Show T-7- rr T H 51 -- Iv - 1 ' 4 jy iw :v ri I ' 1 E Richfield Utah Friday October 22nd 1897 28 No Vol 2 sume CONDENSED NEWS Professional and Bushiest Cards UiSIHIiT 1 OtRT state selections lu that vicinity Ilammond reports that the judge r' pXVi’a itaiui Hutchings mc-OFs- g LUC STVr LliUNEEE settlers In those parts of Juab and Ephraim is building a new opera TWICE BEATEN Millard counties are favorably disposed house Attorney at Law toward the projects of both eompanie0 Will practlca In all the Courts Sta e UlC Si u me ready to a tV er'crprl:1 f J h!‘' i ’f: The latest reports gives tho price of jd Federal rrmai fruition to which when brought ' as ended the court began on another Office Bure Brock wheat a i)0J at the Ohicr go pit so much in tho way of reclamation of Lorenzo Lisonbeo vs Monroe UTAH RICHFIELD ’he arid wastes and their phenomena1 Irrigation Co A jury was duly era-- 1000 head of Nevada cuttle are heir? nroduotivenofc’s by means of applied ir-- i luck'd which found a verdict of no M L Dhows W WWaiM’E fed on beet pulp at the Lehl factory igution— Sunday’s nerahl Judge 'Hue of action Stewart and Oolli'u WALLACE A SHOWN mid J B Jennings were the respee Law at ' ITtNU Ti elMrcs ILAYTOtf anrnniinnect Attorneys V7 John C Ostler iyo attorneys OOM9— Wbiqht Block RlelifleM Utah Vail A aDd Ilf noonr Kovollon Wllf'ii fell down si airs Lev i Anderton war admitted to e't of Nephi VtiU practice In all the courts Btato and Fed Haslmafl’s JDel’t The Commercial Land and ral Corporation fatally injured E E 110FFMA 1121 fTs IK i t to ' Busins Do You The western smelters are orininl'-into wage war ngaan't (ha cyrnidi mills g which aie William Tuornpaon of Pcaver was kll'eJ from an apple tree on Tuc° Richfield Utah JOSEPH EOKERSLEY Attorney at Law County Attorney for Wayne County May Y W edr r'in v Admiral Notary Public Utah 0 Stewart D RICHFIELD Cm-missio- The Utah County fair la Herbert bit a it i Physician and Surgeon j at Pioneer Drug Store WAH RICHFIELD Physician owl Surgeon Olflca ami residence — since 187a at the There are heavy shipments of sheep and cattle still going on all over the state and It looks as though too many are being sold Kentucky House t Utah ? Judging from the reports everywhere to bi heard the people of Utah will not vote very “straight at the coming election” Mrs George Fennemore wife of Dr Fcnnemoro of Beaver died last Sunday morning She has lived In Beaver SIHPP DB M B E SMITHi DB tDeniirt Anrlertori fclCH FIELD MRS N Building1 i i i i tJTAH i H ST JOHN Midwifery and General Can of the RICHFIELD UTAII The recent storms have been heavy in many parts of the state In some of tho higher mountain mining camps as Alta the snow was two teet deep A week ago Thursday the CongreSide gational Association of Salt Lake voted to not recognize the Mormons as a ihrlstlan church reitcatingthe old Presbyterian ten reasons as their reason FLORENCE ALLBED The beet sugar bnslnessls arousing interest right 'nowOgdcn considerable li inub it Jtrs Millers across the decided to baB 8iuar0give a good sized bonus itreet north of the Public a build to factory while the Utah Sugar Company’s factory atLcht w l) MRS ANNIE M NELSON no doubt be enlarged soon MDJwifE AND NUrse Licensed Obstetrician - After a year’s absence for stndy I am at fey place ready to readme my practice UtaD Elrikorb tin Her mccX'rty V 8 Deputy of Richfield ae havA revival of the a time ing lively In consethreatened Liberal party Is The politicians quence of the silly charges made by certain dlssappoiuted ones that the Church Is working secretly in favor of some other people— Provo Euquirer Mineral surveyor hlE I1 fe WRIGHT HOUSE Proprietor Wright fork UTAH Class in Every Way iHlfts Reasonable Richfield Utah hv niml the organ O N 4 Vs T s V Aah I am-stedo- Sait Ho OHter Will go--- So Well Sold By ’£!siiorei l 17 of Layton and hts wrong 1F91 o lie came to hack Iir claiming to bo tho son of ft alt Lake rnvlse wanting to hu? hlekens and other produce While Mere he met Miss Maud Sncncer who As a hceamu