Show r SfJ i KEEP IT HANDY IIIIINKAGI OV Tit III JretoU Women PioltHja the IIarliIa hiiU Perl! -- Nome ot Uii-- 1 rsc of Tiuil Alaska Sept9— Here we (Editor are three miles on the famous y or White Pass trail and no pen can picture the situtation I care not how famous be the writer Last Monday there were fourteen hundred and three horses on the trial packing and twice that number of men and quite a number of women— on a trail of forty miles in all Everybody was struggling— oh struggling so hard— to get through: and there were almost as many more turning back discouraged and broken down who could not go another mile A great many more will turn back before they get to the summit There is a most faithful sight all along the trail You can see dead horses and horses with Irroken legs some of them poor things Just left to one side of the trail to live or die There Is no choice between the Dve$ and Skaguay trails One is terribly bqd and the other Is far worse Yesterday they brought a man down on a stretcher wrapped in bis rubber blankets cold In death lie had gotten over the pass with one load and had come back for another when he gave up just exhausted He could do no more Ilis wife came on to return home alone broken hearted He was ft of Snohomish Washingan ton Ilis name wa3 Van Ruren One is constantly meeting with such scences on this trail and how often we hear them trying to hum “Oh miner poor miner” but It is not the miners only We have met so many correspondents and lawyers doctors bank cashiers and boys just out of their fathers otlices or some one else’s otllice who know nothing of hardships and start out so brave but must turn back or die It is not a question of courage or bravery but a question of endurance Can we stand the hard ships one must endure to go over those trails with slush and mud or roots and moss? One cannot possibly picture it unless he seas It One must climb from the time you start up and down We are here and our party lias seven horses Two Jerome boys are along with us We will keep moving on unless foiced to stop God only knows it Ska-gua- BURNED If T°U IUVECUT OR BRUISED Yourself or me ny q rH3i c )Wdag' tlfd or any animal that is wounded 'anyway you will find BLACK OIL A CURE TIJAT CURES Genuine onl' lware of Imitations r ’ hejrj ol( signed 2- - CM I Drug Dept "The DENVER ' jt f ' ' l AND BIO GRANDE RAILRQAD CO TOURIST OK FAMILY SLEEPING CAI$ iPljlUVICE Do you know that eyery evening the Denver & Rio Grande R R in connco-fiowith the R G W runs a Tourist jrr Family Sleeping Car to Denver in which a lower berth can be secured for j2(X)? In addition to tl)ls daily service the D & R G also operates n Wednesdays Thursdays add Fridays f jjere distinct Tgul'ist Sleeping Car Chic ago toOnihi York-n- o New far and change poston at- - greatly reduced passengers— jjtah £erth rates These Tourist cars are ipanaged by the Pullman Company $nd are provided with all necessary The conveyances and appliances Tourist car feature together with the admirable train service and scenle attractions of the route has placed the D & R G ih the loremost ranks of Western Railroads For rates and detailed information apply to any Ticket Agent of the R G W Ry io B F Noylns General Agent or H nes Kini-CJit- H Cushing Traveling Passenger Agen D & R G No 58 West 2nd ‘ Bou th Street Salt Lake City SANTA FE ROUTE You leave Ogden or Salt Lake in be evening breakfasting in he sumptuous dining cars of the ' SANTA FE ROUTE on the third joining you arrive in and-afte- r ri is n season to attend to business or connect with all fast trains for the East ome one has sa'd recently that the Hack of the ATCHISON TOPEKA £ SA NTA FE railroad was in such perfect condition Jliut the long distance run of the “Flyer” on the New ork Central could be equaled if uot -- P j If Try LIST Chairs and Sofas Clocks and Brackets II ed Room Suits Best Parlor Sets Bureaus and Wahhstands And all Furniture At TtlE Low EST l’KICErf i I 4 Furniture Jonx v A Room Johnson ter to you wi hem