Show """N ss !PJ' Richfield ' : Senator fry : it' i i Balt WtlgMifln Andrew NellsoD of Monroe was lr Brand ley ifou don’t town this morning looYfffg i’p cattle know what lt’ls to be chore boy He wli Bp Rrandly Walt until you know with the Intentions to buy South— further 1 go Pangultch Prowhat It is to be bishop and see If gress dont The Brooklyn creamery closed dowr B Burton and Gideon Snyder have but only with the hope yesterday peued a store In the Thurber Nielson that it may be reopened shortly Mr building Mr Burton sells shoes and Bertlesen considers the run quite sucfurnishings while Mr Snyder has cessful and will open right away ii charge of the grocery department more milk can be had Elsewhere we publish for sale notices for Homer McCarty and NieN JXSINORp business Helleson two prominent Both have excelmen of the county Otto Hotter has been choseq presilent property dent of the deacons’ quorum Bev G E Morse of Monroe will Orson Hansen went to Balt pake Wed preach his farewell sermon at the' nesday Methodist Church next Sunday EvenTwo outfits left Brooklyn Tbursdaj ing Monday he will leave for his new to work on the Otter Creak reservoir field of labor In the state of JSew York i Will McCalllster of Kauab Jid Elsi John IjVaters ofOentral brought us a nore several days this week ' white nmeshannock potato weighing The Primary Association will have 4 lb ten ounces Janies Shaw of Brookt benefit party Tuesday evening lyn called In with a Ben Butler of three lb (Jounces and told us' that' he P E Christensen Christian nanBen ' and Charles Bell are the new presiwas a grandpa dency of the teachers The W 0 T U- will hold a nallow A carload of sugar perhaps the first een dime— oclal at the fesldence rf In the county came to Elsl- Mrs D L- Day next Monday Eve 730 imloaded t There wll be a Program and iefresh- - nore this week meets Every body Is Invited to come There has beeq a rush of business at and haveUlSharwrtn trjc gaijsis the Elsinore depot for some time past The Richfield Dramatic Co is busy the train bringing In near 25000 pounds EalytTBp ' tako-o- n frj If4 ‘i Aleck Jfort!qn was In (ova first of 4 " ttfe ivetin Juba Lund 1 ib Luilc Bee vl wanted for cash or at Greed V tlVehop-1- - li IcW ' State Line xTom O'- ‘ ! f ’ ‘ luouttls ff t i At laitroporta eleven teams Wtfrklnff ont'he tv i merchan-iiu- ' were Beaervolr Ottr Creek f ': ’ ? £rs T B chroeder left for Provo r (his mdrnlbgf ’ Ernest Allred one of Halloa’s lead ‘SmenU' jog ?f dead f i Honet xq sale— 4t bedrock prices ' J “ tf at Greco's tin pbpp i v t - Alfred Petepjot if Jionje tronj plaho because of bis' mother’s Illness ' v i :i powr— To J£rs Central a girl'’ h in Iyatt ffomer ' a: i Jin it Mrs £ena flaker s In Jfonroe work business lqg at the' millinery ' - I i Mope snow to Rffti ' ' Jr“- - the south flJulateneen thn Jjj week ofl at v po the of Summary Administration In tne Matter of the Estate of I Mj 3uit-- ’ u’’d roldenee in Glenwood Allan ) Taylor Desensed ire for sale The store can be had Notice Is heio by given that the with or without goods Will also sell fudge of the Sixth Judicial District ''low if 1 ’sired County of Wayne S'qtd of Utah has 'ami made an order requiring all persons — 29 U Niels lleileson ' in above estate to appear be- San Pete and Sevier Brandi interested it-- ' fore tho said Court pt Loa Wayne Co East-Boun- d West-Boun- d 30 §TE WAIST AM) COLLIXS— Utah on the 8th day of November 18 STATIONS ’’ ATTO ISAEVS 7 at llo’clockamof said day then and Vnd SUMMONS there show cause' by written objections Mxd ' Mxd sidings (Case No 151) ind exceptions ir any they havewhy-th- e p m 525 m Ar SALT 860 Lv am L'KE p In the District Court of the Sixth whole of the Estate of Allan Tay- 345 395 r THISTLE JpTLv 105r am T3J fudlcial District of the Btatq of Utah lor Deseased should not be ' ind assigned toPliebe A Taylor wld County of Sevier mo Utah Implement Co A Corporation ow and Amy Taylor Wilford WTay Plaintiff lor and Matilda Taylor Minor childvs j T Bunker A Bunker and G Ence ren of said decendent for their use Defendants ui set-apa- Defendants: You are hereby required to appear In an ictlon brought agulnst you by the above named plaintiff