Show Vol 2 E E No 30 HOFFMANN Richfield Utah Friday November 5th 1897 $150 A Year Thursday morning when section men were going to work they noticed Attorney at taw Will practlcu in all the Courts Stac tho depot window wus broken and nd Federal knew from that and other signs that some thing was wrong Sheriff Coons Office Ence Block " was RICHFIELD at once not! fled and ho went to UTAH work to And clues Tho robbers had tried to pry the waiting room door open and had broken uliioge but sucWALLACE A BROWN ceeded ho further Then they had Attorneys at taw broken the waitiug room window Block Wcliliold Utah ' lYlll in all the courts Statu and Fed climbed in there prlod the office door crl 'oi lanai ii LanJ uutl Ciinmerclal open and begun work on the safe Just '‘oiloired how they had put jn the charge of VfeFmel )tap to is hiuvl tell T dyuutriilc d but with it bean they had blown the door nearly open RAPPand BEAN being evidently frightened away Lawyer's Will practice in all the State and tfedra completing their Work feouru and Unltod states Land: Office A little after one o’clock Messers Rapp and Bean are ablo and Thursday lawyers In all probate latid water mofning the Kielsbn orchestra was remining ad criminal litigation from Glenwood where they Will attend all sossions of cdilrt In the turning BIxth Judivial District and adjacent counties had played for a dance and when near t)f Southern Utah the canal ht the head of the lane they 'Office Id Addenda lldtldlng heard the explosion but thought nothRichfIelD tJfArt of ing it until the next morning the Wagon’s passing frighEvidently JOSEPH ECKERSlkY tened the burglars off from the depot Some few traces of suspects have Attorney at Law beeb foundi but nothing definite as County Attorney for Way tie County yet roMn-WRf- nnf AT ELSINORE CO-O- P bo-fo- re I ed BEGINNING MONDAY NOVEMBER 8 1 tOA LASTS TEN DAYS J - ' an immense’ variety of dry goods notions and shoes UTAH ELECTION RpTUMS 3f W MANSFIELD SHOES the election for town and city ofreturned thus with majoriLawyer ties opposite the names jotafy Public Richfield tHUltBER Utah For mayor Theo Brandley 207 " recorder Niels PoUlsoh 247 “ treasurer li 291 Hansen t 3 Stewart OW Collins “ marshal J B 65 Ramsay STEWART and COLLINS ‘‘ Simon ChristcnSen Justice 93 Attorneys at Law Councilmcn RICHFIELD UTAH Robert Young Lars n Outfeen ‘"I L P Hauseh O HERBERT H iKl A” P Rdsidussed Physician drtet Surgeon WA ficers has UTAH snipp Physician and Surgeon i and rosidedee at tile Office UWnbob i Building RICHFIELD UTAH it N MRS In The District Court of the Sixth Judicial District oF ST JOHN sms StaFe und General Can of the Sick Midwifery men Field b® tlTAH Babbitt arid Charles Babbitt partners as Babbitt Bros Plaff i Vs JMiROwu Dcfendmit The State ok Utah skittls Vbstetrtciaii Licensed To f JIjuuu at Jlrj Millers across alrceb u rth of the Public Square ' U 8 - f Deputy llINE RALSUR VE YOtt and notXry public MONROE UTAH THE WRIGHT HOUSE l -- 1 - K Wright ii : ‘I I I Proprietor Fkst u0 Hys carry- are being sold - other hiadei If you want A Fo have All lines on bur prints hrivri been range a cook any Stove or a heater We can satisfy put down to from 4S to 6 cents a ya rd you OfSd BAROAnI RTqck l ' 4 l Richfield UtaH bkA“'tcE ilAALElNlUIE MSINOES county but in this dtstrlctwlibln twenty daysi otherwise within days-- or judgment by default will boforty taken against you according to the prayer of agld cdmplalnt " The said get lends brought to recover from you the sum of eixty Dollars t oigbtyflvbcts alleged to be due to Plaintiff from you tor goods wares and merchandise sold and delivered to yod by Plaintiff at your