Show f V jyM vv - ‘V V- r Viar 4 - "(1 ' if anoyr Toincin serif mls There seems to be some cranky men in Jayson wbo foreveTget young vu crated lfl Rft1 umtUlI ruccr-Tt- y T‘1 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT! ting angry (bfecause to u hers of the' B JfinlfflkanvCity an I El cbfcld wer SicriFinib- - SBViftft County Utah tjRt Y Academancf L S V Ilegc talk the only towns of the sta to fh? t hnq fcchoob 6f favor in church aud clalln MORRISON OBtOS AND BY By lately opened high schools Rut now U-i-sectarian education that is the better Tin-tiwe arc deluged withromictlcn'seems’to Thdre morally be soniethlng ad Pleasant rack City ‘Ogdon l directory: flie young men woulddr Claim in tlie (do wu sfec the outlyJIow street! oftun have all opened liigh schools t is said streets f orr towns covered with n’t notice-whae proud of this me vd for it be- ing u STATES t SENATORS UNITED brush unlined with side walks and Trank J Cannon speaks a new eta for tlio education of flooded with wnste water It should J L Rawllbf “ Tne Sallna Press in its last issue UtabIt was but a few v o'srs after our REPRESENTATIVE to ffcSftHtS1 he aim of fivop-- towi? to jiake a state was settled Vtliui tl k Crilvuisltj W II Ijlt-glories because the days of degredatiqn good ImpnNsidfi u‘a stiargers find It ' "’“GOVItWIV and polygamy arc over In the previwin tl uteri hut It brCPn compelled &ebe M ‘Wells work can be done with very little laljr A ous issue it to do very Htll’bU hirU deprecates the sexual im llOUETARY OE STATE ' The B Y few minutes spe'at now and then will morality of the state That immoral-itlate year within until Tf Jpei nmjmn soon grub tbo rush by one lot away STATE AUDITOR! didn’t exist in the polygamous Academy has been a nobl e Institution Vvepds - “Morgan Richards !Jr u bv The block aivi quickly cut to be one of the best normal destined bays of Utah Brother Howard Did a sey th's Waste ditches require STATE TREASURER with so had It has west In but the schools it ever occur to you that the two facts Jmos j Chjpmau " do only a few furrows plowed Do not : nv’Cb of the T'rpintor f be related as cause and effect for your neighbor to’iead out In might A 0 BlshQp never been adlo to do its wait has it hat ItPUBUO INSITIUC ’UfERINTENDENT Be a leader your self at least once self JueHce The Agrlcu itural Collepo this tion and somo one else will follow when he Bro Kennef of tne Great Compalgn has had piofessors corco here to teach Jolm R Park complains that the Censor does not ibvanced branches and they have pces the good results SUPREME JUDGES glyejt thOhonor of having an original Charles 9 Zane ' gone away disappointed Xor the lack of name With Great lit front of CamG W BARTOE Parties In politics like policoiuaq In ? students Uptil lf87 tli B Y College J A MINER paign the name Is new but Campaign DISTRICT JUDGE FOB 8IXTH:PISTRICT was hardly able tJ get cbmretnt h'gn a crowd are good when needed but lu is far from being an original name " Wm M McCarty students let aloae college stud- the way if people knowqenonifh to do cousn dibectcryi school ents Thus all of ouis larger schools with out thctuv Were a fire to occur in There are two classes of gold bug COMMISSIONERS bTvetteeo'held in ctie? ‘fe for the waat a theater ten well armed policerpan " ’ One class believes In the gold standard H H Bell Glenwood of high schools But fi bother year lihe would no doubt do much to save life W H Robinson Sallna J A Ross Joseph the last and there wtl lbe most enough and limb lmt only because the people because they have the gold The other t class believes n itbecausetheRepudll1 RlchQold County Clerk— Sam’l 0 Olaylt high schools to apco'naodate the stud- would otherwise make a disordered Richfield Recorder— Maud Spencor Layton can not the Democratic party declared Monroe ents No let our h itlicr Institutions rush but t be policemen are nevertheAssessor— Joa A Smith r Richfield ha W Coons not stand in their jifm way If thore less in the ay In the approaching city in favol- of it To which class does the