In the District Court of the llxth Judicial District of the State of Utah Comity of Sevier and to answer the complaint lied therein within ten days (exclusive of he day of service) afjter the service on you if this summons— If sc r ved within this county r If served out of this county but In this Jhtrlct within twenty days otherwise within forty days- - or Judgment by default will be iken against you uccordmg to the prayer of 31 Id complaint The said action Is brought to recover from you the sum of $7680 principal and Interest md 2500 attorneys fees: Alleged to M due plaintiff od a certain promlssary note dated - rt ’ and support The State of Utah Sends Greeting Dated Oct to CT Bunker A Bunker & G Ence t - taking a NOTICE Store and Residenee for Sale ! 18 1897 II M Hansoq Clerk Joseph Eckerslej’ Attorney for widow and children NOTICE TO CREDUOUS In the Sixth J udlclal District poqrt In and Air the County of gwler State uf trtah 'n the matter of ) the estate of f Notice toCreditors Susau Barney deceased Saturdays' Train Si wll) rqn Mondays “ nesdays and Fridays! H L Mount agent Rlcbgjcj WjMjP ' D C Dodge Gen'l Manager 9 H Babcock TrafBo FA Manager Wadlelgb Gen') Pasetfger Agent General ofBceSalt pake Cits j Dtahl? f Estate of Susan Barney deceased Notice is hereby given by the under for $9500 due August 19 1806 a month after V signed at Jeppa Nilsson administrator of vlth Interest per cent per fy7YW" r V w1 ssfrmmdi The Colorado Short Dine to Kansaq due: signed by C T Bunker and A Bunker the estate of Susan Barney deceased piie AibertBean place and guaranteed by G Ence upon which $370 to the creditors of and all person City St Louis Mo and all pointy has been paid which said note Is alleged to claims against said deceased to South and East XXXX Coffee J2i per pound tip the log ata of reasonable orovlde for the payment J torney’s fee In case tho same Is placed In the exhibit them with the necessary vou at work preparing to play “Queena” a trip Stbrj Free reclining chair cars and PulJ bands of an Attorney for collection— and ihers within four months after the The been have cast and man characters The Y if M I A has James Soren- 1500 Is alleged to be a reasonable attorney's first publlcatian of this notice to said palace sleeping cars of jppst ele The Infai jjaqgJjtejr of Mr and Mrs fee last Miss Direct connections AHIe Penrose came son for president Chris Johnson and 3 GZoiinr an died last Pfjdjiy1 Sunday And you are hereby notified that If you Adminstrater at his office In Monroe gant design here to train the company will be Dan Hansen for counselors and Ghris-tia- n 'all to appear and answer the said complaint Sevier County Utah the same being the magnificent Union Station Dr Bmlth J5 pome from'Moptqe pre- the first ts above required tbs said plaintiff will take the place for tho transaction of the Lculs for every where play on at the pew Opera Hansen for secretary against you for the spm of 110180 business of said estate In the County Judgment work dq q Ilouse denial tjoiqg Tickets ofeygale at all stations o pared together with Interest as afore said and costs of Sevier Utah of suit Rio Grande Western Ballway Dated this 8 day of Oct 1867 gqilqq kit of Jtah molasses for Witness The Honorable Judge and the B Xoosar Flyn Real of tho District Court of the Sixth Judie kit Is wqrtb Jeppa Nilsson Administrator 15 at the f uita blq GLENWOOD cial District In and for the State of Utah C F & P J A Ilarris F &P A County of Sevier this 13th day of September Atty for Administrator Salt Lake Cjjity Utah in the year of our Lord one thousand eight of Date first he veferaq George Hales passed publication Oct 8 1897 Elder Fred Heppler’s address ad- hundred and ninety seven S G Clark Clerk route from Vprll 18th Missoupi Pacific R’y 18S6 hv luitabiA t “ It n n if Ifun fhpqugt) Eilcqeld eq jrlngtqq to Beqf qr first of the week " 5 I viuu I Krotu er tjltcrary Society wlU meet at the 1 greately disturbed by tlm focksohoql house tomorrow (Saturday noise of hoodlums We wonder if par cutsknew where their children were Anqing St 7:$ for reorganization Ilattle Ollvei and Minnie Miller of last nightSome uarucs of people of the I famlles and