Show RICHFIELD Opening with night the a free concert Woody-Concer- t lastFrl-da- Com- y Mrs ' Nancy Anderson hae quite clerk Ingiothe p pany has been conducting a singing she will Tin roofing at I K Wright and class here during the week' Consider- her Furniture store f tint able Interest has been aroused In music Feter Larson an old citizen of our A J Moore Is home from the state by the class which closes with a con-- 1 town went after wood on Friday and cert tonight capital had the misfortune of falling off the The Relief Society surprised Mrs & On Tuesday Mrs E FDurfee who load and was badly Injured E Hull today has been for two years past engaged as a teacher In Annabellawas married to Magnus Nielson has moved his famiLOA NEWS Robert F Morten of Red Lodge Monly Into towti tana The Couple accompanied bj i Mrs Alma Peterson is Hi Vvlth Joe Robinson has quite Cutting Mrs Durfeos children have since left fever for Red Lodge whofe their future shingles and excepted a position hs school teachor In Thurber County Clerk It M MansOn was ovp home will be rom toa Tuesday James oUr Post d DO YOU WANT NOTICE store and after this give her entire attention to Co-o- of Summary Administration In tne Matter of the Estate of I Allan Taylor Deseased j Notice is here by given that the Tudge of the Sixth Judicial District County of Wayne Sato of Utah has made an order requiring all persons Interested In above estate to appear e tho said Court at Loa Wayne Co 'Ttah on the 8th day of November 18 97atllo’clockaraof said day then and there Show cause by written objections and exceptions If any they have why-th- e whole of the Estate of Allan Taylor Deseased should not be set apart and assigned to Phebo A Taylor wld Cook Stoves Ranges Heaters? Parlor Sets Bedroom Suits? Tinware Stove Piping? Lumber Lath Shingles? Moulding Rusticor othersupplies usually kept by stove furniture or lumber dealers? be--r- and Amy Tavlor Wllford WTay-lo- r master is Jeffery and Matilda Taylor Minor childW H Clark has gone to Dixie to quite sick ne hasn’t been ab)e to be ren of said decondcnt for their use MONROE In the office for sometime past and support join his family Dated Oct 18 1807 The weather Is fine again the field J EMaglcby Is north buying sheep Attorneys Stewart and tiolllns are II M Hanson Clerk are nearly clear now and the people at Loa Toseph Eckersloy’ Attorney for widow Stverlne- Andreason Is again home ure dividing Up their grain with the and children ' ' Mdda Christenson raised a potato from the Crystal i brasher? and merchants that weighed 0t pounds The “Mutual” Cliolr Is a recent The Stake Officers of the Y M NOTICE TO CREDITORS A large line of Boys’ suits Just re- organization of Monroe A and V L M I A will give a ceived at the Wonder It Conjolot session of the M I A dance at the Rock hull In Loa Turs In the Sixth Judicial District Court 'n at house Sunday and for tho County of Sevier State the Oth night All Nov are meeting day Invited S evening Rollo John has moved Reporter of Utah his family to Richfield The Primary Department of our Tn the matter of We hope our new “city dads” will bet the Right price at I k Wright clean district school lias Lizzie Forsyth n tbe estate of out and and bridge over our wat usan Barney teachcr The trustees have no teach and sons fiecoasod or ditches er engaged yet for tlm higher departEstate of Susan Barney deceased The upartments of the Chicago Store Misses Ellen ann Susannah Llsonbeo ment Notice is hereby given by the uudor were rearranged during the week went to Marysvaie Tuesday to attend tgned Joppa Nilsson administrator of Several of our rrlmrods have ljeeo lie esl ate of Susan Barney deceased Wallace and Brown's law offleo 1$ the funeral of the Infant daughter of blit doer hunting latelySo far Loren-nzt be creditors of and all persons hav now located In the Anderton building Mr and Mrs A Sargent Taylor 16 year old boy of N P Ing claims against said deceased to A carload of ore Woody Bros— Cq gave a very Inter Taytor takes the cake be killed two exhibit them with the necessary recently shipped within four months after the froin the Blue Bird mine netted $2600 estlng concert Tuesday evening and with one shot first publioaiian of this notice tosald a class organized of thirty five raerab N L 8 b (Held has Just returned Adminstratcr at hl9 office In Monroe Attorney fioffmann Is In Loa to at era will give their first lessor They tend court 'during the coming term from a trip to the Placer diggings on 'levlo’’ County Utah the same being In music Saturday evening i the Colorado river he says the boy the place for the transaction of the Mrs Arthur Baker presented her business of said estate In the County JosA Smith was tendered a very are putting their tramways In good of Sevier Utah Bbshand with "bur first” this mon nice “snpri8e”by his wife Thursday couditlonprepartory to their winter1! Dated this 8 day of Oct 1897 ibj? evening at their home There was run Nilsson Administrator Jeppa ’ if t J A Harris Mr and Mrs Rob Farley of Le La much good singing and music and a G C Bastlan Is still hauling grai In time Atty for Admlbistrator hoar visited Judge and Mr McCarty very good geueral was bad bv In Dorse Valley