Show Vi i i I : tt LIST A ‘ — in national affairs as they do at the POLYGAMY AGAIN present time As proof of this statement we present the following from Mantl Messenger From se veral sources including Young’s Civil Goverment: "When the was framed it was inConstitution factors of the state pree comes tended that the Presidential Electors marked Indications of a rabid desire to raise a hue and cry of Mormon in- hould exercise their own personal Presisincerity and polygamy being still ex- udgment and that thus the tant in Utah but in no Instance have dent should be selected by the calm we noted the desire more marked than wisdom of a body of men selected for in the recent effort of the Richfield their fitness to perform such a duty Advocate when it gave space to the But the existence of political parties po-te- nt ‘ hajmVwp Sofas b Clocks j) Brackets- A'nq Bbo Book Suits Bmt Parlor Sets H J Bureaus and Washstands M J And $ ' rx i- - 4- all Furniture ' 1 rs at thr lowest TRICES & " SZ L tt ' At together for advertising do you not?’ “Yes 1 have tried all kinds but I think newspaper advertising is hy fai the best I used to spend a great deal of money in posters and bills hut I have given up that long ago" “Can you see any immediate results from such advertising" I asked “I should think so" replied Mr Wauamaker "If you will pome over here or to our New York store some §RmDLErs Furniture Store OFFERS nr A i TO Tan People ok Sevier and Other Counties With: (K morning when we have advertised a FURNITURE nullified the action aud ob lot of bicycles or some other things their has plan would be sensational exposure of polyCARPETS nccces-sar- y Is not it to f look at the long line of people who and this according Ounnison in gamy Iionroe Furniture Boom WINDQW SHADES for political parties to exert an are standing outside waiting for the We have no desire to deny the AdLACE CURTAINS John A Johnson Prob vocates’s how doors to open you will see how the or defend the parties Influence In national affairs story BABY CARRIAGES VV" inin the newspapers are whose names were so conspicuosly set much Idas necessary should their WALL PAPER v 4 ead"— Frank G Carpenter 1 n Deseret forth but withal the exposure shows fluence be felt in local affairs ThE A B 0 OF IT We are amenta for the celebrated off' uomlnated for 'line A V 'A are If candidates News i extenuating circumstances circumor stances we could heartily wish were Ice who wiliplung the city in debt bos present in all kindred transgressions who Will be influenced by political A K Ilansen and Miss Amelia IP 1 es to do soit is the duty of tax payers We speak of the children mentioned r pier was married in the Temple WedJtlQHEIELD SALQQN in the exposure receiving their fath- todown thosepersons at the pollsTh I men nesday Mr Ilansen is engaged in the W ABLOSE Prop er’s name and having their father is in Richfield many conservative stock Be ha Glenwood business at who are Interested in the wel HAS provide for own and cherish them as of ability been called on a mission in the NorthGOOD WIltAKy 9300 A class his children Were every man to trans- fare of the people and from that ern States with headquarters at Chi-- 1 BaLlomV1 chosen be should duties of a father no more our city offlicials the gress 2ROOF' ago He leaves the 21st inst for his IM TES P ElecAICQWL than bave th(? subjects of the Advo- - Partisanlsm is not patriotism field of labor and his fair bride is of tors who vote tor an inferior candi C -- ntst me of the best families in Glenwood grands of Blackberry Port 'and J1 cate’s exposure society would be far SSfet Tftne anti sack other liquor nearer perfection than we find it to date simply because he belongs to a 3he goes with her husbaud to his field and thereby OM are needed tn sickness day: there would be fewer daughters certain political party f labor and then goes to Canada to I candidate Gigars of Adam be eking out an miserable ex- - aid in defeating a superior visit relatives They have been in the to another pari fiance of shame and vilest corruption who happens to belong week doing work in the of fity during the while their paramours are passing ty plainly show that their love the best wishes of have Temple They party is stronger than their love of the of as so world the the elite through —Mantl v he Messenger Messenger V The fact that a candidate is a cietyand the incarantlon of good mor- city als and are among the foremost to cry gold bug or a a liver man a protection no fig Mormon perfidy there would be fewer ist or a free trader should cut Some people seen? to find fault with Good 6ense cases of suppressed scandal in high ure in a local election the Southern Censor because It did cases of abor- sound Judgment and interest in the not would be there society iliKj express its opinions as to tbe innoare far more tion and woman filling early graves to welfare of the people cence of narry Mills indicted for murscreen fathers of Illegitimate offspring essential qualifications The der until after his acquittal A Citizen and happiness would come nearer be correct was the course of the Censor T 11 V" d r “CROWN” Organs p-- ' J and Pianoes BEST PUMP MADE ' Red California' 'q'r'afi brandy Jacket 1 KEEP IT HA1JDY J Ian ©rial J0OI 1$ you' HAVE CUT