Show THE SOUTHERN CENSOR VATUMA CHRISTIAN NIT SUMMONS Nothing does a community more HAPP AXI REAM-AT- TY self a for while its to exert than good Is Published every Friday at SUMMONS? ' PERFECT HEALTH REGAINED THE The Censor has before It notes with Nothing hurts a community more If The District Court or th Sixth JudiWONDER OF THE AGE Richfield Sevier County Utah explanations of a sermon preached at than to begin a thing and then give it Tn Tite District Court of tub Sixth cial District or Grandest discovery in the annals of Bf CROSBY Morrison theStatk or Utah Con sty orSEVixii the Presbyterian chapel by the Rev up The idea sterns to be far n current medicine tf Oyler Plaintiff Sarah v vs Guaranteed to cure more disease J II Meteor last Sunday night The that the tabernacle Is a failure and Judicial District of Mlkct V Oyler Defendant! State Directory: than to any other medicine treatmentor Orkbtiho notes indicate and those present with the peonle are slow to exert themselves the State oe Utah County of Tn Stats of Utah HaspsMlkel V Oyler known to the medical professystem whom we have conversed bear out the on ItThe present committee Is a Defendant: sion “No MAN made” remedy but CHITEO STAtESiSENATOBS Sevier You are hereby required to appear in an Indication that the sermon was deset of men and raeane are being ffAttk J Oftdnon nature's’ true panacea action brought apalnst you by the above I J L Rawlins ns Ttahhllt Churl Cfiorte RsVihttt and livered in a slurring way and seemed carefully bandied An excellent archiVatuma Is an antiseptic germicide named plaintiff In tlm District Court of the SEFflSsENf ATI VE TO CONGRESS f ns Babbitt B'OS Plflff lmrtrtrrs Hlxlh Judicial District of tho State of Utah and it of have to a been dictated been his positively dost roys all "microbes' tect has emploved by plans spirit i H King and la answer the complaint fped then In and vs germs of every kind name and GOVERNOR spite and malice Instead of a feeling are being well executed Now let the T MRovn Defendant within ten davs (exclusive of the day of sernature It is healing and soothing to Hobs It' Wells vice) after the sorvlce on you of this sumof good will and brotherly love such ns ppople do their duty and all Is well S r vrff of Utah Rends Greet- mons— tf served within this county: or If the mueuous membrane It will The IEOBETARYOF STATfi was exhibited by the Savior whose doc- The tabernacle must flnd will he Comcure the majority of cases of served out of this county hut In this district ikmtt T Hammond ings to J It Rowe within twenty days: otherwise within forty Bronchitis trines Mr Meteer pretends to expound pleted— the quicker and more Catarrh Dispepsin all STATE AUDITOR: Dnfnndnnt: flnys— or Judirtnen hy default will he taken MdftfAd Richards I Jr Mr Meteefcertalnlv told ohe out the effort the flasler It will be You nroht'rrpy required to miprnr In an airlnst you according to thn prayer of bald Stomach troubles all diseases of tlu notion neatnst von bv thn nbovn STATE TREASURER Bladder Bowels Kidneys Liver Conand out falsehood when be said that done named plnlntlff In the District Court of thn complaint JfrtiCs tihlpman The satd act n Is brnucht lo dissolve the stipation Piles Old Sores Rectal Sixth Judical District of the Mtntn of Utah ATTOBlt the first school In Richfield was openbonds of matrimony etlstlnn between PlainEczema Scrofula Ulcers Diseases nfi Bind to the therein nompl'ilnt i5vim' A 0 Bishop tiff and Defendant For the custody of the Schools nrul ed bv the Presbyterians of day servleeln f' nr within ten ns vNoxelnnl Rheumatism Blood Neuralgia Poison field " is wonder Ricli a doesn’t INSTRUCof Baifl marrlafio ana tlie allowance It IBPBRintenDEnT FUBLld Ihe servi ’O on yon nf this summons— If serv- chlni'cn good ones for a frontier community Defendant Diseased Discharges Diseases peculiar to uL of Plaintiff certain property was dons” It ed within this oonntv'or It served out’ of this have more slcknesstban TION Bald action Is based upon altered adultery to Women Nervous and Physical had In Richfield years before JdUd R Park a common remark last Ratnrdav While coiinty hut tn this district wli hln twenty committed you at divers times during tho Weakness etc by -davs: herwlso within davs or o' forty the first missionary was sent to Rich- ditches were months of January Febuary and March 1897 SUPREME JUUGES hv default will bo taken avilnst you In NO MATTER WnAT YOUR AILMENf being clenned