Show Oi r I t & J-- ! - SOUTH END OF THE We know a man who has an orchard COUNTY FACTS FOR FARMERS in a sheltered spot This year be ha PERFECT HEALTH REGAINED THU Is Published evehy Fiuday at No other Instrument ii bo well adaptWONDER OF THE AGE of lrull but It la worth ed to pulverizing small clods as the In scanning the municipal tickets raised plenty Bullua IToss Bichfield Sevier County Utah J Jinpalac Grandest discovery iu plank drug: very little Last year Jie ralaedMione at County Sevier can but in bo field elect moat medicine in to there the placed Nothing fey CROSBY AND MORRISON A great man once said that the all But a few years ago ho raised fruit a school superintent secret of sueecas with crops Guaranteed to cure inure dlsraBCn one conclusion reached two good tickbut fall his f— important no one else did and got a very when than any other tnedicine ieat tuetit r is to remember to stir the soil ets are there If either ticket There isent going to bo a hit of fun State Directory bettor arc Ills orchard dozen for sheep itThis year Even half a I system known to the medical prof?a I were elected straight the city wonld high price will keep down the sion “No MAN made’’ remedy blit more i us that tell as aonet they and last as Railroad It wa9 boys 's assessed the same be In good hands If the people make nature’s’ true panacea UNITED STAffES SENATORS unloaded at Sl8urd than assessed the same as It relk-bt was It hank J Cannon Vatumatsan antiseptic germicld a judicious selection It will be in bet- 'styear I county Sevier In and fodder millet was when he took in mcncy fistful! ny other station J L Rawlins tj10 up It positively destroys all “microbes'' ter hands still as closely aa may be Gra to nearest statiou other Is have been forage REPRESENTATIVE TO OONQRE23 it icuard the wouldn’t cheap Now a at time and germs of every kind tiatnfe Abd ‘ There Is one great danger here as In W H King and a had If he Rabhtt nil nature It is healing and soothing to on ind paid more the square ' GOVERNOR all American elections and that Is cf I ai receive the mucuous membrane It will per food one freight a as moderate soil Thurber contain far south heavier tax that year faster MWUs oujy 1QUSt the and too sudden too must be making piany muneutly cure the majority of cases of thoroughly dements but they IEORETARY OF 8TATE "his and none when the frost killed hat point to soil irv now I the Bronchitis Catarrh Dispcpsia All mixed and incorporated J tael T Hammond changes It would bo dangerous be falaer Wouldn’t it blossom? TTr ThereStomach troubles all diseases of the eCQUlt available as plant food Raleigh Jones is back In Sallna STATE AUDITOR: to put an entirely new city council 'very a man’s income fflanwed Bladder Towels always anr to tax teh£avily let ore western the ground Kidneys Liver Con over Morgan Richards I Jr the all been has ho ays and the names of L II Outzen and Inch for ft foot in uid square every Piles Old Sores Rectal TREASURER: STATE stlpatiou way? ountry Including portions of Arizona depth well pulverized Morten Jensen are well put on the James Ohipman Ulcers Eczema Scrofulai Diseases Farmers who eowed crimson clover Blood Poison ItheuinaUsmNetiralgiA What Raleigh fcks been up to lateh ATTORN Republican ticket an excellent fertillz A 0 Bishop last Brother Nelson of the Tlntlc Minor none of us seem to know matTrS Xv The Democrats seem desirous of fusDKharge IMBeaseSTecuilMf ItJPERINf UNDENT PUBLIC INSTRUC“ in his Nervous and Physical As To vohien our answers Polyparay” Tres Woodruff’s utterances at last nitrogenous fertilizer will be required ing younger blood into our city affairs TION etc butl A’orl clover has rcis he but grown where oiimson and they have certainly named an ex- ”°Urtl upon argumentlve way veek’s conference has stirred up mild John R Park what YOUR AtLMENf cpplication of phoephates and potasha1 NO one Idea' this to fails too pnneriv are ticket Excepting cellent progressive heat among people who Supreme judges tr where j" i live write us a full fall will be beneficial They cost but Ac relieved Imt e’ygan AUfctlesfS Zane Mr Bean none of them have been In whole tory of iim trn’blej and our consult' nt to Jump at hasty deductions We J small Bum however compared with G W BARTOH td a substances containing It and wai nitrogen that vas duty they tng phjsi! n will advise