Show 77! J JkJSorcnsoiLanil family urc home : from DcLamar ”7 tohis win- RICHFIELD Emanuel Foulson of Marysvalc was to bo intown today lie tcTtcaciieiis threshing Bi ther Meteor of The last regular examination of the We doubt his ability to Advocate the year will be held next Friday and Satso and think It will ho an editor dodo urday October 1st and 2nd Tor ing the “licking” if he tackles John y farther particulars address: ' Jacob Magleby Monroe v August Reterson the Monroe ghoe maker paid the Censor a call Wedcom lias been W Q Baker lately lie lias lately been looking nesday missioned a notary public after sheep in the mountains and MissSofiaGoldbranson opened schopl higher valleys lie finds less damage at Aurora last Monday morning done from frost there than in the low- Aurora has just completed a school er valleys on the east side of the river building ' Conference rates on the R G W A girl was born to Mrs John Ilell- - for this year are: 'Strom on Sunday aat From Joseph 8520 500 Rlslriore Last night’s rain was very hard in " 470 Richfield the neighborhood of Central with but “ 440 Sigurd little in Monroe Tickets on gale October 2 to 5 IncluO K Salisbury left for Deseret sive Springs with three loads of produce Principal Nelson of the high school yesterday has been busy of late preparing for a Our progressive stone cutter Arthcourse of public lectures to be deliverur Henrle seems to have plenty of ed under the direction of the 'high work lately school during the winter In order t r I J Stewart returned last night to have the course a success some rom attending court at Pangultch funds must bq raised consequently a e reports a light docket small fee for a season’s ticket will be i Peter Larson late of Newton Cache charged with the hope that those who are able will buy a number of Cdunty has come to Riclifleld to live The first lecture of the course them u with his sister Mrs Caroline Miller will be by Congressman King Dr Several farmers hive been cutting Talrirage and ether lecturers of high their lucrnp for fear of frost and a rank will also ho on the list ? great deal Is laying out in the rain notice desir-ous'- d f djs-t£l- ct - MONROE II Greenwood made usafraterni t - y all parts of the county' Last year there for the winter was little fruit and little demand for Farmers wlichave threshed report them and this year the demand can on extra good turnout of oats and not be supplied wheat Seven horsemen have gone to the Babbit Brothers of Flagstaff Arizona baveattacbed the residence pro- mountains to round up the cattle for for debt Rapp and fall and bring them down to the fields perty of Bean are the firm’s attorneys Walter Jones has gone to Provo The Consolidated Implement Co has with a load of supplies for his son and entered a suit against Alfred Bunker daughter Verne and Clara who will of Annabella for $178 duo them Ste- keep house and attend school at the wart and Collins are the company s garden city this winter Ralph Fairbanks Is daily expected home from a visit to Payson McDonald of Joseph Andrew Mickleson is down from the gave birth to a babe a week ago Tues-'daCrystal mine where he has been get-bince then she Las ‘uELj The building fo cut lumber jng from convulsions most of the time the quartv mill that the Crystal ComShe is pnd fatal results wero feared pany is putting in is now complete now nearly well and the machinery is being put in d ttarirg Marriage license- - weici--- ' plveThemlll wil lbe run by water from the week to Orion Brown of CoLtouwoodcr'(kfor conducting which and Lula Montgomery of Elsinore and a flume 3000 feet long is being preparto Dan Ilansen of Elsinore and Clara ed The penstock of the mill is 300 Klrkman of Glenwood The former feet high giving an immense pressure couple were married Wednesday on the wheel A correspondent for the Salt Lake U Tribune writes from St George ELSINORE that what little trouble the Dixie C B Jensen Is building a cosy brick ‘people have they settle by church has court little so courts the district cottage in the lower part of town to do The people of Dixie are wise Peter Anderson and Hans Johnson left for Dclamar Monday Eggs 15 cents at Orrock’s Elof NeNon has erected a new wind The has its stock of text books mill to pomp water from hi well j in y U ‘ L-ic- i i kn say-"in- g -- Co-o- p ’ Dear in mind that we do not have a single dollars worth ' shop worn goods ' T t Is Everything Every Mrs Ilyrum Barney accompanied by her son Royal Is visiting In Dixie Miss Agnes Not'd force is also in the land of fruit School Is in good running order now with fair attendance for so early an opening San Pete and Sevier Branch West-Boun- d 28 East-Boun- d STATIONS ' Richard Brown of Grass Valley has to Annabella to enjoy the milder winter and the school prive-leg- removed cs benefit and farewell party vas given In Anpabclla on the evening of the 21st In honor of Don C Spa fiord who will shortly depart on a mission to the East