Show f A 1 HH 3 BERN No 29 THOUGHT Richfield HEt KNEW THEM 1 Utah-Fricla- October 29th i897 y A PIONEER AT RE 8 Mrs ITannah Hunt dies at her home in Monhoe One of tiie $150 ‘‘I H Year A I The Advocate lays the rumor of Odd difference whose ox Is liable to be gor ant whether his water was dlstrlbu £ Interference In politics to Dr ed by the slate jj HOFFMANN ed by an ofliotr of the company or h i PETER CHRISTENSEN h rt 'It- Herbert Dr Herbert Isn’t an a individual it was distributed to the origin-atoTo the people and tux at Law payeis the liini and heiecclved TOWN’S FIRST SETTLERS of rumor that the benefits of If It was slyly held Tiestion Is who will Ed Dalton came over from AnnaWill practice I n all the Courts Stae serve the best lout by members-oand seems it under the evidence and’ the local lodge as bel Tuesday night and proceeded to A week ago city Tf vou vete for men who are re- the law that this jnd Federal today - Mrs Hannah an Inducement for defendant is liable others to Join get full When tangle leg had the Hunt wife of Thomas Hunt of Mom Office 3?nce piock sidents and understand the needs of to the plaintiff for the ’ watermaster’e r UTAII (better of him he went down to Peter I roe died at her home in Monroe For The Advocate made a Mg noDe last the townmen who have proven nr at fees to the amount of ftlsy and tbs' ftlCHFELD week about the Christensen’s and seeming to think some four ‘The same object way It would expose least have given reasons to believe Court so ‘finds years past Mrs Hunt has He tionils urged ns to the secretary’-fee- s s’atc was he business this week but this thatthev aresolidin Jiome wanted a bed This been unwell being troubled with a W W Wallace M L Brows protecting the for distributing the water alm Judge scared members of the family and Mrs bloating but lately she has been much week It was quite moderate Ferbapc water of I ne cltv fm m-the a to the River Watermaster’g fees' rightful (ft RROWN WALIAQ H remembered some Christensen ran out doors Dalton better and nice day has taken a slating done last ers and will udminlnWer th nity lv and f every mills whjcb would be at Attomsys Ivs fall‘ Riu Meteor likes went out too and went to sleep in the ride It was so the two to defendant’s slate too government economical vnnd not waste part the same objection is' days prpced- j The Block Blchaeld Utah oniy trouble 8he Isn’t on the urged as to the Reservoir ’JVatermast-- ’ yari Marshal Blomqulst was sent fI Ingher death She seemed more ’lively I vyill practice' in til the courts State and Fed big the hard earnings yoiir’o nl right cr’s fees 8nf the fees of the Reservoir ship ““cU1 I °T 8nd' foun? ®d’ oa the fl03r of the than usnal Thursday Voters should remember we night when she notvofe Committee In regard to thess ob’ I bouse asleep The officer kept him In returned from a rlcfa to the farm A for men to favor them bv passing remark was heard to be J them Ject ions the Court can only say that'-thi- s giving G T Bean charge thqt n jght an he was assess- - Next Morning when she awoke she did-“germel Kpp trau doesn’t have to be In a town offices but that the vote should be defendant when he placed his' ed 110 for disturbance of the peace so n’t feel so water under the control of this board1 well and about 8 a m she a many years to hold these offices ” for men who will serve us by I I besj for pro j Justice Christensen next day died placed it there aubject to their rulei the IGentlementhe gress trouble and disease heart old being lawyers economy and protecting the settlers admit that and regulations W1U practice In all : The funeral was held on Sunday tbe But there is this to remember tbYqtate and Fedral a man general interests of the City Voters courts and United States' pand Office As the defendant waq sued for taxes turnout despite the storpi who helped make a town is should remember and vote for men WANT A DAIL Y MAIL Messers Rapp anq Bean are able and to keen the ditch below his headgatq’ attesting who usually lawyers In atf i£o6aje land wator he