me in'iiiy adage taqght early youtl ‘never kick at a’ci ipnleorsjVi ka a fool" fr On account of tjiy pridea r to shape my course of life along these Jims sue ictuated at present by f lie same I sh ill make this let Ur to you vet ' mild indied and vfil not peiliii)'-speaas plainly as you Reserve to In spoken to Jn your issue of Sept "n 1807 you wrote h short utlejo I n winch vou sav thut the undersigned si me little time before tint In Monroe in vour county “made due and loud threa’s that he would lick t lie Advocate Editor on sight Nothing strange in Hint” It Is to he presumd that at ttivt time still had sufficient decency left or In other words somewhere dee) down in your anatomy then was an infinitesimal spark of gentlemanly in stincts left which taught you tbs vou deserved (as vou certainly did de serve) a licking Now sir wise counsels prevailed wiilt mn that v no-- you were allowed to escape the punishment usually served out to runs of ynnr class a physical chastlsrnent on he prinel pie that the more one meddles with such things the morqthev stink You Sir have taken great intrestin the case of the stade vs Mills latch fripd In this county and shortly after Mills killed Perjue you in a weak slimy cowardly vyav (because vou have not suffleent maijlincss: to tin derstand any other) attempted to cover over Mill’s offense by slv covert inclinations that my self among others was partly responsible for Peijue’s death Now Mr Editor why do you no some tiine3 speak the truth? can you? did you ever do so? If so when? Whi were you created a sneak liar and coward? or were you not so created? Was there any tirao in your history wtien you had as strong a sense of justice as the nieasi iest yellow dog in existence and have you by a long lance and ansocation with onlj the vilest and moat corupt of eradicated from ycur hytuiu system ever race of those principles which distinguish men from beasts? i k d-- n God'-creatur- 1 re- foi in Mill’s behaJr? If not when Jo it doe-- or if you shall tlmi you neyer received or were never promised anything premit me t mty thut j on are one of those pci r:u who ac 1:Io rt cording to bolornun say-- oqr effoit ' - “There is no God” You m the ui Li cle referred to above say in rofei ring to myself The Advocate showed that he wight have prevented the killing if he had not expected to see Pcijut pummel Mill This Mr Advocate Edilor is an in wlncn there is not oie par-- l lcle of tiut h It is not burn out by the evideuce adduced at Mill’s tiial and is so utterly and wholly at variance with the fans that Ij could emanate only from the pen of a human hyena wholly-losto evo’-- sense of truth and justiec Yoj also sa that Mills killed Fcrjue in self dtfetu-- upon lmt m ion of the facts do you have this assertion was it self defease for Tvl hi 'Oo'y spoor downlVrjue when lie l’eijue was being held by b Haler arid when Elioi iff Stocks stood between Perjue and Mills? Respectfully Submitted Emanuel Toalson t itls-tod- - Joo NOTICE TO CHED1TOUH In the Sixth Judicial District Court the County of Sevier State in aud for of Utah You Get Part In the matter' of ) Noticd toCredltors the estate ot Pkob Susan Barney deceased f f City Special live stock i tains for as Reasonable numbei of cars B Kuoser C F A P A E J Flynn T F A P A KiU Lake City Utah () ItOMlIlO vinh iii iirma llup lo Mrcol Talk 'lire t’t bum- had a piece of ne vs cut m a sh H i (jni0 iy hit li It did D was "tfiesh Stuff too ind a p i per which claims to be a news-cipeimj will not use mutter of' that u an odd pusji i ii God It a pears that some days ago i he i ism ion-pul sentiment struck Rich held A meeting was called at- which 'lou James Holitlm was present- as a poet at or Jlmweit there merely to ouk on and while lie w:is looking arid ist tming of i he members asked urn t -- l ale w int h h right was I lie iropc lung 1 d i m Hi m uusr saying he wasn't I here a tire cuicitv ot a m unbar just a spectator and it would non ho proper rr linn to say a word in connection with