BURNED ' 0K BRUISED ’ " oneself or aafre any horse cow dog Qir or ay wliqal ttyit is wounded 'anyway yoq will find black oil A CURE THAT CURES 10IfN$0$’S ing universal than at present On one occasion a woman of un chaste conduct was exposed before Christ with desire that she pay the penality of transgression and our Sav lor directed her to be stoned instructing her accusers to select from among themselves one free of like sin to cast the first stone We all know the re me TAX VACANT LAND Living Issues A Home is a necessity yet no other sort of property is so well taxed I fact it is the necessities that are al ways In sight anfi so are always taxed while the Incomes of the wealthy— Public Journals should not peek to influence public opinion for or one charged with crime in advance of a Judicial Investigation If It be correct to speak for him it is also correct to speak against him both are wrong— Ogden Cpmraonw6aith part of which is luxury RAPP AND BEAJj— ATTVS When we tax remains qntouched SUMMONS to had In our day were noue eligible Join property we lax a man for having tax we Incomes tax When we the attempted hue and cry against po- money Sold nt'CM I IJrug Dept Sixth men who now have the money — The In The District Court of the ' lygamy In Utah or hecome accusers Southern Censor Richfield of Mormon perfidy except they could Judicial District of The Censor is quite right in many e Christ-likIn comply with a similar it says The custom—and that the State ob Utah County of AND Junction wo believe the Advocate’: things custom is well sustained by law— is Sevier correspondent would never have been wo encourage men In holding RIO indicted we also prone to aver that no that J land Idle while we discourage men in Goorse Babbitt and Charles Babbitt f ! hue or cry could be raised Platf Bros as Babbitt partners RAILROAD CO Industrious by taking the taxe-f- f being vs of If the promoters the cry against TCUIUKT CIS FAMILY BLEEITIjq CAR vacant lots and putting them on JMRowo Defendant and Mormon perfidy are actpolygamy fEIvYlCJB The opposite ihe improvements The State of Utah Sends Grbet-ingFt- o from purely moral and divJrie in- ing the that every evening off kquvy yqq Take taxes the be Dq to done: ought J M Rowe naqyer 4 ilq Grande R R in conned- Icentivcs then why not pounce upon the and put them or: Defendant improvements Mormon and Gentile alike and expose You are hereby required to nppoar in an tipi vith the - W run9 a Tourist dewould soon This vacant land the action brought against you by the abovo Family Sleeping Car to Denver in nQt onjy evey jmmoral act but the re prive vacant land of its commerciil named plaintiff In the District Court of the Sixth fudlcal District of the State of Utah value the very thing that ought to lie md to answer the complaint filed therein Mormon not be of catch that the n the D & R G also operates done then everybody could have a within ton days(excluslve of day servicelafte r Gen-ttes- $ tho service on of this summons— If servThursdays and Fridays lygamists alone hut all grades of home of bis own provided of course ed within this you countyior If served out of this distinct Tourist Sleeping Car tuc society would furnish abundantly but In this district within twenty to O'Ui’ia fiimsOitv Chic ago I suojects of lawful castigation? Would lie iB industrious and frugal Remove county otherwise within forty days— or Judglays mo land out for ue of York-to hold and New change ment hy default will be taken against you find outside of Mormondom the incentive one would want so do so No according to the prayer of said complaint Utah passengers-- at greatly reduced sexual crime with which and no compared Tho said action Is brought to recover from are cars These Tourist rates berth one would claim a piece of land unless 4 you the Bum of Mxty Dollars k eighty fi vc si would be but a Mormon polygamy Pullman the Company by managed he expected to use it The Censor is alloged to be due to Plaintiff from you tor are provided with all necessary gtny offence? Would they not have to wares and merchandise sold and deIn its condemnation of the goods to Thc bend their livered you by Plain Iff at your special Inponvenlances and appliances energies to pull the beam quite right idea of making money more sacred stance and request and for whtcb you promts ToHriBt car feature together with the of tbolr oWa eyC) that Uiey mlRllt ed and agreed to pay to Plaintiff the said is extolling the c(mirable train service ana sccnie at than property sumof Sixty Dollars and elghtyflve cents the route has of tbe placed fractions For full particulars see complaint now on shadow and destroying the substance of tile la my office a copy of which Is heroto tL 5p R- - G in the foremost ranks the is is true Yet it that today money attached Western Railroads For rates and A man may And you are hereby notlfiod that If you out sacred to only any thing Information apply ieUlled fall to appear and answer the said complaint invest 85000 in money in a $6000 pro- as above Ticket Agont of the R G W Ry required tho said plaintiff will take Novins General Agent or II perty and the balance of $1000 due on Judgment against you for tho sum Sixty Dollars snd elghtyflve cents together with the H Cushing Traveling Passenger it