Show J TIIE DECREE OF THE WATER A COPY OF TRE U1U blU’ ENULO such flow and adding the same i gether and all waters diverted befi tjs the Richfield Dam Hnd aljove the dan JUDGE HIGGINS DECREE of the Apnabella Irrigation Cana C'OFHNtr AO) CASKETS Company as the same new exist Hi " IV TUG SIXTH JUDICIAL CHAIMS VNQ Soy AS be Included In pjaklng afore-aiDISTUUT COURT measurement h Clocks and iiii u’kfts ' 4 That the said corporations nere County of Sevier State of Utah Scriu t Bed Boom in ' except the Vermillion Irrigation : Best Paklor Sets Company shall in suih manneras they deem proper appoints representlve to Bureaus and Washstands Richfield Irrigation Canal Comrepresent tbolr interests in the divis-Plaintiff pany a corporation 4nd alu Furniture vs of said water § ina"(? to their Annabqlla Irrigation Cinal iT TIIE LOWEST PRICES respective rights as Defendants Company et al: hereinbefore decreed aud the indlvl-lo' This cause came on regularly fur 4t dual defendants herein a- aforskid adthis 23rd hay of October A I) hearing Bon roe Fuknitukk Room 11897 Judged to bo tlie owners of the wateis upon the complaint of plaintiff to the Ditch i ctlth John A Johnson Prod land the answers of defendants thore- ed shail likewise appoints poison t i to Messrs Rapp & llean and Thur- - represent them In the measurement I man & Weugwood appearing as couu Iro A 8 U CjF mPel for the plalotlff Stewart 4f Cellln I the A LIST d i 1 I to fim-- h start critic ne and model farms py repeated visits and Instructions' both in Jecture room and In the field and put th Reserved li r - - “Elslnbre Cftnale' the Selontat Company K 3 I £ J Jlio toforetareedto IR-ff- 13- - P L1 to bolheowneraof the why tlieNiN waters ot 8a1d Rlver t0 V" frt 800 Dltt:h entled I - e?e and experiment ‘ Congress and State it is most - lh RRTRDLEY'S Burnffure — mb telllgeuce right oq “What a difference to a nation an income of one- hundred 11 millions of dollars amounts to ThW (?reat Que8tf0“ of economy rests with our leaders In agricultural Industry' and not least on our Agricultural Co1' n - T fortunate Stations and ur Store mmmsm TO legislatures that thi j rromn"'y TPn(P 7T through your laudable T lYJVDQWfi'IjADLS LA OR CURTAINS 1 BABY CIRfvIAfrLS 11 ctToit °f niany others not behind in thi-patriotic work ThD question of ad an ' " vancing the industry has now become popular and while the Iron is hot all Interested should strike I have now agitated this master for more than 85 years under the leadership of our gieat Pioneer Brigham Young (under which California was not slow to follow) and I am still wll ling to continue the' same- - But as beet-sug- mum RffSfT ! Counties h ith: ar We-ar- WALLjPAPKlt agents for tbe celehrated e “CROWN” hall inline manner appoint a representative to re- V w?reM‘' Q warensUi present them mtheaforsald measure RICHFIELD SALOON matw A w ’ "Uent and distribution of said waters I WJlAULOSKJTop cbarlesWorth T H- Pitts J M bil-- 1 and the individual defendants herein ' HAS Ungsiey 0 T Bakbr Edward Newby I heretofore decreed to be the owners of J W Parker T B Parker Charles the waters t0 whlch oqqp 1 mgln8l)ltcll li1-Leayett Nelson Brown N W is entitled shall likewise appoint a re- ALCOIIOL W to pwnt them in the you Mr Secretary also have said: A B Jed890’ B WJ225 w L V-ST ® TFOmiA GRAPE BBAXDY said eadln Ql “Wlou of ar1 Irruftl estlon i I iitBrmhof nUmriypMt awNcounhel lor the' Ifonrbe ua 11U1U111WC1W1 And (fi V- (the best kind of mother-beetrich In Sherry Wine and such other liquor I Companyla Brooklyn Canal Company tne saltl rePre8fln UveH 90 (0 bl by n appointed Annabel Canal s cre’reedsi in sickness Company Irrigation an(1 h?h In parity In order to CO -- g 3 land Vermillion Irrigation ComnanH 8aid coiporatlons aud individual ft) our grent o W R Cigars prop’Bate the h"st to John (D ' Dr boaidactingoiqt)y for the purpose market S? Blaln ® p p of distributing the waters of said river George Sanqiuol Shirpraon Washburn Jamos' Gregersen It mav bo now set down as