Show ‘t 'v 5‘ ' 7v 'v 'it flf i i 1 k 5 reA - t!'- - Bread i ’i ’ ito Atiomy af Will practice In all the Courts entf Federal t si! i r' r ' Qfflce Ence riots are feared la all of tlie Alaga towns ! IT TREASON IS CONDENSED NEWS and Biuims Cards professional ‘ TQ DI8CRIMI NATE AGAINST THE 'oOfEBN ' v “ MENU ’ J Prudent William Paxmau Juab 6tak is dead Blpck the of ‘ The Medical World ' In his reports Postmaster General f( UTAH ICHFIEtU' !5 Wllsoh estimated the cost of railroad Chief Pratt has been peyraenantly ransportatlon of the mails for an ousted as chief of tile Salt Lake police Judge average haul of about four hundred i 'WALLACE cf BROWN miles- to lie eight cents per pound ' A F Doremus ii the Republican This exclusive of the haudllng and deAkorhefys at Law' nominee for'friayor’of Silt Lake City OOMt— Wsrakt Bl8ck‘ RlchJeld Utah livery by the employees bf the Post 1 1 1 ! i i - ’ 1? WlllpmotWetlnsU the courts State and Fed ini i Corporation' 'Laid and Commercial guslneos Solicited I? (I ' Two Divorce) Darfcy v JoUnou The District Court has been In session all of this week The piobabil-ltIs that it will be In session a day or two yet We give below business transacted by days October 11th Rio Grande Western Railway Co vs Jeff Carter and Rio Grande Western Railway Co vs A P Jansen were both continued for the term Ross vs' Hunt pet for October 19 W G O Morrsson vs' Miner Winn motion for a new trial set for October the N II ' If w M4N8FIELD ' i ' Lawyer Hotary public Utah Justice Field of nhe U S Supreme court has notified president McKinley that he will now retire He has serv ed on the Supreme court henoe longer than any other man to-d- ay 1 0 W Colling J Stewart STEWART andf 00LLIN8 Attorneys at La id RICHFIELD "UT4H K !’ s HERBERT Q tjjifcian and Office Burgeon at Pioneer Drug Store UTAH glCHFJELBj BJ? T C 4 C M B SHIPP Physician and Surgeon pyR i Office and ' residence at the Kentucky House Utah $qhbo E DR E SMITH Dentist The Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line railroads had some trouble lately and the Short Line has since been shipping over the Bio Grande Western but now the troubles are fixed up President McKinley has appointed H N McGrew register of the Salt Lake land office Mr McGrew claimed to be a resident of Arizona when he wanted the governorship of that state but now says he is a rebident of Utah Prof C A Whiting who lives at 303 North Second West called at the station early this morning to report that he had been visited by a hurglarIIe started that about 2o’clock police he was awakened by his wife who Informed him that there was some one in the room The professor got up to investigate and found that some man had cut the screen on the window to his room clambered in and stolen his watch and chain which was In his vest hanging on a chair Sergeant Milner and Officer Pack went to the house and found the tracks of a man away from the window— Tbuuday’s Tribune leading A COLLISION D TauLdar’a Piuiaenger Delay eq ly it Collltlon FLORENCE ALLRED Tuesday’s passenger train was late and finally came In with only one car Rooms at Mrs Millers across the The following from the Tribune exytreet north of the Public Square plains the cause: Sprlngville Utah Oct 12 — PassenMRS ANNIE M tiELSON ger train No 4 of the Rio Grande Midwifb and Nurse Western pulled by engine No 41 goAttar a year's absence for study I am at ing East collided with lone passenger gay place ready to res ume my practice engine No51 going West just iuslde Utah Elsikobe the yard limits here tonight No one was killed and only two Injured Porter J II Shaw who was in the Home it mccartt act of passing through the train was U S Deputy thrown against the door of sleeper No MINERAL SURVEYOR 308 with such violence that ho broke and NOTARY PUBLIC the s In the door in splinters He struck It with his shoulder and MONBOE UTAH svstalned some severe bruises on the shoulder arm and back THE WEIGHT HOUSE Dr J A Williams of Berkeley Cal was slightly Injured about the head K WnienT Proprietor by being thrown against the car seat Both the engines lobt their pilots and passenger cars 060 and 308 and Tv st Class in Every Way baggage car 63 was slightly damaged The force of the collision was not Very great as both engines were reversed when they struck No 41 stayed on forms Reasonable the track but the front trucks of No 51 were knocked off the track Richfield Utah Licensed Obstetrician t uh I? plate-glas- t '? JAJ citizenship October 12 GOT HER’S TOO The divorce suit of Nancy A Anderson vs Charles O Anderson came up ind Mrs Anderson was given a decree by default The property had been previously deeded to horby the defendant October 13 The following jurors were examined And accepted to act as such: r F Farnsworth Adelman represent The Medical World at George Jenson Lorenzo Lisonbee J I the meeting of the Mississippi Valley I w- Fairbanks S R Carter Peter at! J Medical Association which meets H Bell Louisville October 58 He asks that GottfredsonJoseph OgdenF Erickson Ferdinand W J Sylvester two hundred copies (or more) of The F Ross W II Brown Joseph Robert wish