The warm said county Also with desertion of PlainBullies '8 Zane field bv Presbyterians to tbs praver of said complaint or icordlnc where you live write us a full hu In Plaina the causes such water with tiff by you since your marriage growth 0 W BARTOH lob lshronvht to roeover from The act said the lie snolrh in in next l the and Cru-treatment of Plaintiff by you tory of your trouble and our consultplace A MINER ditches that disease germs have an ex- "on the sum of Sixty Dollars plphtyflve cts tiff j to of causing Plaintiff great ing physician will advise you what tfl the extent vetsixTiIUisTRiUf: terms of the DISTRICT judge for most slurring mean cellent chance to grow All who drink allotted to ho due to °la'nti 'f from you tor bodily Injury and mental distress Wm M McCarty do in order to regain your health dewares and sold mods merchandise and And yon are hereby notified that If you eran pioneer and president Wilford to Inis free and sacredly conare water constantly exposed Bt ditch Consultation livered sneelul to Plaintiff your yon by IsvieB county oirectoRvi fall to app“ar and answer the said complaint Woodruff claiming that he had no von promts as above stance which and reuuofctnndfnr Terms fidential will said very low For proofs apthe some are Is there disease It true that plaintiff required COMMISSIONERS ed nod to pay to Plaintiff the said for the relief demanded 2 totlio stamina nor backbone if that vetcourt cent encloso ply stamp good wells in town but In manv parts snniof HKtv Dollars and elvhtvflve cents R R Bell Glenwood Witness THE HONORABLE JUDGE and Local agents wanted everywhere eran pioneer has nostaminaand worth For full particulars see complaint nowon the Heal of H Robinson Saiitia the District Oourt of the Sixth No cauvasslng only poor water Is found The only (He In mv olflcn We advertise you in Is which hereto acopyof to him whore Is there a man inaliUtab Judicial District In and for the State of J A Ross Joseph wav to avoid disease germs had well attached Address with home 30 paper Rlchdoid Utah your this dddriiy (jierk— Sam’l G Olark Rev Mr Meteer must has’ The that And you aro hereby notified that If yon Is to of work lots Richfield water and hard pav Recorder— Maud Spencer Layton In the year of our Lord one stamp day of Aug fall to appear and answer tlies dd complaint Moriroe remember that to go through such Assessor— Jos A Smith seven THE VATUMA COMPANY ninetyClerk and theh as above required the said plaintiff will tahe thousand eight hundred8 and taxes two for heavier years G Clark Richfield Sheriff— John W Coons as the first settlers of Utah Dolhardships sum Dean for avalnst Indcment the CHICAGO IU Z12 and Sixty you BOX Kapp O P Monroe put in a system of water works fiiipt Schools— Jacob Magftby Attorneys tor Plaintiff lars and elshtyfive cents together with the SEAL f Tax Collector— went through when driven from their Treasurer and costs herein Richfield S P Hansen homes in illlnois and seeking Shelter Witness The Honorable Indite and the First PubllcatloH Soptnmber 3 — Richfield McUahlol Prosecuting Att’y EW “i am going to vote forthemen that Seal of the District Court of the Sixth JuSalln In these mountains required lots of farreyor— P D Shoebar Dlst-lIn and forthebtntf of Utah showed their colors during the water dicial stamnia said County this 22nd day nf Sept In the CITY DIRECTORY MaTOR— Theodore Rrandley The trouble A man that will not stand ur 'enrofour Vord one thousand elitht hunRegarding broken promises My Old Kentucky Home COUNCIL— E 0 Peterson has no huisness dred and ninety seven 8 G dark Clerk people of Utah voted for a constitu- for the city’s rights Jensen jMN P and being ft ftity officer and if he wouldn’t tion that prohibits polygamy Peterspn seal Morten JenSon for those rights during that ' If you believe in S11 ver 16 to 1 and Joseph S Horne they will do nothing to prevent the stand up conflict he never will" said a Main who it of those meals good beds that invite to Carl Goldbrahsen good punishment practice I'hst Publication Oct i Sigurd Loa and Coyote ore the man James Christiansen Those business Street never Mormon Church the dreams but promissleep and pleasant good Peace — Simon Christensen Stage Line Ideas The first thing in ed to W Blomqulst family ties already form- Censor’s nookMagiiAinex LUMBER jV FOR OTJCE ileebrder— I J Stewart ed and the more reasonable people do the approaching citv election js to have GRASS AND RABBIT