yob right the city council but they me of the J A MINER fail to see where the aged and senile is seldom that a farmer can r to regain-yonIt Wth cwb dn in It The to Deitv OlSTRlOT JUDGE FOR SIXTH DISTRICT: most pratlco head of the church said anything tr progressive stamp yet t’iey pic owed their cie-- a a sufficient amount of wood n 1sffee ami Wm M McCarty Held but on farms l°w ('’'ikcr to rn entlrcl1’ citi ashes for not ra ILul large alam For any low artlculariy prool very fermg $RVIBB COUNTY BldliOrUUKi where wood is used there La a limitea The polygamists wer The Democrats mad& nmistake when different ercorc I ceut stamp en Even !f he counseled Mormons tc supply which can be put to good use commissioner Local agents wanted everywhere Inated a lady for city record- usually among the mot progressive mite in business and politics whicl on the on the young clover or thoypom garden B H Boll Glenwoo1 We advertise you lrj Mordone No was of men the all on also find virtous caavasslng grass honest ishes are excellent er Instead of for treasurer as all isopen to dispute no harm f H Robinson Baling Address witQ are orchards home and lands paper in It They your to’Dt and wa' The Mormon people feel more free J A Rosa Joseph nominees for councllmen are men mon church thus shoving In any broadcast quantity stamp Richfield Bounty Clerk— Bam'l Q Clark and a lady would hardly desire meet not as a rdo the lower motives that mlcpendcnt than at any time in the as many as 100 bushels per acre THE VATUMA COMPANY Richfield Recorder— Maud Spencer Layton ’ of the State They are apposed having been used on certain soils— P Monroe hi Assessor— Job A Smith CHICAGO IL' lug and doing buslnes with such a 'ndneed r prat Ice ZU BOX 0 I Prairie Richfield F Sheriff— John W Coons o any union of church and state Pud tt body Monroe Schools— Jacob Magleby JUpt Tax Collector— Both sides have made mis taker in "When an Inenpnhle buMoPrs men leb" vill rent any Interference with and Richfield TI P rlThts They have had a taste of the selection of a treasurer who can log run out by 1" mrennah’e com My Old FeatacLy Homo t'lOsecHllng Att'y— EW McDaniel Richfield force can no lash Mr fouiul and homo Balia at hut freedom not be G'!tl''a’ always Sarvayo— l" D 3a 'J3r ictltors he alwavs blames someone can act who wife a bum Into old conditions All this Hansen riiera has capable Wane to eCITY milECTOHY ho would orlytonin ilAYOR— Theodore Braudley on Woodruff’s discourse act ns his deputy1 fthei is thus most as his own lorn If you believe in Sliver 16 to 1 and polity lie might be enable Clement COUNCIL- -E 0 Pctbrson ood meals good beds that invite to good Is though ho were more closely io stoy so ft often 1? with teicbers nothing Let It slide JfM Jensen N P Peterson to (he As the judgment-oat home " 7 '"'I ?" ' iwsr arrl all other profusions T’fce Hamilton’s trial is grinding In leep and pleasant dreams good Morten Jenaon llorno candidate for mayor city conucilmen Joseph news In Loa and the Itlavs the ineompetency ult Lake City Coyote helps usua’ly Sigurd Rook Magazine marshal end justice the people know of the ppnon Rocordor— Carl Goldbr&nson to liko and the people all Line papers npht Stage Treasurer— James Christianson them and we hope they are freo to Ad of miudt trials divorce cases Dally Pepent Justice of the Peace— Simon Christensen Marshal— Q W Blomqulat pick the men they think are best and all other Juicy crimes GRASS AND RABBIT YlLLEf Charles A Dam dead! Who In all eductions City Attorney— I J Stewart ami a 'ROUTE of sort t £S3 this demand So longsas they Street Supervisor— FOPeteruorl i he world ean ouimote the amount he Poundkeeper— John W Coons tuff the newspapers will dish it up Water Master Niels L Anderson OomJbtftratlbn of effort accomplishes has accomplished There is not a read DM K H Neill Quarantine Physician— Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morntnj of his a great deal and It Is to be hoped that lug' ‘‘or a 'thinking American WAYNE COUNTY DIRECTORY except Sunday reach Burrvllle At timb that has lint been influenred to n Mie city council to be elected in a few Notice ot Sheriff s Sde at feel noon and go on to Loa or Coyote that makes that you or les3 exfentby his thoughts Commissioners out l°sned execution an days now will concentrate all their greater of on night By virtue home with