Show §p - RICHFIELD Will Hurley b over from Tburb- - jjlrs s Brip Thurber ' weeks at borne A rthur Henrie is is spending q few fora few working In Mantl weeks wOSKAt his trial last Friday Robert Lee third ticket composed mainly or was acquitted of the charge of threatReIq part of the candidates on the is ening James Broadbent publican and Democratic ticket ReThe first shipment of butter froniiI lngputm the field Dissatisfied to vis t the little baughter of Mr movement the thc Brooklyn creamery was made to publicans are heading I Myron Hancliett The little oue 1b I week this DeLamar 23 Last evening Alvin J Bird aged very 111 and great anxiety is felt I and Bertie Jane Gates aged 10 applied The latest reports from the moun Mrs E B Keyes and Mrs EdThur-toAs the brldeLans bay that sheep are not losing for a marriage license have returned fron Dixie where was too young and did not have con-- flesh despite the storms they have spent the summer As so many young people are oil ut Mr & Mrs Elmer nuntsraan have school the M I A’s will' perhaps meet the heart felt sympathy of the people conjointly this winter t of Annabella In thier recent moved here from Joseph Jolley has Mt Carmel and now resides in tlu Miss Ella Dennis has returned home Martin Harris place to Glenwood after a short visit ia Teamsters returning from DeLamar report tho markets their not raising Miss Alice Durf ee has returned from are here as they proportionately Salt Lake City where she has been j ever since the Jubilee Richard Verdine is “COLD ENOUGH? A DoYouWantaStovp?” — O ""Mil n If Yon Do Yon Slionld 1 Joseph Seegmlller has go ne to Ne vada with produce Sara Borgquist is attending the University this winter Miss Julia Dennis of Marysvale is attending the high school ' 5 t Tho pity has turned the B C L water back into the city stream 1 j heavy crop of apples and a heavy on the same trees Joad of snow Dwight Meteer has gone to state Get the Best bereav-mea- to have his eyos treated of cold weather no doubt jnetropolls care for the visitors: an excellent pre-- A sign Aman and I daughter Q A Andelin The Censor was made happy a paratlon a have gone to Cedar for a visit verv best 'creamery but Chris Meyer Jr and Miss Fraud pound of the Willis Jensen and wife of Manti Colby were married by Deputy Clerk rei presented i by Joe Beitmsen at the Ramlose home LauritzenJ last Monday Upon theli The curfew rings at nine p m gpent Sunday with were to return home they surprised The kids know who Is ruler The river is quiet high owing A orms in Garfield and Piute counties a well prepared wedding supper They fear Ton will Just nab them was also had ball And put them In the “cooler” Belle Gardner leaves for Ilanksvllle All regular winter evening meetings teach school tomorrow After twelve years absence Chat lie jvhere she will I Mutuals have next week 'fbe Barney has come back to Monroe t Mrs Boseline Harmon of Ilolden is begin elders Monday night the deacons and atay jje i0ft a boy and returns with visiting her daughter Mrs W A the high priests and L wife and four children have Tuesday and t that means to get all of the latest improvements f f M which are found on this deservedly popular article TRY ONE! $ 1 O Judge McCarty came over last the next! urday to draw i Jury term of court Sat-f- r J ' W t We have had three days of sun shine now and people are rushing in their H TRY grain O OTVEI Loa will soon have a saloon Two brace of sports went out last week Tom Atwood N E Sheffield Jef Pace and Lon Chaffin It gun-In- g oegmUier Tto Other Will Suit So Writ teachers have Wednesday the ch°irLtSinljnsenaad Mart Christian-TuesdaIs known positively that Sheffield killBy The new’sehool house at Xnverury is All meetings begin at 730 will ed one sage hen and another one was combIoation of Marts’ In it School opens pearly completed elm an I Co-o- p Little Tell Hayes used to visit oui run the Clirisuianscn nail for six in dLpute between that gent nest Monday blacksmith The Atwood Mr and come Ills father months to office every opportunity George SJtrlngham and Mamie Enow found him here one however was given the benefit of dy and said Jwoof Ttiurber’s young people were “You don’t want