Show SS GIVE THANKS U8T A COFFINS AND CASKETS 1 tears When hearts are light And skies are bright And loving friends sfirround - Bed Room Su tr Bbst Parlor Sets AVl WASH6T1ND3 nAB GALLON aw i sueh Wine ii an nieiid in sicknesi other j I er As we are told Whom God most loves he chastens The present harm May be the arm Try our H W R Cigars KEEP IT HANDY That great redemption hastens ' ' The longest land Must tiirn again The darkest nights bring morning Bo whether glad ri Or whether sad Give thanks— the day is dawning ®o AN fid NEST LEADER dramatic ending of the life of a public character and political be-former could hardlybe Invented by the A more 1 iF YOU HAVE OUT BURNED OB BRUISED 'xturislf or hare auy aona cow dog novelist than the death of Henry George four days before the great blrd or any animal that Is wounded any way you will find It municipal' election In New York JOHNSON’S BLACK OIL was the sober tribute of the whole A CURE THAT CURES had laid down his Genuine only community that he Beware of Imitations of his fellow-melife for tne "Md and men of wealth and envied station vied with workingmen In old at Z CM I Drug Dept " speaking hie praise and Shoeing honor to his memory Yet some years ago his AND work "Progress and Poverty” GRANDE was the text book of an active props RAILROAD 00 gauds in favor of the nationalization 'fdtffilSf OS FAMILY SLIJtPINd CAR of land It was customary to denounce SHRVICH Renry George As the prophet and of the most Immoral and disDo you know that every evening the 'benver A Rio (trande R B in donneo honest crusade ig&lnst established 'lion with the R 0 W runs a Tourist and Institutions that had been dr Family Sleeping Car to Denver in rights in modern times Which a lower berth can be secured for seriously undertaken How come about has It that a writer 2002 In addition to this dally service the D A R O also operates en who was then so commonly reprobated 'Wednesdays Thursdays And Fridays as a charlatan should now be treated there distinct Tourist Sleeping Car as a lofty patriot A floral hero a true ion toOmhi KinsasOltv Chicago a prophet of rightefoston and New York— no change for philanthropist Jtah passengers— at greatly deduced ousness and almost as a saint to be frerth rates These Tourist cars are reverenced? Only one explanation managed by the Pullman Company Can satisfy all the facta Jhnd are provided with All necessary The tributes tnat wer& so universally The $onveniances and appliances Tourist car feature together with the paid to Henry George were not tardy Admirable train service and see rile at tributes to his specific remedies for tractions of the route has placed Jhe poverty and social maladies iu general p & R 0 In the foremost ranks pf nor yet to bis lngVnous contributions Western Railroads For rates and to economic literature They were detailed Information apply to any tributes to his personal character Ry Ticket Agent of the R 0 W He had pointed out the detects of H or B ns General Novi to F Agent H Cushing Traveling Passenger our social order with the intense eloLgent D & R G No 58 West 2ad quence of a man who loved his fellows South Street Salt Lake City and he had never ceased to point to ward high ldeale with hope and faith He had convinced the world of hia unselflshnesshls sincerity and his rugHe had made thoughtged honeBty You leave Ogden or Salt Lake In ful men of this generation read study he evening and after breakfasting in andthlnk cars of the (he sumptuous dlnlug SANTA FB ROUTE on the third The supreme need of our time is Morning you arrive In courage honesty and conviction in St or public life Henry George has so exChicago conemplified these qualities as to win the n season to attend to business or for East affection and confidence of great massthe all fast trains nect with Same one has said recently that the es of men whose support Ud had never track of the ATCHISON TOPEKA sought by any of the arts of tha demk SANTA FE railroad was In such agogue perfect condition that the long disReluctantly he became a candidate tance run of tho Flyer” on the New for the mayoralty of New York in tYork Central Could be equaled if not In order that these men who looked 'to jxcoeded by Its magnificent trains him as a leader might feel themselves J D Kenworthy not mere pawns In the hands of poliGen’l Agt Passenger Dept tical bossee but free men ill a true 50 West Second South Street He died denouncing disdemocracy Salt Lake City Utah tf m method honest and C F BARREN Traveling Agt la politics and government It was the possession of these qualiMissouri Pacific ties that gave Mr George a unique Fastest tlnie shortest line and beet the head of the movemen t Accomodations for feeding are the In position at duements we offer to shippers of live with which his name It chiefly associmen have proposed stock between Pueblo sad Kansas ated How many IV reforms social only to see City Special live stock trains for starting and the men snatch other eas joable number of cars leadership L was run away with their ideas! It c B Kocser C F &PA due to the real greatness of Henry & F P T J Flynn A ' George that be neither suffered his 2ic Lake Uuh ’h“ well-bein- n g (gkUOTur- The DENVER ' ! $ well-know- RD feANtA FE ROUTE Louis R’y C w ( 4f City ( i And yeti hold liquor East-Boun- ac-o- To faith reward And heartfelt thanks td cherfth AtQOlj'dZ tCalifornia crape brandy Best Brands of Blackbstry Port and Cherry West-Boun- d And clouds