Show r t v i $'T : m VolJ8r llchfiei'k No 25 Friday-'pltobe- 1 V : L r ’l k- st 1897 4 07 ' BE WAU'OF OINTMENTS F Antonia" a CSb of the CATARRH THAT CONTAIN ' ipache'Thdlanfod a grant ' F MERCURY ' A new cotton press has teem invent- great chief Cochise has etl’red the Jf E tlOFFUNN11 HarvaidfUnlvorbr-liw depalrtment ef ed to make the cotton bales round as 'rriCTchrywiil surely' destroy the at Law -T V" '"M ' ' CuLUlil sense of smei :and completely derange Will practice iii 'all the' Cotirts State "V a J !hai' The the whole system when entering it ’steamer JBerthii”: v just v and Fcdoiil' Such mucous surface Alaska 4fhe Utah County fair is brought 1400000 of close through WvL1 '''Office BOtti Block '1 m y j ndveri TV lits used be' articles Except sllpiild : at hand and Frovo people ar AlCHflELD orklng UTAH t A ' !’ t r vfT't t '0 cl) 11 ’: T r ii tLft bids on prescrlf)tloh9 froiri reputable it? asdeddss - Professional mdhiisiness' Cards CONDENSED HE WS 'full-bloode- AYear ‘viv’ S Furiviture " -1 0" Oi’ i - - in VY ‘ ’ 3 rn-- ' v-- o ttTKT V - X- u I ! 1 H o I fcuy by : MAphEBY-PROBRIETO- R gold-fro- As ?- 1 -- ’w w WiUA0 An epldemehlo of pueuri rails at Eureka K X Bhowh Judge a pT- " WALLACE i! eu i i The Hughes Fruit and Produce '"Morh&Jt at Law of Salt Lake City has tailed OOHSWSIOH Block' Richfield 'tJtah 'r‘ “P 'f Will practice In all tbe courts State and Fed V '' Co Commercial ?Lapdrftnd ' 7" !'ili ' Hi’ v htM lijd Excepting Nebraska Utah had the largest delegation of any state at' the ' ' Irrigation Congresi ini' Lincoln’ 'M' v In the '£ i L'rcolntawyfrs M 1T111 practice in all' the Stale and Fedral A car loaded wlttL physicians who courts and United States Land Office toners Rapp and Bean are aJbleanArex-- i hare stvidle yellow fever ha9 been ftferleaced lawjersln all probterlid vMer ' F plnlng and orlmlnaUltlgaUon kWlll attend alVscssloes ql - I t ti cout? the sent t: "N si v Itxtb Judicial District apdiadjacentpouh ties W S Hansen of Colliton has a m pf Southern Utah u 'Mm Inandsttoa Building ij fin$flo$k of Ramboipti phpp hlc t'i vi It tl I i 1- ’ — — -- JOSEPH a s Richfield Utah -i 'I 1 1M‘ !Hp'l K f lie says fin ejMvbTirTtf ECKER8LE F— thecwtipnof 1 ' 11 new liri (1 mi f ‘V LOAjni! Am njUTAB The Lehi fair elosed yesterday We : i r hare not heard all the results but tbe LMA" V attendance was large M W MANSFIELD 'i'j i -- " ' -- J ‘ Lau-ycr'- !i rr Utah if IALG an a HERBERT RICHFIELD 1 B SHIPP hysician and Surgeon M 'VAiU : Kentucky Monroe r W- k 1 m t vent-draugh- i easily-handled- I Midwifery und General Can of the Sick 1 -- not-bree- t§ - ’-- "'f s r - can-elo- d v-- - tlriji-ri'ght'- 1 - I i-- r i 2 that Charles Holly a freighter the road1 to 'Pldche''had a close Calra few days sincid He had one wagon loadec with glarit powder and oho with The acid set the wagon on fife and the bursting' bottles ‘would eisily have exploded the powder' had Hdlly not 'uncouplbd his wagons and rhn with tlic load of powder uit-ricac- id rcti-lc- 'r ' it wr it deserves v —’i’ri'iuno f i- PECPi-- GOWN GOSSIP P GV THE WORLD - alccv-top- h-- -- Ui-- ln-'i- - goes-lik- e 1 t i M V onni-paig- ' plait-liig- 4 t : ’ - 1 I e ’ ‘ ’ 1 St ' That HoIcj§ Qopdin Friendship It Is of Great Value in gusinessf A Maxim - There is always one thing to be remembered in business that you neve Ever since 1871 the by dealing with the tried and trusted Last Saturday evening tho Demohas been doing business in Richfield Rchfleld It has never been crats of Monroe held a caucus reorgar-izein treatment of found wanting its the public It