the subject but pcmii tile people to decide without lutoroforence lint they insisted that Jim should tal a So lie talked He reni irked that bo did not see any reason for the t of p irtv linos espo dally in a mall a place ns Richfield where the teople were fieo from the linlueiices which might constitute a crying evil m Birger cjies besides the founda-do- r f t’i overwent was not satis-tae- l 'v to him Ge of he prime movers in the scheme bridhaj up at this moment and declared he wanted an The Equitable Store T?RmpLEYyS Famltare Store c O I 1 1 1 The People of Srvnm and OnjEfi Counties Wiih: FURNITURE CARPETS WINDOW Si Ill's LACE Cl lU’AlNS BABY ” IRK VGIX WU! PAPER I Bo-Ith- I We are ngem- i o y i nis in lining a- as ii’ to hit ion p To this the suave II ditlio replied that he knew it was not right for him to address tlm meet ing: that he felt (here would be a da-- h it he at temped lo air hts views ami expiess his scut juts but if t lie me-- t ing wanted to know lie would answer Shouts nt“teli him” enme from all over the liaise md James told them He inquired if it- was not true that a meeting had not been held by a tew wno said they wanted to abolish p irty lines tn this state ami have a non partisan ticket next fail Jim named 'he lime place and indentltvof the people who held the meeting and gave the substance f tiie con vernations The man who demanded the explanation was one ot men win attended the private caucus Boll tho demonstrated that the movement gotten up oy the people but by a few men who were working in the interest of some one ire did know who IDs speech was a tolling one Every one a- - ked questions arid J ini being in posse--n- n of the information answered ail ami when the vote was taken the people by a vote of 90 tf 4b party lines B ditlio thought this was ghiy euoiigh and wrote an account which lie milled the Tribune and he and In- - frieuds have been looking tor an account of it ever since But in future Im w:ll send his news to the Herald because the reason it was held out is apparent If was a uawshowingthe wind blowingtn an ipposite direction from ihe wishes of the organ of the Ovl chib When seen byahi-Nsoicpoitei Jdr Boiit ho had this say: “I never wiole' a n account of that meeting to tho Tribune in fact I never wrote a piece to ilm Tribune yet urtlierjunrc vds nut formally interview while In coil Lake Never made any statement that such a Jmeting was held but told there as he did at the mass meet-of tlm airangenicnts hot ween t chair u m lie does endorse the last paragraph and would rather trust the Ilerald to publish his news than wa-n- ot - the celeb nit nj “CROWN” Organs ancj Pianoss aban-lonmen- xphuv a GUVS ) 'lu o'--- BEST PUMP MADE 137' 1 E?0 4J 5 T LU y) D tll r c D () -- C O J ft c c CD O LU JZ E c Q) ’“J w a 4Jc H £ Q w E 0) L bo a) rt o L2 TJc O £ 0 rt fn 0 co y 0c o0) o o "rt 'Ha s- -6° O CQ T3 L o r s: rt c oO (J) a) O CO Genuine Singer Sewing Machine f Tha standard of exceU lence all over the world 800 000 SOLDANNUALY' More in use than all othe yw combined SoJd only by our erri 7 ees i- Direqtly from factory to th people I- 1 t il i ) Sue tlio latest improved SINGER before buying Offices Everywhere pre-em- the Tribune The Burrville and Koosharem Notice cl Sheriffs Sale virtue of an execution issued out the Dihtiiet Court of tlie Sixth Judical District within and for tie "inty of Sevier State of Utah dated the lot ay Oetoboi 1897 in a certain action wlietein The City of Richfield a municipal corporal ion as plain-I- ' r’covred judgment oiiAugust 21 kG ug i Beat Samuel G Clark and Jacob M Laumenpaii-neras Beau Claik & Laurltzcn defendants for the sum of 816155' costs of suit I have levied upon the following described real estate situated in Sevier county Utth tuwitDommencing 107 rods west and 80 rods North from the South East corner of t he North East Quarter of Section 26 Township 23 South Range 3 wests L Mer:runnlng thence North 16 rods thence West lo rods thence North 21 roils thence bast 14 rods