nine Inches of snow Date of first publicationjOct 8 189: all present during the week fell week on seven acres their If you do go to ow The Pioneer Furniture Store Monroe Utah - Dry Goods the best assortment and at lower prices than ever heard of M-- THE WONDER -- o vou-iber- s aaaxioM Bin uj i isedeeqo pm? ssq eqj sfiujqsjujnj sus pue SujqjoiQ K up lat Election Day passed quietly by with if oats still standing In the field Bra Flease excuse the lateness of the a grand Ball In the evening given by Bastlan had to get out and cut grair a express parcel has left the "Two Marts’ There will be all whilo the mud was frozen fas without a proper roller mls-se- nt “City Dads for two years a9 they Bastlan Bastlan andbride has Just Jim Ling of the Rreckenrldge mine thought they could get along without returned from Nephl by way of Man-t- l ieft for Omaha Thursday morning to ho “mothers” Teriey nanbon sister of the bride be at the bedside of bis wife wbo Miss Ride of Payson opened her accompanied them was taken Miss Florence Anted ran up from Department In the District School down with typhoid sho remained at fsdl jn" Thursday She will not resume here laBt under the Dr’s caro Nephl Nephl Nielsen al" Hci fcfactlce In Richfield for the time so openedMonday another department of the bfilnk Monroe District at— “Frog--tow- n” or KOOSnAREM tor several days past there have North Monroe the same day with over Another sad accident happened here irefab iutoors of Hbh ore being fourd In twenty pupils enrolled on Sunday Paul Jensen returning the Sevier MlBe It seems that a Our Popular Meeting Sunday even- from a hunt was accidently shot In ibal strike has been made ing was indeed a grand success there the back and elbow were present with us the following Born to Mrs and Mrs Cbas Hel-galRay Bean son of EP Bean who has visiting teachers Prof H N Hayes been seriously ill is now a son all doing well convalescing Richfield Ed Heppler and Miss Netunless he should have a relapse back be tle Infant child of Jonn & Marla Hatch Rogers Glen wood Prof Charles around soon again Olsen Central James Sorensen & wife died last week Elsinore and Miss Jacques of Joseph A couple more of our young men In Dry paints decolors at I K Wright A most excellent Program was renderand sons tending to leave for school next week ed to a large and attentive audience The feather washer Is here and I Martin Simonsen and Martin Chrisbelieve Is getting some work tiansen the' “combination Marts” el st ELSINORE Monroe were north bound passengers bn Thursday’s train George T Bean returned from Wednesday having been successful m clearniDg his client Joseph Foreman who was charged with steal Pl-och- ing cattle A e tralnl oaded with sheep passed for it Threshing Is not yet done and through here Tuesday too much snow they do not like to Mr James 0 Jensen Is clerking in work the now The saw mill hands froze out and Niels Rasmussen has sold his house came down to wait for better weather and lottoSoren Ilermansen Which we hope will come Co-o- p The property on which the Bean C A Hanson the Harness maker reClark and Laurltzon water trenches ports the times lively in his line were dug was sold at Sheriff's sale last Elsinore Roller Mill has been crowdSaturday to E C Peterson bidding ed with work the last month for the city Born— To Mrs Peter Rick a girl A new lot of white wash brushes at Mother and baby are all right I K Wright and Sons Several teams left Elsinore Monday Fred McGurrln aod Patrick Ryan to work on the Three Creek Reservoir were In Richfield today They have Axel Frank and Miss Amanda Nielsecured a lease and bond on f Interest sen are on the road to Mantl where In the Butler— Beck mine Mr Ryan will be married they also cow has control of the Blue Bird The ('ash Store has lots of nice Christian Poulson is highly displeased trunks In this week and are selling with the statement of the Advocate them cheap that his daughter Esther was suspectMrs Simon Christenson and daughted of stealing from Mrs Beasley II er Dagmer are visiting in Elsinore thinks the arrest Is early enough to this week name any one as a suspebt of crime Hans Hermanson has sold his place This motplng Wm C Webb’s 3 years at Elsinore and moved to Salina where jbld son pulled a kettle of boiling water he will work at blacksmithlng JVer him find was seriously scdlded on Alfred Johnson and two others left pi? iacp neck and pms At present he for DeLamar with three loads of prol8 doing a? well as can he expected jjbut h$d narrow fescape ef lofting one duce this week j- of his eybs it!