Irfatnatcd with him match met with stern opposition an lopementi to I'iute county was had A few days after Layton bought a arioad ot oats of Andrew M Anderson at Vermillion paying a check for The check came back f225 for them shouered and Layton left debts wife ind all for parts unknown A baby was born to the deserted wife Years passed with no tidings of Layton Her patient devotion to duty and her lady— like conduct won respect for Mrs Layton and last tall she was "lected county recorder The news of the wife’s elevation seems to have giveD matters a other turn and while it the Jubilee the pair became reconi usband returned ciled secretly trffccis avoid to able the when not and he and debts longer his wife paid hts is free e iz! F TRy f -- O yxf umt H under false imtvinmg uedor g’rird that kept Mrs Lavton paid up r)nun t laj’iirid and her husband f w 'A re-- Co-o- p F jT’oci‘-- l teachers turned r despite opt uv’ii well last Sutn the mud The local niemheis led by ijrincipal nenry N nayes had prepared an exceedingly large supply of IiJncb so the Institute was one of the t4st ever held in the county A morning sessson lasted until well to ward one o’clock when they all repaired to the rock school house and ate lunch An afternoon session was then held The teachers seemed livelier than usual The preparations were extra good thus making everything to pass of with the greatest jollity For the first time Joseph was selected as the place for holding the next Instituda its claims h'firig pushed by O U Bean ’It StEWAftT AND tv-- d COLLINS— Buy YourlT reos- of - THE GO SALT LAKE NURSERY Our trees-ar- e from always free They are moth before They arewell packed well rained shipping and trimmed Consult our agent before placing your order Agent Monroe Utah O C Andkaebon DO Y’OU'WANT AFIOAicill SUMMONS CookStoves Ranges Heaters? II (Case No 151) TWO Si'OTHlEKS TWO WIVVS ISri lluinia SpaSftrd andPIraJil Fveroll died auddenly Last week s C’ExsOr told of Mrs J ID Eversoll giving birth to a son All seemed well at that ttffieand until Sunday: when she took several sinking spells From all of these she rallied On Monday morning she seemed fully as well ns usual She ate a fairly good breakfast hut between nine and ten o’clock with linrdly a struggle nor a a moment’) Denrtng she died The funeral was heldon Wednesday afternoon at the Academy Hall The funeral procession wasono of the largest ever seen in Richfield Mrs E verso nte Ul’loe D Bean was a promt neut teacher in years gone by but has long been engaged as saleslady In the where she became Boston Ftorc roost to known every one in the counto ty She came Sevier County when a small girl and has shared much of the In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Utah County of Sevier Tho Utah Implement Oo A Corporation Plaintiff vs O Ence 0 T Bunker A Bunker and Defendants The State of Utah Sends Greeting to CT Bunker A Bunker & G Enre ic fondants an tpwir in alxAc You nro horo'y required lr ictiou ltouDit up jnu by uie Pit rued phi nt If! n the RDt rif’t Court of the of lu t I tab Sixth Judical the complaint County of Si" n'" and to Uni witt (o'dusivo oi Hind he day of sui vice) after tin eervloe ou you -- 1J d wilniri t’nsiounty f this suniiu-njor if served out of tlUi eouliy nut lu tills district wllhi'i twenty days- otlierwisc within forty d ijs- - or jud tmcit y uefault wBhr to the pi yer of taken Bsainst you said complaint The said action I’ nronRit o rrcovt r from IrUu-es- t at you the sum of iTfi to bo f s ' t: 3500 Alliycd and mtornej plaintiff on a certain prcmlsnry uo'ii dated i’viM) due Awmt rt i April loth ltiiO with Interest at i pt - cent per month after due: signed by C T Ituuku1 and A Bunker ( Fnco upon which 3d JA’ and guaranteed hits been paid vblchsaiu not y id alleged to of a toison i’ lo provide for tho ri'yi-'rfee in case tlvo Samo Is plaeod In the j hands of an 0500 In alleged to he a iLvmraMe 't Parlor Sets Bedroom Suits? Tinwares Stove Piping? Lumber Lath Shingles? Moulding Rustic or other supqlies usually keptby