Show r yf t ' i - Tho greatest mistake parents and patrors of our school can make is ti listen to the reports and grievances of their children concerning the school teachers No true parent will give the sligheit encouragement to p child’s disobodiedee and misconduct glistening to its wall of woe but will admin-ista wholesome lesson ' instead There pre a few children in ttje allna A LIST CASKETS UOFFINSfAND ' Chairs and Sofas Clocks and Brackets Bed Room Suits Parlor! ' Sets Best t ‘Bureaus and Wash stands all Furniture t And ' V atthb A er schools whorecleve lowest trices At absolutely no use Long before Elsinore was known Glenwood was a flourishing town but it doesn’t keep up with its more thrifty neighbor as It should do If Glenwood had built a good road from Arf-i nabellg it would have kept the through travel when Salina was the terminus of the railroad and would today have done dopble the business It now does if the same love of improvement prevailed with the citizens of Glenwood hat prevails in Elsiuore Glenwood be the would larger town Tbt are fllenworid of people Unjust to them selves when they do not work togethei o draw more of the business' for it tores and mill It is the duty tbai every man owes himself to build uj every business that he can in his owi town whether a cent of the prihti eorne directly into his purse or opt I ' f4 ful training at home not even that of respectful odedlence and unless they learn this in school they will grow pp and go out into the world wholly Ignorant of whpt It takes to make h good useful citizen Disobedience and insubordination In school if unchecked will manifest itself in open lawlessness in maturer years Let us frown instead of encourag the complaints of children who olain) they have been too severely handled at school— Kalian Mr Editor: Press TUe Brigham City Bugler worked for a high school to be established last year so did we The Bugler want ed it o the idle boys could attend so i did we The Bugler flnda that few of ' that knd do attend so do we i P d t ’‘f t rHE A B C of it ' RICHFIELD SALOON II W RAM LOSE Prop ’ t i ’"'l OFFERS V t‘ it the best in the county Noth ing speaks better for a town than r :cod school house and pride in the tchool that is in it w 1 FURNITURE Qthee’ ’ i “ CARPETS WINDOW SHAPES! LACE CURTAINS '‘babycariagi ’ WALLPAPER ' J ' We are agents for the celebrated icj&Wrh Organs - ’ ‘ ’’ and RianQSS What is meant by “unearned in ' of landjj B ' rement” money rul9 the world- GOOD WHISKY 300A The death of Henry George suggest h Suppose B you had come to RichGALLON that the great men of our tlmearo not field and taken up the lot' on which F I it ALCOHOL “Such horrible roads“wouldn’t be th CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY the reformers of education as much at Bolitho and Lewis’ the Boston and cry i( the surplus time that 19 loafed Rest Brands of Blackberry Port and hey were In the early years of thb ther stores are located woula It iway every wlqtey was partly donated I ’Kerry Wine atui such other liquor century Over educational systems iow be worth $15 a front foot! Not and needed sickness arc in is paid for to put gravel on our lane-intaken the world o ver are already in you had improved it nor be roads 'fry our H W R Oigars advance of our social economic and ci ause you had “eapnpd’’ the amouut M il systems and the education of to day out Just because people lived around “You never know what Richfield is has Just been forced to lag along to lei t The people have made it valuable 111 you strike it in a storm’’ wa9 a the others catch up The greatest nd you have not fearned the “mere May the newly minds of to day are needed on the re ment” or increased value above what drummer’s vyittcism elected city council save U9 from the form of our distribution agencies and i neighbor four blocks away had taunt so are found In the ranks of the statesJL men and editors unlike the days when II It HAS ' 1 clay land 4 PUMPiJVIADE TEST-PROO- H-- ’ o 3r ir Rosseau put his mind to bring about time when alj men could read and write Now in this connectisn tnere 1 'you ilAVE CUT BURNED ’4riolf or tird OR BRUISED Java any tnr-j- cow dog a or any animal Hut is pounded any way you will find JOIIVSOVS BLACK OIL CURE TIIAT CURES Lf'areu? imitations Genuineon1y v i signed !“ id nt t W - 3 (SnMrrvr I 0 M Drug Dept DENVER AND BIO GRANDE RAILROAD ' ’ 1 CO OR FAMILY SLEETING CAR I - County Attorney Ec’zeraley Loa to W U B Orrock: “There is much dissatisfaction here concerning the mail regulations between here and Richfield What is the reatoi that the merchants of Richfield to do not make a fight for the headquarters’’ Now why don’t we do not Tin Salt Lake mall will reach Wayne oouuty just as soon from here and besides Richfield does more business and sends more mall to Wayne County than any other town excepting Sail Lake in the state Tlie idea! it takes Ive days to get a letter over to Lou and an answer back Our papers issued Friday get to Loa Monday Thi Advocate Issued Wednesday morning gets there Thursday night and abusi uesaman who wants to visit Loa lay over in Sigurd all day er own team fur want of passeugei iervice The mail system