thence South 40 rods thence West 4 rods to place of ley ning and containing 21 acres situated SAWMILL By of ! HAS CHANGED OWNERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER Vio s i li- Qf at Fastest time 'shortest line and best accomodations for feeding are the we offer to shippers of live took between Pueblo and Kaunas riK-Huu- of the profits Susan Barney deceased underNotice is hereby given by the In N W i of N E i Sec 26 signed Jeppn Nilsson administrator of Tp 23 S It 3 W S L Mer Sevier Go Utah the estate of Susan Barney deceased if YOU Notice is hereby given that on Satto the creditors of and all persons havurday the Doth day of October 1897 at ing claims against said deceased to 12 o'clock noon ol that day at the exhibit them with the necessary voufront dour of the Court House iu the chers within four months after the I City of Richfield Sevier Co Utah first publicatian of this notice to said will sell all the right title and Interest In office Monroe his at Admlnstraler of said defendants lu aud to the above Sevier County Utah the sum being ' described real estate at public auction the place for the transaction of the for cash to the highest and best bidsaid in of estate the County business ' der to satisfy said execution and nil of Sevier Utah For the Utah County Fair tickets costs Dated this 8 day of Oct 1807 will be from Richfield tc l’rovo J W Coons Joppa Niclsson Administrator Sevier County Utah and return lor 84 05 No stop over ill J A Harris Haled October 4th 18’'7 A tlv for Administrator lowed Good for return until October Stewart & (Ylbrw 8: S R T'lrcnri n Dale of lit ot publication Oct 8 1807 18 Tcntoipow is the last day Atlontesfor AaUjiJ Estate TAKE STOCK Missouri Pacific B’y mimll i g(i In this lot ip nil ml :i 1 At Monroe I mnv sav Another quos'tion have you yet that the only way ceived the amount promised you question that to reach the Klondike is to take a boat go in the spiing duett to your destination unleos you takes chances of life or death Skaguay is a town of about five thousand and on the trail there aie about the same numlvr as in Skaguay txceeded by its magnificent trains They are building ouie fine hotels and J I) KEN WORTHY business houses in the town It is verj Gen’l Agt Passenger Dept 50 West Second South Street quite considering that they have more bait Lake City Utah tf than one whiskey street and the peoC F W ARItEN Traveling Agt ple all scorn to be very liospitabla and kind but ou inay go on the street ir RICHFIELD SALOON- - the morning and next morning yuu II W UA SILOS II will nol think it the same place has as they are building as much by night qOOD WH1M4I i:soo 1 with lanterns as In daytime One will ALLOA hear as many hammers going all night HOOF ALCOHOL 183 TEST-as in the day time Wages are from QAlTFOpyiA QUAPE li HANDY ' to 8700 per day and board 'Vo 8500 Tad' and li bt Hr m of l u a other liquor are hoping when we rath Dawson aci 'Jhernj lii needed in are eirkni is City we may find some Prescott paW R Cigars pers and a number of letters from our Prescott friends vv'iite'T for us I am A writing on aborandnot a very ir'd box either and ask you to please cancel —o all blunders Respectfully Coffins and Caskets Mrs Joseph Johndrew — Dear Sirs In whatever qi ! We have solved one we will succeed Chicago or St Louis 1— Im ‘M The Richfield AJvoesr? y ' a itu Journal-Miner- )- - Ur OPES LEI T hi! To EfO'lVi: TUB oil titered In iIiq Soarvli lor (aolll Skaouay r II I i Is continually on our yard Bills promptly sawed Address: A A CRAWFORD Koosharem Piute Co MERCHANT Utah MonumbDt ‘Mills TAILOR C Nielson (formerly head workmen for is now located the Elsinore Co-oacross the street south of the Co-oStore He has a stuck of cloth ©n hand as v'ell as many samples from which to order A suit from stock can he had thioe days after the measurements aie taken Two weeks required to have ready from samples p Elsinore Utah Glen wood Utah I O F - ' l I Pierson Prop The Best Place To Get Flour - Graharru i t |