a Sample Room wasVimost eighty Fremont Alonzo Billings Accomodations for passengers ani effort on the accomplishment of two and writings ITe f the District Court of the Sixth JuBtrcct go to Main men-tTeasdale hts Charles Snow mantalned the aci within’ and and for lities for carrying express of ears age dical District things and keep those two In view It Giles Fillmore' Brothers dated Levi C White of Utah of Sevier State ounty vigor until the last Is possible for a city council to go along Burrvllle cera In 1897 COUNTY CLERK A COUNTY EEC ORDER the 1st day of October THE KENTUCKY HOUSE the bills for regular ust at Richallowing of Proprletofl The City tain action wherein SfiVlef Co Loa- Utah H M Hansen Ion roe as plainso expenses and not getting anything else would a he field municipal corporation An Ideal railroad system 21 ssessob: fij'ne BuViet the people demand a over the tiff recovered judgnient'on August that competition arranged Samuel Bean Gainesville J 1897 against William JYu 1 Girfew progressive council Then there are same road could be as free as it was beG Clark and Jacob M Lauritzen partttfht do The to council for two sheriff: things tween freighters and stage lines over ners as Bean Clark & Lauritzen de(id A dnappell ' Lyman and enforce an or dirt roads That first one la to point can never be fendants for the sum of $16155 costs !Sliow jtaur regard for those who fltfPT SCHOOLS! dioance requiring all except helpless reached but If the government owned of suit have gone before in Lba W ll Robison widows and Indigent poor to gravel the Iron roads we could approach It I have levied upon the following described real estate situated In' Sevier treasurer their sidewalks The second is t® at 10’ LOR J ¥ k felfery county Utah towltiCommencing tt fund The least start a water-worfrom the rods west and 80 rods North PROSECUTING ATTY of South East corner of the North East It seems Intuitive for city council that does these without Loa running the city In debt deserves Utah to sta at home from the pri- Quarter of Section 26 Townhipi 23 lasting credit and they will have It maries and just as untultlve for men South Range 3 west S L Merirunuing has established his West 1C too to think of men for office Utah has thence North 16 rods thence Co-o- p rods thence North 24 rods thence not yet learned to fully partlce worn 40 roda js$st 14 rods thence Suuth WINTER COMFORT and an suffrage 4 rods to place of beginWest thence There are always some schemes beIs secured by situated acres 2i do ning and containing tt ing tried by the state’s leading men to in N W i of N E i Sec 20 Tp 23 & faihn'ifry d dloo£ develop the country and they too tfiiere Is an old Puritanlcall death at R 3 W S L Mer Sevier Co Utah yards WfORKEXCnANGEd Notice Is hereby given that on Sat- INLY FIKST-CLA&often start at the wrong end For the a man who can preach the longest Is ds FOR’FRODUCE Door-Yar30th day of October 1897 a INSCRIPTIONS the urday of Lake Salt City they “the best preacher” No Idea could Dot development at tlu 12 o’clock noon of that day builti beautiful Saltalr and the towerkbe seciired by be more erroneous The man who can front door of the Court Houe in the h ing Templeton Hotel yet both have say most and say it best In the least City of Richfield Sevier Co Utah We hope to will sell all the right title and Interest proved white elephants time Is the best speakes '¥hlch Is to I of said defendants In and to the above see the railroad through to Los Ant auction be had at at described real estate public geles but fear that considerable capifor cash to the highest and best bidbetal might be wasted by huildingit The govermentis desirous of learn lug der to satisfy said execution and alii cause they build the big things such the exact amount of wheat raised in dcosts J W Coons as railroads business blocks etc for RECEIVEU-ithe county this year It can be easily Sheriff Sevier County Utah conn i done varlou1897 getting that true development on measurers the Dated October 4th by the YOU the other way Build up better farms threshers reporting to William Ogderi SUwait 3 Godins & S R Thurman -Att ornijfc lor Plaintiff ' larger creameries and dairies larger at Richfield orchards and encourage poultry yards In the Rabbit Valley Coil ntry? the people to build reservoirs and deto If se the best plase to obtain sup- velop