Show T rTWff t t ltICIIFIELD Anna R McBride daughter of the gentleman Hill who lives in the lower part of town left Salt Lake Wednesday morning on her way to Maud Bolltho ate Thaodsgiving tujkey at home d A Mis II N 6re spending to day In Sallna frinclp! (nd ‘ Hayes wss called pronounced the death as re suiting from Valvular heart disease Th mother stopped off at Provo where James Nielson is home from Scofield beounse of a sick child - t P Christenson Nevada ' Is hottie from Her nine year old daughter Susan didn’t seem quite when they started and near Provo she fell back In a car seat dead A physican who t 7 l' Richfield Mrs Eliza Metcalf has been appoint cd postmltress at Gunnison ' I the oorpse NOW OR The New York Worldis America’s greatest paper will be burled De leader in lower! ngthe price of newspapers It has fought the watch trust and dozens of other trusts until they were beaten It is still fighting monopoly It is the most paper in the world MONROE from was up November 25th to-da- y All tile city officers elect have excepting W A Soegmillcr Ail atid quietness In our tie biirg today I suppose people are all C d Cowley of Glenwood has a ht home eating ttlrkey tiauKhter U1 With typhoid fever Supt Jacob Magleby left this mofo-1I ing for BurrViile where lib Will Visit li Fremont rum of Morrell in y I schools on itlcbfieid Frlddy iioli-Sheep-meare rejolclbg ovbr the 1 The stores were closed for the I snow stoini last Yesterday higfit bay koit of tHis blgh schodi stildenla ard I Mrs Niels Madsoti gave birtll to a Wnvnsslng the tovirii td sell lebttlre I Son yestferday morning Eod?ae ticket! LastSatufday &o?nin& MtiPernan- ijuhli-- 1 Is V It has been the ) Jjdmar postmaster 0 0 Meyer Sigurd peace lit-lie- d I up-to-d- I ate 1 The Southern Censor is the only connty paper in Utah n Mrs Jensen wife jaiafikiiltb la Is quite oHte Glenwood from ipneumon-- 1 111 I d(? flrlcfobtt presented her husband with a beautiful little 0au$&&f all the 6eftidf glyal £rof eplaniin Ciuffof the B Y as we go to press we learn tfiail I Beiin Is worse than for Academy delivered a rnoit fexcbllehtl Judge Geo W I lecture last Sunday evening some days jjast ftrsIL T Thiirder who Is teaching ‘How to gel an educated " A genuine gospel serinon was pre- school In Clrcleville has quite poor ksalth this winter sented by Apostle Owen Woodruff to a IdoUrity Just theheW of the Whole itWbrtetfoir ths good of the Whole if 18 tM frWncI t6 the Whole SufeC0Unty It had mddftthe most packed audience Monday evening Marshal elect J B Ramsey lecelted A most pleasing feature worthy of a Thanksgiving present In the shape note Is tjbat bridges are being erect-of bady girl last night Jed over the ditches on the county road John Johnson and wife and Selena etwees here ind El8lnor$ Jensen went to Etainore last Saturday Mr‘ Nlelf fair a short Jhue8°n f tyS? ydial I Webb were united In the holy bonds of I - Manager E A McDaniel of the wedlock Manti Temple yesterday Nalt Lake Herald spent Thanksgiving I I Mrs Sarah Butler has purchased Day with his mother in Richfield I Walter Roblnson’s loghoupe and is j I Percy Candland and wife were having It moved down hear her fatb-- l JSVrlght house guests for Thanksgiving I er’s She is getting It prepared for use this winter Day peOple NOIViiNAL GROWTH 1 bfanj country paper in Utah just because it has stayed With the people It is going to grftw Still for the very same reason It is a p&per that works for right and is not afraid to dfef&nd Utah and her people It works for the good of Sevier County as a whole Visit-Ente- rprise JMf at the court house week being busy preparing forj ELSINORE jMiis Tier husband’s departure on a mission l V i’l ee Official bonds of directors for thel Chris C Jensen and brother Wft fori jPeseret Gold Mining and Milling Co Nevada with two loads of produce pf Spanish Fork have been filed with I Tuesday ’ I Clerk Clark "i n ' Niels Nielson and his son Henry! The county clerk stralgbthed hi ar6 taking a trip to southeastern part jroom extra well tplfi morning hoping Utah Mrs Ross is not just this Week 1 - The Certsor has a clubbing rate with the New York World that enables you to get the two papers for one year for ot for marriage licenses to be applied I °°k s bela haUled trom neaf tor in great numbers today I foe for the new school bouse j i Several of the attorneys who Wrej a Cbncert Woody hp Company is bpged in Bullion Creek water suit Elsinore in this at Marysvale were home for Thanks-- 1 G°hduQtlug a I wtelt wlth air suocMa a ging TheypypUct week’i work I 4"4 to fiulsh theSuit ITEASDALIS NOTES i The Odd Fallows’ lodge gave a grand ball at tbe Opera-Houlast night w Allen’s team ran ady last The attendance wee quite large and joalUt was the social event of the!I week And' wrecked a wagon M season r I The 'Dlstfiot Sohool is Jfl session i Tw6 Dollars Two Dollars) jjOQ The last chance will b for letters mailed to US on Saturday December 4th or for per-- 4 ons calling on us Personally oh that