special Instance-and request andfor which you promls ed and Agreed to pdy to Plaintiff the said sumof 81xty PoHars ahd elghtyllVe cents For full particulars see complaint now on Qlejnmy office a copy of which Is hereto aattached u And you are hereby riotlfled that If you to -Jail appear and answer the said complaint as above required the said plaintiff will take iudgnent against you for tho sum Sixty Dollars Kuo elghtyflve cents together with tho Wl CO-O- P J I jehsofii Supt J : For Sate la Fibarb’e ' Thi B’pnorabio V Jngo and the nine-roo- al tt i f k Good VI - 11 I I mile They are plf jf laxcs and duc9 1 water right with nil nssessmonts on l First Publication 0t J 'll ! i‘ C’ti fully paid up i u! Homer Me Oarty Monroe Utah 1 "N'- - moth well w( For further particulars enquire of i - Ain-ek- from town v ' Our trees are always free from I farming land of Salt Uke nuRserV co cly ni O' 112 acres t Buy Yotir Trees i Two city lolsteast half of block in southeast part of ’'k One brick house on north iot- - Costs herein:"- - seal Ik Which wd cheaper considering thd quality than i Roasouable CARPETS The Universal stoves ahd ranges PRINTS M Rowo 55 fits t'erm Greet-Ino- s District Court of the BlgthVu-hlolDistrict In and for the State bf Utah bounty this Knd day of 8opt In the ''yeKruf our Lord one thousand eight huna)' dred and ninety seven B 0 Clark Clerk ' in Every Way t Class I I iJofendanti WltnosS Sealf o th r It 50 it you want any hosiery toe are prepared td you up well at a moderate figure We have in an excellent stock of carpets which A large of ladies’ we quantity and children’s are selling at from 4(D to 75 cents a yardf underwear is to be offered at cost during the with 10 percent off for cash dtiringthe sale J d ' i i25 HOSIERY blankets and - Dta HOMER McCARTY Wftli outat prices varying from Yo° M hereby required to appenr In an action brought against you by the atrave named plaintiff In the District Court of the Sixth Judical District of the State of Utah hud to answer thS complaint- Hied therein Within ten daysfexcluslve of day servlcejafter tervlce on you of this summons— if serv-piti thewithin this countyior If served out of this Aftiraynr'iabjjinjjforstuljr I am lay plucu ready td rusdmo my ptactlco y J M the MRS ANNIE M NELSOp MiDwird and Nuiisk Elsinore ov©FStOCked County of bfcorgo FLORENCE ALLRED good® m ' A SKVIEli utail be sold just at cost are nble to sellth&m at prices lower th&ft Ladies and Children’s Underwear Dentist Anderton capes CAPES are to GLOVES &nd (will sSIl therh 8 E SMITH DR ’ All ladles fur-oeegm- wer The only ticket running in Glcnwond whs for President John Kirkuian® Councllmen T II Bell John H Payne Utah i gents 4 J' toa0 Kentucky House ft gjooDs we utto eniven the and Wm Sylvester as councllmen In Monroe the next town officials will be: President AndreUr Nilsson Coilttcllmen Jos H Jensenj George A I Smith Fred 13 Goold and A W Boll-- j Ben — DR M B 1 will during the We have a lob lotof glovbs both ladles’ anti ten days sell Men’s cte'hg and Gent's gents to sell out during the ten days iO at nishing goods 40 percent off Our stock in lino Is veryfull Wellassorted and iy ELemoj'Eiiie DRESS GOODS alread- ed Lewis Soderberghs president nC 0W " PCO U We aPe well stocked up with dress I mom C Peterson Nteta at Tioneer Drug Store RICHFIELD LADIES’ 1 j Uffldi IJaby Flannels Baby Flannels are to go at 41 cents a yard Men's Gaiters thatwer $2 to go for 125 Ladles' Shoes worth afuil $2 for 125 Children’s Shoes reduced from 150 to 00 c v They are v:t H raised well j v I and trimmed Cortsu It our agent before'p lading youV brSlf1 0C AKORiffiSON'--- — ionroe Utah |