Show t if - - —v j' '' i 7v SnV- 1 r- - "i KEEP 'IT HANDY :? -- 00 YOU HAVE CUT BURNED OR BRUISED that 4 lemmi black oil The DENVER Rid 'touRisT fe Family stxxriNG car McryicbC $oyoii know that tiyery evening the eqvgr Rig Grands R Rin conjjeo iloa with the R G! W runs a Tqurist pjrFamilj? Sleeping Car to Denver' In wliiqh alowqr hejrtjitan tye secured for e $200? In adaltjlhn to this daily - ser-Mc- the RG also ' operates en Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays torero distinct Tourist ’Sleeping Car 'iqes tflnjaha Kansaa Cltyt Chicago Boston and New Yorkf-n-o change for Utah passengers— at greatly reduced berth rates These Tourist cars are managed by the Pullman Company D & K liP AVI) B11AV -- ATI YS at Opie Read’ that should be SUMMON? In Toe Distkict Court op the Sixtu Judicial District op tub State oe Utah Countv of Sevieii - fcANTAFE iMROUTEi r holding meetings— sometimes several In a place— and winning the confidence of the people while he bleeds them These are the tactics he has been prac tlcing In Wayne county recently and a letter received from good authority in Epbralm Sanpete county states that he did much the same there The Local Priesthood In different Stakes may easly prevent themselves and the people from being Imposed up on by persons claiming to be laboring in any department of the ministry under appointment by the general authorities of the church because such partners perfect condition 'tnfit th& long Tun of the "Flyer1' on the New iXork Central could be equaled if not 5 - k v' II WRAMLOSI Prop t GOOD V TT A ft ’ WHISKY f300 'GALLONi J niffs OmiM j A TO Baby carriages serv- WALLPAPER We are agents for the celehrated “CROWN” Organfe &hd Pianoes BEST PUMP MADE Red I HI? PUMP -- J Phillips has about cotUpletec fot the Wiles’ lots south 'bl the scene of a cutting af Try our H W R Cigars g — Mil col V Oyler - Defendant: r hereby required to appear In an brought against you ty the above named plaintiff lta the District Cuurtof the Sixth Judicial District of the 8 'ate of Utah und to answer the complaint dh'd therein withln ten days (exclusive of the Gay of sor vice) after the s or vice on you of this sum mons- -lf served within this county i or If served dut of this ccKmtybut in this district within twenty days otherwise within forty days-- or Judgmen by default will be taheu against you according to the prayer of said Yon notion Genuine Singer Sewing MacEine " standard of excellence all over the world y The J complaint Tho said actldn is brought to djaolrr tl bonds of matrimony existing between Flatn tiff and Defendant For Ibe custody of the childi-eof sald tfarrlago and tho allowance to Plaintiff of certain property of Defendant 8alcV action is based upon alleged adultery committed by you at divers times duiing tbe months of January Febunry and March 1897 in said county Also with desertion of Plaintiff by you since your marriage with Plaintiff and cruel treatment of Plaintiff by you to tbe extent of causing riaintlff great bodily Injury and knental distress gnd you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear aud answer the said complaint as above required the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded Witness THE HONORABLE JUDGE aud the Soal of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District In and for the State of 30 Utah this In the year of our Lord one day of Aug thousand eight hundred hnd ninety sown — g G Clark Clerk Uapp and Hean i SEAL Attorneys for Plaintiff j i SOLD ANN UALV' 800000 use than all othe'i More in only by our employ- -' Sold j ees T“ See " Directly from factory to the people the latest improved SINGER before buying Offices First Publication September Everywhere 3 NOTICE FOR LUMBER The Burrville and Kooshafdfn It HAS CHANGED QWNEBS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER Is continually on t - y our yard Bills promptly sawed CRAWFORD pine Piute C6 Koosharem 4200 feet Of Utah surfaced native squareedged flooring white pine or balsam feet Of xl Walnscoatlng of clear pine pieces 2x16-- 28 feet long Oregon flr 2X10-- 32 “ 4 “ “ " 2x10-- 28 “ 8 5000 “ Xx4 L&G Vertical Grain Oregon 4500 48 