a fait Joseph to the parties to this suit apcordhg 10 Condor and Ras NieWhj ana tjie sulii their within the Rocky Mountains " rr that di respective rights as herein parties by thejrsaicj attorneys In open creed and the said Board or comini e where the culture of has Court having stipulated and admitted sion shall have the -power and Hutlo been reasonably well attended t hey If the facts as they exist in this aetjon -f ority to appoint such oificerb'and'age have contained more sugar than genr LU and the rights of the parties here to nts as O they may deem fft aud proper eral throughout the beet sugar belt under said tacts aud rij Court hav- to o D W carry out the purposes for which t in the U S as well as In Germany ing heretofore made and filed its lino MS p Is created p Q (fi logs of facts and conclusions of lav 5 That prior to thecommencenient This Is ascribed to our very favorable uow on motion of tqe sqid attoruo V of the rrlgatlop Season of Ifeds tlicie climate in prevallingunny and ba’my CO in said cause oinly iqade and in 03 of the said upder £ W 0 sjjqll supervision o co 5 days during the growing season of the accordance with said findings of facs f X) be f in board each ditch constructed ov and coucluslons of law T and connected on with irr year gat CD t lie parties hereto except the Verm Ur o P (D A u IT IS ORDERED ADJUDGED AND AJ lion Irrigation Company taking water avorWe tt degree above what is O F-- — iZ " CP fY 3 decreed:— F ’ You HAVE CCJT BURNED frotq said River under this decree and known on this or other continents ' © 1 (A w OR BRUISED That whenever the waters of tli below (he head-gatof said djtch as A ofState By P jfO‘JNelf-0u AgMcuItnra Mvu iq lurse c)V(d)g Sevier fyver iq Sevier County Uta the same now exists a wier and the 03-XT 5V O Bird or any animal that is WQuaod and Stations become reduced in quantitv U) Experiment proportions of the waters Qf said departments T‘r any way you will find amount not exceeding 101 feet measo River to which eacli ot the parties and your present system of communi-li-Totcs c ICIHBOiVS BLACK OIL ed bead at oOhm 0 the shall be distributed cation with many thousands of farm-trespective gaits eqtilled ” 4 CURIj TIJAT CURES w the parties to this action at eud abliv them over said wiers and said wiers ers your Department will of course C3QD Rewarq Qf iiqltatlons Genuine only what Is known as the Nielson dam shall be maintained iuaproper stqti 'tfhen' signed said measurement to be ascertained by of repair under the direction of sanl gain a great many reliable data but I K fear it will be too slow for practical multiplying the width of said eanaja boatd or cominisslon at the expen-oSold at 2 0M I firug Dept by the depth of water flowing theivn the lespective parties and all wnt purposes in consideration of its great s at their said respective tii 5 er which may hereatter be diverted bi national economic importance ' The parties to this suit qre the owners of J low what is known as t lie "Richfield response of our empire farmers will the waters ot the Sevier River and of I Dana” and above what is known as the most be 1 think very limited likely the right to the use thereof in th I “Aimabella Dam” as the same pow AND Rich-Glen wood following proportions exist shall be measured us autf "con a more potent Incentive would be RIO head workmen for 35 Istitufce the waters to which trie AnnaGRANDE caused Canal J field Irrigation (formerly extensive towns Company by lccturingln 11 is now located j percept thereof Joseph Irrigation Ibella Irrigation Canal Company is tp-- ud villages by practitioners in this the Elsinore s across 10 por cent thereof street of the the south Isaac-- j titled unher this decreer Company If 01 ‘VloY rlJirnvo cut O F Pierson Prop Store lie has a stock of cloth on sou Ditch 1 per cent thereof Wells he diverted in more than opo ICE IrriLaM''ti Canal Cortany 4 percent cauil between ilie said dams as they ducements given at home to the till- land as well as many samples