Obscure our seeing When sorrow comes into our homes And hope is from us fleeing When efforts tail A nd Wrongs prevail And struggling heroes perish': Ah then ’tis hard GOOD WHISKY ISOOA TEST-PROO- F - But when alone Life's tempest moan A B 0 Of IT RICHFIELD SALOON U W HA n LOBE Pr 188 ' ’TIs easy then To say "Atoc” And join the glad Thanksgiving Bonbob FurnituAb Room John A Johnson Pros ‘ uS And plenteous grace All comforts corns with living 'At THE NEW YORK WORLD thrigb-a-wbk- k sedition are giving up Intoxicating' ed or eon fused with others nor lost States 150 Week a 18 total Papers a Year drinks at a gratifying rate The Pages thecontrol and leadership DOLLAR ONE FOR His life and work stood for social production of dUtilled spirits during published ever Altornata Da except health and v regeneration and hla the last fiscal year’ was about one- - j ' Sunday tbanUhat or tbo previous spirit will live on and Inspire other fourth less workers quite regardless of the Ve- j year this may have been due to over-- ' rdict of the political economists upon production and the shutting down of The Thrlce-a- Week Edition of Thb San Pete and Sevier Branch ' no but of half distilleries the almost the scientific merits of his argument kw Yobk World is first amng''all d 30 such explanation will serve for tbo “weekly” pupera in slae frequency of STATIONS against private landuwnenhlp beer statistics which show a decrease pujictttlon) and the freshness f AND —Youth’s Companion nearly a million and a half barrols— curacy and variety of Its contents It 11 a decrease the more remarkable be- - hag all Ull merlt8 0f a gre!lt e dally cause last year there was a general at the price of a dollar weekly Its no fib OR to UTAH'S Ways election the beer irade always has a polittcul news is prompt complete acmighty boom during presidential cam- curate and Impartial as all Its readers There were no temperance re- -' will testify It is against the mono- As a state It Is of Vital Import to us paigns the oor was money polios and for the people vlvals that we should Improve In every way scarce!1 duringIn year 'the than It pHnts the news of all the world year before nor that IS possible We should improve laws did any states enact prohibition having special correspondence from all our social religious and materia) so Collier's Weekly thinks it fair to important news points on the globe 1U every way We can If we assume that there has been an im- It baij brilliant Illustrations stories find that our social life Is defective we of the average of religion by great authors a capital humor should seek the remedy and use It If provement Mhiii SUamLv BELKNAP AriASpmSfiOna good cooking personal cleanliness page complete markets departments we do not find It Vvlthnut InvestigaTruln £3 will run Thursdays ui4 amusements and olhef na- - for the onsqhold and women’s work Saturdnys Train Tueidt's St wUl run Mondays Wedtion Vt Is worth our time to prove re- healthful tlonal discouragers of the drink habit and other special departments unus' nesdays and Fridays H LtMouu Agsnt Richfield membering that all Fs not necessarily ' ual interest — Satt Mafclal Bee D 0i Dodge Oeu’l Man agar good because it exists Thus we should December we offer this un- S LI Babcock Truffle Manager Until 11 scab eficb pbiso of life and seek to ImFA Wadltlgh Gen'l Passenger Agent ncivspaperand thcCensor But there Is a The recent conference of the Sevier equaledone prove it If we can General office Balt Lake City year tor $200 Strictly cash Dtek tendency that Is Wrong find that Is stake was one that abounded In £ood In advahte' best was bere lOafihg— )n Utah at hit growing things The j In Utah we have originated much the mother of sins The best and the he people f Utah have a religion of j only way on earth to every make the My Oiil Kentucky Some their own and fiaany other ways of worlfl better Is to make it busier Antheir own They have a style of music other excellent t suggestion was on r It you believe In Silver 16 to 1 und that Is strictly Utonian Their writers keeping the children at home of nights Of poetry and prosO baVO orlgl nated A The eel tor has been w 1th a dramatic good meals good beds that invite to Sigurd erd oyote literature distinctly theirs The typl company of late and he is astolnded sleep and pleasant dreams good Stage cal Utah home would be recognized as at the number of chlldreu who loaf Magazines liopk Around of on the outside Of the Various such If It was on the plaint Kahshs GRASS AND RABBIT VALLEY Children who or is the woods of htalne Utah cities halls of the county Dully Papers ROUTE have' broad streets a style of AVchltec should be at home In bed 'fill the enter and a lure and $ general arrangement that ance and smoke cigarettes while there Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morning Is typical of them alone Its Jonrnal-Is- learning the bad habit of street loaf-nexcept Sunday reach Burrville all began to have distinctive features noon and go on to Loa or Coyote tha Hospitality when it passed largely Into the hands of nbn— Utah people As one goes that’ makes you feel at night Of course the patron ago goes to the over the arid lands ot Colorado ho Accomodations for passengers an home with a Sample Room oh workers and it Is entirely propparty finds a sort of farming In New Mexico Main street go to acuities for carrying exprses er Who should it go to Jf not to the still another but neither Is like that party workers?