will finally consume the whole costs herein 68 West 2nd G No R & D geqt Editor Censor Witness Tho Honorable Judgo and the Great fears are entertained and many Vouth Street Salt Lake City of the District Court of the Sixth JuThc stand taken by thc Censor and laws are passed to keep up tho money Soal dicial District In and fertile State of Utah i others in regard to a nonpartisan city to its full value but property which is said County this 22nd day of Sept In the election we believe it tho proper one real wealth may shrink up to nothing year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and ninety seven Of wliat importance is it to the people and no thought is taken of the matter S G Clark Clerk of Richfield whether the city officials at all Every tendency Is in the direcSeal You leave Ogden or Salt Lake in RepubHeans Democrats Populists tion of encouraging men to hoard 1c evening and after breakfasting in th j uinipUifjus lining cars of the are mugwumps? It is of far more ira their money and to hold their lands First Publication Oct l ANTA FE ROUTE on the third portance that they should be persons idle whose iuterest Is centered in the welAorolng you arrive in BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR fare of thc people rather than in any CATARRH THAT CONTAIN or ON ADVERTISAM WAN AKER Chicago political party If a person is elected MERCURY ING n season to attend to business or con to oflico by a political party the party as mercury will surely destroy tbe oect with all fast trains for the East bosses consider that lie is to a great fome one has said roccn tly that the "Mr Wanamaker you are one of sense of smell and completely derange under obligations to them track of the ATCHISON TOPEKA extent the largest advertisers In the country the whole system when entering it & SANTA FE railroad was in such The path he is to pursue is marked Such ad- through the mucous surfaces vrfect condition that the long dR- - out by them and if he deviates from I have noticed that you keep your I articles should never fl used except on ‘Atnce run of the "Flyer” on the Now lasbis immediatly vertisements tud ning during the hard tl)C pUth prescriptions field reputable physiFork Central could be equaled if not a a whipped into times Many of the merchants have as the dauuigo they will do is cians Akceeded hy its magnificent trains Does it pay to adverline or whipped out of office at the let them drop KEN WORTHY ten fold tq the good you can possibly next election If he retains his pros tise when times are hard?" Gen’l Agt Tassenger Dept "I certainly think so" replied Mr rccleve from tlietd Hall’s Catarrh 60 West Second South Street pccts for office lie must sacrifice his “When the times are Cure manufactured by F J Cheney fcalt Lake City Utah tf own Judgment on the altar of his par- Wanamaker C T WAEBFN Traveling Agt hard and the people are uot buying is & Co Toledo O contains no mercury ty heloscH his individuality he beand is taken internally acting directcomes monkey’s cats paw— a mere pup- - the very time that advertising should R’yiUisaouri ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces the bands of a few political be the heaviest You want to get tbe of the system In buying Hall’s Ca Fastest time shortest line Dnawlpetin to sec what you have to sail and tricksters Political parties and bosses people accomodations for feeding arc the tarrh Cure he sure you get the genyou must advertise to do that "When wc offer to shippers of live wlm in this way seek to enslave the uine is It taken Internally and made come of fk ' e'jfM’n ruthlu nod' Kansas mind are n ‘Mes on tho tree of lib thc times are good they will & But 1 believe in ad- in Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney tV "i eciui live stock trains for as nty who aie its Mtality It their own accord Reasonable numberof ears all thc time We never stop Ca Testimonials free was not the d's'gn of the founders of vertising tt B Knoser C F & P A u Sold by Druggists price T6c per bottle our goverment that political parties advertising’’ F J Flynn T F & P A "You use tho uowspapers almost al- - Hall’s family Pills are the beit un influence oven Utah Malt should exirt as Genuine only gewarqqt Invitations suit the greater The DENVER GRANDE trues: j Elsinore-Uta- The Best Place To Get Flour - Graham SOLDANNUALY 80Q000 j More in use than all othe combined Sold only by our employ- ees Directly from factory to the people jufiF SANTA FE Pierson Prop The standard of excels lence all over the world It 1 h O F Genuine Singer Sewing Machine 1 py-jm- Glenwood Utah (formerly bead workmen for is now located the Elsinore Co-oacross the street south of the Co-o- p He has a etoclf of cloth on Store hand as well as mauy samples from which to order A suit from stock can be bad three days after the measurements are taken Two weeks required to have ready from samples Jstop i Aionumont Mills MERCHANT TAILOR C Nielson H-D- See the latest improved SINGER before buying Offices Everywhere ROUTE The Burrville and Koosharem St Louis py I Jl) Pacitic LakeCIty great SAWMILL HAS CHANGED OWNERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER Is continually on our yard Bills promptly sawed Address: A CRAWFORD Koosharem 1 u & Piute Co utajfc |