Show T- -' ?He southern censor Fttoir at Bran? tycaiBCt Shvies Ciqvrr UrAH CtfOj&Y AND MORRISON p3tato Director provements We are not with them This same element points to the real Improvement that theirclass has made In Utah towns Yes the nearer ele- UNITED STATUSiSENATOttSJ Frank i f banuon There is an element in Richfield that wants the town to go to work and make improvements We are one ofthe element But the element is divided and one division wants to run the town in debt to make the im- ' J'L RawUnsi’REPRESENT ATIVStTQ HC&iJBEgs - ment that has come Into Utah has wuKtnK? lty:j i'GovEfeba f made many Improvements see their ' Hebor M Wells £ street lights water works paved UORETAR VI Of1 streets and sidewalks In Salt Lake JksT Haramotul gfffTE fcltv They have left the debts to be STATE ATJOITORs " Morgan Rinhar-Jr paid the Salt Lake’s debt of two and ' STATE TREASURER a half million dollars or fifty dollars James OUtpman fo every man woman and child not A- - 0 Bishop to sneak of the laboring men who had 'VtPEBlNTENDENT PUOLlb instruc- - I comfortable homes and had to sell TION them because they couldn't pay taxes John R Park This same element blamed the peoSUPREME 4 UDQE9 Charles'S Zne ple of Rkhflcld for so carefully guardO W BARTOH ing their City government but can It J A MINER when they have seen the ISTHTOTJUDIE FOR SIXTH D19TRI0T! blame them Win M MoOarty same element boom our towns tax the ‘ "BEVFEH COUNTY DIRECTORY common people till they became beasts of burden and even then leave debts - COMMISSIONERS Btjil ' for tbelr children and their children’s H H Clen wood W H Robinson 6allna'k children to'pay Gentlemen It is the J A Ross Joseph common people that eventually pay all Ixlunttf Olqrk -- SnoiR O Chirk Richfield hooorier— M mil u Rtehflnld taxes and the common people are In i)n Assessor— Jos A Smith Monroe coptrol of Richfield 'and they Intend Richfield Sheriff— John W Coons Monroe Supt Schools— Jacob Maglobv tfi stay in control for some time yet Tax Colloetor— Treasurer and common people want ImproveThe H P riansen Richfield t ments made as fast as we can make Ftosecutlng Att'y— EW McDaniel Richfield S D S t Sallu bw irv 7 the city into them CITY lIRFCTORY r dfebl - ! ATTORNEY-GENERA- 1 There Is an old story of a lark which had her nest tn a wheat field One day tho owner of the field came and found that the wheat was ripe and he said to his son “This wheat is ripe we will get our neighbors to help us and to morrow we will harvest It” But the old lark didn’t get out of the field The man found none of his neighbors there to help him next day so ho asked his relatives to eome but still the ark stayed on her 'nest and the relatives didn’t come Then the farmer and his son went to work to do their own harvesting the lark got out and eft It has been eight year since the tabernacle was started and the people have all been waiting on one another A few and there It Is still unfinished was Hall months agj the old Social tu ii down and the erection of anew one do begun A few men took hold of it to others for not wait and it themselves and today it'lsikTihost finished-- ' ’ ( V Tho days of straight party tickets are over as far as municipal and coun ty elections In Utah are concerned The people have been Induced to vote t Utah were beaten by biggest j Joseph B llorno Recorder— Carl Goldbrvtson Treasurer— Tamos Christianson J tstlce the of Christenson sim-- jglarshal— Q 'V Jplty Attorney— I 3 stow P C Pederson TnftnW Orjns SiundkAoner— Niels L ntlerson 'Quarantine Phystclai— H K Nelli R'o-uriul- Commissioners Wolcott- Pain a and Stevenson are through with thetr yvork in Europe They accomplished nothing for bimetallism directly but :i great deal Indirectly They have - bkaypoll T SUPT ’ft Bi“ Robison schools: f— Loa treasurer Loa TA1 Jeffery prosecuting attY: WINTER COMFORT having-dr- dose of self reliance taken well in by city tickets and should be again satles-- I Uncle Sam would teach Johnny a ed In the city council I ‘doorVardu son too Door Yards are secured by which is to it---- " Judicial District of the State ob Utah County op Our streets are horrible during tls Skvter Is suit compromiB-e- muddy weaiher and to grade thci Tbe county water George Babbitt and Charles Bhbbltt I B time However as it should have been along Just now Is Impossible ) partners as