holding positions of gallna left the county seat for home I best are tinged with Rcandal this honor f bis morning morning For the present young peo Moule has purchased! L n Agent pe better be careful of attending the Mr Olson j dances held there until better order is the Peter Olson home anfi I secured on the out side and in neigli- hat moyed to Central borlnk rootn3- Bemember that next week the Chi-qago store will be filled withbargansl (q all kinds of ready made clothing MONROE ) 8oll were all I I John Hepplor Is taking a blacksmith’s course at the A C The first meeting of the Y M M I J A Robinson find Joe Decker two A for the year was held la4 Mondav on the line rf the Jnllh’Rt evening The association did net 10 WcdiH’-ditct'irncd from the organize " uud" they gut it ‘J''lk ab'-’- AL JWHW THE WONDER We are No1-li- No e The La nendrickson Bros have partnership and each Is running I sheep herd icl t J' ' t Fa i I i’ o-'- n vO-u- Ctv Ltnb j and Underwear ‘ t We have also added a full and complete line of -- Furniture and Stoves e and everything belonging thereto pree our goods before elsewhere You 7 Come and buying The Low Prices riueaud Ti Register Bell and her entire fan ly aro in Provo Other Glenwoodi there are Claude Payue Os Buchum Andrew Sorenson George Peters?) and nenry Peterson ANN ABELL A THE By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the Sixth Ju dical District within and for the county of Sevier 8tate of Utah dated the 1st day of October 1897 in a cer tain action wherein The City of Rich field a municipal corporation as plain tiff recovered Judgment onAugust 21 IS07 against William J Bean Samuel G Clark and Jacob M Lauritzenpart uers as B id Clark & Lauritzen tie fend mts for the sum of $16155 costs of suit I have levied upon the following de eribed roal estate situated tn Sevier county Utah towit:Commencing 107 rods west and 80 rods North from the South East corner of the North East Quai ter of Section 20 Township 23 Mouth Range 3 west S L Mer:running thence North 16 rods thence West 10 rods thence North 24 rods thence East 14 rods thence South 40 rods hence West 4 rods to place of beginning nnd containing 24 acres situated in N W i at N E i Sec 26 Tp 23 S It 3 W S L Mer Sevier Co Utah Notice is hereby glveu that on Sat irdiy the 30th day of October 1897 a 2 o’rhxjk noon of that day at the runt door of the Court nouse In the lily of Richfield Sevier Co Utah vill sell all the right title and interest f said defendants In and to the above escribed real estate at public auctiont or cash to the highest and best o said execution and all satisfy osts contains no niercu and Is taken internally acting dire ly upon the blood and raucous surfar of the system In buying Hall’s tarrh Cure be sure you get the In uine Itis taken Internahyand 111 in Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney ' Ti-ltiii- Sold by la's free Druggu-t- a piv nall’sFaraily Pills are tho best - Consult our agent before placing your orderC C Andeaeson Agent Monroe For Sale In Two city ou Get of Part the prr ts YOU TAKE STOCK The Equitable Store ’ - Utah TOonroe lolseast half of block in southeast part of city brick house on north lot-12 acres farming land I mile from town Good water right with all assessments taxes and dues fully paid up For further particulars enquire of One nine-roo- 1 Homer Me Carty Monroe Utah s t f COLD ENOUGH? Do You Want a Stove?” If You Do You Should Get the Best ONE of the Thurman Attorneys for Plaintiff AT per hot Our trees are always free from moth They are well packed before shippiqg They are well raised and trimmed 1 bid-crt- Toledo O SALT LAKE NURSERY CO -- BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FO CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy sense tf smell and completely dcrar tho whole system when entering through the mucous surfaces Si articles should never he used except prescriptions frem reputable pin clans as the damage they will do ten fold to tho good you can piss! J W Coons Sheriff Sevier County Utah Hall's Catai rccievo from them Dated October 4th 1897 Cure manufactured by F J Che Stewart Ss Collins & S R Si Co at Buy Your Trees of Notice ol Sheriff’s