between Richfield and Loa is simply tern bit and a change can be had if we work ior it SERVICE ber-vi- -t r-- °' X 3 3: 3 0 o 0 - sS 3 D) g 3 ? O O 3- - 73 9 Store and Residence for Sale The brass band boys didn’t like whai we said about the order outside at the Anderton Hall The boys are working hard to sustain their band by having those weekly dances and should be protected from the disorder that pre-vaIn the yard and near by rooms out until they are so protected the environments of the party so partake of those out side that it is not a desirable place for young folks to go but the baud is not to blame il 8TEWART AND CD “T O CD a-- 0 0ID’ JD 3' 5 " CD 2? r 2U ID ? a 22' ' COLLHS-ATTORNE-YS SUMMONS (Case No 151) In the District Court of the Sixth I udiclal District ot the State of Utah County of 8evier MERCHANT TAILOR C Nielson Utah Implement - A Corporation - Co-op- Co-o- p homo-raise- y I or con-'ve- F Pierson Prop The Best Place To Get Graham Genuine Singer Sewing Machine standard of excel- Ience all over the world The 800000 SOLD ANN UAL Y' More in use than all other combined Sold only by our employ- - ees Directly from factory to the people year-an- d SANTA FE ROUTE O Flour - Elsinore Utah -- IEG Glenwood Utah head-workme- Co drive-ill- ( Monument Mills for (formerly ) the Elsinore is uowlorated Fla va across the street south of the 0 T Bunker A Bunker and O Knee Defendant! Store He has a stock of cloth on The State of Utah Sends Greeting hand as well as many samples from order A suit from stock can to CT Bunker A Bunker & G Ence beliad tfiree Defendants: dajs after the measureYou are hereby required to appear in an ments are taken Two weeks requirictlon brought against you by tho abovo ed to have ready from samples The ha-t- o See the latest improved SINGER before buying Offices Everywhere The Burrville and Koosharem reci-nil- I SAWMILL ‘ - A- - o CD ‘ Eo y( u know that every evening tin "'ouver A Ru Brando It It in cojmee-iow it'll tbe it Q W runs a Tourist t i Fanilj Slrepiug Car to Denver in vvimcc a lower berth can be secured for lamed plaintiff in tho District Court of the The people of Sevier County are as Six Is addition to this daily th Judicial District of tho Btato of Utah Mrule careless about ventilation This County of Sevier and to answer the complaint u D & R G also operates a true both of public as well as rel- Sled therein within ten days (exclusive of V t d (lay i Thursdays and Fridays he day of service) after tho service on you C e '"lMtluot Tourist Sleeping Cai iance houses Large fires are often kepi ot this summons— If sorved within this county r si Citv Chicago tr it served Oufepf this county but ip this ‘Jjiln Ivimn ourning up the air while no more is ai district within twpnty days otherwise with-os’ n and New York— no change for towed to enter the roum Bedroom forty days- - or judgment by dofault will be UtAjcshcngeis — at greatly reduced against you according to the prayor of ventilation should not be forgotten iken brrA tides These Tourist cars arc laid complaint Man spends one third of bis life in his The said action is brought to recover from crenvjd iv the Pullman Company T d e the sum of S7680 principal and Interest k d with all necessary bedroom and a little morecover and a you ind 92500 attorneys fees: Alleged to be due The ave' ian 'es and appliances tittle moic air should be had for him ii plaintiff on a certain promissary note dated "'onr t cor teati c together with the April 16th 1896 for $3500 due August 18 1898 lie expects to have his full vitality elm" L laiii service and scenie atwith Interest at l)i per cent per month after "f the route has placed the act lue: Signed by O T Bunker and A Runker II and guaranteed by O Euce upon which $370 & 0 in ’ho foremost ranks oi has been paid which said note is alleged to II :v i n lUilreals For rates and The county Fish and Game WardeL provide for the payment of a reasonable atuled iiifuiaiatlon apply to any Tbs Censor can but feel well pleas- baa reccBtly torney's fee In case the same Is placed In the planted two wapon loads hands of an Attorney for collection— and Ticket Agent ot the R G W Ry ed over tho result of the city elcctiou of Black Bass into the Cove River 32500 Is alleged to be a reasonable attorney's B I1' Novirg General Agent or II The new councilmcn are con servativelj "7 The law prohibits any fishing at all in foe Traveling Passenger And you are hereby notified that If you D No 58 West 2nd progressive but they will defend tin the Cove River for the next two fall to appear and answer the said compla'nt made ' city lu all attacks upon its rights tifct Salt Lke City plaintiff will take those fishing in the Sevier Rivei os above required the said make Improvements as they can ana judgment against you for the sum of $10180 must not fish for bass for the same together with Interest as afore said and costs on the whole make Richfield a better of time The law is a good one of suit town Marshal elect Ramsay Is natur- length Witness The Honorable and the likewise the move and we trust to havt Seal of the District Court of Judge the Sixth Judia man cool and will fill the brave ally a good start of this fish