World be sent and the point I J- - Jensen George C to call your attention to is the manner Peterson J Morrison of sending The following is quoted S R Carter was excused from Jury from his letter: “Do not send journals until jou receive special labels) service for the term G Durfey vs which will secure you an express rate When the case of W M Johnson came up a motion for of one cent per pound foraoydistaned” Now this is supposed to represent a contnuance was made and denied The case then came up for jury trial profit to the express companies for The jurou tryiDg the case are: they are not In business for fun If the express company makes a profit George T Farnsworh Robert FRqgs the railroads must charge them less J W Fairbanks Peter Gottfreden than a cenfi a pound fop hauling from Joseph Ogden Ferdinand Erickson and Adelman Nebeker This case Philadelphia to Louisville about seven or eight hundred milesyctthcy charge comes up between the two parties the government eight cents a pound having formerly been partners to de for hauling an average haul of a little oide the title part of the cattle they more than four hundred miles! If formerly owned In partne rship ft the railroads were compelled to haul same at Sam’s mail the bags Uncle AN OLD LADY JOBBED rate that they haul express packages) 135 S tolen from Hr Beaaley— Cnlprlt we could have one cent letter postage Found— Suspicion atrong however not and a package post at about one cent per pound to any part of the country Last Sunday afternoon about c Such unjust discrimination against o’clock Mrs Beasly who lives as a the government and In favor of pri tenant iu the Chris Poulson house vate corporations Is what stlmnlates went In to visit a neighbor When tho sentement in favor of government she returned her trunk stood open anc railroads had been rummaged having 835 taken out The officers endeavored to have xx the matter kept qpilct until the culprit was found but have been unable to do ROBERT ROSS AR11ESTBO it or to find the culprit as yet Sever Held on al attempts to extort confessions from counterfeit money Eaueil some small Rlyls who were playing $1600 Dali Caine from Winslow around have proved vain I Neb-eke- - is almost comib ete ' l Sunday places In It seems that at S TRtUU r-TOa- tried to pass some counterfeit gold pieces and succeeded iu doing so In When arraigned before one place Ross Commissioner M L Brown Tliurs not Yesterday guilty pleaded day he was brought in for preliminary examination and was held to await the action of the United States grand jury his bond3 being fixed at 91 '500 At thl3 writing the bail bas not beengiven and Mr Ross languishes In custody of the sheriff 1 Snyder Poulson 65 E C Peterson galena ore 59 ll u It came from the i r4 - y i - M: i i t eon L J i f i ff ¥ tf "i 7 vf te A tlj DO YOU "WANT Cook Stoves Ranges Heaters? Parlor §ets Bedroom Suits? Tinwares stove pining? Lmuber Lath Shingles? Moulding Rustic or other supqlies usually kept by §tQV§ furniture or lumber dealers? f A It you do go to The Pioneer Furniture Store Monroe Utah t Change Not An Old Friend That Holds Goodin Friendship It Is of Great Value in Business Glen-cli- c Better Summer Goods can not be found the County RICHFIELD COOP ESTABLISHED !0 lli quantity i ee Co-o- p apd-'the- y n ! There is always one thing to be remembered in business that you nevef with the tiiod anl fruited Ever since 1871 th L— ’i BuIUo’t rnnyon Charlie lose anything by dealing It has never beerf has been doing busmciS in Richfield Hanks has been pushing voik thn r hfioid tre itment of the public It has always had liothiag fcu for some time anti last week hest' lek found wauUng tn Its ubstantial articles on its shelves and still has a supply of tho same some good rock It bas a heavy per i4 cent of lead and carries consldera ble sliver and small amounts of gold The dimensions of the body have not been ascertained yet but the proprietors know that the quality is there are wonderiDg about the Theo Brandley Agent ' Wednesday if Foul 15 55 Joseph S pome CONVENTION Two sla- t- Bather a hot time Before Not the best offerings prevail in tho Convention— Brafadley downe some sections of the party especIallV Bolltho Coona a Preeinet do the non Mormons feel slighted f Chalrmkh one on the ticket I It was some after eight o’clock when not having any n Requb-licacalled the Chairman Meteer A TOOTH PULLING ROW caucus to order last Wednesday ooo n tootpi In night Simon Christensen was elected David Colling more nearly oat Two flgbf— chairman J M Lauritzen secretary though the election of the latter causA strange row with strange result ed a measuring of forces at Monroe last Saturday The Preclnt organization was re- happened and David Collin g Lisonbee H E modeled thus: chairman John W In rather hot word§ were indulging Coons vice chairman James M BoIn the street to have It and went out lltho secretary Carl Coldbranson out Names were called and blowij Treasurer Mrs V Rapp executive struck Either to gag or by accldenj Simon Christenson Eliza NelLisonbee put his thumb In his antagoson Morten Jensen mouth- Ceilings bit and Llsop