Monroe Richfield Advocate belong? gpt Schools— J acob ilaglebyTax Collector-BP is any ono thing 'that will kill klie campaign it is Just that way Party freaiurer and Rlchflold high’1 school movement It is the II a Hansen politics would but be lu the way at the ‘ McDaalol Richfield Prosecatlng Atfy-E- W YAcad' theTJnh ersityB f ealn people voting for the best men “When I vote for a president of the D Shoslw ButwynreP f 7 v So injritlcoto the lugti al etf men led have the emy city’s leading United States I consider principles CITY DIRECTORY school piovemenW ind to themsavc- out in a nave that will prove of great muoh and men little When I vote for MAYOR— Theodore Brandley ' O PeterSon v‘ let these schools leave' oft nheir value to tire city ‘ OOENpELE city or fcounty officers I consider wheX JM Jensen ' ' thus N PetersaO' compelling P4 coupes pifciaraloiy ther or not they are men of good -I MOUcn Jensen ' and the at up attendance bpildino i Joseph S H ’pram II Cannon r What little beings the majority of schools’ Jfe sound tliij note of ' i ' high j Goldbnneen i Recorder— Carl ' Treasurer— fames Christiansen varnihg and ask that brothers editors federal appointees aje Out of all the J A road that is in a fairly good con Christensen justice of the Pace-SImgoverno rs Arizona has had in thirteen Oi the state jo'n us in the work Marshal— O' WG Biomqulst Our high school in Iticllleld should years o nly one was a man of any co- dition will be very rough after the City Attorney— I J Stewart storm Yet! our roads are only put in a Street Supervisor— PCPeterson' todtyhavea hundred students raid nsequent Very few of the officials who Poundkeeper — John W Coons seven ty of them have gone ndrth to do havhtn sent to Utah have been big good condition once a year in the fall ' - water Master Niels I Anderson M “ Quarantine Phys!cIan-T- U K Nolll D' work they could do heie and nliey enough to figure in local affairs if they just beforerthe wintei uorras TP SOUTHEEN CENSOR - Little tiling 3toll a g’roat deal In this warm: Turns RffTtcr get a person- - into a town for tJi a first i me without he sees the outskirts and intuitively he forms an opinion of tile place before he reaches main street Yet how often Is tb nil of ttio funds upehton qaain e State ‘ - 1 i ’ hl ’1 y t wm-kt- ‘ATTORNEY-GENERAL- Glen wood l 0-r- ’ 9 A-TUMA- - ‘ mSFCCT DEALTn TJ Ah medicine Gmiiantocd to cure more diseases other medicine treatment or systcnd known to the medipal profes- The Best Place To Get than any ( - Flour Qraham made” remedy bfit ' - imtur’3ktrue panacea Tatum ahtl&cptlc germicide sion “Iv'u‘MAN - ' Elsinore Utah Carpenter Contractor Builder ciiu-petition- of ’ - Four-teen-o- - i - ’ ’ v -- - - 1 piin-ciple3lV- on - the will continue to do so as long as high renuu-- here or to be of any impoit scVnool voik is dub 3 in ou ’ Uriversity they went back home Ex Govenor ' ’ ' eCOMMiaSIONEM n schools Murray attracted no attention after and other norther ' ' Fremont' "Alonzo Billings ” he left office holding until he died Teasdale j Charles Snow W nere is Caleb West now? When a ' ‘ Levi C White dies ON PTJELIC SPEAKERS a man is put forward by the people he of Utah COUNTY CLT5RK 4 COUNTY RECORDER Many of our public is usually of some worth but haviDg a men but educated Loa they shout'd fedora) are not ansen H M apnointment is no mark of a ' i' be gentlemen— we sreak with no speassessor: man big Cainesvllle cific instance in mind— but marry of oha U Car few II them are not Edi tors of the staf e are sheriff:1 Modern education requires better garcrcly— and often justly— ci it ici&ed Geo Chappell Lyman for use of unbecoming Jarjguujj Rut teachers than the old educlitioo It - T if atjpT schools: Loa many of oUr Sunday rermoni would als i requires better equitments The E Robison C barbers can not do very good not look well in piint They me efter’ TREASURER" 'c without some money is spent for li"od with nnjeutlcmanly expiotsGuj Ln T’A J cilery hooks critictoo contain often unjust apparatus and the like D Is tud PROSECUTINO ATTY: denominations commendable in most of trustees to that of other isms Loa Joseph Eckerslcy for between to worse hunt better teaeb'-rbut a little would load quarrels orut-k Lacl ef should V!w"f'n the is each district's than money preachers e Then ind y 1:? if eriiKns weie apparatus till 7oT1 wthiare oiled up ‘J"!