to come here Tell doubt and bagged the bird great de- struction would no doubt have taken parried yesterday they are all Horace Greeleys here” place among the feathered tribes only MrB Danman the Nebraskajsheep Tell keeps clear of the printing office an ever since as soon as the party had gotten well Jmyerishere again He reports I ammunition had uncertain market Jake Sargent was down from the in practice their Charlie Wilkinson of the Iron Counout If you want Furniture at Salt Lake ty Record called on us Saturday Char-lt- Vale Wednesday He says that the given since the is an extra good printe r and a Ill feejlngs that have existed prices go to the Wcnder Main Street free from moth Our treesare-aiwayout are dying Richfield JU tab tf mighty fine boy It reminds us of Perjue killing see Charlie and we They arewell packedbefore shipping ttetmannlKlrlcfiC hewho was plant- childhood days to The republicans qf Monroe met last visited They arewell raised and trimmed has bid are sorry he couldn’t have eveninginChristianscn’s hall and put ing orchards on Cedar Bldge with us longer Sevier Couuty good pyq in nomiuation the following I noon Charles Mrs about dates for town council Andrew Nilsis of workmen engaged A large force in O C Andbaeson Agent Mrs Joseph Riley jSOn chairman Members of council pn the Three Creek Besovolr B H Balman formerly nomiwere fever of which effects brain in died from the they the order Monroe Utah (Jrpenwood is in charge Branch Sevier ed and Beverly from it for nated has sutler Pete She Hon W H King Is to lie here for Frcdric Goold over a week A husband and four chil28 (he opening lecture of the high school dren— the old— STATIONS four Jensen months Joseph youngest Course tqjqorrqw night AND Mrs Belle Anderson are left to know tho want of a wife Mxd 8IDINGS Mxd A heavy contingent of Thurber peo- and mother Miss Eliza Magley am 800 Lv LAKE 8ALT p m 5S5 p m Ar court as witnesses "i05 am 135 ple ana attending An excellent time is reported by 8 57 10 55 suit Johnson n pn the Durfey— 1187 10 051 those who attended a reception at the n 38 10331 Glh Beebe John Baler and John Uerpler home in Glenwood last Satur10 I 1154 ELSINORE 1140 12 05 Qaler fr all qf Junction were in as day Since then MIsh Amelia Ileppler 1830 18 30 has become Mrs A K Hansen and yltnesgop the Ross case yesterday 12 10 115 Tho Meat Progressive 8 011 113 Cards are out announcing tho reep-fi- f has gone to Canada on a protracted 3 2 81 thi Mr and Mrs- - John J Miller at the visit Her husband accompanied her Walter Jcnacii 1j at the 837 235 Country Weekly in the State of the north- week 353 847 as as far the headquarters bride's of the parents Jjome 4 IS 307 ern states mission Wi a 327 of mother is I’Anderson Mrs ter All who can should prepare tq begin 60V 3 jS elec tioii ATcityYouQci'lhTYdayCoOui i'AamLv KLLlkNAP Arl OOpmOSOpm baly boy Reservoir work at the return of good selected for were di-I Train 2 will run Tuesday’s Thursdays ani will save paying cash as Judges J B Sort pan’s department of feather 'Ira n 81 will run Mondays Wed-SatmUvs William two Ogden the precincts Bessments later triot sohnol j eni d on Mondayan Fridays Guy Lewis and George H Crosby Jr U L V10UIK Ai?ent LOST— A red bull calf one month Jobu Munson has gone to Nevada 0 O Dodgo Gon’l Manager are for tbe west prccint and the city mills F Wadlolgh Gcu’l Passenger Agent 8 Elsinore loaded with was old had piece of small rope on it when hall in lie thepollln'g place In tbe eat K Pabcoek Tr ifBc Man iger flour Jost Finder will be rewarded H W RauiloBe Mads Chrsitensec General oftlceBalt Lake City Chan Morrison Utah and James Christiansen are to serve J Ostlund has sold iorty tons of In tbe Elsinore as polling place Monument Mills flour The Literary Society will meet at with the court house NOTICE tomorrow School House your (he Bock The Democrats held their city con- past ofTrustees of Elsinight for reorganization All members vention at Anderton Ilall last evening Little AftonJensen was hurt quite Tho undersigned Board No 4 Sevier Co Utah School District nore on to a Ihould be present and selected a city ticket lK Wright badly as the resu-- of clinging will receive hlds