Show WiiWUB1- -' JHEJPJJTHEScMIoE l"lE122V WBNTtVL'R 'ilane 1a a UJOlf "°'i ujnrrowrir killed w712?tantl A VBTERAN HIGHLY graur PsmiY m7T-- '9 WwtfKKO-dJsVu- i A ID next tliue B esy was given lust week The A ti vocatc OjVrr4’ uXx u A3 AJjTD had sent to J F Peterson for bV bROSflY ' mspkcted Judge AND MORRISON decision in the recent Broud-ben- t Higgins’s — M u 3 If you bolievo in Silver 18 to 1 and case Mr Peterson handed the (Special to Tho Herald) c u copy to George good meals good beds that invito to r to deJ Crosby Directors Eichlleld Utah Oct 31— A private liver to the Advocate Crosby liow sleep and pleasant dreams good letter Just received' from Thurbe over took un utiderdund of 1 advantage 8TATESSENT0il3 -Wajno bounty tells of the accidental this paper by drat copying port Ioiim of ' Book magazines Cannon Ahe decision which were J L Rawlins published in killing of Joha H Safley1 on Woclucs-da- y his last weeks paper and then hand- REPRESENTATIVE TO OONQHE33 San Pete and Sevier Branch Dally Papers night the 27th instant" Mr Safley ing thoeocument H Kin to us Haslmplyl Benver Nov2 -- Daniel Beck county i j left Thurber that morning and went violated the trust GOVERNOR imposed )n him andfhool superintendent nocl tho recent-proilteand ' ' ' BeborM Wells to Loa to do some bp wr ftnrt Juried trading sntcrprisoAdvocate iy appointed postmaster ’of this city ttOUETAR? OP STATBi AND tf back in the carty fhe forgoing from ourcontompofary died hero at 3 p m pvenlng being tyully JktttiT Oammohd ' Ho bad today SIDINGS Mxd intoxicated A Air Crowther met hint shows it venom andtriospicen itvents been ' RTATR AUDITOR: suffering from jtyphold fever for an us without any foundation or foron Richards Jr with his team out of the road and n 190 am 4SJ the last seven weeks and for tho pui : STATE TREASURER: past that makes you feel at INDIANOLA i him back on the way homti 1132 BJS? Tho aro Iio facts the two soon of editor weeks his wire had been assured Jaraos Olilpman 7” MILBURN 'l2 08 10:05 home w I tli a Sample Room bu off in got the road the his search caper of uewtf’ from of his recovery but FAlJtVIEW again and drove up to ATTORNEV-QEXERA1SS 11X81 t: suddenly with a Main street to to MT PLEASANT A 0 Bishop ' 1240 1C J n Baker’s aud Scared 'the family so tho various towns lo our few iio county gasps SPRING OITY explrod' Iio hud taught 125T 11- 4C SPPERINTENDEXT PUBLIC - INSTQUC badly that ' fcPHRAIM they left "and went to a went toElsinoro and- called at the school for several years 123 12 bC received his ' TUB KENTUCKY HOUSE MANTI TION 205 mill on purpose to pet thetjeclslou re- education In neighbor's to spend 'thq filght 10 the Salt Lakoy Diversity GUNNISON John R Park v928 rb4 Partlos then went in search 'to find ferred to for tho news It contained SALINA and was an esteemed 819 StTPREME JUDGES Sevier Co ' pupil of Profes- Monroe : 'Utah AURORA 180 8(39 out who the disturber was but coul: Mr Peterson told’him the Advocate sor Park Oharlfls'8 Zano pf Salt Liiko City SIGURD Ho was 84! aVj 0 W BARTOH find nothing of the man man had written for it bi that khe brn In Utah RICHFIELD The search 403 i'w about’ 1883 spent his J A MINER Elsinore 422 9V3J seems not to have been continued next (Orosby) could tak? it use It and then OtSTRIOT JUDGE FOR SIXTH so 8 90S boyhood at Alpjno City in Utah coun-han- d THE NEW YORK WORLD JOSEPH M9TtU0T: Wm M McOarty jMam 853amtv RELNAP A r lSSpmtObJm it to the Advocate morning but on the morning of the which ty was one of the mot Btalwart ' C 1 ' EDIXIOK IHVIEII COUNTY DIBBCTOHY Train 23 will run Tuesday1 Thursdnvt and 29th Mastor Willie Ide done strlckly In jtccordancc with Hinlny Republicans of the stateau 18 Pagea a Week wept out west 150 Papers a Year Saturdays Train 21 will run Wefl Mondays of Thurber to what Is known as the request and ‘ COMMISSIONERS uesduys and Fridays it perfectly in harmony elder In tho Mormon church and one FOR ONE DOLLAR H L lli Moulb B B Boll Glen wood Red canyon and in the wash Btcbflold with Agent professional a of courtesy tho best singers in the Rocky mourn by publlshoi eriry A Remits Dej except D C Dodgo W H Boblnson Gen') Manager Sallna The factor tho matter Is the dls- - I tains sharp