Sale n n Mrs will Wonder at the WONDER STORE Richfield 11 Soreuson FURNISH I N G GOO DS' FANCY GOODS DREES GOODS Domestics Millinery Clothing Ladies’ and children’s Hosiery— 3509 C- 107 Notice Is hertby glvon that the followin settlor hue filed notice of nisi iten'lon 'VnJnro fin support of bs claim his id i of will be before " avr - Co on P C Peterson has sold all of his ounty cIoik 1807at I via: n JL Wo 10 '52 Parley iceyborlO beep and is buying cattle quite -- 1‘ Washburn for the N E 'i of N W ( Sec 35 I Ip 21S 113 5V tcusively He riaAies 1I10 following witness ?s to prove his continuous residence upon and cultlva-ioThe non- partlsanstowu ticket reid of sad land via: Lor 1170 LUun bee James Gregorson Orson For President John Kirkman men iV’ashl ui an A Wlriget all of Monroe Se hers of the town board Thunru P vhr County Utah S C Peterson J II Byron Groo dis-olve- here to stay and are prepared to sell anything in our lipes the lowest eastern prices G E NTS' v the week I GREAT BARGAINS A T NOTICE FOSt PUBLICATION The teachers and enrollment of the 35 public school aro J E Tlcpplcr m i Rogers 31 LyJlaJal- The Equitable store has just receivArthur Keeler’s month old baby tiled ed a stock of blankets shirts gents’ last Monday morning and was burled and boys' furni9hlDgs sweaters etc on Tuesday Dr Shipp Informs us that Brother Brunell of the Pioneer Is still verv 111 with typhoid The Y L M I A are to have the CtrlotlanBCn Hall to WE Gordon of Mont cello loan Oo has lately purchased 10000 nlaht ne will George Feu rose of Suit Lake City Is Sheep In this neighborhood 4rlvethemto San Juan during the here endeavoring to organize a drama tic company i4tlater Andraes MicklesoD Is down from the Melvin Boss and family and his son Crystal Mine lie places the time at jO c and family have bid Joseph good two weeks before the new mill will be bye And gone to Idaho Falls Idaho to gin to run EnP"‘f f 11 Tuesday morning Grandma Ramsay falntod and felt Into a ditch of water William Jeppcson spent first of the Mrs By Barney is home from Dlx ghe has fully recovered now week atClrclcvillc to Niels Thurston has gone to Neva Attorneys Bapp and Bean started Thomas Cooper is unwell being conMr but week as a witness In the Foreman case Ploche the first of the fined to his room 'Rapp returned from Milford n E Llsonboe left for the winter E B Keyes has been appointed for Annabtlla tJjon’t forget that when you want a range on the desert yesterday a suit at of clothes cheap suit A large number of relatives fi good Nielson last Mrs store To Bohn— Brig to Utah county attended the funtrai price you go the Chicago Monday a son Mrs Spafford and left for lion 9 A marriage license hss been granted II C Brownlee of the Salt Lake yestereay’s train 'to Ernest Elben and Maggie narrls Tribune paid Monroe a visit during Sail na v EJ REMOVED TO THE WRIGHT BLOCK I - 1 both of SKAL DO YOU WANT GOLD Three young men visited Glenwood Everyone desires to keep Informed last Sunday night Two left on foot at on Yukon the Klondyke and Alaskan daylight next morning 'old fields Send 10c for large Com -- v"1 oolllri!? pendlum of vast Information and big rlVonf Ills belongings here ana golHgW’bflra Pub Co In Uq apoTTs7 l?i i)T a m 0 dependence Idaho 1 $ive t dress is Vanda ha F O Illinois An entirely new line of mens and fafiias qgderwear and hosiery at the ghlcqgo 1(09 cheaper than ever be ' fore bytv tehool has oru&nlzad a I literary aqclecy with Norman McCarty Blackburn House In Loa Mrs Sevy was Ia gs president resident of Juarez Mexico whither I went from Panguitqh among' the she houses adobe Several of the small town of earley Mormon colonists A few months 1“ the lower part ffifi me ago acancer appeared on her breast fumbled down during the storm and went to her neck and arm She was I Radies wmps and capes of the latest poa to be treatoil by Patri- ' the j han ' l cheapest HfCjl pacburn and there died Vt tin ( Li go ‘itore There was a dance at Andeiton Hall rcit V 11 f'ueu’mi'or Is tearing last night and no eud (f hoodluinlsn 1 Ule Lh-- ' waalDdulged io yn the out vide Mcm nd mwiM li In ihs -- m ay Browl au(I -- a ! 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