high respect in which the disedi- - most devoted to Glenwood the town Richfield’s it he kpows more of have fought for the Interests of Rich- open the court says: ' pining and erlmfqal litigation ed was t8 field to need hel In Will attend all sessions of court In the in the he work regard Jr! will the do more to guard its that waadona and will do so In the OfPOBTUNiTy Strike Now gut Sixth Judicial District and adjacent counties on the tail end of the ditch future if he has been here a iq’ Biographical j ofBouthern Utah long time this case the evidence shows that the I Is flee'ln anderton Building he not Hunt mSlden name to run olt upt and Last Tuesday Dlght the monle leave the keeping open of this ditch was neces- -' ’ 001’ Wa 1 natlye of DerbyehlO town tom I EiCHFjEfPj Utah It hard times” Thf for drainage purposes Glenwocd held a mass TIIE sary RKOADBEXT CASE carry-- ’ meeting and set ffand‘ She woud have 15610 se editor belongs to Richfield’s newer oft surplus water about getting a daily mall for their tng and the’ f tarts of decision in the suit the defendant) should bear his pro-- ’ I element but ‘ entjyears old ln December In town Several schemes are proposed he has never asked and OF TOE BROOKLYN JOSEPH EOKER8LET CANAL CO VS J T rata of that ' she became expense a convert to the belief off docs not intend to ask a but most of the people want to havq public trust BROADBENT appears from the evidence that MR he has Attorney at Law the Latter Saints j day Glenwood on the Grass and Rabbit becoming thoroughly shown tliathK the question as to how this water be-"- 1 member in the Sheffield Conference? Interests are llie i route order In to to the defendant should bq do valley people's Interests The this decision longing in the the for assessment suit feiwty Attorney Wayne County into the ditch and as to when hq’ mail must start from Richfield The In ’C3 she crqssedthe Atlantic In th We can but admire the old timers if of the Brooklyn Canal put Co vs J T would the ship Juventa and ln ’62 crossed theyguard the town the It was left entirely with thq’ fcQA UTAH good that could be done Richfield by county and Broadbent came too late for the Cen- board get r and It further appears that’ be state theplalns in Brunson’s Capt they have made and put sor’s last issue As this comp becoming tpe distributing points for Is a typical there were times when it was a ques- -' the mails woqld be great Commumca any flrst settling at Monroni In ’64 men lo office only when they own ease of a M being sued tion if that water would come down’ with the first settlers to Mon Perty or have other interests that for his tlons with Wayne County and Grass to that ditch so It could be diverted' share of Irrigating expenses therein unless roe and has ever since lived a sh°w that will look on the town’s we they there were certain inValley would take but half of the quiet lyoyer publish the leading parts of it ’ dividuals appointed for the purpose of time it now takes Let Richfield help peaceable home life She was the moth- - interests as their own To say that if you serve a 6P of tso children &1I of whom reach I seeing that It did come down It lq Jfotary fqqilc Gleowood and Glenwood tt Is supposed that the Advocate with notice under the section ofparty 1 help Richlaw shown by the evidence that the ap' fHURBER Utah field to better the pa3U service maturity and became parents though Editor will be on cited which contained one cent more ments were necessary That be’ of Mt St Elias or one point top three are now dead Over forty grand-- 1 cent less then the actual election day for fear he would have to ing the case the Court is of the opW -: amount which would be proved on ino uMpan f' that these items that have been cast his ballot (0 some caudldate fur trial to be due would p J Stuart 0 W Collins ove- proved are a proper are act llvla thereby charge and they1 llm rthrow the offlce of that notice and are allowed munclp offlce he not UTE&ABT and COLLINS Willie Hyatt shot at Inverury if this casq a J ' tiously