from which to order A suit from Jstock can ni c v t Ut t'vcry evening tl thereol fci ii riatiou Company now exist the agtiegmi-- ' amount so 1 ersof the soil t tcnver & ltio u oc R R in connei 19 per cent theiv'f Place To Get v be had three days after tbe measurel'iiino’-Cinal verted shail not exceed 8 per cent of should effectively be call- ments are taken Two weeks Corgress tion with the It G W runs a Toui 1st Company I lie waters of said River the aniyur--t per cent theicoi requiror Family Sleeping Car to Denver to said Annabella ed on as well as Legislatures iu States ed to have ready from samples iyn Canal liornpany 11 per cent there a uiji: id which a lower berth can be secured for 0f Annabella Irrigation Canal Com with in the sugar beet district to give irrigation Canai Oumniy " 200? In addition to this daily ser- - j pany 8 per cent thereof Nilsson 0 That each of the pat ties r o this one hundred niillon dollars yearly V D Vico (he R 0 also operates eu Ditch 2 per cent thereof Higgins pay bis own witnesses aud costs here olil lido ii l'wiry a substantial lift Wednesdays TUuisdnjo and FrldijDitch ot one per cent thereof Ver- in incurred other than the fees otntho pi that the process be not too slow and there diotiuct Tourist Sleeping Ci million Irrigation Company all M Clerk of the Court and the stenograph O to a k uhh Citv Chic agi seepage water arising and flowing in cr fees and ' that tbe costs ol the the consummation not too far off Ti e Boston aud New Yoik— po cliango for the natural ihuuncl below the Nilsson Clerk of tbe Court and the steno U S Agricultural Department shall Utah passengers— at greatly reduced Dam and above the point of thediver grapher’s fees taxed at ?42VJ be up- - be financially empowered to take berth ratos These Tourist cars are sion of such water by the canal of portioned among t lie cure of plantations to proparespective part-- 1 managed by the Pullman Company said Company at its dam in said Rive les hereto iu proportion to their afore- - special seed gate the best kinds of sugar-beet-s End are provided with all necessary and such seepage water as may flow said respective percentages of said in localities that will give the best re- conveniences aud appliances The from the Richfield fields North of the water Tourist car feature together with the Vermillion dam into the canal of the suits Dated October 22nd 1897 admirable train servioe and sccole at Vermillion Irrigation Company E V Higgins Judge if your Department Finally tractions of the route has placed the 2 That tho defendants A N in D & R G in the foremost ranks o:1 Warenskl G A Waroaski should conclude to establish beet T W Western Railroads For rates and Ross James A Ross George seed plantations I can offer to you a BISHOP MABSEN WRITES detailed Information apply to any M Billiug-I M few hundred acres of the best kind of Ticket Agent of the R G W Ry ley O T Baker Edward Newby J TO WILSOS sugar beets land that I know of locat to B F Novlns General Agent or II 'W Parker T B Parker Chailes employ- The Production of BketSuoak ed about 20 miles south of Salt Lake II Cushing Traveling Passenger Lea vet t and Nelson Brown are the the subject A Copy fou Agent D & R G No 68 West 2nd owners jointly of the said waters so as City for a model sugar beet farm and tiie Censor youth Street Salt Lake City aforesaid decreed to belong to the mainly for seed production Isaacson Ditch and that the defendVery Respectfnlly ants John F Webb George Blaln C A Madsen Samuel Shlmmon P P Washburn Honored Secaetary James Wilson U S Department of Agriculture James Gregsrsen Joseph Condor and See improved SINGER before buyings You leauc Ogden or Salt Lake In Ras Nielsen are Jointly tho owners of Washington D C P S We are ready to commence a so decreed as to waters aforesaid he evening and after Ireak fasting in the Dear Sir: r first class factory as soon a Ihc sumptuous (tilling ears of lie lieloiig to the Nilsson Ditch: and the consideration of the foresight we can