has always had nothing but their precinct officers and nom- substantial articles on its shelves and still has a supply of the same inated a town ticket The selections were Han9 Tuft town president Hy Washburn Yergen Yergensen George s Smith and August Bohman as select c of Hi town council The CO-O- P ions are all well made The nominees are all substantial and progressive ose anything in Every' Way CUT IIIS FOOT E E Livingston a trusty who esliana Lorensou of FNinore has been caped from the Salt Lake County Jail at the saw mill seme thirty over a nionth ago was captured near working miles from town lately Y esterday he Fillmore Tuesdaywas brought to Richfield with a gash three inches long cut in his right foot Russia Japan and England will as the result of his ax slipping Dr wound up The injoin w(tn the United States and hold Niell sewed the no suffer permanent a conference to arrange for the protec- jured man will V Terms Reasonable Richfield Utah - HOTEL Utah Grain Newly equipped with all comforts Good stobV for iu(l lmy always kept loiims' f Co-o- p d Better Summer Gobds can not be found iii the County mem-ber- RICHFIELD 1 V) v:l I y a £JL ESTABLISHED 187U Theos Brandley Agent peoplsu injury- - tion of the seals from Bering sea t JLJl f to Ik AtkJlna Patti ho- - Von given tho freeSeta of trimmuig foliar cuffs verts s dom of the town' of Itreoccj in Wiica over to and tlic wings project LOS T FIFTY DOL LA RS tu ii'dgb-bor- s her beneaci-jouare done in embroidery and are for ' A week ago today M rts' Petier Goti sale in the best tfirpa Fan de Afon)(iers Marquis ilo Merin--il- i' "Many grumblings are already heard fredson came up from 'Vermillion ami who lii just married Misaflwcn-('iiio- n new models and we may about the rest did some b'uis'ness' among 'thd Caldwell tin- Vv ishingioji Iivin-w- ? expect that with the coming in of setShe is dollar of a dLstiuguiabed French check modifications a some winter tled put fitfy cashing will be adopted which will do away with family that cvvns au ‘state in Liniouain the money In a satchel to take it Home the most serious objections to the new which has not changed bands sinco tbjr but lost it'oh the way1 She arrived eleevea thirteenth centuiy eM-A Btyliah jacket lro3 a high flaring Zola eayn ho likes tha bicycio for Hie home after dark Mri Gottfredson says it boarded the trUhi and came to Rich- collar’ elaborately braided and Bolero forgetfulness it bestows’'-'lThe cuffs are also! Is all nonsense for him to take walk1? a fronts to match field in' search Of it’ AVilliam Nelson elaborately braided and the moderately recreation because he keeps right oi found the satchel and not knowing full aleeves are flashed at tbe tops and thinking but with the wluv-the wind he no longer thinks and puffs are set in The braidits contents left It iii the field where blackonvelvet the garment is block and the the exercise gives him absolute re pose? ing Mr Gottfredson got it' Although past lining of black! satin' Melton Prior the famous English middle age' he tlido walked home— a Exceedingly' pretty and stylish head-ge- war artist has been through 14 is made of ah: embroidered cloth and has been wounded eight distance of ten 'mil es'after 10'o'Clock The needlework is closely and carefully times? Three times his jmuio has aph s 'wrought and used in folds fans or peared in the list of those killed in but' A very large Circle is decorated tle His duties have taken him all over Iii this way and puffed in and plaited the world and he has attended nearly WAS NOT INSANE and caught up with