Growing Larger Cheese! Cheese! Our Trade Grows with each year aud the customer gets a fair share of the profits Try trading with flr flooring No 1 J W Slyvoster 1 Ohdesd! ' We now have on hand at the Richfield creamery a large supply of the us STOCK TAKE CAPITAL bpst cheese ready for use We will and get your share of the profits at be pleased to supply it in amounts The Equitable Store needed for family use or to merchant' Hermansou Tbos Nielson O v ‘ ' Address: Hospitality ’ SAWMlLLi ( ' Dr E & fclupp Uie well known specialist will open another class in obstetrics at Salt Lake in the near future Any one desiring to take the course will do woll to writes to hueat 6' 75 Center Street Salt Lake city 22 Kicliflcld Youujt& Lawsoti I Richfield 21—24 n T t t w — ' : combined - Iie undersigned board of trustees Of Elsinore District No 4 sevlof Co Utah will rece'lve bids for the following bill of lumber is to Jie delivered at Elsinore or at tbe Mills sheaves Is yet rather difficult 1897 when all said that Women stand tbe heat bet- up t&2 o'clock p m Oct 15thSocial Hall and bldi Will be opened at the ter than men— Pyramid contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder Thejlumber is to be delivered on or before Feb 1st W97 Call on trustees to see NOTICE to specifications The Board reserve the right all bids not advantageous to and any reject Tbe underslKUed Board of Trustees of Elsl the District nore School District No t Sevier Co Utah LUMBER BILL rocks will receive bids for the quarrying of 24 pieces 2X13-- 26 feet long white pthe at the Monroe quarry for one 4 room school building up td 2 o’cleck p m October 5th i897 when all bids Will be opened at the Social Hall and contract awarded to the low-esresponsible bldderjThe Board of trustees reserve the right to reject any and all bids Call on the Trusties to see plans aud specifications J W Sylwflster I C He rmansen Trustees opidn Style and began slash! ngLemas ter about the neck and shoulders By Rtandhri Interfered but not until Lem MONROE FURNITURE aster had been shockingly woUnded ROOM In addition to a bad cut on the neck f a Before a war his legs were giislied Located opposite the public square rant could be iusued Walch saddled t f horse and tied ijo the mountains Both furniture Cabfbts Window Thos’Nlelsen Car-Shades Lace Curtains Baby ' Lemasterand Walch are young men Biages Wall Taper Clocks Wall and the latter bears the reputation o: My Old Zedtuoky Home a knife with ha and House Furnishings in general being very ndy If you believe in Silvef 18 to 1 and I will sell the cheapest In the county Willis Curt'ls the son of to Mark that down Call and see me Mr and Mrs Ezra Curtis of Aurora good meals good beds that invite earns and Goods dr Also Undertaker gdod pleasant came near m teetlng his death last Sun eep A supply of b'tiskets and coffins of day night a J1 on account of indulging BookMagazines kll sizes with proper trimmings are too freely lr i whiskey obtained: nobod r Daily Paper!1 klways in stock and can be had by knows whe re In coniildhy with his and a calling on twin broth er Will) h6 wis returning a Bk“‘r“j0iia a Johnson home from Salina Dadljr ijefuddlec that makes you feel at The boys stopped neat the railroat home with a Sample Room ou track bui It a fire and bdth lay down i Missouri Faciiic R’y Main street go to to sleep Willis' clothing caught fire iT' THE KENTUCKY ROUSE Fastest time shortest line and best and ha wis tortibl tiufned about the in-Utah i accomodations for 1 Sevier Co feeding are the body before his brother could extin- Monroe duements we offer to shippers of live the tla tow For a time his life ' tock between Pueblo and Kansas guish "ItUr ” was dospa Ircd of Uut at this writing fc!Ity Special live stock trains for as stoves and heating STQVUSr-C’o- ok a he is out of danger It should reasonable number of cars all sizes and prices at holitlio ‘ H BAKoosef C F & P A warning to Willis to let booze several stoves in & e Flynn Fi p a and Lewis alone Salt Lake City Utah 1 3 Vie Sixtii Jcdi-ciaDminict os theSi'At of Utah Cod itv orSeviza Sarah UOyler Plaintiff ' V8 lS Mikel V Oyler Defendant I ( This State of Utah