Show Fork sausage at Magnus Nielson’s Judge McCarty Is BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR OATARRn THAT CONTAIN MERCURY foundation! Chris C Jensen has the las mercury will surely destroy the for his house complete hene ol tmallnd comnletel demnge lglM Poll two doten drummer he“ '”te""8 ’ ' Gllore thl week through the mucous surfaces Such Ward priesthood meetings began I arces should never te used except on their winter sessions last evening prescriptions from reputable physiI Feter Rick’s family is now living in clans as the damage they will do Is J ten fold to the good you can possibly a residence addition to his store Hall’s Catarrh from themErastua Marquardson has left for recieve I manufactured by Fi J Cheney He will be gone all winter I Cure DeLainar I & Co Toledo 0 contains no mercury Born— To Mrs Carl Anderson a jan(j j8 ajen internally acting dlrect-glr- l The child is dead but the mother I j Up0n blood and mucous surfaces well j nf the system induing In buying nail’s Ca Emil ChrlstoRerson ls laovlug tohis uirrh Cure be sure you get the Ingc-oihome in Mantl today He will nine It is taken internally and made & work at shoe making at his new loca-- l in Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney Co Testimonials free tloni j by Druggists price 75c per bottle Hall’s Family Pills are the best I ANNABELLA The rush to I K Wright & sons continues Why? because they are selling Glass Paints and all kinds of oil folding court at )lcphi Doors an! windows cheap at I K cheap Peter Chaistiansen and wife '(fright & Sons celebe-rate- I ELSINORE The prices at Brandley’s furniture store talk They say:’ 'I will not be undersold" RICHFIELD d the fifth anniversary of their Mrs Ena Ross is serving as deputy wedding last Wednesday night with In the county recorder’s office dance an Misi Pi arl Allred is equator ad in Just put up fbe Republican tlck-- I 'wrim at the Resort t office and I’ll support it”—John Meteer W H King tailed to appear for his et (10 months ago) What’s in Johnny’s lecture Saturday nig lit neck now? John W Butler will care for sheep T D Schochcr has been eurveyirg on the desert this winter lie OtU'r Crock resorvt Ir site for sc me Miss Dargerof Spanish Fork Is vis! t ime pint II 3 inn veys show that the ting Mrs Thurber site was larger than expected Ghiw K I for Head quarters The week has been signalized by Wright & Sons heavy run of drummers Clerks have I so George T Bean and R M Rogers hcou unable to oco all as there were I tiaye cacti been fined $500 for fighting many while conveyances have been demanb I Several have gone hunting deer Tnenbl& Editor Censor elcran J L Ivlo is among the cum- Ounty Clerk Clark Is home from Annabella has been visited by a the Capital lie left Mrs Chail in me iffijetiun In the loss of Sister Em- er 11 I 1 i iufatit child of Mrs Mollfc jjrake died yesterday Thursday meanT Uo ing Ildei E E Mmk will speak at the Methodist church next Sunday morning I'ud evening I Lice pounds good steak for 25 coots at Magnus Kiel on’s ihop Con1 or there 1u 1 Sunday uu Iiome the C L JU will and bring rning l h 1 rn vir nil n- n md hi the lie t i ' n m- i'r time eluting hij suit with t m death (iUlC rd whose inlay tho - li THE WONDER We are the prices Consists of Our Stock lowest-easter- FANCY GOODS DRESS GOODS - Millinery - Clothinfifi Domestics Ladies’and children’s Hosiery We have also added a full nnrl complete line Furivitare aRd Stoves and everything belonging Papers a Year FOR ONE DOLLAR — I at the WONDER STORE Richfield L'lt Lisciihce w ‘ ru as called a ifiidgiit at I ter he -- v v Sudscribe for ae-vf- and variety of H emilent It a great daily Its a of li dollar Hy private iiaihs act bcf'Te weekly the Vnj price time other al ill jir blicet oi’ ac- of stream L news is vai vytr : complete prompt jc s airii ws a sincere political vourt of load us promls-eSeveral all eui nest worker in the curate and impartial as all its readers the Cuns'iU i mis that the stream ) H We mod It badly vu Hu'icriptiuii 19 08aD9t fche mon°-wiwil1 testifyfront a six t It to' tenth of nil U or Jesus Christ of Latter Day tbe for TIiuim! and light away Mica y people l ieh since it wool: ago long be mourned by a v of all the world news the Points Tim train 1ms again changed time ‘it It d a host-ofriends The The local iL'umatlo Club urgenu-- ' t tended by friends having special correspondence from all how ari IvvN fmm ihe Notlial 402aud id the Six o ly Hall Iasi Monday evenvi ' i: i important news points on the globe the Hfiiil ing They h:i e Uiga-'etMt werel Ifred t I'VMrbrilliant illuatratioua stories ill Icy H ill and init id In put 'n t be lii'-') ’ iheii up id d pen l t v a capital humor hy ?roat authors A M'-1' no mall v HI d i P'lii'iv will he tin h (ilny mere was little she die uni Irjtu page complete markets departments t rainer teicai ti i ji in Coyote luii t 'o it'ki's mil for the honsehold and women’s wer of unus- Next Tuesday Is the hist cliancc io John Ylii ton (‘bin A Mae S Duane Carter brother of LECarter and other special departments town this ti’il and Kie Oldham Icli register if you wlah to vote at the up I Principal of the Annabella Schools nal interest murniug alter taking considerable p ranching election Until December wo offer this un- irrived at Annabella last week to Indian iilcitco depredaregarding Mrs Martha Crofdy was sut prised ft equaled newspaper and the Censor toake charge of one depart ment hnis committed near lieu in years gettier one year for $200 Strictly cash by her department of the district Mrs 1 Woods leaves in a few days gone lq n advance school Tuesday evening for De Lamar to Join her husband aa 'rom “ Burt Wlwlc ale and Email Paint Uouae Mis Daisy Gauchat came home from' He urge Gr Valle home today I KvrlnMft8oi Missouri Pacific B’y the people of Richfield to petition for Marysvale this week I will atJ conduct Miss Tijofojia Jaques this to be the distributing point for Walter Roberts and Frank Gleave The Colorado Short Line to Kansas elocution class in Richfield for some Graf)9 Valey wl have returned home after a prolonged City St Louis Mo and all points weeks to comet work with us absence Walter Roberts and sister South and East want Lake Salt at soon leave for Furniture If you Free reclining chair cars and Pull George M Jones is selling out in Miss Rebecca will Main to Street Salt Lake and will come to Richfield man palace sleeping cars of most ele-attend school prices go the Winder Richfield Utah Direct connections at) tf gant design to lead our choir Richfield is a town the leader magnificent Union Station St R J Saunders loaded 15 carloads of or good choir members and no LYMAN Lculs for every where sheep at the Richfield yards this morn- and we do hope he is given InduceTickets on sale at all stations on ments to stay ing Wayne Co Oct 19 1897 Rio Grande Western Railway All travelers complain and that Editor Censor: Several have started hauling their E J Flynn n B Koosar winter wood They find the roods ex- Justly of the loose rock In the county We had a heavy snowstorm on Satur-laC F &P A T F &P A roads Such a lit tie work to take them 16 Inst Much of the grain Is yet tremely rough Salt Lake City Utah "isn’t is the done? Fall out will it it feared Is why and field It in the old Madsen one of the timers Niels roads are used most and yet they spoil before it can be dried and hauled of Monroe died at his home last Tues- time are never cleaned until the heavier ns the roads are very muddy day travel is all over One bay horse branded O S on left MargaretEllenSampsonthe DaughtMrs J AHellstrom and family have branded The funeral of MrCharles Baalman er of J P Sampson died of typhoid shoulder and a brown inare gone to Salt Lake to Join her husband was had shoulder on left Saturday Mrs Baalman left fever Thursday the 14 No new case with an F in writing and there make their home be will by reporting to Finder home paid a will have four children One The two have as yet broken out with Office another Niell Mrs Dr and Censor Mr and Mrs Abiam Johnson of with :hlldren of Steven Farnsworth are M t Pleasant were at the f uneralof Mrs ye editor and wife while the baby lityet confined to their bed but the and Maud will stay at Mrs J D Mor Kversoll Wednesday tle girl is getting along nicely tenson's Ammon Hunt of Monroe has grown The recent flood in Blue Valley did of the profits a beard preparatory to wintering sheep John A Winveard dropped into our considerable It swept away damaget us sanctum yesterday lie informs on the desert this year YOU their dam as complete as if they never that the Koosharem people are push had the five In inches away storm recent the and swept AT places any During work on their reservoir on his and other crops of snow fell at Fremont nine inches ing beans ranch They have decided to do no In Ilorse Valley close by The Robbers’ Roosters made a raid rock work in Its construction and are George Baker one of Holder’s pio- preparing to tamp the bed with clay on some horses belonging to Pleasant LABOR NOTES neers is spending a few days here with Cree’t lately Joe Smith tracked them By private advices we are informed Cali- but thought relatives to the Henry Mountains Shiploads of wheat are leaving that members of the Robber’s Roost for Sydney fotnia Iten Lisonbee after