains or If you have been following the Homegrower’s Handbook in the two previous issues, you have the information needed to both start your plants and to select the needed equipment for a full-fledged, indoor, home-grown operation. Starting the operation is the most difficult and expensive part. Once you are established, growing your own smoke at home can be a rewarding and inexpensive hobby. As has been mentioned before, if you have sprouted your seeds and grown the small plants in © yogurt containers, you will have about three weeks before transplanting to a larger, permanent container is a must. points: | (1) S35 8 AUS SK — holes in the bottom. gravel and sand Nexy issue: plant every might plants, paint. thoroughly and four days. be a room barewhich has been This will permit ! Growing a pot hedge at home! The ¢ontianers should have~ at the b@ttem (about 3 inches). should be covered by 10 inches of soil. It ALL Mai Discovdia! Hail, Eris! DEAR STONED GNOME: Now that Reagan is President, what should the Gnomes do? | Worried in Santaquin 1 S . i | ( 3 3 | \ ) S | : R \ I ] ( ; 3 : | already has: their empire is falling apart in Poland, and their intervention in Afghanistant has proven. *o be a disaster for them. 7 not want We intervened in Southeast Asia to prevent it from “going communist:’; today, as a consequence you to know about draft registration. You CAN successfully resist. During last sum- mer’s registration period, somewhere between ~ 300,000 and 1,000,000 eligible men failed to register. One respected source, the Boston Globe, con- cluded that “the registration program appears. to —( Foreign intervention 7 is counterproductive. of our intervention, all of Southeast Asia is communist. We installed the Shah in Iran to secure access to their oil resources; Iran is now a bitter enemy of the US and has cut off its oil, or threatened to, be, if not a failure, at least in serious trouble.” Of several times. . Our support for dictatorships in South Korea, Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Philipthe hundreds of thousands of non-registrants, not one has yet been prosecuted or even identified by pines and elsewhere has fostered instability and the government. (The government admits now that never tails to turn the oppressed people of those during the last registrtation period — January 1981- countries against us. the ‘“‘compliance rate” fell to 87% or less). Thousands of young people defied the regis- tration law publicly last symmer. Many burn- ed their registration. forms on television; others held news conferences; still others turned in their own names io the FBI. None have been prosecuted. Thousands of people: who did register refused to put down their Social Security number. And this Novembe:, a federal court ruled that you _ do NOT have to put your Social Security number on the registration form. Without that number its very difficult for Selective Service to track people down. . This winter, the Supreme Court will rule on the constitutionality of males-only draft registration. A Philadelphia court has already ruled that registration of men discrimination. only is Unconstitutional sex Until or unless that ruling is over- turned by the Supreme Court, the government can’t rposecute any non- registrants. The draft is a blank check for foreign intervention. President Reagan claims to oppose peacetime registration and a “’peacetime draft’, but has yet to make any move to stop draft registration. Reagan still praises the Vietnam War, a war that could not have been. fought without a draft — ahd is beginning to involve us in El Salvador in a process identical to that which involved us initially in South Vietnam! To us, conscription and war represent the ulti-' mate violations of individual liberty. To libertarians, it is a fundamental moral statement that all human beings are ends in themselves, not raw material for the purposes of government, “society”, or anyone else. : In other words, we take a stand against conscription and militarism on principle. And we aren’t afraid to take our principles to their logical conclusion: you have the right to resist the draft, to break the law by refusing to reigster. Orgainzed _ resistence combined with effeetive political action is the only way the evil of the draft can ever be to- tall ended. | The only sustained period of ‘peace time’ conscription in all of American history was from 1948 to.1972. During that same period, the US used or threatened tolitary force 215 times, carrying out one major military intervention every 18 months. Is this the kind of future you want for ’ America? ~ The reason for the US military buildup is the *#N alleged Soviet desire: to take over the world. But the Soviet Union can barely hold on to what it Next month the Deseret Reefer will explore the question -of whether or not massive US involvement overseas is necessary to the defence of our country, a productive way of extending liberty throughout the world, and whether or not the Soviets are really “coming”. 3 . Don’t get too upset — there wasn’t that much difference between Jimmyey and Bonzo. We recommend two joints, twice daily, with strong internal belief in the future of liberty. This prescription cannot fail ! | : One thing most people do not realize about the draft and draft registration is that it depends totally on the voluntary cooperation of its victims. Here are 8 things the Selective Service System does | : : | : Dear Santaquin Worry-wart: | 3 , | Con't from page 10 principles should we seek? We should seek politicians devoted to and standing on the principle of freedom and liberty in all areas of endeavor; politicians to whom freedom is not a buzz-word but a living reality. It is our opinion that we will not find such people in either the Democratic or Republican parties. The very nature of such organizations precludes the principled individual from going very far. Democrats and Republicans are devoted to expediency, they always have been,and there is. absolutely no sign that they will evert change their tund — because expediency is what (at least at the present time—) wins elections. Our task is to change the entire politi- cal climate so that expediency becomes the exception, rather the rule. : than ‘It is our firm conviction that to continue to thethe movement for marijuana reform to the expedient/liberal political framework is to hitch our wagon to a dieing, fading star. It will mean the indefinite continuation of. the present immoral situation. There are alternatives — but don’t expect the Democrats or the Republicans to tell us about them. We will do our best to keep you informed as time passes concerning viable, practical, freedom-oriented alternatives to the Demo-publican system of power and patronage. bs > é. ea ey Bred ts ee on) ae. biog: we en, ey Pe 6 ‘Page pee | it March 1981 _DESERET REEFER |