tiny iridescent but- every royal weddinjg that has occurred? i J tons Quills or' ostrich plumes Site the during the lost 25 years— i William Mangum of Clrcleville trhnmirig One of the richest men in Mexico is Piute Co has been ‘acting rather Almost solid masses of braiding is one Maximilian Damm a German by birth5 of the new fads1 While it is admitted who began life in Mexico as a clerki 9trange for some time past and a month that the Baris designs' show work that Finally he went into business for him ' since ' he made au attack with a is riot equaled or scarcely approached by self and while away on a visit to Qei knife on a younger brother' Asa re- anything yet done here it is quite many his manager whom ha'hri4'If ' short in Of Ins Mexican offairri ‘toojf sult' he was placed under arrest' and certain that jt 'wjl take buttiriie until ourlowri maids and iriatrons id ’chargewas what supjpooOd ho pe a worhleeri iii ‘couler’’ at Marys-valtvfil fashion ha dainty embroideries and dine for' a bad put the county flebp “ TW irifiie ritri Here his' strange actions increas- braidings as any of those that come pays an arintafll irioome of $7oi)o60 r° 'J the other aide of the water ed arid he became more desperate un- from ' The ornamentation of waists is a til the officers brought him here for natural sequence of1 the decline ifl Dr E R Shipp the well kqowa examination regarding his sanity Qn ajeeves There lnust! always be An ob- specialist will open another class in jective point in ilresV and as this is no Monday he was subjected to such an longer possible as fat as sleeves go de- obstetrics at Salt Lake jn tfo near examination by Judge McCarty as- signers are turning their attention fo future Any on$ fosirlug to take thg Waists and seeing bow elaborate arid course will do vyU tq Write to her at sisted by Drs Niell and Herbert complicated and labored they can make 75 Lake city 22 2 Cqtftpi: Stieet Y Questions put to him were answer- them in Btyle tpnmjng-—' “ " ' ed correctly and his actions betrayed Ledger? ‘ ' ‘ ihuii to do Imn t r t A ' jELSINORE 1 ar I JENSEN il : I ' d TSyO-thir- - Clas3 s v P Wisconsin lawyer criticised 'a nominated by the Dem- j udge' who Avals also” a candidate for been labor has " —FLORENCE "ALLRED reelectiori thVough the columhs of A ocrats for Mayor of New Yovh City : y '’i '!' J i r i y r Licensed Obstetrician paper The judge fined him tor con1 i across Millers Mrs the Rooms i at of 'court as he did the editor Further investigation proves that tempt “ Street forth of the Public Square wno of the lawyer criticism 'i1' n i Arroya'wh'o 'tried to murder Presi- In approved chronicling the case Bradstreet’s dent Diaz of Mexico' was not an an' ” ' says:' archist but that he was nearly insane Tho Supreme Cpurt held that this MBS ANNIE M NELSON ' ' action was in excess of the court’s Midwife and Nurse After a year's absonce for sidy' I am at Never at any one time has Utah jurisdiction and said that it must be resume my praetlco' h' grievous and weighty necessity jny place ready been shipping so many sheep as at presUtah Elsinore ent Shipments of 20 to 40000 head are which vyould justify so arbitrary a proceeding whereby a candidate for very common all over tbe state office could become accuser judge and HOMER iMcCARTT jury and within a few hours summariThe Republicans of New York City ly punish his critics by imprisonment U 8 Deputy have nominated Benj F Tracy form- There could the court said be no 'piINERAL SURVEYOR erly secretary of the navy for mayor more effectual way of gagging the