— Enquirer' Flllmsre Brothers of Utah That is Utah has In the If parties have any use on earth It 1 THE KENTUCKY HOUSE Burrville past had ways of her own She Was td perpetuate government but when to a great 'extent original Oo Monroe Sevier Utah are used to perpetuate governments Proprietor It is a mistaken Ide to suppose parties we are going back to the Midthat these ways ofUtah were all wrong dle Ages We 'are returning to time yet there seems ttt e A tendency to when every 'Christian principle on give them all up Our authors find earth was sacrificed to stamp out and little demand for their wbtk Utah extei ruinate other secta and denominaschools study the literature of the tions The offices in the United States Show your regard for those who classic authors but forget to notice should be given to the best qualified have gone before in the really unique literature of Utah And it Is a vicious system that makes Utah's convenient roomy homes of It otherwise using public offices as a the past are built no more but in their means of securing political favor in stead are cottages that are more mod- stead of serving the people The man ern but less comfortable H has established hi Agement of public affairs In Utah has The Salt Lake Herald tells big truth on of Co-o- p always been on the light tax theory wbqn It says that one game of foot Are too to but Utah people is willing Stores ball has tnore brutality in It than all contract needless debts and add needall of the prize fights of a year The very less expenses despite this old way of name "fight” has set the whole world the past A perusal of UtAh’s law ' pugilistic encounters hut ONLY WORK HXOHANGB against now show boks of years gone by and " Mere It called a "game” there wouldFoil PRODUCl INSCRIPTIONS that her laws are less simple In lant n’t be half so much sa Id against it 4 guage and provisions The inconsentency of the world Is In A study of our borne life shows frowning down pugilism and looking clearly that the sensible simplicity of on the pugilist as Immoral while the Mormiru home life is becoming somefoot-baplayer IS considered the great thing of the past We have been suc- man of the modern university cessful in community ownership of mu !f4 l)) I water rights The style of communt "A country newspaper can no longer ' ity irrigation companies we have here are distinctly ours and by so exist as the mere organ of a party OFFER BARGAINS we sought to carry community clique ring or faction It ftkust bo aa a winbusiness stores Into factories saw operated ownership enterprise mills grist mills and other things but ning the esteem of its reading patrons Ton Pboplh or Skvibr and OTHteh we are not doing it now Thus It Is be faithfulness to public Interests and Counties Wrrri: that too often we lay aside the things tbe merit and attractiveness of its FURNITURE ' of Utah not because tbey are surpass- polumns and securing the confidence ' CARPETS ed— net because they are no longer And support of advertisers by the ex WINDOW BHibfes useful but because they are not like teut and character of Its circulation” ' ACE CURTAINS ! the rest of the world This Is all' — Ex BABY CARRIAGES ' ' wrong Early Utah tried many new tbfngfl and found them good and Congress Is to meet soon There We are agents fof the celebrated others It used because Of necessity should be A law to prohibit congress but now let ui not throw Utah ways from making too nihoy laws Tbe aside in unassorted heaps Let us look whole world needs a better e quality them over and store up in the social and alessqunntlty of laws just now civil and material phases of Utahs commonwealth all the good that we The Iron County Record reports In can find so that when the student of success to the Braneh NtftfiiAl creased over looks future sociology he can still School It is pleasing to hear that It find all the gOodef Utah’s ways pro t served and taught to others Instead is SO of finding nothing that is our own Hold to Utah ways until something Missouri better Is founded Do not change unIn Sevier County Wo have on linne The Colorado Short 'Line to Kansas less there Is profit In It “and Louis Mo' all St points City ' t? South and East Free reclining chair cars tud Puf man palace sleeping cars of most elo of o Direct connections at gant design ' ’Station of the profits Bt' tha magnificent Union A LtUls for everj where of if Tickets on sale at all stations on Rio Grande Western Railway HORN & MILLER H B Koosar 'E J Flynnv West OF THE coy UT HOUSV CV& P F A TA Maps Chrjstexsbn t$vrr Salt Lake City Utah degrad- J No longer do cohfonnd us: With smiling face And all Furnitubb lowest tricks ft ua proposed reform to be changed When troublous cares And threaU’ing snares AtTHB R teSfa (Fred W Pearson) TiCaitBVAVD Sofas uwv3B' Clocks 'And Brackets BUREAUS -- n v - line g m I Remember the Dear Departed i Enduring Everlasting Grave Stoned ARTHUR HENR1E ’ Center St East and prepared to niako grave stones and do kinds Marble Works ‘ Cemetery Work FIRST-CLAS- S — I i BRtnDLErs ll Furniture j Store ic I Wallpaper ‘ "CROWN” Organ and Pianoes s i ’lit"' THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS Pacific Ry constantly - You Get PartI i YOU TAKE'S YdCK The Equitable Store' a’t Coffins 6a6ket6 frimmihgs Burial clothes Handled Screws artel the like We are alsv prepared to takecharge preliminaries f to funeral$ and do other services usuallv rf' Vuired undertakers t |