Babbitt Bros Plaff on various streams can conditions The ago put better crossings on our strea are tax i JMEowe Dofendunt I by simply levying a special poll vary to much that irrigation suits are 6 mi The Sends Instances Utah State of restibo worked out this winter Every usually most hurtful not wanting where suits have been In town excepting tbe town editorBtp ng’? to J it Rowe Dofondant communbishop and the two saloon keepf You aro hereby required to appear ln an very injurious to farming ities The common- sense of common will have time to wotlf it out durj action brought agalust yon by the above named plaintiff ln tho District Court of the farmers made perraenant by a decree the winter For the good namef Sixth Judical District of the Btate of Utah and to answer the complaint filed therein of a court of Jurisdiction has always Richfield let us not live another within ten days(oxclusl ve of day sorvlce)af ter of way most such satisfactory with crossings proved the the service on you of this summons— If servthe But ed within this countyjor If sorvod out of this ft disputes irrigation settling county hut ln this distrlctwlthln twenty refer compromise Just made does not vote next Tuesday try days otherwise within forty days— or JudgWhen you ment by dofault will bo taken against you to the high water- and some move a fair representation of the td according to tho prayer of said complaint get once to amicably at should be made Do not vote folf I The said action Is brought to recover from on- your ticket j you the sum of Sixty Dollars A eightyflveets the tltle t0 the high water of nor for all business men 118 alleged to be due to Plaintiff from you tor farmers must wares and merchandise sold and dethe Sevier River Even them we fare representation of each on jf goods livered to you by Plaintiff at your special ln j not re8t contented all to t stance and request andfor which you promls ticket Be Just to all classes ed and to pay to I’lulntlff the said ““sl W of the city or town Let not fan sumof agreed Sixty Dollars and eighty five conts alllrrlgatloecompiuieetromtUe n3 For full particulars see complaint now on partyoccupation section oi sect East canal in Pangultch Valley to M file In my office a eopy of Which Is is The best ticket unfair you attached the Rocky Ford Canul in Sevier county when men of all classes are ov And you aro hereby notified that If you good the of fall to appear nnd answer tho said complaint The Censor has often told tt as above required tho said plaintiff will take wasteful way In which water is used judgment against ydu for tho sum Sixty Doupper valleys Somff under (Spain has declined the offer of J llars and elghtyflve conts together with the costs herein so that United States to assist in maj standing Bhould be reached Witness The Honorable Judge and the wasted by & the water which Is now parent coul Beal of the District Court of tho Sixth Jupeace in Cuba If dicial District in and for the State Of Utah them may he used upon tho land of control his own family but yet erf said County this 22nd day Of Sept ln tbe this valley which was irrigated before beat his children the law would ta year of our Lord one thousand eight hunreser-voirdred and ninety seVen their canals were taken out hand If the parent governmerf S G Clark Clerk — needed will supply much of the Spain Cannot control Cuba some settleseal to treat in cruelly the laf supply! but we should have too ment with the upper valleys nations should have some remedjt First Publication Oct should be used to stop it - Will you winter in tti Rabbi t Valley Country? ' If setlio best 'place to obtain sup with us Our store is now located at the new 'Spiles Is Whero wj are prepared grain of the people take Flout-egg- townsitc s aiAioUliieiaWr more lor tin tore tip Calf and see Jis Mansfield Mercantile Co ' i Thutbe'r Utah j Wood Worker fasn&l j'wkj I f am proprietor i jX- - planing mill in Richfield the best ’tfie i’a Sevier County bjjg anly Turned Work folding ‘Sough or rianed Lumber " i1 ' 1 il always on hand v i i I am ’ 1 prepared to take sort contractor for any nf carpenter work Cell on me for an “ estimate butt-tinu- v X Gunnison should hold a ma99 meeting and beclbe what it can do toward there inducing a sugar factory to locate Then let the other towns say what are willing to In they will doMany