and NOTARY TJJBLIO of New York press and subverting freedom of speech no j insanity so he was adjudged accordand a judge when a candidate for pubMONROE UTAH ingly and returned to the officer’s cuslic office was hedged about by no such tody The Massachusetts Democrats haye divinity as was implied in the view THE WRIGHT WUSE declared openly and strongly in favor taken of his power by the criticised ' of free silver They also praise Bryan official "A THE MONROE DEMOCRATIC ProprietorI K Wright ' greatly TICKET First ’ aili-jibundiir'?- "' t Henry George the great author who iias' writtCii so much bn taxatidri and RICHFIELD UTAH : uoflet-belter- - yet' 1 jVm' a tv ? I non-partis- N II ST JOHN - r ‘ 1" MRS - It'-u- blng ! ' The Democratic and Lake City have been Senator Stewart of Nevada spent tickets for Salt 11 AV Dale and John Clark namCd three1 days df the week in Sait? Lake arc the candidates for mayor The ReHe is talking up bimetallism wherever ‘ ' publicans are expected to put up a hb goes ’’ ' ' ” ‘ ” ticket UTAH j‘ i sflTAl ' hoi- bentist AndcrtOn Building RICHFIELD Rey George W Rich formerly a Methodist minister at Mercur'has left that denomination' and ‘’Joined' the school E SMITH DR iF-- To compel Indian girls to attend It MS been necessary to Send a number of soldiers to Fort? Hall Ida Utah : I M Baptists and residence at the OCDce I V I k - iv' i - "1 f UTAH AL s r i ilfsVf i I’ Lieut Peary the northern explorer declares that he willrreach the north pole 'during the next five years or die in the attempt at Pioneer Drug Store :LBR - I i 'mmJ: I i ' Physician and Surgeon Office ' An exploring party has been examining A cave near Henaefer Summit UTAH County this week 'i n i'i Attorneys at Law RICHFIELD ' ' ' well-forme- P- - STEWART and COLLINS ‘ ! ! I J steward sV Utah beet raisers' will send three tonsof sugar beet Beedq Washington to be distributed in the free delivery Notary Public TnunEr11 a'wlv v pvw-i- wejl-season- Hu-ye- addttlontpheB Xt Academy begpp County Attorney for Wayne County fy?nahi ' The ground has been broken and ' )k'‘'kittirvfy ril Law' m Chairs) ithey ' st-n (’a TftrWare l Bodroijmets RafrJgiratars Sofa? Cijpboards lqwtpylQe as thddamago they will do is 1® tM Jii hrrrls m Hie very iui- ten ford to the'gofed'you Can possibly ILxU' also handle home made and imported shingles lumber I v Hall’s Catarrh rectve from them t r '’M !' forrn' ITemlnway mannfactiired Cure iii id'' nid be orictl hlnix:--'by F J Chohey mpldipglaetfi ii? jcf f known a9 a editor has returned to & Co Toledo Qfe6ntalns homerccry Q" Payson old'anh broken Up iiilsness and is taken lntefnilly acting 'direct-- y ' r M cam doack jtist to 'die MONBOE upon the blood’ a Wd mucous surfacos mm ' 'Mv-- i iii ’? !: n Cal Hall’s of the system'1 In ' iuirim-!m: FACTS FOR FARMERS THE LECTURE COURSE tarrh Cure fo’ sure you get thq genJohn E Pace of Spanish : COMPLETE The beat kind of bedding fgy jitock uine It is taken internally apd made n be$n conictd of Stealing 4 aan be provided with leave They pra-- ’ FJ1 Ohio' In Toledo With conjmeijdyhVlwal Principal by Cheney & Ce heep arid sentenced to six the floor tuid Sii'fe V jlj ajoug Testimonials ree Nelst't) dj the high school has finally v 'Rake them ae oatt'dr prlsonment M ' i' ' S' X Sold by Druggists price 75c perbott'e completed tho preparationH for the they- - begin' id fill and store them ‘ U' V irnr'n f j for wijpter-uee- i Hall’s Fain ity rilla are the jiest cnursoQf public lectures tolie Dr Qalen Wilhon rinywr Mfi’eheep Dr Carrington the Brigham City cd by the high