The two slates had been previously nist’s bee pulled One double tooth camg pepared and accordingly TheoBrand-lethe thumb and two more wefg and James M Bolitho were put In with loosened Monroe doesn’t need deua nomination The vote resulted Brand-le- y tlsts now 150 Bolitho 54 Niels C Poulson and Carl Goldbran-so- n AND HARVEST CBOP were slated on the respective sides lgnalleA U The eloe of the Poulson won by 130 to 58 result MnelJ of weather— Lo 3rd crop lucerne damaged James Christiansen the present were Christensen and Heber treasurer The acerage of wheat was hot extr£ placed before the house as candidates for city treasurer: Mr Christiansen large this year but the turnout haq withdrew and his support was given been large per aore and the quality cellcnt both in Bevier and Wayng to James Hansen G W Bloomquist the present Counties The larges) Job of threshing marshal yas reuomlnated by acclamation so was City Justice Simon Elsinore was fop 4: £° tter UP rall ed 2496 bushels of grain on fifty acre$ Christensen for his former place acres proThe entire vote for citr councilmen of land One patch of two 135 bushels Is filled wi(h burlesque We give the duced ( lucerne still standing in The leading candidates only Robert Young 120 L P Hansen field has been damaged some by frostj eeu Injured more b J 116 L H OuLzenlOO: Morten Jensen but that cut has In some instances cattle hay 96 A P Rasmussen 82 were figures ralu Into the fields to eat tba turned been for the nominees now spoiled For others fj I£ Neill 53 W F i f ! Krotkl Prop x THE REPUBLICAN CITY THE GLEXER1E We saw some excellent J': w costumers ‘ Call In and see for yourself no trouble to ebow goods A Maxim several Piute county the defondant fill ' 1 n I Rear in mind tli3t we do not have a single foliar wortk of pl I Ml phop worn goods Everything is bright pew stylish end seasonable to ou Every article In the store is a bargain and a money sYPJ t Robert Ross is now in the custody He was arrested 1 of Sheriff Coctas last week and brought to Richfield on OF DRY GOODS NOTIONS TRIMMINGS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR CLOTHING and GENTS’ FURNISHINO GOOP jn if i i v half cents per pound including calling for the package and delivering it But for hauls any place In Chicago ing carloads of Uncle Sam’s mall sack they exact elgh cents per pound This looks a little jijee treason doesn’t it? But the worst case of discrimination comes fo pay attention Mr Chas Wood Fassett represents various medical publications at the meetings of various medical assoca-tlo- t s I received a letter from hi m to day inviting me to allow his bureau to WonpER 0tit Sail Stock VI- ” demns It A Year offers the best valuer foftjig : ' V ! east po?sibe money Office Department A9 the postal rate ' The Intermountain Fair la being to publishers on newspapers and maga- 19 ' is class second only week zines rate) this held CltyIdab’o Boise at (the Annabella Irrigation Co vs Rich dT'Bean fit mel'Bapp 1 Vw " v one bent per pdtihd It Is easy to see field Irrigat ion Co et afset for OctobSAPP and BEAN ' that the government loses heavily on er 19 ' ' D H Christenson has resigned as iAxtiyert that elkss of matter On that account State of Utah vs Andraes Bertlesen Will practice in all the State and Fedral of Utah county schools Inottrtt and ’United' Btewrtaad Offlce superintendent great efforts have been made to r The county attorney reported lniuffi Hetsfer Rapp and Bean are able and exsecond-clas- s of postage rate crease the Water land In evidence and the court ordered all cient probate perienced lawyer ' Noble Warren is preparing to begin from one cent per pound to eight cents fining and criminal litigation case dismissed the bWlll attend all session of Qourt In the to succeed the Argus But it has been discoverpound per DUtrloa and adjacent oountles another weekly GOT HIS DIVORCE Judicial Sixth Utah ed that the rdllrads charge the govThe divorce suit of H A Blood vs Offlcwla auderton Building tar carrying the malls much well i rv i ernment a known EvaDS E John t ! UTAH printer RlCHFllLD his wife erley E was heafd and the of Salt Lake City and locai actor' of more than they charge private parties divorce grafted The property was was found dead In his print- for similar service For example they divided ability to aocording stipulation All ECKERSLEY JOSEPH ' ' must1 charge the express companies ing office He had taken iaudumn' children over fourteen years of age much less for hauling their packages were allowed choice of 41tomy at Low guardians All for they will paul fifty or one hundred under said never to News has The Deserat that age given the custody of from Philadelphia to pouuty Attorney for Wayne pounty anything about the document entitl- pound packages the mother Stewart Sc Collins and ' ' much further for example Chicago Rapp 8s Bean were attorneys UTAH ed "The Gospel Concefning Church £0A than an average haul for two and one Martin Christensen was admitted to and State” until recently It now con- t 'tt'i I DISTRICT COURT y Sta ' $150 Richfield Utah Friday October 15th 1897 No 27 Voir f i if i vV |