VALLEY POPeterson DirII I Vipers not ask it They promised and have a council that will follow up the work Tho undersigned hoard of of John W Coons ROUTE X S3 Niels L Anderson Elsinore D's'rlct No 4 sevler Co Utah will and a already clone by the present council allow to the promise faithfully kept IV M receive hub for tho following bill of lumber Physician— H E Neill no more polygamous marriages but to bo delivered at Elsinore or at the Mills tt’’’”’ Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morning Wayne nptoSo'-hie- li p m Oct 15th 1H97 when all the gentleman speaks falsely when he except Sunday reach Burrville at and bids Pocial Hull the at wlllle epuped Is said that God cursed Adam it COMMISSIONERS as is on carried cont-nfeel at noon to and lowest makes awarded that the that says responsible go on to Loa or Coyote that polygamy you when he made him get out and work b'thiir 1 lie'! limber Is to tie delivered on or Alonzo Billings Fremont as was ever on in It now night home with a Sample Room briskly Utah hftve been looked upon as a bofoie EeP 1st 18B7 Call ou trustees to see Teaadale Charles Snow Accomodations for passengers an4 ill becomes Mr Meteer to de It may street go to It speddc-- i hirsTlie Board reserve the right t0 Main Giles Levi C White for carrying ex press acuities curse by the Orientals hut not by the rejert - y and all bids hot advantageous to nounce the Mormons the way he did FillmoTe Brothers District the EdtTNTY CLERK A COUNTY RECORDER modern people The best way to raise THE KENTUCKY HOUSE LUMRER RTLL When he first came here was well Burrville & M HAnsea Loa a to them workThe only 24 pieces 2X12—2(1 feet long white pine Utah Kcvler Co Monroe treated by that people They invited family is let Proprietors nations tjiat are any worth to the Assessor him to speak at one of their conferen world are those that have to work The fdli-- i it Carlow Cainesvllle ces lie pretended to be so Ch rlstian man who places his son or daughter BHEBIFFD yet fcls sermons his public and pri need of effort has done 8eo Chippell Lymatl vate actions and his every conduct beyond the a child rank Injustice We are that have beeD most bitter and un Chris bupt schools: Show your regard for those Who for the boy that never has to W E Robison Loa tiari He came here to teach “peace sorry have gone before in work tbHasurer on earth good will to men” and tt-Loa 1 T A Jeffery brought with a son to be the most proprosecuting atty: fane person In our town and another For several years past the Countv Loa icrsley to abuse the best most progressive commissioners have been receiving and most respected men in pur com' bridges over ditches and then taking munities and now by his Sunday’s care of the bridges from that time on lias established his night sermon he but follows up the No man has a right to create ah everCo-o- p COMFORT pathway he and his sons started on a lasting expense for the community to 8800 feet of surfaced sheeting red pine or balsam is secured by soon as they came here and have ever and 4200 feet Of surfaced ua'tlve squareedged pay If he dig's k ditch acrosS the or balsam white followed' since pine road he should then put a bridge over flooring do hiving dry 4500 feet of Xx4 Walnscoatlng of clear pine it and further he shofild keep that 48 pieces 2x10-- 28 feet long Oregon fir door yards " i “ 2x10--32 “ ““ ““ In repair bridge " “ 2x10-- 28 8 Yards ONLY FIRST-CLAShas been had re Considerable A and deter-mlde- d deter-mine- d hart-bee- Judv-'nO'- it ay-e- ed J ct up-ro- county directory Hospitality et u- Remember the Dear Departed ‘ Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones ARTHUR HENRIE ES: Marble Works on Center St East of is prepared to make grave Store all kinds of stones and Cemetery Work Dry Door talk S tt gardlng President Woodruff’s sermon ' W G Baker dropped in to see the and much bitterness has been indulged e£ves‘trough Woodruff meant in If President by Censor one day last week Mr Baker which Is to takes an intelligent view of a newsthat sermon that the be had at were to become one bodypolitically as paper when he remarked that it should well as one body ecclesiastically such be the servant of the people An editor a move Is not right If however he can not be hindered from saying what meant that this unnatural and unbe' he pleases but it is a duty Be owes coming partlsanism should be laid the public to be tneir servant more aside and that the people should