school t min will admit iri drib time that feed a nd n abpjrtiopst tried to escape lajel and The list with dates both sub ject ' tO give quality I6inu"hdnf Afu £ is little wanted for local: criivsiunp-tio- n tori SUIT FOB SEVIEB STOCK jaye hts 87500 bondsman to pay He Id rearrangement are: The demand ifor btnb Iunb3 AV Ws caught at Denver L Raht has filed an action ro r Dr J E Talmage Oct hi and w6ol Occupy the arenn and vlio oti r"'- at the Sevier Yinlug ard Millin g Hon W n King Nov 6' dares any that a flewa is not 'Vi more than worth Charles Lamtrersdorf and northhave 2T company H G Nov Brimhali who Prof explored People Let any farmer whorkfceps nhcep fo? Dec 17 ern ptts a great deal haye gjven up to jecover the possession ut 15211 n N the wool they produce eeriiiaatc its annushares of company's stock which lie Maud May Babcock Tan 22 al value and t?hen compare Mich Value bopesi of A utDeeevej foing heard of with that which he derives from mutton ia withheld in 12 alleges D has A lauded wrongfully heiijg Fch he Nelson unless already and lamb bo as’ to determine in wluch ' from him t !?rofW M Stewart Mar 3 some northern place direction' the sheep give the largeut j jivj Raht alleges that he was one of the ProfG- M Marshall Mar 2i profit anil he will rio$ hesitate to in-crease the obe Of the sheep by improvoriginal incorporator? of the company Victor E Bean Apr 14 tnuttm breedb with ing This seem) to have been quite a in June 1891ai)d that HonF'JCanuor May 7 Tlva object in priming grapes is tr vine e&d a large yield year for building in most parts of the times thereafter cprtifluates aggregatThe' lime that elapses between get a of tbe state many new residences and other ing 15241 shares Of stock were- issued these various leeturos M excellent as of tho Wit fruit should be cut away If year’s growth On September 30 1893 how- t does not crowd the mind nor cause not severely buildings having been erected in Salt to him pruned more fruit will be Lakem tin-ir ever he complains the company ? lm a hurry as did the course formerly had grown 'than can be matured We must this stock and- reissued- it- to here It would he difficullcto make a nmemler that grapes grow upon the new wood only and this year’s branches Lammersdorf- together with certain better isolection!) of speakers from War next year's fruit Let the vinca be Moustupha Bgfi’tlie Turkish min other stock and has since Tefused him northern as well as home talent than Iriiumed in theautuparii When little ijrigsjhegto to cat they later has left 'America” witluJut the the privilege of voting it or of exer1 have been made The fee for the enBorne times have eqpura -- Tojige ven t thiri of a stock tire course will he fifty cents if season’s the food shouldhp cooked until they get formalities that usually: occompany cisiug any ’of such events Tie is said to be angry holder He also prays that the com- tickets arc bought Tbe ccitirc-t-not past tV danuer stage No sow haviug should V given alpp that k sour or because erf Americans’ Sympathy for pany be restrained'from disposing of intended as a money making scheme pigs litui wholoftCi-SQ- fixd notto liiijiy i or transferring til j stock that the being rather for tlie education 'of peo- ci'm’iuitraicd and not t much at & the Armehlahi " n ot 'i“ feeding a in V cancellation lo adjudged void ano ple We trust it will be well patroni-1 — an purp-r- : any and oil kimfK i itw-ri e LnmnvT--dv?l ‘ l eraL pprporatton Solicited - able"'to‘'-''si- phy-sician- S hatdto make fair'tdbQ a!gTand per- tha catlead Sam y" ‘M i ' t |