convert In Capitalists to our Higgins N W SANTA FE ROUTT on the third defendants N disernment aud byl energy practical B terms C Capitalists wants the best Higgins ifijgins and corniug you arrive in the advancement of the Beet-- jducers to form themselves in a kind of of the Jensen uie ioirlly Chicago or fc$t Louis waters lierciuUdore decreed to Delon Sugar industry has been taken hold of syndicate in order to give security for u season to attend to business or run-- to tlie lliggins Ditch I under your aumlnistratlon permit that desired yearly smount of beets be tiecfc with all fast trains for the D ial That each of the partie- to tins me to to some notes which you pieseut forthcoming And we farmers want liotuc oac hue said rwcnlly that tho suit their agents seiviul-) and emwill in with principal I agree yours track cf the ATCJIIbON TOF1 K A ployes be and that they and tacit u them their agents servants ami em- ksToM' and which I hayc written Si BANTA FJ3 railroad was in au-ployes are hereby perpetually eaiiuintd down durii ny many yean of experperfect condition that tho long dis iiwl restrained Iroiu in any manner 01 ience: tance run cf tbe ‘JHyer” on lie New at all into) faring with t He me ef the York Cot tral cculd be equaled if Very few fai "icu as jet know water wicli is hereby dee ted to L about oi pruc11ec whit of late much by its magnificent Ariine long to I he other partic- - t teis suit eaflud iriteuse fanning hence Leon Has ei Lher or or to J D Tu worthy any of Jl tie and an and restrained likewise too cnio'red know but little about sugar beet cul Gcu’l Agt J'aivcpger D' iL in ary manner or at n'l inlet tore or how to make a ' ' 5o Wca&'econd South Street fair trial of the ' ”ing wiili the full free and umntei " ' I Y Salt re City Uf-pt d erpoynn nt and Uo oftlic ciiid iae will rood 'WARREN Travel hij A gt at least three years to ivaiers as hmeinbeiore mil parties other tlrur themseUc practice ami thorough training before ire liereinletoic decreed lobe cntltl-- the average farnmr can begin to rai T Mis so in i Pacific R’y beets to ’ good migur profit-acceptable fastest time bhoitest liuc and esi That for the purpo-’- of And Adconaodations for feeding aic the ir lining tbe quantity of water ikmi ucmeiits wc offer to shippirf of live it not be recce iaiy iu proper riier todetermiun as to whe titock between Tucblo and f'aisw ier or not the said waters have and ecotiot to the gigaril c r l llity Special live slock trains foi a reduced to said amount of 101 feet the nomic importance of tk's industry and same shall be measured at the m o'dor to expedite aud spread the lOasonable r uiubcr of cars in tho rvnaD of the runier-- x W B Fooser 0 F & I A culture production and profitable lAao oy parties lrereto ris iv J Flyun T F & J A wielin of tiro waters manufacturing of this valuable plant iiultiplying the said Fait Laic CUy Utah canals in by tbe depth of that expects all aloug from beginning llowing Sr 18 -- ‘ - uiiakv ilooia gallon 1 1 TEST-PROO- F - pnlw f "““T' get-forl- 1 EEP IT HANDY r ulLBmol ‘ BEST PUMP IVJADE s S c 1 ’ fi? z h ’ Tpyour H Pianoes c ZA I So ’O'Sn sl I Rugar-heet- r V r" C' -- !!&f Joi c J -- ° ‘ e 0 thieP m ’ 1 ‘ 1 o a J a £o -- - L c M- o QixYiMyTvr f MERCHANT head-gate- The’ - TAILOR DENVER CNielson 1 r Monument Mill Utah - Co-o- ‘r RAir-noDO- 1 1 Co-o- p to-w- it X w:-t- er I 1 -- i c!t-- 1 Tbe-Bes- e 111 1 dr'--eQ- 1 Elsinore Utah 1 Flour - Graham - 111 Genuine Singer Sewing Machine 1 The standard of exceN lence all over the world 800000 SOLD ANNUAL More Charle-wort- Pitts-Jame- use than all Other combined h s Sold only by our ees Directly from factory to the people SANTA PE ROUTE the latest beet-suga- Offices Everywhere I Is-wi- - pro-whic- Mrc-owiior- s I -- 1 h The Burrville and Koosharem 1 - J SAWMILL I 1 vn-ede- HAS CHANGED OWNERS r J ALL KINDS OF LUMBER y'f JFt de'-rre- Is continually on our yard ’ I Bills promptly sawed I ill iti--n- l'ed-gate- s Address: A CRAWFORD - Koosharem Piute Co ttnlv |