Introduce to render the defendant free from any the defendant receives inwater the elite on gala A POPULAR MEETING Attorneys g jaw only’ or obligation liability would be a from the south fork of this canal then' 4 RICHFIELD days UTAH strange proposition of law t Last Tuesday a son of B‘ H Gree n If this he would be responsible for his At prorata We are in Indiana and New York of Jn wood gad Willi Hyatt age 14 wept this receipt lnvltatL pclitica notlce contained more than was due of the expense of maintaining that from Heir boines'lq Central to hunt from the teachers nf the Glenwood leaders and tricksters" run all cam- - r°iVhe defendant’ the defendant canal from tbe point where the main" r®m6dyat tbe time He bad canal intercepts the river to the palgns and the party is whipped Into ht r t ducks During thu hunt Greeuwood school point I where the water is diverted to him' “bom A general invitation is w6lle " BloMeM the party run I saw a duck and had to exand hereby shoot through txPhysician Surgeon and under certain conditions for the 1 tended to the public to attend a ot the the frame work of a flume to get it Pop theeampata and whip the leadem deptlt coded by the defendant to he due which it empties into the river in re Just as he shot his companion ular School meeting to be held at the itolIae School 1D Case 11 18 “hown House I now that it Is Saturday evening Oct about it Job mv are Richfield to be correct lie caught hold of the frame work with would hm°Un8°Und from ! necessary to have that ditch ISO? Otb where Hria the r born his hand and looked through The following prr-gArne lean utben orScandl- r cost that mlht accrue by reason to drain hi am will be rendered mrplu water or In ‘a'r“‘"sf charge tore his hand badly and struck to allow a suhlclent volume to paesbld Singing by the Monroe Glee Club his nose wnlle one shot penetrated the nctf’--M ’ver8lpa 80 t'lat bo can rnuet have Johnny read In rWater“JSll!r'8c'in’tf the llihlp under the oourtavs the direction of Prof Tlios frontal bone into the brain proper amount where it says lfe will ceep yourj It waa iiuuWiial to this defondRansou Dr Shipp was sent for but being feutoff the Sain's ” and “they — the Prayer Bp II II BeU away the courier telepraphed for Dr saints-sha- ll the world’’ There jud Remarks by O U Bean Niell who went out about sun down subject fore editor ye could easily conjecture The docter fears that the shot in the The Object of Popular Meetings the that second i t m Song Monroe Glee Club brain may prove fatal It was intend“all mcdly ll Hoi Mh- ! K ed to take the boy to Salt Lake Wed Jill Talk A TI N Trot’ by HR E SMITH Ikt nesday but it was not done and he is Oariu'iglihor Bro Ton Song Monroe Giee Club still at his home in Central resting much Roiu irks Supt Magieby — Regulartroubled a appears BUnd‘“e' ED PALTON WANTS TO LODGE WITH ' 4rny ’ Fellow f one-hal- OOMB-WiH- ORT 1 A RiPFaBS ' u whe 0ftrS rts tre It WMANfLR er “ accidentally shot fe“ fe "“I"!' Ua lar’ oS Kr1- - '1ii ’ ay at last reports cate over Bourn certain meet voors iia '’tj hoc In Recitation Miss Estella Jacques ome evening at Mias A CQ WARDL Y ASS A UL T Discussion of School Law by a numb Chrisieuacu’s rt lidence It would seem er that Bro John vo not invited of the School Board I MBS N H T JOUN assault EB Keyes Both We are certain the Questions by citizens meeting w°' aj I under arrest Midwifery and General Cart of ihe Sick as John and others who had mistake Glee Club ongby an experience in such matters last fall Prayer by C W Powell ' RICHFIELD UTAn or Last Sunday night about nine oshould not have been left out doors on At ’clock at Annabella Ike Dalton and a cool evening iu October POLITICAL NOTES Lat fall John Porter knocked at the door of F Still water runs deep There Is lots John's dres had very wide sieves B Keyes and asked to buy some chick of still work ALLRED FLORENCE going on iu Richfield hencetbey would hold and admit slat- r ens Mr Keyes went out with them do go Licensed Obstetrician acdother tokery useful and handy Some