in two years cial District in and for the State of Utah 'o- - avc O rciu ' r Salt Lake in place well It is a fitting reward to County of Sevier this 13th day of September in ©’ and ne Cuing II after breakfasting In the year of our Lord one thousand eight d own of two the boys city’s Ifcj Mjptuous dinin' oars of the hundred and ninety seven S 0 Clark Clerk Ilenry George’s death will oe la r’k ROI’TF on the third who have educated themselves by 7’ own friends i work Niels rented their hard and regretted by rr to elect by yu an v" ir re- - foes ideas I’uulson II James Ilia and as shall Bauson live and grow 8XAL j : Louis St lieiyo cordor ami treasurer We know of no when the city whose mayor be aspired r r r u f0 atu nd to or vithall iJ‘d traiL’ for the East other jiisfico of the peace in Utah who to be has grown and again gone to -one has :i d that the lias filled his place better than Simon I ruios His work for the good of man DO YOU WANT GOLD desires to keep informed xo'cf the ArciITSO" TOPEKA Christensen so the city is a:l right I kiDd shall be inspiring when bis buri Everyone railnad was in such for a magistrate To be thrice elected al shall be forgotten Considering all in on Y ukon the Klondyke and Alaskan fields Send 10c for large Com 'r‘cit coriditnn thit the long dis-- Mayor shows too well for Mayor Brand- - 411 he was the most unique economist gold of vast Information and big pendium on the New ley to need any eulogy Wc trust and of his time aod America has never nC( unof tre Flyt color map to Hamilton Pub Co In-"nr Central could be ey’iled if not fully produced hisequal ianapolis Iod eipect to see some substantial i ly it" rnagniuCtnt 'trains improvements made In Richfie'd dur-nJ D Kenwoithy the coming two years NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Gett’l At Passenger Dept ' “The poor ye always have with you No jsoe rC Tst South Street haid the Savlorshould also see I Brunell of Piute F the Editor Salt Lake () ty Utah tr they are taken care of this Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah Pioneer died last Monday afternoon 1 lYAItREN ’ Traveling Agt fj ' October 25th 1897 was truth ter' known actually Brunell was highly esteemed Notice is hereby given that the following erc are ew towns in Utah where named Bottler has filed notice of nls Intention as a brother among Utah Journalists jMjyscuri Tacilic Lt’y make final proof In Support of bis claim From90me poor do not suffer fluriDg the to and liis death was so untimely and that said proof will be made before Iowa as a youth lie went to the SandCounty clerk at Riclifiold Sevier Co on I December 16 1897 viz: n E No 10162 Parley It-wich Islauds coming from there to Washburn for the N E g of N W k Sec 35 24 S R 3 W Utah a few years ago It has now Tp closed his and court “Judge McCarty He names the following witnoss s to prove been a year and a half since be found- - left here with tho respect of all ’’wrote his continuous residence upon and cultiva- ed the Pioneer He has always look- - the Herald correspondent from of sail laud viz: Ncphi tion Llsonbeo James Gregor son Orson Lorenzo ed forth to a long life but death has Few men have more of the people’s re Washburn and A Wlnget all of Monroe reace hover crrer his spent in tho comity where he was rala- - vler County Utah taken him Byron Oroo tomb 'ed than has Judge W M McCarty Register ’ r: O -- § has died just the same if he lived near My store sad residence in Glenwood the whites The only tribes Lhai ire for sale The store cap be had show any signs of thrift have lived far with or without goods Will also sell enough away from the whites to still farm and meadow if desired live Indian 29— 41 Niels Heileson II $ write-fro- — The they express an opinion The schools of our day are ahead of the government and should now help the government to catch up tQ 0 7 5 0 h3T Why is it that a man who has unlimited time to talk politics never has time to call and see how his children are doing at school nerous In Utah are most all gone de ipite their kind treatment by the Mormon people They have gone at ust one idea Why doesn’t the schoo ibout the same rate where the set helpto develop the study ofgo vernment were more hostile tiers It has madi Why are teachers of political economy difference to little Red Man wheththe so few? Why are the few we do have er he was treated kindly or not he tied down so are afraid to ©0 1 were once so nu w Q Eo i The Indians that 0 6) W I KEEP IT HANEY Wf TO Thk People of Sevier The Brigham City Bugler tells of a “boss potato’’ that weighed SHounces ohu Waters of Central raised one that weighed 74 ounces anc that In heavy The common people do not use much money and what they douse is mainly silver and Itllke the other belongings of the poor must suffer uotlj men not f ft It “ BAttainS' Bounties With: ‘ ' - Store Annabe)la is proud of its school and thinks -- IJWfRDLEy-FanvtfaVe 4 to-da- y Monroe Furniture Room John A Johnson Prob v S' 1 yt : i - Fat win-Brotb- I I - I He-- 1 HAS CHANGED OWNERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER Is continually on our yard Bills promptly sawed Address: A CRAWFORD Koosharem tx I ‘v Piute Co btdh |