Show f‘v Ik J - 1 ' RICHFIELD Eggs 15 cents at Orrock's Bp JBagley drove down Low Koosh unhitched m t ehbiifc They Is iiorflfifroiriliankg (t8aiirdacl’' tdd soon Stoves by the carload lot rti Brflitrio Aiex Fraser will leave tor his inis ' MI$s Mina Itodeback is saleslady Ibe Chicago Store r ! i ” at I r Wood Censor wanted on subscription at the office loads of wood Wanted— Twenty-fou- r on tabernacle subscription v aqd stone cutters need- More-mason- s ' ' - T Daniels & Cravens Electric & Sped and alty Co is billed to dpp'ear in this We are badly la need of a grist taill that lie went in a fit or trance ofi is a for next This dead? City Wednesday as we fcfiri raise excellent gralrl atifi lotk they took it show that is seldom seen out side of of it to the acre here Tile threshing machine is at Box ii will soon melropolitain cities They carry with There is lots herfc fQr prooq i&dustr Crqek now and we hope it them an electric lighting plant with Sre bl we neediug that could be made come our way tous setfliirs Honles i which the hall will be more brilliantly I V "I I for flour and we can raise any iittje grain we have ' o1” illuminated than was ever before pos- quitereasonaole ' the go They are are all thing t buyers ptock sible: nor Is that the oqly use to which r t’1 i (’iirtt'i it v where Every now and hen atj optflt is seep here and there and every this model plant is put This enterthe Colorado fllve wjlth A large sheep herd passed through prising company are the first to ven- gongtoward belief a few a tnat equipments apd this morning enroute for the north ture opt side pf electric light towns VV f make can their fortune and tho first to introduce tho gijcat they " ’ There are a few rifeeling under'I the ' j electric vitascop e in the west The William Bright baa discovered a weather on account of it being so h stage performance opens with a rous a plqn to catcl the finest gold pe de- changeable ng farce after whlci specialty per: clares tnat he can work ten cent dirt wortc to Dr Smith got considerate formers hold sway fcrr 30 minutes the and make It pay (1 - j :n fio while here took all of our young ufii curtain falls but tbe performance goes Dr Wpolman has just moved to been in Jqdies teeth and if he had pot on the great vltascope now fills the Castle Valley’ the BNfcty a hurry he might have got i in mp r void reproducing plays operas races too next T CPect) wtyl ttu? old maid’s prize fights etc etc These are life 'Friday nlgh From one of your readers a be tendered farewell pifty ad the size scenes and given with every move followingJdojiday he will leave for an ' of t ’ ’ ' W W Clark gave birth to a phild yesterday afternoon and the jittle one died last night ’ Mary I Jones has entered suit for Mrs " nii - - mechanic’s lien W Long nd wle against George turn and every action The jurors have been drawn for the every For want of original subject Cbmlng t6rm of court time we do uot publish the list the Kmr-liB- h 11 to-da- y Biti teplyi-J-Tit-- bom-pan- y THE W01XDER offers the Beit values fBfthq least possible money Gur Fall Stock OF ' Eastern state mission Ss i p' i f'VIf i - NOTIONS TRIMMINGS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR CLOTHING abb GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS DRY-GOOD- ii ‘ forceclosure under NEWS OF THE WHElfL ! 1 Fall line of stoves and 'furnishings ptBolltho and Lewis d i r tho tabernacle i ’ji at work 1 - i II f ed on is stnckorl 1 Teachers examination is being held here today There are ten applicants " ofJtwi'na are still allrt and hard trying to got nw their grain crop of lucerne But It will The ppople Jos-an- lion Sunday Frank Spencer is working in the It not put such a ticket la the field Therefore the two parties will put up 6 w office at Provo' tickets in the near fdtfure Mrs Eliza Boss has been selected as deputy recorder by Mrs Layton crop fUNNY THINGS Very Unkind of H Lm—C umBO”Tha8 In Spain bull fighting on bicycle ia parrot ia a male” Mrs Cumso (girestly — “How do you known becoming popular Not long ego