day The Southern Censor Richfield Utah 1 1 1 se - The opening session of my music I Ephraim BlaCkburqaa teacher 'hlass will be held at the twirsy next xan Adams is home from the north 7 A11 at X evening Wednesday aft er an extended atay wio have not enrolled carl J that I I SfdiidE foR publication The Mutudl Improvements are run evening I this winter No 1309 Jointly Ing Oeo M jone ' Mrs H J Wilson has gone to Blue-:I I Marriage license for the Week were Mountain Colorado to stay with her I A11 the "Vessel the Grififln baM UnJ Odes at Balt lake Pity Utah I hive returned from Lol Opinions are Pcjober 6h 1867 granted to Ohairton Seegmiller audjpaenl8 (orawh)le gotlc hereby jrlveri that tha following I varied J OrrbcklaotlrofRIchfleldi decision named tbe in tbe MissMary settler has filed notice of bis intention concerning ‘Vaul Beu’tler and Miss Little' Dufflni Sheriff Bet of Garfield County hajC4W) many think the sentence too totnake final proof In support bf bis claim I nd that said proof will M made before j I both of Glenwood and James Gilbert ately arrested Jpe Smith and Jed wbile A thiok that John is County clerk at Richfield Sevier Oo on Mott on a charge of stealing cattle Docember IS 1807 vis: H B No 10KB barley an innocent man who has been and J olia Lcvie both of Joseph y ’ 1 - V ’ v 1 ’ I greiv-ousl- Andrew Adsmy has returned from wrtnged Mr Wm Waddell of the Woody vllle Burr where he thel one of Mrs wqddpd Flossie Bacon has gbne to Visit ''Concert Company la in town a few maidens All Teas-- j relatives in Pleasant Grov& meet-' village’aaweetet is week The this days company' Rale'wliHes them welL Miss Eelle Gardner visited Mrs Bust Ing with gbod 'success in Sevier coilh The survey of the PoVfcrty Flat can I for a few days last week Belle Is en- ty They wfll start on the retutn trip al ls alm08t complete Contracts for gaged In pext week—Byramid teaching at Giles this year its construction are soon to be let I - The district school ofHanksville has The home of Will Gurr has been and are ex The not grain crops j potato The opened has yet been delay sadly afflicted of late Mrs Gurr’s tra goodwills year and one cent a pound j caused by floods and rains making the mother aged 74 has bad typhoid fever I e for wheat makes us all glad ' and grounds In such a Mrs Gurr who has a young babe came bud I cuudlMon that it was impossible to R D Adams one of town’s bright down next and finally two children tiere in 'The old lady Is sow past danger and lads is Ephraim going to school E J IUnks the prospective teacher the others are lmrovljig nicely has been here for a month waiting Sheri?! Coons Is home from Wyom for some effort to bo made towards ' Ing after a close call at capturing The stores here have been unable tol preparing a place into which the beenarrest-!Cjiris Madsen Chris had ) obtain the needed text looks in suffle-- 1 children could go with safety od but made good his escape just ten lent Quantities to supply the schools Several ’ suspicious looking characters minutes befofe the sheriff arrived Mr and all have been much inconvenience have passed through here lately They Coons thinks Chris is apt to be capturclaim to be on tbelr way to Dixie via ed yet Dressed hogs 6 cents a pound at the Colorado River This is a very unmllL tf- !iulon common route and as several differW W Bean will remain in our city ent have said the same things parties until after holidays and In the mean BO YOU WANT GOLD here become suspicious of pepple lvo une will give lessons in the" Manly Everyone desires to keep informed their actioue Wo should have more art’’ and physical culture to all desir- - oi Y ukon the Klondyke and Alaskan officers and more law here These course fields Send a 10c Com classes for large will gold The 'ing tb take Miboonducted dally In E P Bean’s jendiiyn of vast Information and big-- parties may ‘be Innocent but therfe olor map to Hamilton Pub Co In-- j would be no harm In watchlnu them 1 ' school-hous- ‘ ? ‘ 1 1 " mi : Mrs old p Aii ianapolia Ind P Wathblirn for tho N E M of N W H Sec 88 TpM8RUW He diffles tbe foliowing Witness m to prove his contlhQous residence upon and cultivation of said laud Vis Lorenzo Llsoubee Jartie Gregerson Orson Washburn and At Wlhget all of Monroe Sevier County Utah t Byron Ordo Missouri Pacific P’y The Colorado Short Line to Kansas City St Louis Mo and all points South and fast v Free reclining chair cars aud Pu man palgce slpqping cars of most elegant design Direct connections at the magnificent Union Station St Lcuis for every where Tickets on sale at all stations on Rio Grande Western Railway H B Koosar E J Flynn C F &P A T F & P A Salt Lake City Utah y Mansfield Mercantile Co j A General Supply tlouse SKe&p ntens Tragic wahfed NEW TOWNS ITE t THURBEfii u Growing Larger Our Tjiadh Grows with each year and the customer gets a fair share of the profits Try trading with ' us ' ti TKB CA PITAL STOCK and get yoqr share of the profits at The Equitable Stoye Richfield ' I |