vest money in beet sugar plants but should have an offer made directthey t0 tbeni 1 ft s hW J 1 the Lord told Adktn should eat bread by the pWeet Is brow He must not have iheantr Adam’schlldren for those whosw sweat most often have the leasid to eat When - - free ’ stamp Tl( Trircea Week Edition of The THE VATUMA York World is first aniens all P O BOX Z12 wipky rarer9 ln h1zP) frequency of and the freshness ipatloI1 curacy has all and variety of CHICAGO IL ac- Its contents tbe merits of a great COMPANY It tfl dally at the price of a dollar weekly Its p rv cmuptorei'ac-tP"ut icai news curate and Impartial as all its readers o testify Itisagatnst the monoroli-- fi and for tho people It prints the news of afl the woild 111 I Sigurd Loa audlOoyote ! Si - n ‘ j ‘ h - Remember: the Dear Departed NTT Show your regard for those who have gone before in Enduring EverlastingGrave Stoned ARTHUR HEJSTR1E has established his 7 Marble Works on Center St East of Co-- o Store and is prepared to make grave stones and do all kinds of Cemetery Work ONLY FIRST-CLAS- WORK EXCHANGE FOR PRODUCE S I I KWRIGHT & SONS Pioneer Oil JUST RECEIVE- House D- A Lot Of Whitewashbrushes Paint Brushes Paints and Oils Glass Sash Doors Lath Iron Roofing etc Farmers Attention Machine OilsCall and get my prices before you order Don’tforget the K I - place WRIGHT and SONS A hot-et- jrC Anderson -- No matter wn at your ailment or where you live write us a full hit tory of your trouble and our consult- THE NE W YORK W011T 1 leg physiclau wilt advise you what tfc THRICtt-A-WBK- K FDITION do in order to regain your health lf& Papers n Year Pages a Week Consultation is and sacredly conONE DOLLAR FOR fidential Terms very low For prooA - ' v enclose 2 cent stamp rulillahod every Altornato Fay except Local agents wanted everywhere Sunday No cauvas-lu- g We advertise you fh Address with your hdrae paper ft THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS in-th- ' I - Ilt moeey the produce N j store gives' more Tor ! ly sr SHEEP NO 18 they hang to prison?” but Foweis got him clear The most sanguine had no hopes of VB- - - bregos Tin Shop ‘ Hospitality d w be had at- According to theSalina Press Slg urd ships more freight than anyothei 9tut Ion in the county If Vermillion and Sigurd could now unite on ohe place for a town get a business house or two more the town would bo one of the most prosperous In this pkrt Of tftah 41 j and germs of every kind name atil) nature it is healing and soothing (6 the wucuous membrane It will cure the majority of cases Jt Bronchitis Catarrh DIspepsla all feel at makes that you Stomach troubles all diseases of the home with a Sample Room on Bladder Bowels Kidneys Liver Cod Main street go to stipatlon Piles Old Sores Rectal Diseases Ulcers Eczema Scrofula Blood Poison Rheumatism Neuralgia THE KENTUCKY HOUSE Dlsqascd Discharges Diseases peculia'r Women Nervous and Physical Sevier Co Utah to Monroe Weakness etc i eaves-troug- h - Monroe has gained considerably celebrity for Its hot springs with only a Mttle rough board bath house If a few thousand dollars were spent on one what could be done? With Its prune and peach orchards its pretty shade tre-and would be Utah’s best lesidenoo town IPTirWUBrwg l ng there we need from city council to vote the same way material raw what — -- tt get our neighbors on the south True we TbeTintic Miner has comoout a Import much from Great Brltian but Republicans' are making war on and Democratic paper declarthe more for him defeat wealthy to the for M rten Jensen It Is mainly I to have little see that not Democracy and bimetallism why they ing the poor of America city council We do Engare with with identical: lose If we do quit trading should Mr Jensen has voted t: land and trade with America instead the progressive moves during his presfor Wunt Americans He made was bore the America ent Incumbency RAPP AND BEAK— ATTY S and if overcrowded England can do of the fight for the city water He SUMMONS w itbout our trade broad open Amerirepresents the farming element mre One other man on the Wo In The District Court of the Sixth ca can better do without theirs I antiseptic germicides it positively destroys all "microbes” and a truly than any Is secured by Dry It full-fledg- Loa Joseph EckerslCy ’ i V 'N’oo last‘d The majority of the people want and are