- timet tl et ' on to speak iuvfuTiI meeting bocpuse it is thcir“turn” It is justifmble for t ( A farmer recently complained of the bishops to call on'yoWnBnei' to tpcuk You ‘tax" that must be paM to the so that they may learn how but vlnt companies triis year We afe K there for tlnngthe aud on lust -i ciibrj 'i tax for no (Ine alumi- fence ' it'u luPg wiadid mea who tin v k better than r'rer’ir aiarei has ioa rued and wlm “tall twin lehour “taxc-to 'he 'rrjgrtion jab' eavet- iind say nothing” Eeiy man lsadq numcomnanies for reservoiring we as send and LL to his calling just cOtJNTY DIRECTORY (yAYNE ‘ n f -- A'-- rt I lst ’ s AT i h t 't 4 m 4 irri-rmtio- extractors honey and cans ware trough and roofing work Eastof Social Hall j Richfield' J - I M Cheese! Cheese! the only planing mill ing physician will advise you whattc do in order to" regain your healtl Cc limitation is free and sacredly coq fldential Terms very low For proofs enclose 2 cent stamp Local agents (wanted everywhere We udvertise you ir No canvassing Address witl your homo paper j y stamp TltE VATUMA Z12 F COMPANY O RON in Richfield and is best prepared of any one in the county to do all kind of wood work Wiite to him if you want any thing in bis Iree a Tisnrec MoHiri‘4 Rough or Binned (umber Cheese! now field have on hand creamery a at the large supply cheese ready for use pleased to supply it in Reeded for Rich of the (formerly head workmen for ) is now located the Elsinore Co-op- the sUt south of the Store lie has a stock of cloth op hand 'aS 'well as many samples fiom which to order A suit from stock can ibe had three days after the measure-Jbnentare taken Two weeks requirto ed have ready from samples Co-o- p 4 i s BLACKSMITH I "Or w t rade ill Ii - Utah TOOLS FOR HORSES a set of blacksmith tools irawfigoti lobepLi L Jensen Rlcnficld f living byiaboiingsixdaysof the week Town marshals Wingct and Fautin have malm first rate p officers for Monroe and Elsinore and now that he land” they they k- -' w tle should again be selected for tlm offices ‘iu-- c f The Pc ' er1 put ’re an excellent town ticket for Monroe lad !iterd ij night but yet the two pqrtics together could ime bettered H some -- st"11 'ndemned as an unnr'cd eyl 'V nrecontU'M tli n ' ‘d i i i p v'i v ’ ! hi pconh i - p- - - jfie -- Keep constantly on hand at their establish ment in Richfield a supply of COFFINS CARETS HANDLES SCREWS LIFTINGS &c ’ -- y ’ - j itu' Remembor the Doer Dsparted conference during the next few days The Mormon j eoplc as a rale are an will do well to come down on State Street before or after and progressive some of the nicc-- t women are plural wives There arc thousands of goud people in the churclqand also by tlie u ndent of birth or the bad judgment of r rose lyters creatures who are all tint Brigham Young described they are the parasites that disgrace the ngania tion the microbes vv hich re eating at the vitals of its popularity All the polygamy ever practised in t ho church never did afld never wiil bfiiig uqon the Mormon people the disfavor that is generated by the Idiotic utterances of self styled campions for which the church has been held to account It is a great nibforturc for the church that it is not in a position to repudiate doings and sayings of some who claim tc represent it and who takes advantage of their accidental connection with tlie orginivatlun in cider to mi lead its membeis and misrepresent otl ers d —Thc& L MEETINGS and see how your i £igu Waoivs Duties 'RacKmery A anvessry Carts lias established his-’:- recently states had commercial centers like Salt Lake and that he had never before seen so large i i Implement tjouse as "Wagon and Machine Co Half Block South of Theatre Salt Lake