- i - N pqv'e - i Magnus Nielson aod E 0 Ricketts a partnership and are occupying the Poulson temporarily meat market Id the near future they will move their own shop onto upper Ma Street next door north of the Wfiiflgs building The District School started In full blast a week ago Monday With Lewis Larsofl Principal and Miss Emma Christensen teacher of the Primary department Oo-o- p Better Fall and Winter Goods can not found C F RICHFIELD P A T F &P A Salt Lake City Utah & CO-O- TALI Tahiti until within a few years a cannibal 'island has advanced to the point of patronising bicycle races The surest way to locate a puncture Is to lather some soap and smear It over the tire A soap bubble will form over every puncture no matter how small It may be and ft can then be repaired In the usual way SkatiDg and cycling seem to have a special affinity e athletic pursuits and a proficient at one is usually a good performer at the other The exhilaration attaching to the sense of speed and the case of motion pertaining to both is no doubt the source of attraction A California woman la reported to have ridden over Mount St Ilolena on her wheel The distance Is 14 miles and the road steep and dusty No mention Is made Of how many- times she got off and walked and only time can tell what damage she has done to her system by such a toHsome and foo- lhardy trip h 600-00- v long-distan- -- Old Friend A Maxim That Holds Good in Friendship Is of Great Value in Business InEight soldiers of the Twenty-fiftfantry United States army with four days’ rations and accoutrements have made the distance from Fort Missoula Mont to Harrison 132 miles in 32 hours on bicycles The trip included the passage of the Rocky range The Some of our young men and ladies average weight of wheels with riders are attending the Ephraim Academy and baggage was 240 pounds THE WORLD’S RAILROADS others who were going have given It to or Cafe attend next up hoping go later bars have been introduced on the trains running between Paris and Saint year Germain and will soon be placed On Bp Bagley has moved from his those running to Versailles A shower of toads ranch at Greenwich And will enjoy recently fell on the railroad track in Topeka Kan and so winter Wttle the months In the town impeded the progress of a freight train of Koosbarem that it came to a halt Two masked railroad robbers got Into Mrs L G De Lange has been quite the pay compartment of the Paris A sick for about two weeks but at last Toulouse express the other day held the paymaster at bay with revolvers helped report was feeling better We hope themselves to $8000 in cash and jumped she may continue so off the train while it was in motion One was found badly hurt on the track and Last Friday little Glventa Williams the other wfts attested as he was leaving had her arm broken between the d later train All the New England railroads So far shoulder and elbow by a loaded wagon beard from report a better business durpassing over It She U Improving quite ing tile fiscal year to J une 30 than In the rapidly previous year The Boston & Maine From one of your readers system the last to make a statement carried over 14)00000 mope passengers John Munson and his father of than In the previous year and over 0 more tons of freight Brooklyn came In from NevadaFrlday Gennanhs fastest train They report the roads muddy is the 0stend-8- t Petersburg which run Mr Chris Canutsen the honey raiser Our Track Grows with each year 881 miles over Germanterritory In 22 lours a mean speed including stops of left here Wednesday for Arizona where and the customer gets a fair share 291 miles an hour On the return jourhe will look around fora Dew home of the profits Try trading with ney better time is made the rats then us being 408 miles or in actual running Tuesday evening there was a basket TKE CAPITAL STOCK time excluding stops 43 miles The dance held at boclal hall where the train between Berlin and Hamburg and gc your sho re of the profits at however makes J76 miles in 3 hours folks young enjoyed themselves in 38 minutes the mean The Equitable Store speed being 491 dancing and eating — - -milee an hour 'Richfield Growing Larger4 Change Not an The Colorado Short Line to Kansas Hity fjt Louis Mo and all points It 'knith and East There is always one thing to be reifiembdrod in business tbat Free reclining chair cars and Pull you nevef ose anything by dealing with the tried aod trusted Ever since 1871 th man palace sleeping cars of most eleRchfleld has bean doing business iu' Richfield Direct connections at It has never beeft gant design found In Its treatment of wanting the has public It always had nothing bl? tho magnificent Union Station St articles on Us shelves ntntlal and still has a Lculs for every where Supply of the same Tickets on sale at all stations on bd Rio Grande Western Railway in court’: H B Koosar E J Flynn : ' ' i A good assortment of Glass at I K Wright and sons i Winter has come but all to soon it come before the people was prepared Missouri Pacific E'y the P ESTAbLISHEDl87h Theo Brandiey Agt SALEI SALE! JJaby Flaiuvels Baby Flannels are to go at4J cents a yard 9 LADIES’ CAPES AH ladies capes are to be sold just at cost GLOVES We have a lob lot of gloves both ladies and gents to sell out during the ten days DRESS GOODS We are well stocked up with dress goods and are able to sell them at prices lower thah HOSIERY you want any hosiery we are prepared td fit you up well at a moderate figure If SHOES Men’s Gaiters that were $2 togofof 125 Ladies Shoes worth a full $2 for 125 Children’s Shoes reduced from 150 to lod GENTS’ GOODS just to enliven the sale We will during thd ten days sell Men’s clothing and Gent’s fur nish jng goods at iO per cent off Our stfock ift this frrta is v6ry full we II assorted and alreafa y low in price ELSINOBE CO-O- P J I J ehsoh’ |