Carlos interested) — HatleW Senor end Cumco— “It doesn’t talk” Ilodr'gues a famous cycliat Badila a famous picador mounted on Life “There Is fiomething ntjrnngo about cycles tackled a bull in the arena in anld thq Madrid The bull won — in n cautwr lb sc wuMJiie dislurUuU-eyoq earth “fiin vw known yawns rmu UmUK’litful It is said that one wheeler has earned $10 Dec in pnzi Know when it is most active”—lles'Ott alone during the past seven months TrauBtadpt One lady Bnid to ahothetl “HiVwirotl apart from the heavy retainer which ho ? We nid h Mom receives from the tire and bic ole manu- been to church facturers whose properties ho use bedUtif ill feerman oh training children” It Is claimed for the Botton Bicydo “No I Was at home doing it” wU t club that it Is the oldest In the country It wad bounded February 11 ltd 8 add is A Valid Reahbh — iiagistrale-2"- !! fetiil in vigorous existence with a mem- you were innoeeht why did yod riift bership Of about 100 Hdcrs despite its uwny the moiheht the Jjollceinan Mild that fatm? blit irldeis of at least ten peai'ed ?” bat— ‘‘faecatise yerbonwy years’ standing Ore eligible tor election thim tops do be alwiyi arristin Ihi In order to give the 1817 models a wrong marL’— Harpet’l Baair H hhte just thought 'of another dlfc thorough road test one company hasi bad 15 bicycles of text yecr’j pattern On ference between h ndby Hhd E bow: the toad dujly tsinfcd August 8 They remarked Mr Bloomfield as he carried hare been ridden each day and tho his youngest thickly dressed Id boldj reports that It U fullj satisfied weathbr clothes froid th? hbuSe to tha With the test During that time wher- street oar “I tupposo( I must listed ever ininor dcfectB were discovered they to it” replied Mrs Bloomfield resignedtvero corrected in a second lot of 15 bicy- ly “It’S tlils: A oow weighs leas when cles which Were subjected to the same it is dressed and a baby weighs mort’’ kind of testing —Pittsburgh Cbroniclielsgdspid ' KOOSIIAREV and and tLo foui tli n giow ing ram In tiie wmug Umi Tim molasses crop of CJalhesvllle isn’t On Saturday afternoon Tnillan to be suiiled at This town and neigh his little two j ear old child boring rancher? rained ofer 2000 gait over with the mail and stoptame nshere On Monday ped with our tribe find A cannery herb wouid plehtjr iti morning Jim Arapeen Came to send find word home that tho child wa s Very have climate land the We put up facilities to rai9o500t) bushels of tdma-toe- s sick Before eleven o'clock Jesse came and could sell thirn at ft very lov? and kaid that the child was dead The toniiilodV spojls-oirfigure Our fruit feQffii’ was ma4c by the people while have no demand wfille idferior Ipro the Indians sent word the baby wa? ducts are brought from California alive I saw Jltxi again he said it rtas Trdisecl 400 Turner Lorenzo bushels stlli sick hut could eat a little and ' of lovely fifcttciie’sl Irillsl t'ddf be told how It acted We take from was to decide whcthel or no£ a non fcartisdn ticket should be put iu the field for the coming election After some discussion It was decided to Lewis find Bio third the wagon A miss fneetlntf was held lafet eteffi ingatthe Academy nail Tlib objec ' fibvr ILLEi ITEMS Our harvest las beu extra gjod so far and all are still bus gathering tun gnu fell down and tUa wugoa &iil down the bill Although the team was fractious they were kept quiet and hd ' harm resulted It V “ a rem yesterday Or live way while coming down a slippery hill a tug became The C oop has Its stock ot tt i Hock Ilallic Gaiducr CAINES S almost cbtnplete Bear in mind that we do not have a single dollars worth of old shop worn goods '1 Everything Is bright new stylish and seasonable Every article in the store is a bargain and a money Baver to our PROGRAM FOR CONJOINT SESSION Assessor Jphn Curfew Is improving- v :'7 M his place materially MONROE Monroe Xr1M I A October 3 1897 Cravens Electric and 97 1W John Cotrell recently traded one 1 Opening Exercises Sept is billed to be here next Sf&clalty Co Sub Smith A to 2 Lecture