seek than their master to put good persons instead of gooc party members into office his advice There are three papers published In the Babbit Valley Country? has been needed for years And from In Sevier County Last year the Couns what is known of the desires of the delinIf g 4 the best plaso to obtain ty commissioners ordered the of and charact the church authorities id with us quent tax list advertised In one' anc Woodruff every one didn’t President erof give the others any "show This bur store is now located at the new will naturally infer the latter unless year the commissioners gave all them lownsite where We are prepared to he is prejudiced against the Mormon a chance asking all to bid on it The lake iWrj eggs grain of the people people new method is the fairer and best ind sell them to you ' a l No store gives more for the money i: ii'Just lately the glass manufacturers a if o store gives more for the produce have formed a trust That sets us to There will not be ticket in the field at Richfield this falli ball and see us thinking The benefits of organiza- That does not hinder the people 'from! ' i C" ' tion are so great that a few rich men Mansfield Mercantile Co votes vot? for casting : n'cr wm p who organize and work to a system ThUrber Utah the best candidates no matter whichj can control demand and use the proticket they are on ducts of millions of laborers If the laborers strike and want part of the ' 't''it’C General Wood Worker profits other men are put in their The Ogden Commonwealth speaks I am proprietor of places If they then become angry and in high terms of the lecture course' the only planing mill attempt to use force they became law that has been prepared for Richfield breakers and the majority of the Now let the people show their appreciIn Richfield the best country Bides against themOur system ation by purchasing season tickets one lfi Sevier County would do well if our rich men were an'It Turned Work Holding gels hut being only mortals they abuse Thomas Kearns has won the seducleugh or Planed Lumber the tights we give them tion suit brought against him by Miss is always on band Wray but that dosn’t prove his mordifficult hnd Is I ani prepared to take al some character any better to those who It time very V n oDe’s very dlsagreeble to do dutyLast ollowedthe case mWRCtor for any sort hoodlumiam was growing Very winter carpenter work fast the Censor kindly but firmly conball on me for an estimate v demned It The order of the town has J C Andersom fading Equitable beefi ever so much hotter since then are secured by l “ Xx4 L&G Vertical Grain Oregon flr flooring No 1 J W Slyvester O Herumnson Trust) es ) Thus Niolsuu 5000 INSCRIPTIONS - Latter-day-Sain- ts 6regos Tin Shop Will you winter SHEEP suji-tile- :: n' n ) ft T atthe BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will sudely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never he used except on prescriptions from reputable physt clans as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly nail’s Catarrh recleve from t!hem Cure inauufactured by F J Cheney '&Ca Toledo 0'coritains no tnerctiry anil :is ‘taken internally acting direct l'y Upon tlio 'blood' and mucous surfaces of tlie 'system In buying 'Hall’s Ca tarrh 'Cure 'tie sure 'you ’get the genuine We taken Internally and made in Toledo '6fi to byF 'J Cheney '& Co est 'mentals free "Sofd ty ’ijrWgt3t9‘pfice'75c per bottle I K WRIGHT & SONS Pioneer JUST Oil RECEIVED-- House ) A Lot Of WHITEWASH BRUSHES Paint Brushes Paints and Oils Glass Sash Doors Lath Iron Roofing etCt Farmers Attention Machine Oils Call and get my prices Don’tforget the plate I K before you order WRIGHT and SONS THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS ‘ffailWamily Fills are the best Mccouri Pacific R’y Tie 'Colorado Short Line to Kansas City bt Louis Mo and all points South and East Free reclining chair cars and Pull man palace sleeping cars of most eleDirect connections at gant design the magnificent Union Station St Lcuis for every where Tickets on sale at all stations on Rio Grande Western Railway E J Flynn II B Koosar C F &P A T F &P A Salt Lake City Utah In Sevier County We have constantly on hanA Coffins Caskets Trimmings Burial clothed Handles Screws and the like We are prepared to take charge of preliminaries fOT funerals and to do other services usually rfc quired of undertakers HORNE !& MILLER TWO BLOCKS WEST OF THE COURT li£)Ug& Richfield |