going to have a fire brigade fire limits in tfhtch but a small quan tity of hay may be stacked a limit placed on the number of cattle one family can keep in town and something done toward water works if those who are running for city council men aren’t favorable they better step down and out Tb'ese are improve “A scolding wife drives many a man meats that cost little Improve public a man Is very health and safety and the people al to a saloon” and many Impossibility and that the St Lewis could Just as well have deconvention WAYNE COTTNfW DIRECTORY clared for a permeoant gold standard " COMMISSIONERS until bimetallism con’d be secured by Alonzo Billings Fremont International agreement The cause of Charles Snow Teasdale bimetallism is In the hands of the Levi C White Giles United states and of no other nation OUNTY CLERK A COUNTY RECORDER If we adopt it the Spanish American Loa tt M Hansen republics will trade with us and for assessor: while we may be forced to trade with li'f I JCainesvllie jthem pretty! much alone Such an e vent can not hurt usWecan manufac sheriff: 1 (r s D- - M for tbe constituTims It was that ! Stag0Line having bpeclal correspondence from all tin globe news the points Important GRASS AND RABBIT VALLE$ It has brilliant Illustrations "lories Cal ROUTE by great authors a capital humor and page complete niaikots departments were pronounced siicccs-'cLeaves Sigurd 6 am bvery mornlnfc Sevier for the lionsehold and women’s work did the county much good Sundav reach Burrvllle and other special departments of unus- except County should try one next year norm and go ou to Loa or Coyote that ual interest ft night Until December we offer this unAccomnrtatloris for passengers a ml reviewed he will fire The brigade toCensor and for cairylng express acuities the newspaper a disastrous fire equaled w lien we have had Fillmore- Brother?! cash for $200 one year Strictly ‘Tis too late to lock the stable when gether Burrvllle ln advance Proprietor?! the colts are done stole” Shown the people of Arcylca that bi m lalllsm was Is aSd ever will bo an (C- Jtreet-Supervlsor- s VATUMA - 1 ‘ tional convention ine Judges county superintendents s cuiomiiHonsrs mayors county attorn-- i "I anibother officials ofno abiljty of Sevier ikako want luo iiHn onnblcd to down our most If the people Onbhecl they It two icon of ®ee that tabernacle Jurists and tinancers must not i alt for others They must equal competency are running for the 'that each one has h' all to do if ho same place it is all right to vote for fed can and then only will- it be finished tho party nominee If two men of un " equal ability are nominated vote for lo besf man every time I tab county had' h county fair at Piuvo and Lohi had one on the side If'"" ' JEM Jensen N P Peterson Morton Jonson sleepy-heul- some of the Oltl Jxf ?jb'HoinO J’y - YiUboht-runmn- r is doing ' something toward home dramatic' ' " PERFECT HEALTH REGAINTi TUN comphnles for the winter Glenwoodj wonder of Tn”: and Loa especially tho latter made if you believe iq Silver 18 to 1 and Qraodest discovery Tn the ulue1s $ excellent movesdn that direction moalg pood beds'that Invite to medicine The Loa company formed a year Guaranteed to cure 'more 'dlSeNBij sleep and pleasant dreaihn good regular organization and will no doubt than any other mddicioe treatmeThft-systedo excellent work known io the medical profesIt is folly to quit Rook Mughzlnci sion “No MAH made” remedy bift when the players have Just had endugh nature’s’ true panacea Dally Papers training todogood work Vatumalsan the past because 11 Is wonderful how O W Powers thev were on party tickets ' Thus it clears his clients The question was was that some of the most- able men “Will Mlllsor Just send him - '' trust that each town for very poor men in or MAYOR— Theodoio Riumiley OOUNOIL— E 0 Peteison 3 "X- - DO YOU WANT GOLD Everyone desires to keep informed on Yukon the Klondyke and Alaskan gold fields Send 10c for large Compendium of vast nformatjon tand big color map tq Hamilton Pub Ind Co: In Sevier County We have constantly bti lianA Coffjns Caskets Trimmings Burial clbthes Handles Screws and the like We are als prepared to take charge of preliminaries foT" funerals and to do other serviced usually Vfe quired of undertakers A hobne :& miller ( -- - TWO BLOCKS WEST OFTIIHJ COURT tlOUGl |