says Jim Ramsay want quail-was and followed Mrs shortly by KeyRooms at Mrs Millers across the fy tf elected marshal Jim' says he will aS electloD Preparations this year the es to show him which chickens to sell Street north of the Publlo Square styles and modes have changed andl As Mrs Keyes came near she saw one Noone city councilman Los been run sleetesare narrow andcaunttadmit ofj Monroe of the ruffalns knock her husband against harder than Morten Jensen slates You MRS ANNIE M NELSON must carry them on the “down” while the other kicked him was on the water question and lie outside so Midwife and Nurse they may be seen by all and Then After a they both raa off As they had stayed like a brick Now the people our brother dosen't do that year's absonoe for study I am at way done the justice of the peace up the 8taF by Wm Good conduct ln office t!ny place ready to resume my practice Last year It was Advocated tbit Elsinore Utah ' pair then went to Constable Lisoubee’s should Dei appreciated slates were common and customary in still pretending to want chickens The school board hold that for Mr the east and that it wa3 only people Lisonbee was rather distrustful oi to run for city couucllman is a out in Utah that was behind t lie them and buckled on his pistol and Hayeo HOMER McCAllTY times that objected to tlio-- e methods A violation of his contract as it the pair went off peaceably in U S Deputy as and certain now have people been him to engage in nothirn Mext day Mrs Keyes lodged com- requires MINERAL SURVEYOR that will interfere v itn school work fouud to bo apt scholars their aptness It plaint against her husband assailants Mr of Valuejn-BusinesHayes does not consider it so but in learning the eastern ways arc not and NOTARY PUBLIC Injustice Jensen’s court The two appreciated People considered guilty wi” abide tne Hoard's r were brought before him and placed j MONROE UTAn There Is always one thing to be rememoered in of ca rrylcg concealed slates can better siun Tho Censou wants a word to business that you never say $500 bail to await trial on Nov lose anything by dealing with the tried and trusted tlieir standing “a la Aavucate’’ by apon this matter Teachers should Ever since 1871 the not 10 Rchfield has been doing business ln Richfield THE WRIGHT HOUSE engage in politics to the detriment of plying to Brother Meteer like a otr-It has never been tl treatment of the public It has “aQ Jivlur not for from the foor‘d wantlu ln their school work but to exclude always had nothing but substantial articles on Its shelves and still has K Wright ' ho went Proprietor them from political preferment entire- crcaniery’ and a’supply of the same when and he ation found was it the Our Trade Grows with each year ly is to exclude the ablest purest und five Virgins that had nooil In tboir best class of people from jour politica and the customer gets a fair share First Clast in Every Way of tiie profits Try trading with lfe- Ioll1'lcs “ay and often do inter lantern— hence “Dark Lantern”— he us fere with school duties but not so of concluded being a little fellow he would go home as ho had been told THE CAPITAL STOCK necessity and offices that do not take fend get your share of the profits at them was a curfew law in Richfield away from schoof duties can not there fldffls Reasonable us To the Republican slate rackets ThC LquUublc More be filled better by a man of CO -any class no Hlcliflcld cuts figure but it does look to an than by a teacher Richfield Utah Impartial mind that It makes so much Tbeo RICHFIELD i DTAH I ity and Punctuality 1 ' t 1 oic ruii£os Hcattirs? Parlor Sets Bedroom Suits? Tinvares Stove Piping? Lumber Lath Shingles? Moulding Rustic other supqlies usually kept by stove furniture or lumberdealers? It you 1 to The Pioneer Furniture Store Utah J Change Not an Old Friend Maxim That Holds Good Is Great Friendship s (led-unde- I Co-o- p I I j ” Growing Larger i - I Better Fall and Winter Goods can not be found in the county RICHFIELD OP ESTABLISHED 187j Brandley Ap&s V |