Signs looks fresh be and Jos clean and Is thought house for seven Every thing Wednesday evepitjg s he of the Times because traded poorer aftejr tiepin O U Bean and Jas B Sorenson Song Ella Goold & Co We will need still more district Portman Eectol Will teach oursohool ire paying' Richfield a visit— Incik Recitation May Tuft ' school teachers in the not far distant this winter dentally taking examination 5 Essay Nephi Nielson costumers ' Call in and see for yourself no trouble to show goods ( 30-- rV-r- f i future r‘ STOVES— Cook stoves and heating C$ves In all and Lewlth- sizes and prices at i - 1(J l The home of Arthur and Plienie Bolitho Keeler is also brightened up with a a new boy borp 11st Saturday night s1 k LOA fi ’ j t ' - V ' 7 V ment to Mrfe Born: September 28th a Lota Brown nice lb boy Qrgn Solo Clifra Niles Short Talk Mutual Improve- 8 f 1 BUDGET Dax Krofki) Prop t8 Goold j is a promotor of domestic happiness A Carpenter ca pot do Song Thomas Ranson Si Co with poor tools nor can i£ood food be cookdoa a poor stove Recitation Alvida Quist 2 Naser &Co Rose i Song Comic Recitation Jno AVebb Jr we have tiie last stock of ' Vocal Solo Qhrlstie Nielson 1 Registration in both precincts of y Ncphl NielsOU' tiro North Monroe ’Richfield can be done from October 12 have begun to wonder what People 10 of to Octo’)'ii 2G W II Clark and W G teacher Wears “a great big” smile kind of a country Rabbit Valley is galate result a new son of course Raker Tjfo frost yethut-lte- j ping to bo now 12 ' Lake of Salt Thorne Bros Owen end of rain the wain crop was ueve? j&o' GeuigJ '0' Nelson has' a flock of School and good but it begins to look like it would : blooded phultry of whi'ch Me Is Justly weie visitors at our Sunday jjj Sabbat Ji shock In the wratO! the if Democratic Call spoil proud Th Wo breeds aro Leghorns Meeting — ' — 's Died— this Woruiug ind Brsihma gid d7T?r’l fkpr up m tbl’ ‘I COu i mli A Ujlla illTllcti Liston came up fey to Quiets l'hln !’(f Vlh'Ghipte exhibition'’ ever os IT S Washburn after a severe ‘ulit-'d ‘V of the f'ily of the CltV of1 t ’held ’ID r Richfield will be next Wed- ness of about two weeks creek ytstrrda i" prve up n fils Hereby called to assemble at Amici on schools homestead nesday evening They arc said to be Supt Magleby is visiting urf Ilall m the In sain city u ihuisf’uy he visited he as has wonderful exhibition?-every hay As far Auhih I 'tain Drill Wtart tomorrow OdtobfirH at 8 p m' to nominate a I ver a n are prosperous scl1003 The train has changed time so that say9 for Ephraim where she will attend ticket for city officers to be voted for ’ condition school this winter Bell Forsyth Loren at tbe November election t arrives at Sigurd 2:47 Richfield 3:07 ’Elsinore 3:27 Joseph 3:39 ih’frbmcil iloitlhlsinohn Martin L Btdwn leaves It Wears now Tat'lor and Willard Goff will leave in 7 I B Artthe homfe Precinct Chairman of for the north at the same time a few days for Provo to attend u little girl called at the 11 for Y Academy 4 Ttais Is Uot election year but wo hur and 'Violet Forbush asking I ITC: ’"tin keep the county hot by tho best permanent lodging Bp Ldti White addressed the Saints We of stoves west of the Rocky! Lorenzo Llsoubee ha3 hot been seen in Loa last Sunday Estray Notice J I have in my possession an impoundI on our streets the last day or two he Some of the people here were mountains Bolitho and Lewis ed animal described as follows: c’ut t0 tae the nee to not does house lbbm new see adobe' a Louis are AhTftinlgray mare about two years Parlors to complete-The St now for a new 3on on right thigh aa beokb branded air old' sunlight south up all of a sudden on the ly fill with new fall and winter goods I shines inhi3 own home call and inspect Some latest styles it belongs to John T Laenby most d of our south of the block one A threshing machine from pud lowest prices i j0s Nilsson also a horse bead with I ' to tho Crys2t lar young men’ lias gone has set in George J Forsylh’s I Mansfield land Mine or Crystal SuW Mill Monroe yard this evening' A