Show u T i- - V - X t — A S0MJELIEVEJN1 r ‘HITS OF NEW$ ""'PROTECTION' We wdufa sugar works and a like factory lished somewhere In dm South r-'- - — 7 Oest jPanvjrade estab- eAf in Fetfer County5 would be agyea in Free help to the farmers of Utah and sop If you want to trade freely In TIIT ply them eacji year wtth a cash ntar OWABE AND CUTLER F ket Sugar Is about all on which t?ie'y It will Others I vet on a fcsArl WteWbgden getS “PVlithe tUfkey I Trade GobUer’Hgone' I ' 1 we dance on Friday aWond "f l”i a id're Llula If Christensen ha etj pay rop8t 1 feVWes audlleber'-- ‘ Pulldlug by treating lliC et dene Vs wt it ' l tj a wr- - only 'to To K’a he floor whs faultiest none hi IIl”8en’8 fy068! can compote with Other farmers of bdhnd- - 'appointed the I yo 'want your'bpUse protected bounty on adeount of thelr'rfsolatioij Prp Ptframa etc ' tdi- Sunday night I is fatsuntr tp soy thing Richfield: and high railroad rates Enquirer! meetings: 1'1 k' J hat ever boasted ty eaves trough It will only cdst j : The ‘students pf thp Latter-daA aii fou nine 'cents per foot at GttECd’S Saints college1 will a dancing pat XUl' ”' give EoMola I Hall Co Stock Comp1 east ShOp of Opera IlouSe ' ty at Christensen's dn TWWb'wil Friday eveting yJ Voted ar(d Miss wt i December 3rd ' The 1 Allfe Penrose are The (Ugh school deserves of !S Salt Cre‘d Lake City cu great J In the hands af A J Paulson ' and iC of Senator IiKaffedtn train f!A members fop Qt)(lnng the' flApVirtlnu Tile General Wood Worker I — Cannon to lecture here on cau thislady never be over-- j ablt( Tuesday or ln Mf' Can“IJ“ Is Iptilicil I am of few ! Deseret fteepacoofe Jou to trade with me 1’ - 1 j'?’ OlloJer( LflJy y i! wii" ' - M flid propriety the ?nly planing mill in Richfield the best dhoseu George D‘'Pype of one In Sevier County Jr (folding il Turned Work Planed Lumber t?!1 ' A f Is I always on Ijandj am prepared to take contractor for of tbosQorgattlxitfonslisWeed Whitaker wt’8 leaves shortly on Mr Pyper assume Iji's yijp hew duties on fiec' l with” Leo Hun Mi liiuM y u sretHry mlksion rt s ndtcooncuf Lentles2!''WftHMeWeSt-Mfh1tUPe b verj t raw material i on ‘The New West and the Old and It created Ipto that apl D° dowbt hln? an exccllentJ The re professional contras) of tije rient and A meric iV Production '"Queena” on Saturday ' j ’ it Willard The but under her faulUe8?‘ W Bean is home from Cali- nlaloqklfighaleaqd Tvw trtaiba ir J wMweu 8ugeiaDd Me number of ths Thuexpepcflf of ourcqtuijjy gojrej-& eVenlngdreM’ strutoir of gflastlcs at the b' V Iftent are too there are too 10 many hlbj ti:eT 'C08 ““ ' njQ(i aoy in tbs n W future drawing salaries' The tax burdened Acpdemr J turned and more ' ' ' ” handled smootly piece p®?p!? ‘ww&ik Prof Benjamin Cluff the ever busyu m baying been seen behind our foot Fjfcf wh to the pioneer policy of economy” eMafcPblwprker?fjjn RichfleI(j lighte- -a marked ImprovemaVt was Enqpjrprv during conftreoce looking after the noticeable over their first as sort dre9sad’ eTe- ’ w carpenter work Call on mp (or an estimate JQ Anders on “it ‘ attempt B But If the stage direction of Miss Lucy Clark the well khowb k t eDr08e of Repubjllpaa clubs has been W8S Bibb ftplifert who attended court in Ottering her characeri-Junctioappointed: post mistress at Jfaijmlng-tothis week jvere Judge tyc aton of Queena Montrose was euper SUMMONS Dayis Cpunty Uta control follCartgBepostei Rhllo Attorneys Stew- lor-- Her feurs semi-sel- lf (Case No 151) In the District Court of the Slxt Marshal B E Clark ‘6f Sprlngvllle art and Collins J B Jennings E IV owed by outbui'sts of passions The udicial District of the State of McDaniel V Rapp 8 emotions of the lady were Utyh Utah died from the effects of superior to bounty of Sevier Seed' have wq here anything Clothes tears at the Salt Lake hospital are quite comThe Utah Implement Co A Corporation could be plainly' observed a few mon furrowing Plaintiff daysgince 7fttiln sod should be guarded vs their way down her faded cheeks and O T Bunkor A Bunker and G Enoe -w a Still they kdep on grading streets agMn§t Defendants in thethiid act her mad scene was The State of Utah Sends Greeting It Isn’t half the work people thought Resident Robert Voung of theOtter enough to harrow rup the gratl ngs for Creek Bunker A Co' & Bunker G was ’down' Ence il from topT Bervpjr feelings of the most hardy man pre' Otter Creek first of the wek The sent Defendants: There ' j aren’t as loafers on ine many You are herebyarequlred to appear Jn an action brought against you by the above street novyuis there used to be Thank Otter Creek Company-Ihaving some ' Miss Penrose was ably supported by hamed plaintiff ln tho District Court of the trouble with a man named Johnson Mr Beat!' by no mdans ’au ameteur ’tls so Judicial District of the State of Utah heayep -who wifct a very high