Show rpo 'rjl- - s Ki'-’i lf -J -- '4 J 4 I V rt-K-- - - t: tf rm outhIrn so STAKE CONFERENCE Professional and Business Cards N E ''‘V ' ’ 'Vs E Bates Council HOFFMANN Lawyer and Notary that cltrks and customers NOT1CETO CONTRACTORS were undersigned board of truateea of BchoO District No 4 Elslnoro Sevier Co CtahwllJ receive bids for tbe erection of all rock worli A crowd of eight Iloboes has been for the four room school building (with thf of tho ciuurrylng of the rooks) unThey are exception infesting Elsinore oflate til 10 a tn I'eoehibtr 7 1W when all bid 111 not of the common busted tramps sort open at Thomus Nielson’s HVclonei'Kls woi k to be completed on or before llj‘i iiorej watch bear will but are tricksters wbo (list day of July ISOs for further iufoimj-thi- u call on trustees where plans uni! speciing They claim to have no money fications nwiy be Seen and gold (?) are rings but soiling gold The trustees reserve the right to reject any (?) bowed spectacles and If nothing and all bids not considered advantageous to Tlie The speaker told a member of the High greatly had his mother guarded him carehow Talks of Morality annoyed Bp Baglcy of Koosharcm always has to run a funny feport to give in when he re fully and would not Prominent Tot Young rVv the streets at night ne thought she ports his ward and as soon as he is Will practice in all the Courts Stae was harsh but now be thanked her for called tho peuple prenure for a laugh and Federal Thri' November conference of the It He had kept bad company and At one time the bishop was report Office Ence Block Sevier Stake was held Saturday and learned bad habits but after all his ng the condition of the cattle and RICHFIELD UTAH Sunday last It was really one of the mother’s good teachings had sown said they did better of late because of most spirited and best attended gather seed that had grown and were now a new Idea the people had They used else will Induce a person to buy they thi district W W Waltacb U L Brows Elders 3 w Sylvester ever here held sort of its logs to send them to the pastures very set ExProbat Judge as a plea In several InC Hermanson bearing fruit hunger up of two Kimball and Woodruff Thomas Nielson WALLACE A BLOWN early bat they never did so well as stances they lave been seen to take Trustees very leaders proved mornyoung l Sevier lhAhe One hose valley SUNDAY AFTERNOON sale to the saloon Attorneys at Law of Piibllttalldtt Not Mh the First the proceeds en of Block Richfield Utah lively earnest young men full he wind driven from the Willow After the sacrament was Jad minis- - ing The common hungry “busted’’ tramp Will practice in all the courts State and Fed work they hold dear ft) Richfield some twelve or Patch Wrul Is a gentleman compared with this i Corporation Ladd and Commercial NOTICE TO CREDITOR laslness Solicited fourtee miles and found the town sort of wanderlhg Willies and people i of tb largo number young Uepremted thtbtum b had Well cows bdng put into the pastures so he huuld be oh their guard against them "tanal Kapp G T Bean id betook men wbo rt blebope In Tbe Matter of the Estate of Laru an urchin and said “Say how accost Deceased: showed Fracdnfen RAPP dni BEAN i ii other In went alOhe o plnces of is it w have our Cows the pastures I the young is Its Notice on young hereby given by the underLawyers is 8evler Stake depending He wanted the young two hdbrs earlier than ths hut still Will practice in all the State And Fedral amusetoeht Some signed ndmluistratr lx of the Estate are their below believed thiit Is We give It CArta add United States Land Office men to a great extent of Lars FrArdsen Deceased to the middle-ageand old to go to the danc yours JH out better and are fatter" fellows iu Messers Rapp and Bean are able and Brigham who have done a brief summary of the work by sessSmiled listened The lil attentively creditors of arid all persons having and ing parties and associate together lawyers In all probate land water work this suborner and if allow him ’s Room-Watc- JHf — zrszzsxz i “ ' pawl d r fulnlnf and criminal ions litigation attend all sessions of CdUrt in the ‘llxth Judicial District and adjacent cotintlSi then Will ( Southern Utah Ofllss in andertdn Btilldlhg I SATURDAY FORNOON less and sal J evil would creep in Bishops J reported em wards I JenBen and E A Bag-le- y the Elslnofe and Kooshar W HSeegmiller reporte d President jlicdnEtP UtAM the stake He found an 'awakened Elder Benjamin Cluff read from the tedbcatlobal ihtekestof late though Doctrine and Covenants Where the JOSEPH tiCKtfRSL&Y religion classes were not prospering Lord reproves those who do not teach matters Were tahch the same Other their children as they should PurposeAttorney at Law better urged Elder George Reynolds ly temptations have been put around more willing hand us County Attorney for Wayne County moral lives and a that We might gain power by overih giving to the Chnrch Financial coming them but wh must overcome UTAH troubles are