rumor has freely circulated lately al Joe for I secm3 t0 attractions do iave Shores have Just brought In a new above it on left that Mrs Layton intends resigning thigh more any separator so Rabbit V alley will 'ioon If said animal' is no claimed and her position as county recorder but Tennisj Mor tensen also had the mis- be threshed out if it gets dry enough taken away within ten days from date she Informs the Censor that such Is i ' I will sell the same on Monday ' Oct fortune to lose his baby girl the child to haul the grain pot the case 4 at 10 a tn at the town pound Mon seemed well with the ex ’ The firm of narington and Pace are roe A coincidence in the county' record apparantly of a slight cold but when en building an addition on to their harceptions Dated Sept 24 1887 er’s office Is that 81E0 were the reto the bed to take the babe up ness shop we wibh the little follows C A Winget going 815090 was n ceipts last quarter and success i mother found ldcad the Keeper of the Monroe Town Pound taken In during the quarter ending Joe Hutdlilsoa will return to his Mr O3bome of Gold Mountain 19 yesterday seen on our streets Mr Osborne is home inMonroe tomorrow llemasbeeq Nel Annie Miss and Miller J John about 10 days j Estray Notice down for the purpose of moviog his at the Blackburn house son were married at the Maoti temple I have In my possession 'the followIurniture and household goods out of under the care of Doctor BlaoW?urn Both are well and - last Wednesday Thurber from ing described animals: One brown theoldnarris residence which is to He was brought here Is mare branded favorably known in our midst May and broken collar booe Har Ills Martin with on the by thus boccupled this winter much Joy attend them through life now getting along nicely 5 -- A GOOD COOK ITOVE S W t j 1 — goodjo IREMEMBER THAT II' i lt ’ Un-jAfi- 1 m Uj- - - I 1 r J 1 The-Elsinor- Co-o- p whea you need WJANSFIjELD CO 4 sup-prise- TIIURBER WAYNE COUNTY d store: mv located at 1 y N 1 i r 1 popu-Ban- k Glen-w’oo- 4 ‘ UTAH ’ 1 4 4 FIRE FIRE j MERCANTILE - The New Townsite Best Values in Ail Lines AGoodLiqe of Ranch and Range Supplies BUSINESS" WITH ' SHEEP AND CATTLEMEN ESPECIALLY DESIRED BOOKS AND PICTURES A panorama of holl has ' just painted by a number of Italian amj Hungarian artists They have asked King Humbert to inspect iL Kaiser Wilhelm’ ortistio collaboration with Prof Knackfuss 'fcoritinueL The next result of it will be a plctiifo representing the Holy Roman Emperor J of the Middle Ages on Italian aoil A new edition of “Frankenstein"! coming out in a few months th volume being printed with illustrations No intimation is given as to whom the ' illustrator w ill be The late Sir John Millais’ Ineotne ranged os high fis 8100000 In hi$ best years and from an early date in his ca Largest Best and Cheapest line of reer his terms for portraits exceeded those charged by Sir Joshua Reynolds in the County An aunt of S R Crockett says thft Positively the Highest price paid in his boyhood he was willing to make any sacrifice for" books and saved for Calves’ 'Eggs Grain etc every penny with that object in view As he grew older he would spend days BOUGHT AND SOLD Lumber Lath and Pickets Good upon the hills studying the landscapes he would portray with his pen Bargains on second hand Horse power and drive well machinery WHEEL TALK Give us a call Will treat you well Tahiti until withfn e fw years a M W MANSFIELD Mgr cannibal inland has advanced to tbe point of patronizing bicycle races Tbe surest way to locate a puncture is to lather some soap and smear it CYCLING AND SPORTS over the tiro A soap bubble will form over every puncture no matter how The telegraph messengers in populeft thigh one sorrell horse branded lous French town uS bicycles for the small it may be and it can then be redistribution of their telegrams paired in the usual way oc tbe left shoulder thus Skating and cycling sown to have a Judge John O Smith of Snvunnah Ga found it difficult to keep cyclists special affinity as dthlotic pursuits and