the mines and the railroads and at The Advocate and Censor down Sash In the Sixth J udiCial District Court such things iv 111 scramble to come plies is with us Richfield are now by the ears again In and for the County of Sevier State Our store is now located at the new over polypamy question If they would of Utah n townslte where we are prepared to discuss the matter purely on its mer- In the matter oil Just a word to Monroe and Elsinore f Notice toCreditor-Susathe estate of 'take Flour eggs grain of the people its some good might come of It j and Glen wood: what are you as towns Barney — Sprlngvllle I ndepandent f deceased bnd sell them to you Don’tforget the place expecting to accomplish during the of Susan Barney deceased Estate I K No store gives more for the money two years to come? Are you expecttt Notice is hereby givdu by the under o: order and have to for administrator live more the peace Nilsson No store gives produce ing Just Kick at the men who are running signed Jeppa v estate of Susan liarney deceased the pay the officers’ salaried and do nothCall and see us for city councilmen nowIIaul them hay of and all ing more? The world has little ad- over and over until you find whether to the creditors Mansfield Mercantile (Jo said dcojased u claims against ing miration for a man that Just lives It are capable men or not It will do exhibit them with tha necessary vou 'Thurber Utah has no more for a town that does the they after th you no good to criticise them when chors within j'ovr’ months Ctt same— When you vote at the coming to sail first tkjsLPotjce publicatiarof are elected they Mount election vote for men who will do ' AdminstratejkjSycUP on hand We In" same helot Sevier Sevier needs Glenwood Cojlhty Uhkhe better something iff 'Gentrfal Wdod t ' the place fyrttftijaneaction of thi t streets Elsinore better sidewalks For 1100 a month the resident of business of ea’id estate In the Count j I am proprietorI of rV Monroe cleaner streets and at least det f Payson can have two electrie lights of Sevier Qtah the only planing mill mand of the town councils that they burn la his abode all night loDg It Dated this S day of Cct 1897 arek’&l$o ' In Richfield the best Administrator Nielsrou owrTlw much do that own light Jeppa pays for a city to it' i J A Harris i prelinnfiWAHedSf one in Sevier County to factory Administrate! THE SOUTHERN CENSOR MUNICIPAL MATTE US f 1 — 1 S£IS£XIL'£X 1 1 ! - pe'-p1-- I occu-raulat- 1 j ’ m-- ) ep-lii- d d jff-r- ( poll-Mc- i' - M-r- H -- - Hospitality al Remember the Dear Departed ' 1 t Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones ARTHUR HENRIE k tha-wome- n ' Marble Works on Center Stp East of Store is prft&red to make grave all kinds of stones and Cemetery Work ry 1 eavel-trimg- KWRIGHT & SONS v Pioneer Gregos Tin Shop Oil A Lot Of WINTER SHEEP notice 1 House ) JUST WILL 3 WHITEWASH' BRUSHES Paints and Oils Paint Brushes Doors Lath Iron Roofing etc Glass' creditors Farmers Attention Machine Oils u Call and got my prices before you order WRIGHT and SONS pifl9 County Vorier - - I It a FB5ikg Turned Work 4 ' (' T T Attyfor r Death is a strange being that Is pic-tur- Date of first publicatiou Oct ( t Don’t let a ticket limit your as a grizzled monster ne lurks conven which good men no matter o near by' yet seems so far away is always on hand nominated them " tion H- -' When he seems farthest off he is often I am prepared to take close by Who will be stricken by him cpt i contractor for any sort no one knows Three mothers called Several attemps are being made to work from their families in one week three pt carpenter Introduce fine poultry Into the coun Call on me for an estimate homes loft to mourn The Censor exty The moves re commeudaWd’ tends sympathy to the bereaved Jr C Anderson ttifcb or Planed Lumber have constantly Coffins Caskets Trimmings Burial clothes Handles Screws and the like Wd V'1 i THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS 8 1897 vote-Ge- 1 DO YOU WANT GOLD Everyone desires to keep Informed oft iukon the Klondyke and Alaskan Com gold fields Send 10c for large pendtum of vast Information and big color map to Hamilton Pub' Co hi fllanapolis prepared take charge :of funerals and to do other services usualW fe quired 6f undertakers HORNE TWO BLOCKS-WE- & MILLER OF THE COURT HOUSE Richfield Woe Ind i J |