for the quairying of rockI at the Mod roe qu irry for one 4 room school nil IV va S A our 'uii to la ns eg sister wassekned Jisa Ida nougaard Muyr p m October i5th culidlug uptiSo’c all bills wUooopene-- l at the So- when Rented school- teacher spe nt several lor H N Hayes Andrew Lav-ui97 the l people pioromce TLcENiik low-lal UiiU and contract aw urd-- i to the days in Richfield this week She will Jua B Morrison and E P B an of Board bidderiThe Darieis Crwens vitaseopie ehtroaponslble Miss Mollie Orrt ok loi reserve tin right to rclcctany and all bids (each at Inverury this winter pood vcip Call on the TrusLes to see plans aud specitreasuras Peters tccoifler Charles fications Bro Ivorson of the Mantl MessenAndrae Loienson was tifty years old er James B- Kamsayas marshal and J Sylvester Sevier several Trustees C He r ninsou County ger visited A pleasant suprtae wa M L Blow i as Justice are tbe ether j last Fad ly Me’sen Ihos the week towns during the paying nominees E H HofTamnn netod as pruug on him that evening DO YOU WANT GOLD TENSon a paternal call Tuesday ’hairuien Celia E Bean as seutry for Cuds tuo deuiaal r- cryone desires to keep informed Fetcr-o- u J nor wLe Salisbury and III hogs more bilak at 31 cents til’s year on Yuki n toe Klondyko and Alaskan Oke Will leave for Parowau Com-MONROE that it was at Scents last year guld fields Send 10c for large fiss Jennie Taylor will be married and n big Iniormatlin the near v CgniH’y has brought peudium of’llvact y in the St George ‘U‘ WlioAia falling ill pnoe li i’ !v( s noud and oilier I’uil L future Ind are all filled Willi walei Tb 2 at Belknap aul ho gone there iiauapolis B Bortcn the Symmea Gioctiy Ca r ft tail tr r if 0 to run them a shot have to said is man traveling of has taken charge The Edgar McCarty tore projected for Richfield Wcarepleised with a visit to tbe Ono hay horse branded O on left creamery Bertlesen tbe come will K-Dan tores that follow one line rosy little homo of Mr and shoulder and a brown mare branded Mrs Parley Tanner is the happy HaDscn on Wednesday They are as the country grows orrcRs t with an F in writing on left shoulder of a week old boy m Gran-p- a rooms mother west four tho of TO ' Durfey to to suit the As we go press Finder will bo paid by reporting! house Saloon On Jcuseu’s the the is beard Vs Johnson ia being Orson Keeler running Tub Peoi’lk ok Sevier and Other CENsOlt Office main cemplaint Johnson has won and UniCounties With: LeslerQuist is attending tho A week ago Thun day J F Peters ' evidence is now being taken on FURNITURE son tied his cart horse under Peter versity in Salt Lake City cross complaint shed Lighting killed the CARPETS is building an addition Audcrson’s There ia another clerk down at the AbeSurenson Thc shed to WINDOW SHADES lire set the and animal Prune Bench Boston Store He isn’t as high as the to his home on LACE CURTAINS soon were extinguished flanks counter and weighs 74 pounds and la Editor Iverson of Manti paid Monof the profits BABY CARRIAGES town ticket lias Thc g4 hours old as we go to press Eversoll roe a fraternal visit Monday WALL' PAPER been nominated It is: President Lewis betting oh the election now secured STOOK are Co has We agents for the celebrated if YOU The Pioneer Nursery is Sedcrberg " a One of the needs of our town is judgement aguinit Richard Tru“1 ees 'tetter system of caring for visitors to for $GG J C retcroo AT teachers’ Institutes and other stake IT C Larson J A J ob nsonbever saws time when d are e pleas-iW 2nd county gatherings Win Sylvester people were buying more furnltuic to see the teachers lead out in the So reiisoh James than now 'at ter Sold y 1 Elsmore Buy Your T rees of THE SALT LAKE NURSERY CO e s candi-Yesterda- Consult our agent before placing your order y an Sudscribe for East-Boun- d West-Boun- d THE CENSOR I 11 1 31’ Co-o- p j - It 1 J I K1MDBUTFIRM VIGOROUS BUT MILD Always a Friend of the People - t - 1 perfor-mauc- e tru-t-- George H Crosby I VvT - V I Editor - 1-- -- - s-- on 1 ’ I coiup-riien- pt-t- Ia ij-atio- Lost Horses BRmDLEY’S Furniture Store laivi John-cion’- " You Get Part non-partis- TA ( “CROWN” Organs The Equitable Store :s H and Pianoes jr |