City ' ’ ' ’ Marble Works on Center St East of Corop Store and is prepared to make grave: of stones and do Cemetery Work K y s WORK EXCHANGED ONLY INSCRIPTIONS I TRAVELER remarked that few The Co-o- p bcre ‘n Enduring Everlasting Grave Stories ARTHUR IIENR1E FIRST-CLAfe- Pumps rcaTd f"r thoc win have gone all-kind- the immense yards and buildings which we have filled with d and they can fill orders on shpj notice Having sold their Planing Mill they are an-t- o sell the lumber which is well seasoned LATHS DOORS &c they have bn hand and will sell the ground oqcupied-bthe lumber yard at a reasonable price foL cash v n 1 - Do TVofFor?ct Horne & Mi ler Undertakers rouc ui When our opera house is completed Many people are going to Washing- we should have an excellent dramatic fied by thought and abality as a speak-t'seak'i- ton for “plums” They Should come to in Richfield This is always our Sunday’ uirenings Sevier County we have an excellent company a town to aid such moves while the one who by Ins lack of crop tbis year thought or by the improper thing he says shows himself disqualified " should not be called on liberal-minde- Richfield Elsinore Sabbath breaking is becoming more and more common in our county (In this land cf plenty something is badly out of tube if a man can not make a i 5 n rt most aro polygamists MERCHANT TAILOR C Nielson ‘ - ’ GoJ‘fr ’i f tlie skilled carpenter toao wood work should wc have the man who is quali- best-behave- across m-- r " t-- earnest industrious people We will honest arc There many exceptional good men amounts women and among them Seme of the family use or to merchants Youug& Lawson 21—24 ‘II ’ - i t brst bo r- n Sigurd Loa arid' Coyote Stacra Line Missouri Paciiic R’y The Colorado Slim t Lnt to Kansas City St Louis Mo and all poirts GRAbS AND RABBIT talle:-Y South and East ROUTE Free reclining ch ire tars and pull man palace sleeping cars o? most eleLeaves Sigurd C am every mornln'-excep- t Direct connections at gant design SufiIay reach Burrviile'Av J the magnificent Union Station St noon and goon’to Lo o Coyote that ‘"‘’t nicht Several times we have sugge sted the Ltuis for every where an for passengers Tickets on sale at all stations on f Accomodations toilitics lor carrying express advisability of having a regular time for Fillmore Brothers all evening meetings in a ward Then Rio Grande Western R Hi way Ik Koosar II E EifrrVllJe J Tlynn instead of each association changing PnrerlctorC F & P A T & P A its own time let tne bishop change all ' s Salt Lake City Utah simultaneously THOSE WHO ATTEND— i i We - uc1-0- ’ - - proprietor of ADEI£M YOUR AILMENT WHAT or where you live write us a full his tory of your trouble and' our consult A jt-i- r (jreco’s Tin Shop get best bargains ! C j NO 31ATTFK - t K J etc Weakness Emil Clirltoirevson Shoe made to order Promptly after lUcosurerm nt Al urge assortment of con f eo t Ipn orles mcil Iclnos stationery and not'ens Caul and Uee Our Find Iins oKisaas ‘ i “piicrohes’-an- itls nature kt -- er ft name aqd healing and soothing OiTon Mafflcty rjnd Co’s thejuucuaus membrane It will permanently cirrel-limajority of casesof 210NUUE UTAH Catarrh Bronchitis Dlspeptia pr We have 10000 pounds of sulphur Stomach troubles all diseases of tli£ and are prepared to matn as good Jilidder Rowe's Kid rys Liver Coq Ifiles Old Sores Recta" terms on It ns can he made by FJt htipatmn Diseases’ ‘Ulcers Eczema Scrofula Lake parties Save the freight Blood Poison Rhe umatism Neuralgia 19—23 Diseased Discharges Diseases pecullaV to Women" Nefvous and Physical ' ’ - is-a- (MSitlYely Hoiatioys all germs of every kind - nnEu herH-Jo- i SULPHUR FOR DIPPING it v U- regained the WONDER OP THE AGE Grandest discovery in lh’e anndls oj F Pierson I’rop O re e POl'v PRODUCE WRIGHT & SONS Pioneer Oil House 'JUST RECEIVED— A Lofi Of VHITEVVASH BRUSHES Paints arid Oils Paint Brushes Class Saoh Doors Lath Iron RoofinBrBtc Farmcirs-1- ' Alton tion Machine Qils : A Call and got my prices before you order Don’tforegt the Dhcc I K ‘ WRIGHT ' |