stove furniture or lumber dealers? It 3rou do go The ?ioicer)FunUure Store ("'-Ue- Monroo 'X25sa ! tlx-ri-i- to 1 Utah sv-- MO Change Not an Old Friend 1 r A Maxim That Holds It Is of Good in Friendship Great Value in Business ct and NOTARY PUBLIC MONROE Lr i r'e :h ’( Tim International M( notary has i rove J a failure and the members ho doubt w ill to 1 toe nut article ONE! X t uirroveraentH id "OSf’CC spoken of successful exUTAn on all hands as a very hibition No one attended from Sevier County as far as we know Attorneys at LaW MoiJroe id:’ W Collins STEWART dnd COLLINS OffldS i dead Lawyer THURBER r maul’’!'1'1 len who It h Monitor in the hattlo )V little the Merrimae at Hampden Iv Hie M W MANSFIELD IJ ’ UTAH LOA ilcoorvedl r i ’ fd Mr Been made sum that vas at the !h'‘Cer home and then f’o ns AccorupFlred nt i" Mr Ltaa nod City Manhal Blom-u- i t 11 o Sheriil went to the ' house lie was a- id "kxi for ihe man la'll (hat he wins rot the-- o hut at Ho rC'lcflid d to sear’ll f r him refi-do- by If1! ” Mi’o riniiKKou-thi- s sen-c- prcnuucnl Sid John E Dooly Lalmr was married to Avar a ugh at Chicago ft an old st gci ali of thoilab i T j-- ”o EdirarNLayteu riit tlnuday hr- moans As was commonly koowh some time ‘ Qfflce in Anderton Building that and i Of Boa them Utah w’nii3'rsr2:2 tluBest Got returned to Rich RAPP und BEAN ft Id to Join his long deserted wife -h lor him Lawyers a 'he officers Will practice In all the Stato and Fed ral heard been since has d He he h'ft Marts and United State Land Office "ehhhiT-Hewers Rapp and Bean are ablo and exof or the If acquitted ot the charge fin vrri ms parts cf perienced lawyers In all probate land water will 'wld'ni wife his Leutgert rrd AUfinr G''orgc T Bean '’eilng talnlng and criminal litigation Will attend all sessions ot court In the himself in a ruiisiULa r "'idted 1:!b arrival irto Richfield Sixth Judicial District and adjacent Counties -- o IfYo u Do You Should Solicited G T Bean Want aStovo?” CVi: r5cfn Vermel Kapp Q iryHJiw—-— Secretary of State nftmmotidwho is one of a committee from the state hoard of land commissioners appointed to Investigate the merits and conditions involved In the contest of the White Mountain Reservoir company and the Lake Bonneville Land and Powcb company returned yesterday from an inspection of the land In controversy State Engineer Young and Commissioner Macfarlane remained to gather additional data for the committee’s report while Commissioner Reese went to Flllmoili to appraise eouuty’s history Mrs Eiuma bpafiord seemed la her usual good healtu last Monday night too nctli'cd that If you She went to lied at an early hour hut And yoC fire and answer tin said complaint to fall appear was called at 10 to care for a sick niern-ue- as abovo n attired thZMtld p'nlntlff will take of the family While returning to judpiui-u- ag ilnst yoit Wr the stun of glUlwi tVfiothcr wlthlutcti t a nforo said and costs bed she was strikeen with apoplexy of suit J'idgo and the I)r Bhlj p was called from Monroe but Witness TK SI 'h Judiwhen he arrived at one o’clock life Anal of tho District UonVt of tho cial District in und for the State t Utah was extinct Mrs Spatlord was sixty fount y cf Soler this ldth day of Soprertber thousand eight five years old when she died She came In tho year of our Lord one Hundred and ninety S G Clark Clerk to SeVler County In H77 end has lived hero ever since She leaves a highly respected family and many friends in SEAL all parts of Utah Att-l-Cn- r t There is always ono thing to be remembered in business that you neto Ever since 1871 thA lose anything by dealirtg with tho tried and trusted It has never beeil has bean doing business m Riclitield Rch field had nothing bi lias of always tho public found wanting in its treatment of the same substantial uiticies cm its shelves and still has ajsupply Co-o- p It Better Fall and Winter Goods can not b£ i found in the Couniy RICHFIELD CO-O- P ESTABLISHED 13'U Thtio 4 rt fi r it OLD ENOUGH? — — -- ai Year A $150 ti Brandlcy AgiA$ f |