bend of the road lie found SaT ' S H pabcock f J- - A Ross Sunday Tr(no Manager-F-Joseph ley’s wagon upset with one horse dead gruntied editor John is so extremliy Wadlojgii Gon’l Passenger Ageat Ho leaves a wife one of tho most ° 01a RtehaoM under tho other and Safley dead un General office Belt Lake Oltf Rlchflold when thut Is muak Jhat topmed ladies of our city and one ' Assessor— Jos A Smith i Sheriff-Jo- hn a raised th° wWD-TUfor Thrlce-a-Weeview of W Coons’ what remains boy-S- alt Tho hIcmSm dUtapcq toljcn lllld Edition of The Lake Hcrtild “‘I 4’ll!:'r1Sacob Ma’objr'Tax Monroe' bc°a about 20 feet tbe fall being cam-- ' uothlng Is visible New York World is first among mil Collecto- r- cd by the team not 1TTnnn £9 properly making “weekly” papers In size frequency of Richfield the turn McDaniel Richfield DELINQUENT NOTICE Proaueattajj Att'y-E- W A t FRIGHTFUL and tho freshness acWOUND publication 0 Vi i' Sails Ion' Irrigatin' Co Vcrmill Safky had evidently been killed Rm Rqd of and curacy variety of its contents It agunSiiot Into Part rTY O1RR0T0BY Vermillion Nov 2nd 1897 quickly there were few signs- of any has all the MAYO R— T hood ore Brundlov of a great $6 daily merits ridge’s Body ' There are delinquent upon the folCOUNCIL— E 0 Iotorson — struggles having been hit on the bead tho at price of mi dollar weekly Its lowing doBcnbed stock on acuouijkt or J M Jonseu by the wagoo boi (Special to tbe Borald) iiMessment levied on the 28th day of political new's Is prompt complete acX P’Potorson Notice was at pnee carried to ThurbFillmore Utah Oct 31— William Sept 1897 tlseveral amounts ct Morton Jnnsen op curate aud impartial as nil Its readers Joseph S Horoo er and a rescue party sent out Jus-tic- e Partridge of Oak the names ot posite while the City respective will testify It is against the monohunting rtecordoi1— Carl GoldlinisM shares holders as follows 0 W Allen of Teasdale wa9 the In the Mountains near Fool Creek peak polies and for the people-Ireasuror— Jaouss OUrtstlamen Sigurd Loa and Coyote David R Stevens 52 shares Certlfl hMco nf tlin Pm'co— Simon Ohristonson prints the uevvs of all thq world uoarest Liagistrate and heat once set was accidentally shot while ’ riding cates Io 213 and 242 amount due S23 10 inrshal— 0 W Blomnulst Line’' u-- s having special correspondence from all Stage ibout empaneling a coiener's the The timber clean rod through Ulty Attorney -- I Peter stowart iig jury llougiard 20 shares Cer 110 Important news treet Supervisor— PaPotorson Mr Safley was about 60 poiutsontho globe GRASS AND RABBIT years old of the gun being In thebirrel at the' J amount due 8 45 i’anndkoo per— John W Ooons VALLET has brilliant Illustrations stories It was ind ’ 5 of Durfec Lcgraud time No the Ccr211 well shares was 'water Mastor Niels h Anderson quite dlscarge passed into his respected He 1 ROUTE :y amount due $3 25 by great authors 1 Union soldier ji capital humor Quarantine PhysIcl:inTII K Neill M !) during the civil war his body near the floating rib rangJ- - J I vie 10 shares No Cer 128 page complete markets WAYNE COUNTY" DIRECTORY bad a wifo and one son and other rela- ing upward into theenvity of the limgg departments Leaves amount due £650 Sigurd 6 am every morning for the lionsehold and women’s work tive a curve therein As the rod pastaking 1 M I vio share amount duc05cts COMMISSIONERS except reach Burrvillo'’aJ Sunday' and other special departments of unussed upwards It struck ono of tbe riLs noon and go ua to Loa or John Crane 5 snares amount due Aloiuo Billings ‘ Coyote thkl Fremont ual interest Members of tbo Odd Fellows lodg causiDg night splinters to fly therefrom and 31 20 Charles Snow Teasdale Until December wo offer this Janies Bolitho 5 shares No Cer 221 Accomodntions for passengers am! Levi C White wereextremeiy angry at Wbit tho Cen lodging la the muscles covering the Giles iicl amount due litles for carrying express! ' ‘"(f son and said newspaper the Censor tolist week and they passed shoulder blade dUNTY OL'CItK & COUNTY V E Co & 0 Co 501 shares No Cer UECOHDER Fillmore Brother gether one year tor $200 Strictly cash this resolution and a delegations of The unfortunate sufferer traveled 12 229 amount due $21062 I( Jh Hansen Burrvllle i in advance die members caljei) on U3 to present miles front the scene of the And in accordanca with Law and accident Proprietors A8SK3S0R: ' ' l it Here it is: to Oak City Dr ICooa of Fillmore was order of the board of directors as many John n Carlow CainesviJie shares of each parcel of such stock as Oct 30th 3897 Immediately sent for his arrival' ' Whereas there bhehiff: appears In tho“SouTn lie found the accident one of the wnrs may be necessary will be sold at tbe Ceo Chappell Vermillion Hall on Saturday Nov 20 fiRN Censqr” Lyman tl)3 following para- kind A pieco of the rod 17 inches in j897 wJt-‘T- hc t11 ' BUPT to Advocate graph tho ' atlpnl to pay delinquent lays SCHOOLS' I was extracted from the cessment there on together with the rumor cf Odd Fellow intorferenco in 11 E Robison body Loa polities to Dr Ilcrbet Dr Horbet is bringiug with it indications that it c°3t nf advertising Uuuexpenses of the ' f W' Show your regard for those who TREASURER l’l tlio originator qf that rumor It hab entered the colon Twelve incisions A Jeffery Loa have gone before In vas slyly held out by members of tho were C Meyer Sec it made in'tlic back and pieces of ’ 3t local V Co asau inducement foroihers wood I prosecuting atty: lodge taken therefrom The patient at to join”: and whereas if tho said para Joseph EckerslCy Loa last Recounts was doing as well as graph be true some member of this DELINQUENT NOTICE bo expected but grave doubts us could has violated the laws aud prinlodge ' of our order: to Therfore his Cctar Ridge Irrigation Co SOME BELIEVE IN rccovory ato entertained ij ciples Do It Resolved that we demand of Sigurd Nov 2nd 1897 has established his the said fcaper uie name of tho mpm-bo- r Thoro arc delinquent upon hc fol-- I PEOTEOTIOIf so offending and the proor of raid COUNTY CO1D3HSSI0YE31S lowing described stock on account of Co-- o statements— that he may bedoalt with assessment levied on tbe 27ili day cf by our order: and further:— Bolt ReAt their meeting on Monday the Sept 197 in solved tnat in tho event of tho failure D II Poff 20 shares If you waut to trade freely in TIN- of said papers to ffirnish such name county commissioners allowed several amount duo $310 and proof We demand an immediate small bills and did some other business Emma Poff WARE and CUILEliY It will 20 shares pay retraction thereof and an The Sevier Valley Canal Co and the amount duo ONLY FIRST-CLASapology $300 frod Iti trade with me thereof Also a IKSCRITOOES that copy of the fore- county had no understanding And In accordance with law and t It you want your bouse protected going resolutions bo furnished to the iuur the Clear Creek road whichregard order of tho board of cl hectors as was Richfield Adyocato and to said paper tom out by tho breaking of the Three many shares of each parcel of such by eftves trough it will only cost for publication slock as may fie necessary will bo sold Creek Reservoir A you nine cents per foot at GRECO’S properiettlemeni in front ot tho Sigurd Store Monday 0 W Collins N G C Golfjbransoa regarding how much repairs the com- Nov 22nd 187 at 1 p m lo pay del in Shop east of Opera House Client assessment tlieic on together pany should make was finally had Sccy:— Mrs TheCENSon bas no enmity for the Eliza Ross was appointed as de- with the cost of advertising and cl Odd Fellows lodge nor for tho brother puty to Mrs Layton to tvoik in the peaces of the sale YOU C Meyer Sec hood but as ODe member of the lodge recorder’s office 3t C R I C® S G Clark and J JL Laurltzon threatened a libel suit just let them start a suit and theywUl got tnc wore licensed !o do an abstract busi-nes- s in tho Rabbit Valley Couutry? under the imnte of the Sevier BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR If so the best place to obtalu sup- names We did not drag the lodge into a newspaper war One of its oyn mem- Valley Abstract Co their bond CAT A RRR T HA T CONTAIN being plies Is with us bers did that and now we are ready fixed at $10000 MERCURY Gur storo Is now located at the new for the libel suit We reiterate the The commissioners had raised the as mercury will surely destroy tho Roofing1 lownslte where we are prepared to