price 'for his His appearanct' Is1 prepossessing and County of Sevier and to answer the compUlht after Just the conference President land on the reservoir filed therein within ten days (exclusive bl9 ease home life This was pf s(te and a "he day of service) after the serylce on you my first Seegmlller accompanied Apostle Wood suit will be need bf this summons-- if served within this of seeing him in Juvenile opportunity on a tour of the southern settle- ed ruff county 6r If sorved out of this county bit in this to settle the tfr'iCfc: lead be hithertb plAying first old min l dls'Dict ments of Sevier County and the towns within twenty days otherwise with if a so successfully but his success In Uj forty diys-Miss Nora Holman has Judgment by default will be of Grass Valley opened a taken against you according to the prayer of v Lord Walter sbould bhan cucourage-uafeianiiy Icltehen 'Bald complai nt room ln the George Bnnkerhoflof Thurber re- Alice Tbe said action Is brought to recover from 'to him to cultivate the latter Brown bul$lnlf brf 'Mhin StreeL ypu the sum of 176 80 principal and interest port two’ of the three s three how on line Q U' certainly did a large share and 13500 attorneys fees: Alleged to be‘ dde the new to wnsltei white every eflort 'ihe school board is preparing to en- in’ 'J plaintiff on a ceetalinromlssary note dated smarting the profusion of tears in force the Compulsory school law ' April 16th 1896 for 95 00 due Many the last act August 16 1898 is being nradfc to get a new kahooi '‘With interest at 1)4 per cont per month afte house up there too Once moved to children whohftiiTd be in school aie Lizzie Baker made a dlttjcult double dae: sighed by C T BuDker and ABunker ''and gu the new location Thurber will be- one pot attending and trouble will b In the characters by G Ence upon which $870 of Mrs MuUfoso has been paid which said note is aUeged $q D( the state’s saved if parents send them- before be prettiest lights ‘Alice Claire bt This provide for the payment of a reasonable at lady is ever re-- ‘ Ct I'" i lng compelled tado-storney’s fee in case the same Is placedn ths liable uud’self On Saturday night Charlton ln lines r possession The Huands of an Attorney for collection— and Miss Lizzie Butler has been 12100 Is alleged to be a reasonable ill general verdict is tiiat she gained Molllij drrbcir' were quite attorney’s J I66 more general approval iu her ebarpet-e- r a On Mop-da- y part of the yyeek “And you are hereby notified hat if yoti granted mirriage license f work had she more disguised her ‘fUll to appear and answer the said they ieft for the capital where Paul Beutler and Miss complaint Lizzie Duffln self as above required th said plaintiff will cake -j will be foartled In the they templd both of Glen wood1 were married a(ew Judgment against you forthe sum of $10160 Etta Morrison aw Florence Nightintogether with interesi as afore said and costs Both are of prominent fam)lies nd days since 'The groom was Of suit a formerly gale jFldtcher fairly out did herself are well and favorably-know' Richfield boy Witness The Honorable Judge and the Her native ability is not to be over Beal of the District Court of the Birth Judlt Work Is being pushed oa'tbe taberidnl District In and for the State of Utah The James M JPeterson Rank estimated More ljberal experience reports County of Sevier tills I3(h day of September nacle and more an(s are soon to be a and few in the state can surpass her growing number ofatcounts m the year of our Lord one thousand eight put on Every fqdjcation is that the ' ' ' hundred and ninety seyen as a dobrettfi "Who will Jh? oijr B G Clark Clerk people meap hpslness and the pop-m- i pext post masterf” ner partner in like role Geo C is often asked The town tee does too The fact is agrees on people has geratly improved on his ttjst are becoming very tired o' pqc rnattei? no ope wants a change if seeing' Jonn Henry Wilkins Mr JtC- half completed building tliat we are they can help it Miss Johnson"' and attempt Morrison '' taleqt and in a part of not c’ ' W A Seegthlller were both selected Collins Attorneys for needing so badly fjtewart so high comedo will shine a vuite because of their fitness J j pot their ‘use bright' star in our brilliaut conslella-tlom- ’ The Society Stock Cpmpany plays ftjlatm to the and we never expect two party” Queena at (Jlenwood tomorrow night The old Ear) did not sujfej: iq in the pacB The cast ba? beep made for the play who will del the hands of O C Thurber whose of Arabian Nights or The Gutta a A petition to have the Grass and stately figure so nicely filled a baud-omGirl which will be put pp at Rabbit t costum Claud liad never been galley piall go direct from Richfield a week from and at Richfield is being circulated Copies are on the stage before but" was genera) Sa(lna the