on the leaders and they loa them or evil will reshlh should be helped by tithing and free Elder Woodhitt closed the meeting will offerings M W MANSFIELD explaining the V&rlbus degrees of I Bishops BrandleyCharlesworthaud at the tsord had prepared and Lawyer their respective reported Magleby people to strive for the highurged wards Notary Public est and If they did Divine aid would the called peoCluff Elder Benjanim be given unto them and theirs forever Utah tltUBBEB s ple’s minds to the facta that bishop’ bad socireports dealt with good and A QUESTION O W Collins i Stewart ety If we want more good and less evil in tbe next generation now is the STB WART and COLLINS whose duty it is to felt Law time to prepare folr it Children will The Question of Attorneys construct and maintain culverts across tJTAH be lust what they are trained to be lildltFlBLDi roads where the ditfches were in use came prior to the opening of the roads SATURDAY AFTERNOON of s court the commissioner PR Q H HERBERT P Bishops Fairbanks and Bell reportDavis Giunty last Mhday After the Annabella and Glen wood wards slderable Physidad And SiXrtfeon discussion it was dee ded C D FjOlshOAd told of Oron of irrigating d owners tbe Urtlce at Pioneer Drug Store Pratt’s dedicating these valleys as a that es must put in all culverts and keep for the Lord’s people He re- UTAn b ion FIELD same in repair regardless of buked the sterility Of the soil and the road or the ditch Was made first er the the Lord that if He would HU Commissioners of Davis County make it fruitful land the people are right iu their construction of the M i) siiipp would pay their tithe and obey bis law law a number of bridges across ditch-wei Physician and Surgeon — Tbe Lord has kept his promise have and canals in this cbnnty which It so why tho poor tlthings and es OfiScd and rdsldcuoe At the 1 claims against Bald deceased to exluck was not Against them they would hibit them with the necessary vouchIn toe the lop early yours rooming” have added another clpbor to this— ers withltl four months ftfter the first Upon is return home he told the peopublication of this notice to said adhad followed the advice and Bugler ple ministratrix at her residence in'Elsi cattle do better since hore Sttvlercuhhfcy Utnlq the same A GOOD DEED IIOW’S THIS? Duririg the absence of County Clerk Steele Who Went to Coyote Monday a couple Came to town to get a license We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure J C11KN EY & CO Trops Toledo O i and being unable to find tbe clerk they appealed to Thomas SeVy Esq Justtueof the Peace to help them out Is a man with a very warm was very much moved to and heartr see sttch distress and ready to do all in his power to relieve it With the assent of all parties Justice 8ety made a warranty deed con veytng the bride In theusual form of such deed witn all her appurtenances hereditaments rents tRsues and pro tits unto the bridegroom and his heirs con-Elde- tch-ian- d wheth-promise- dr "The trouble is you wake 0000 days Mr-Sev- y the undersigned have known F J Cheney far the last 15 years aad believe him perfectly honorable in Ml business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made Monument Mills Glen wood Utah O by tlielr firm West $ Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Waldino KinNAN Martin Wholesale Druggists To-ted- of Ftewart & Collins Attorney's for Admliltratrlx Dated Nov 19th 1807 We o F Pierson Pro The Best Plaee To Get Flour - Graham Ohio Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken acting directly upon the blood The Southern Utah Crinsof calb4 and mucous surfaces of the system worst forms ot Price 7bc per bottle Sold by all politics “one of the foreveft--- ' and j idleness’ it is not far wrong J Tho happy couple took their pre- Druggists Testimonials free best Hall’s family Pills are the cious document and departed for tlieir Loa of fields In the home future green iuter-nall- y - k J — Pangultcb Progress d ? being tbe place for tbe tiilrisaction tbe bueibess i f said Estate Hannah Frandson Adiuinstratrix The long winter Provo Enquirer What are now upon us evening are parents doing for the entertainment uf the young people? Billiard halls Clothing and Gents Furnishings THE BEST and CHEAPEST in UTAH and club rooms are made mst invit-iugan- d many ot our young men are are now kePfc UP by the publiC’ ahonld many saloons? leading a rapid life that will in after Kentucky House the expense of the Greenwood Gledhlll James be maintained at cause them much sorrow Some Bishops f years : : Utah MoifttOB - owner of the dltcbes and canals and reportStevens Teeples Jensen S tning should be done to counteract such were the case quite a burden wards THE WONDER fe ed their these evils and the reforms should be would be lifted from the public and how told the Elder George Reynolds at the home circle Make the i)R E SMITH law gin Mormon people were sought as colo- - thrown upon individuals The Dentist home inviting and