J charges that members of the Richfield James M Peterson Bunk’s assessment sense of smell and n State V10 ‘ d Hospitality ‘ Justl-facatio- ' ' - - Me-Wa- s TJUJI0E-A-WRE2- “ oty 1 ex-Offl- 4 A ’ ! w-- J t J j I £3-2- 'I 0i f"'' Remember the Dear Departed Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones ARTHUR HHNRIE it Others Marble Works on Center St East of Store and is prepared to make stones and do all kinds ofgr& ye Cemetery Work Free Trade S3 S K WRIGHT & SONS Pioneer A WILL WINTER A Lot Of take Flour eggs grain of tbe pepple and sell them to you No store gives more for the money No store gives more for the produce Call and see us Mercantile Go Thurber Utah ‘ I Goneral Wood Worker I am proprietor of the only planing mill Jh Richfield the qne In Sevier County TurneR f best AVorh 'vf - Jtloilfti or Planed Lumber IS always on hand I am prepared to take contractor for any sort fjtf carpenter Work ‘ for an estimate J J V'i ijrsoa JUall on me House JUST RECEIVED SHEEP Mansfield Oil completely WHITEWASH BRUSHES Paint Brushes Paints and Oils Glass Sash Doors Lath Iron etc e of Odd Fellows did bold out 3000 and the county clerk had sent the whole system when entering It of hopes political help asan induce- the notico of tho ralso to James M through the mucous surfaces Such ment for others to Join and that very Petersen personally Mr Peterson articles should never t e used on except soon after the lodgo was instituted met with tho commissioners lu The people were therefore justified in with tho bunk’s attorney Mr Stewart tousk that It be reconsidered believing that politics wonld be dab prescriptions frcm repul able physicians as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly Commissioner Ross had examineJ the reclcvc from lliem Hall’s Catarrh bank’ books and thought tho uclion Cure manufactured by F J Cheney proper besides tbo raise could not be & Co Toledo O contains no mercury collected by law Mr Robinson op aud Is taken Internally acting direct posed tlio action but It carried with y upon the blood and mucous surfaces tho votes of Ross and Bell in Us favor of tho system In buying Hall’s Cu larih Curobnsure you get the luge ulne It is taken internnllyauj made SALINA PRESS CLIPPINGS in Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney & Russell Ivie Is about ready to open Co Testimonial free Bold by Druggisia price ?5c per bottje a barbershop in Sallna There’ always Hall's Family Pijls arc the beat room for one more com-pun- y bled in Had wo been asked kindly we would have furnish id tho names but since the the lodgo delegation came withbluff and bluster aud talked Ube' suit they had just better sue We are loaded ready for bear' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The undersigned board of trustees of School District No 4 Elsinore Bovler Co Utah will receive bids for the erection of all rock work for tho four room school building (with the exception of theqaurrylug of tbo rocks) until 10 a m December 1st 1837 when all bids Will open at Thomas Nielson's restdenceElsl-nore- ) work to be completed on or before tho Tho town lull pi completed It Ij first dak of July 1898 for further Informa- Lhc prctticM public building I nBev-- ! tion call on trustees where plans and speci' soon bo fications may Ur county And that's ro lie The trustees reserve the right to rejoct any and all bids not considered advantageous to The town ma:sld did sonn effective' tbo district work cn Fliht Kuuili Plicct Inet neck j ’f J W Sylvester O Ttormanson Several loads of gravel were dumped In! Thomas Nlolson Truutoos First Publication Nov 9th mudholes and numerous swamps inowns the work was needed GGd 1 TPirf UU of the profits if YOU TAKE STOCK at The Equitable Store Farmers Attention Machine Oils Call and get my prices before you tho Don'tforget place I K order WRIGHT and SONS THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS In Sevier County We Lave constantly on liancj Coffins Caskets Trimmings' Burial clothes Handles Screws and the like We are alsp prepared to take charge of preliminaries fo funerals and to do other services usually re quired of undertakers j 4 - HORNE & MTTTUR ' TWO BLOCKS VEST OF TIIE COURT n0US Richfield |