next night atBollthoand Lewis and the surprise Lester Wright’s wider experience $tora should It AR ilgn so It that All over the county ay many apple can be forwarded Two city lots east half of block in trees now denuded to (he department told materially la his ease on the stage of leaves ou which earl In pecember the ameteurtsh stiffness which by the are of or yellow apples pputheasc part of city cjuster way yas almost wholy qbseqt through One Ou Sunday afternoon the brick Jiqijs? fjf) north the lovelest or fruit entirely pn valuAcademy out tho company not : heing so notce-abl- e v ' ableHall would hold but half of the peo-lot Last but by no means least no P1® who wett to CQUfcre 112 acres farming land f Still are hauling wood down one was so natural Bo heartfelt as sho pjp from the oldthey wood road that breaks up wag town Myron Hanchett the Annabella the little star who captured all our ong st oves up horses aod teaches bpyg dairyman has gone to Arizona jje hearts Her appearance iu no degree Good water right with all assess to swear We need a npw wood road will he belied the advertised title of Utah’s jfone a year and may porman luents taxes and dues fully paid up Child Actress all look forward with badly locate ently there For farther particulars enquire of fond expectations to her Little Lord Judge George W Rean hH been Homer McCarty Roptlproy quite ill for some time past He is ' Members board the of of education mproving npw tt Monroe have been doing odd Jobs about the Both Rrandley and Brown say that schools TWO LECTURERS COMING taking census hauling gravel( their letters end the controversy they giving legal opinions arranging bench had through the Advocate The Cen- es and even doing jaqltorlal work for The lectures on the high school which they have audited their own sor would (hank heaven If the end of bills and appropriated themselves course have not come oft as they were private affairs being tskep up by news- money That practice ha9 led to the Uhted so far but now comes a change papers was id sight belief that perhaps members of the and tomorrow evening the first lecture board are growing wealthy at the ex The Sevier Valley Canal has been of the course will be delivered by Prof C penso of the but their reextended quite a ways lately cords published ln full do not war- George H Brlmhall Tuesday even(formerly head workmen for rant such belief The policy of pay- ing following Senator Frank J CanThe Wonder has added a new store is now located the Elsinore ing themselves however for odd Jobs non is to be here to lecture bis first room lays members of the board open to su- appearance here for some across the s'reet south of the time past ougbt to be discontinuW T Ogden’s new brick cottage is spicion and Store lie has a stock of cloth on deserve The school teachers higb ed There a law forbidding city Where’s the bird councllmen is as as well from nearly complete many samples course for credit this — great lijiud preparing doing likewise Enquirer ’ which to order A suit from stock can Tom? of a lectures and The school law of Arizona will notallproper appreciation bo had three dajs after the measure Adelbert Twitcbell of Escelante was ow a trustee of the effort should be shown Tickets nor any compensation ni o's are taken Two weeks requir- - in Sevier’s capital Monday ill it allow him or her to make any for the course are but fifty cents— a President CliristcDSQn of the Young contract with the board The latter price within the reach of all and all Men’s Mutual reports a mast excellent provision is good The former one high school students have them for 'sale to have ready from samples start this year poor -- Mu W ef j J I Bold By ' Consolidated Implement Co and Hjents n I n ’ J Awapci-dentalsh- ot linf-Kftiberie-s s Buy Your Trees of THE SALT LAKE NURSERY CO Our trees "are alwaysfree from moth They are well packed before shipping ‘ I e f- I J They are well raised and trimmed - - qr ConslJt?Vr nt pad-lunc- h O C ’ ? Andraesov A sent Monroe Utah - PLEASE NOTICE - - ’ ‘ before placing your prdaj' Seeg-mille- and-Mis- i J Ostlund 6 Co of Elsinore 1 l ’ I j J 1 Mor-risa- n HAVE The Best and Cheapest STOVES IN TOWN A Full I and Complete line of CUSTOM-MAD- E I h p8r Sale Ioaroe nine-roo- Per-Cb- e - of Best Quality ht ‘ Call and see us Co-o- p m ‘ CLOTHING Boots and Shoes J OSTLUND IS ALSO PREPARED TO ’ - v Handle all the Ties From Selina to Belknap and will pay the highest price paid on the line Utah MERCHANT TAILOR Nielson tax-payer- Co-o- Co-o- p it ‘ Elsinore ytah X- -2 I s DO YOU WANT Cook Stoves Ranges Heaters? Parlor Sets Bedroom Suits? Tinware Stove Piping? Lumber Lath Shingles? Moulding Rusticor othersupplies usually kept by stove furniture JU lumber dealers? 'l : It you do go Ijo The Pioneer Faituro Store H O MAGLEBY Propriety MonroeUpHj k T |