Sends GUeetixq to i next spring the r - new town '"trill! Mr Philips itittehds erecting a business block on the lots Sclplo was I j W desil I IuTflEDsBiBic-rCoDaTO- The microbe of yellow fever as by the discoverer DrSanarelli a is jnicroseopic creature with rounded stremities generally combining in pairs or groups Dr Sanarglli is an Italian and is npw one of tb&faculty of a Sogth American college W hile earehiug for tbe germ of tha disease in Montevideo he caught the fever in a severe form 0n recov ering he pursued his germ studies in the yello-- fever hospitals of Rio Jan eiro and Fiores TIe experimented on 2000 animals most oi whicu vcrc af fected It kills rabbits and mice In a few days Birds are not so much af- fected anijnals Ho found the germs notin the alimentary canal as he expected but in the blood and tissues and he believes It is a blood poison which is transmitted as well by air as by water It requiros a temperature of 10 degrees to be sustained forj twelve Or foUrteett days to propagate it Not certain specific against it has yet been discovered— Tribune Some1 of our young men wh’o are wearing oilt the seats of their pants looking far a Job Blight profit from this itfem: In Cowley Sunnier and Othtif ttbunties in Kansas girlk and young Wobueo are hiring themselves as regular farm hands They get 82 and 83 a day and they run the binders and drive the teams though managing the heavy street-lotitin- TEST-PROO- F j It VltGAlX CARPETS WINDOW SHADES LACE CURTAINS within ton days’foxclusl ve if tlio sorvleeJaftOr the service on you of this Summons— It tf’’'” r ' b Store I required action brought Against you by the above named plaintiff In the DlstrlctCourt of the 8ith Judical District i'Uho State of Utah and to answer tho complaint bled therein - i&se Lfimaster fray last Saturday j ryj-was rising a mule through town Frank ALCOHOL Am BRANDT Waloh endea vored to frlgbteti the an ‘GRAPE CALIFORNIA Besb Btahds of RltiEkberry Port' an4 imal Which enraged its rider Lemas-teCherry Wine and such other liquor dismounted and slapped Walch tti are needed in sickness i The latter drew a' knife in regular eth ) and Charles Ilubblit Babbitt Bros lUaluti ff r The State op Utah Sends Greet- The People q f Sevieh and Otheb Counties WtA: ings to ' Dufoudaut You are hereby to appoar in ao FURNITURE “ Hon James Forshee of gras's Valley has disposed of all his cattle— aboub 600 head— to Salina buyers' Mir For shee has ’given up 'ranch life a tUQIHELDSALQONi 1 S ALINA F'WARREN Traveling Agt "Tr as if 1 mmmmm JMRo’we Defotldhut t dls-'stan- ce jr: a QRHIDLEF'S wMiMMMmiiHiMaM Furniture rs d jfittCk of the ATCHISON TOPEKA Jb SANTA FE railroad was In such ment from local Church authorise City Utah V l- ‘ Salt Lake N - - or St tf v1 "- v ' ’’Yeti' leave Ogden or Salt Lake in are always furnished with Ido evening and after breakfasting in persons hie sumptuous dining cars of the written credentials lack of which is SANfA FE ROUTE on the third prima facie evidence of imposture iso No person not personally known to the tiling you arrive in local priesthood should be allowed on Louis Chicago the plea that he is laboring in the r''ty Mason to attend to business or coministry yet fails to produce proper nnect with all fast trains for the East credentials to use the meeting houses Itome one has said recently that the of the Saints or receive pther endorse- vsteeded bj its ittagificpnt trains J D KEN WORTHY Gen’i Agt Passenger Dept rf $0 Wjwtepond South Street i ' ( Geargt) BubblH nocted with it— Ex ana are provided with all necessary Meanwhile he goes from place to place 8 teiivenlances and appliances The feature together with the jourist cartrain service and scenle atadmirable of has placed the route tractions the In G ranks of & foremost B the P Western Railroads For rates and Setalled information apply to any Ticket Agent of the R G W Ry to B F Novins' General Agent or H H Cushing Traveling Passenger ’Agent D & R G No '58 West 2nd South Street Salt Lake City ” ‘ - " ed within this county :or lfVerved out of th’ls county but I9 this Ulstrlistwithln twenty The family think better of tlifc old days otherwise within forty days — or Judgby default will bo tak u against ypu tree how and will expect great things ment according to the prayer of sild complaint froni it nekt season if this piece of in The said action is brought to recover fr6m the sum of Sixty Dollars t lgh’t'yttve c t s you forniatloA carl be suppressed iu that alleged to be due to PlalntpT from you fbr household Meantime Opie is having goods wares and merchandise sold and iu to you ly Plaintiff t your special ots of f tin to liiniSelf But ills people llvered and request and whjcli you promised got the peaches tine they were Just and agreed to pay toPlafntlff tho said sum Sixty Dollitrs and eighty five cents as fcood and perhtips better than If of For full particulars sco complulnt'now on thht tree had borne theiti All the file In my office a copy of which Is 'hereto folks spoke of how much better it was attached And you arje hereby not I fled tbatlfV°u y to have peaches picked 1 rom the tree fall to appear and answer tjiesald complaint Saints plaintiff will take fruit store stock as above required the said than old second-han- d for the sum Sixty Pol judgment you against he a business way In represents —Ex lars and eighty five cents together with the costs herein that he Is agent for a concern called Witness The llhnorable Judgo and the the Farmers’ Alliancev whatever and t trustees of Brown University did Seal- of tho District Cour t of the Sixth JuThe dicial District In und for 'die State of Utah wherever that may be atd be takes when tney with dr tw said County this 2’nd di iy of Bept in tho tlio right thing to be dealt orders for goods supposed eight hunoffensive exprssions and made an yearuf our Lord one thousand ' dred and ninety seven In by it collecting (one dollar in ad- their to President Andrews so that S( I Clark Clerk vance with each order In some places apology consented to withdraw his resignahe Seal he is repqrted as claiming to represent A much needed rebuke was given tion the well known Chicago mail order the same act It is no w First Publication Oct house of Montgomery Ward & Co plutocracy by known that a gift made toI a univer- while in others he sells a soap receipt does not give the donor the right Persons who pay him money for mer- sity o dictate the political beliefs of all con chandise fall to receive the goods SUMMONS - railR(3Ad coj back yard home is a peachtree cut dowuand cast in‘ the fire if scriptural injunction 'vere followedlt has never borne fruit good or bad Bead’s family have been out in the the country several weelcs but returned a few days ago Tbey got home at night and early next morning Opie who is a very “soon" riser got out to a neighboring fruit stand and brought a big basket of very fine peaches These be industriously stuck all over the branches ‘of the tree and tbeti went in and called the folks to show them that the tree had finally decided to do the proper thing Then he wCnt out and picked tho caches himself he became Converted there five years ago by Latter-da- y saint missionof have any horse cow dog aries by Whom he says he was baptizyourself ird or any animal that Is wounded ed he also claims to have filled a misany way you will find sion in Illinois and to have been called by the authorities of the Church to A CURE THAT CURES beware of Imitations Genuine only take another mission to Canada also that he Is on a preaching tour through hen Blghed different Stakes in southern and eastern Utah by appointment of President Sold at z' CM I Drug Dept Woodruff ne shows no certificate to this effect but he does however exhibit with much pride an alleged letter from a Bishop of Carbon county to AND which is attached a statement to the effect that he is a member of the GRANDE Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- IF A ' t Iu the IMPOSTER: There has recently been traveling among the settlements of several counties in the southern and eastern part of the State a person who according to information we have received from good authority is practicing upon the credulity of the people He claims to have been a Methodist minister in Colorado and says ?iy£4& r ’‘“v 1 BE WARE OF Deseret News iKfej V ? M -j |