losing two suits are again at their quaters in Wayne it the safest to retrace his steps Small merchants of Toronto havo for a to fight deportment store on hunt are oil combined Lamanltes “Now 1 will go home and behave my County A few nights since they raidOut The label of the Boot and Shoe Work' self ed the little town of Fleasent Creek their winter’s supply of meat union i now used by 19 factories era C P horses of several head and took OILS OILS OILS A young woman in St Louis has away for Jt Mountains and cut toward the Henry opened a cooperative dining-rooat I E Wright A Sonsi eex of her members All of the people who winter stock in Associated retail liquor dealers of Ammon Barney whose father livfis NOTICE lower Wayne county fear trouble with Duluth agreed to handle traly union In Brooklyn has been very ill fdr somd of Summary Administration label cigars Roosters this the year In tne Matter of the Estate of time past He was taken to his mothMiners In the Monogahela valley f Allan Taylor Deseased threaten to strike unless their wages er’s home at Moroni yesterday Notice is here ‘by given that the ore advanced if ti Morrison Is home from Pam More than 800000 cotton Bpindle Judge of the Sixth Judicial District Notice Estray has Utah of State of beet added to thd cotton facilities have all of ThO Wayne rains fcuitefi County caught nearly all persons of Japan in less than ft year order an made requiring In the grain the fields up there and I have in my possession the follow-jh- Interested in above estate to appear be Textile workers throughout thesouth bonsiderable damage resulted described animal one roan speck fore the said Court at Loa Wayne To Bre being Unionized by American Fedred on neck Branded Utah on the 8th day of November 18 eration of Labor organizers Marriage license h&ve been issued to eled cow dark Nailmaking machines now produce as 97 at 1 lo’clock a mof said daythen and V Carrie V Nelson of nails in a given time as were for many sViow6auseby written objections there ” i I 1 Bird and merly made by lbbo men on right ribs mark and exceptions if any they havewhy-th- e Six thousand African Kaffirs working thus 13 j Lid Ui i oaies of Gooseberry whole of the Estate of Allan Tay- in the Transvaal ini nek ha ve struck lor Deseased should not be set apart work against A re Jrtibft of wages Be&ii fiau r ° pieofi on exhiband Of the 1 4t)00 personk cfei ployed direct assigned to Fhebe A Taylor wld ition fit Bolitfio Lewis’ atdre Which Wilford ih the suga? in’dVislry in Queensland WTay ow and Amy Taylof Minor child- '8000 are composed of Japs Kanakas Wdi£btslt2 pounds Will has several cron bii right ear Matilda and lor Taylor fchinCse If hot called far or taken aWay will ren of said deccndenti for thetr use farm Gth’drd hfiafly as large be sold to the highest bidder on the bi t'hi managers of the St k 'project and support Ldhil hoqVft of refuge to start a weekly W It Llark and daughter Hattie 29th day of October 1891 at the Lv Dated Oct 18 1897 at 2 o’clock p m japer and teach inmates the printing H M Hanson Clerk trade Ite home from Dixie Mr Clark will man Estray PoundEra6tus is being bitterly opposed by orSorenson for widow of’ remainder Eckerslcy’ Attorney return the f- for Joseph Ihortly ganized labor Pound Keeper and children family c mnije’v It t ho ( I i u to tie hra'x iu' nj 1 merits ol' a ———ii — mn iM-at- or-ol- lv will Wonder at The Low Prices imWishel every Alternate Day except Sunday j thertq Come and price our goods before buying elsewlv re You 150 a Week rf i edition k and Underwear f TIIE NEW YORK WOULD tukice-a-wee- n GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS The Thrice-a- Week Edition of The inecrei mnnmeu us be by all Nfw York World is first among all uumy veu-- i Mrs Spad m d h Id the -w f t kly" pnrers In size frequency of HMiel So Irlont ilnin d and the vvan univ tint pkieo I"ren here to stay and are prepared to sell anything in our lines d no l’lOiubly eiunuiunity would be Oct-l-t- vvlmio SUd- o GREAT BARGAINS AT - IlvU’lingj attended ceict lluj tu li 11 unl)I lliuiuuay fo'l wir week Tni'Ugh forty was on the witness stteul f REMOVED TO THE VRIGHE BLOCK 6 THE CENSOR I In-rais- 1 1 1 1 I - u ll i1 I The Most Progressive 1 1 i ' ! 1 11 1 - t Country Weekly in the State 1 I I KIND BUT FIRM °W 1 Epta-rlamt- VIGOROUS BUT MILD o 1 Always a Friend of the People j y George H Crosby Editor Lost Horses You Get Part ‘ if COLD ENOUGH? Do You Want aStove?’1 TAKE STOCK The Equitable Store jr LTVIi"” 1114 Q If You Do You Should Get the Best 0n(j at meang t0 get all of thelatest Improvements m I g WJ Ro Other Will Suit So Well Sold By Elsinore Co-o- pt |