let church organl H3GM0M mats because of their sober habits and upon the subject reads as follows Andeiioh Building be improved and more enterx ations s 19 Owners or users of 2083 Since the Gos- UTAH unswerving Indiistry BlCIIFl 15LD or secs which now are or talning canals ditches bel had been proclaimed to tbe nation I hereafter may be constructed across ail denominations were changing I ny public highway are required to re- their teachings to be in acoord w ith I sure guc)j highway to as good and safe From the settlements of Utah genMRS N H ST the teachings of Joseph Smith yet condition as It was before such canal - erally come complaints of unruly and JO Sick tin of General Cart and sec was constructed by bulld- troublesome youths and the newspatyi&toifery they knew not why The Saints have ditch or sultable such or other a Ing bridge pers of the counties seem to despair of always lamented the death of their I RICHFIELD UTAH as may be detefmlned by the a cure for the evil There is no cure so crossing tVlo has bees leaders yet each one county Court or road supervisor A -- a man forhls time Joseph Smith tobulld j failur0 r construct and keep in repair good as ample school accommodations disUp the church in doctrine Brigham jgnch bridge or crossing as and when compulsory attendance and strict MRS ANNIE M NELSON road Young to lead the Pioneers and found required by tbe County Court or cipline by teachers and parents MiDWlfB and Nurse a misdemeanor is supervisor John —Tribune After yeir’s absence for stuij I am ai them in tbe Rocky Mountains we bas aboVe section usually The U Taylor for the trials and harhshlps of I $y plaev'ready to ffisUslA my practice mean to canls construed been believe ‘As a rule the Cache County farmers the Raid and Wllford Woodruff for vUtam KfcsntoBB and ditche9' WhlCh haV® beeQ ““i are better off than those of Sevier’’ re the present Structed across publio highways and marked a visitor “It is mainly beAt evening priesthood meeting those across which publio htgh-Henr- y cause tbe farmers down this way sell HOMER NcCARTY a ordained N HAyes was It is not ways have been constructed t S Deputy tleir farm truck and don’t feed to and set apart to act as a high I priest what the statute cattle of their own” Just what the clear jilst A perfectly 'councilor hlRVEY6R doe8 mean in this case And as we do Censor has preached for a long time— and pvbLLc more than j not consider ourselves And good advice it is too Bro Crosby SUNDAY MURNING third or fourth rate authority on legal MONROE UTAH —Bugler in We Submit this to our legal Elder A O Woodruff spoke of jqnegttcms I jj firm a men how before by luminarles for a solution as to whether possibilities Allcri Penrose’s AmateurTheat--rlca- l to! devotion faithful and Court of Miss adhearance Hon Commissioners’ compaby of Richfield flayed fcood God had become an all wise and Diiv)8 county is right or wrong Upon There Is always cue thing to be remembered in business that you bevel here last bights The 'characQueena heaVen earth and of Lbls ruleYs Ever since 1871 till intelligent os6 antliing by dotlmf With tria tried and trusted p0int— Wasatch Wave ters Were Well sustained MisS Etta ’and that Vve by living on this earth! has never beeA It has been doing business in Richfield Rchfleld Co-o- p Morrison’s Impersonation of “Florence come to PROPRlETCR might the and of WRIGHT In has Its probation ) treatment the public It always had nothing bsl found wanting K which bas Fletcher” was exceedingly good -store see He The could like nim become a too on its sh jives and still has supply of the same Deseret bstantial articles and evil intentions K’ved through the varied financial Elsinore Correspondence SHI PJe8H J9A3 ISGdBoqo puy u0uijossv iseg oqj SdOOO AUG Change Not an hJnot Old Friend Maxim That Holds Goodin Friendship hNERXi Rotary It Is of Great Value the Wrtyhf Business fleuse- I ve that wickedness ft&mr bLAssta Every Way so many have News were ripe among taany of the people storms before which Is doing an lives aad still succumbed 'of Richfield and that hfany sought to the lead others astray We must learn to extensive business under The our associates arid not make agementot J I Jensen TBBMS BBASOlliBlE H--’- - man-sele- The tone of the last issue of the Southern Censor loads one to believe some existence twenty in basbeen ness we merit that that paper leaffs toward socialof all that ism now about it Brother Crosby?— with started acapltal Elder Audrew Kimball had spoken years having a Header now bas e dollars It in the Sunday school held at 0: o’clock I of seventy-fivWe have before 'stated that some thousand of staying at home of nights lie now capital of ten socialism is what the well lie found -- Elsinore Correspondence to Deseret Worldapplied took up the same subject most needs right ‘many young men loafing in our stores News I :l r noW Better Fall &nd Winter Cttods cfehhotb found in the county Rl'CHft&Lb CO-b- F Theo ESTABLISHED)!! Bra-ndte- r && i |