from a private path belonging to him n proficient at one is usually a gobd so he sprinkled 500 yards of it with performer at the other Tho exhilaration ftttaohbig tb tho sense of speed and If not called for or taken away broken glass Fulton Canada of Florida lias just the case of motion pertaining to bo£h will be sold to the highest cash bidder a three weeks’ alligutor is no doubt the source qf attraction on tbe 7tb day of October 1897 at 2 returnedHefrom A California woman ia reported to killed 298 alligators averaghunt o’clock at the Lyman estray pound ing nix feet long during the time for have ridden over Mount St Helena on her wheel The distance U 14 miles which he received 814534 Wayne County and the rj)ad steep and dusty No menWilhelm a has silver Kaiser designed Erastus Sorenson cup which ho will offer os a prize for tion Is made of how many times she Pound Keeper a yacht raoe from Dover to Heligoland got off and walked and only time can next year after the celebration of tho tell what damage she has done to her system by such a toHsome and fool60th anniversary of his grandmother’s accession to the throne of Great Brit- hardy trip Our Trade Gudws with each year Inain Eight soldiers Of tho Twenty-fiftfour and the customer gets a fair share United with States Miss Nellie Ross ik a champion Idle fantry ormj0? the profits She has invented ilavi’ rations furl aeeout rements hau Try trading with flyer of California front Fort MieHOula t luarrel kite nhich looks more like made the HnriL'-ioMoat 132 mil" in 33 end-Ito nllroni the with STUCK flattened a CAPITAL TAKE Includ'd 'J lionrv on bieveJK le out than trip tiling "! t your b w1 of the profit at liit ktlIH mure ’e inn ) The of the Rooky range h’l ridorS or c wlw'cls with of t ft e "’’I h il it of hit weight ng liable ‘lit jin Gents-Furnishing- v s ( ’ 1 I ris and family Everyone desires to keep informed District school opened here Monday j on Yukon the Klondykc and Alaskan with Miss Maiben of Provo Mr9 gold fields Send 10c for large Co m- Allie Clark and Mr? Lewis Jones as pendium of vast information and big teachers There will be two more and color map to Hamilton Pub Co In possibly three more teachers needed dianapolls Ind In the near futnre two in our district The new change of timo plays the aad one in North Monroe deuce with business communications Our most worthy Attorney seems ' between Richfield and Grass and Rab--' to think “baby tending” a better pay bit Valleys It will now take a week business than the law ottice when 'to communicate with Thurbcr and ing ' you call and he is not at home just from four t& five days to get return step Into ’the Dr’s nursery and you will from Loa sure find him there Well old bov we Jlai Krotkif the enterprl9ingmerch - arc inclined to beleive you are about fint has been Joined Tby his brother Sol right at the rate they are coming to so all this week they have been pre our town now A professional “tend paring a room in the Wright P'""1 diiiand c Vr n Mor1 pt1 vtli iruo m lomur-- i i' will rei’lanny v Orii’u there they will add furrjitr The In" niiu’ did nnd lire to Hip Urns huh r' curir 'loribiu’ hui ic cicxtin'l?tii) a ‘ i- - - ’ ! r- i CO J V J I W i j 1 a Last Thursday evening of Loa assembled at the people the home of Father Okerlund where a picnic party was to be given la honor ot Ole his son who lives in Lyman wardand who will soon depart to fill a mission It 1 was soon apparent that the house was to small for the crowd so we adjourned ' an to the school house where of consisting excellent program songs rdcitatians and speeches was carried out Some of the yoiing people proposed we finish up withi dance Hans M Ilanson consented1 to play and N L Sheffield ollered the use of his hall over the brick store So we al CDjoyed ourselv"? in thecliinre unti lit tic A n'(-the 'vie small” - " is bf B’o i up for Lro j 'M '"mi hi hwibimmy - J fr I1' i ' ) I" ’ Growing Larger h - 1m- j- - Vf i " el-- e ' ih-- 1 i IS- ? S’ iV - 1 i i fltt ’ v4 - j t Cl r III 1 in-- ) a- -J LI 0 win-- 10 pounds |