Don has many friends who wish him every success and a A and Russell Kelley has well underway a houoU for Benjamin Gardner which improves the eastern part of town greatly ’ ' costumers Call in and see for yourself SOMETHING This medeciqe is purely vegetable acts by giving tone to the nerve centres lu the stomach gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys' and aids these organs In throwing off impurities in the blood Electrlo Bitters improve the appetite aids digestion' and is THE KENTUCKY HOUSE Sevier Monroe Co ' Utah v v 1 i y y H Shipp the well known specialist will open another class in obstetrics ot Salt Lake in the near future Any one desiring to take the course will do well to write to her at 75 Center Street Salt Lake citv 22 28 R that where cdlHhe' perietnee -- jlqflidAhrc-save- with the eolida the moss ia much more likely to boat ‘"Whore heat tei generated and water can be turned otu as needed decoy will take plaoe'veryi rapidly and the manure will Soon be In a condition to become readily vaflJ Vith buch-- a able for the use of plants foundation and with water at bond to apply os needed thA dressing little or none ojt ita valuable ele-meats entirely uncovered oa If Is- I present also a aiagVkm' showing tho In'a village plan I have tecehtly adopted stable for saving the solids and liquid without loss Two eotV ‘and two horn stalls occupy a’tlose rpom bx then!-selves in one ended tho stable I desired ! a cement floor here’LSt could’ not well make its foundation lipbn'th'e ground es ' ’ ' d6ADr TU)OR eaves-troug- h Generaldealers Dr E ' former If the heap (should begin heat let it be drenched' with 'water 4voll or frtml the either from a near-bof the 'barih' Often the manure heap can be located eo that wa- ter can be conveyed directly if pen ' h from the pump by mean of aapofih Cow manure ia considered cold and slow to heat but it hoe been wyei-- i have tried pronounced by blood as best the it purifier and very nerve tonic Try it Sold for 50c or $100 per bottle at all Drug Stores and thosd who will-los- e 1 1 - k - STABLE DRESSING Valuable r flint in About hear much We PrMmlnB It CJood Condition about U desirability following th point a little of manure cellars coaxed barnyards manure sheds cml otheC covered quarters for housing dressing until one is ready to apply it to thd land but the fact remains that the average farmer It " ’ch of the floor eliind t bp ptfdW at' a A pc at It pitches the othep way till the partition' is ‘reached'” aj ' From that 1 -- shown in the didgranfi t The platforms of the stalls are raised several inches above the inclined ment floor All the liquid that runs ‘ through the platforins'wtrt be conducted ' down the inclined cement floor to ’ of Top where it A socks intoa point "the ' whichetc sawdust with litter floor behind the stalls ia kept covere’“ I present this plan because it can well ' lu adopted in barns uuJ already built the incline being secured in Rju ’ coating of cement since the Board floor w ill bo loveL A thin coat of cement behind tM ' stalls would be injured by the slsarp shoes of horses but this will not occur if the cement is kept well covered with t absorbent- - that are removed us they become saturated: Without some such arrangement os this a large part of the liquid manure is likely to leak down through the floor and be lost ia the ground beneath or become a menace to health if the stable bo adjacent tq one’s house or w’ell Both of these plans that are figured call for no expenditure of money except for the cement hat Is needed aDd this is not large in amount — Country " without a cellar cannot easily be fitted cut with this desirable adjunct Building additional roofs ta caver stable manure ia not looked upon with favor in these days when every dollar has even before it A received all very well ta describe ideal is conditions buttt6ccmstomo that mere good is often done in describing conditions that are jets than ideal but still serviceable prtfcticol and easily within the reach orf fill With this end In view I present a sectional view pt a lmmemade foundation for a mujtuire heap in the open air which will keep the manure in a r tier no condition very fcearly at Ue best This NOTICE Train 23 will run Tuesday's Thursdays and foundation ia fet&do just far enough Train 21 will run Mondays Wed- uway from thd stnblo to escape any Saturdays The undersigned Board ofTrustoes of Elsl nesdays and Fridays drip from the Saves It is mode square norc School District No 4 Sovler Co Utah II L Mottle Agent Richfield or round as nihy be preferred and has will receivo bids for the quarrying of rock D C Dodge Uen’l Manager outer wall the about a rough stonJ for one 4 room school FA Wadlelgli Gen'l Passenger igent S edge extending down below the frost at tho Mourooto quarry 2 o'clock p tn October 5th up building II Babcock Traffic Manager line With in this over! the surface of i8D7 when all bids will be op'enod ut the So’ tones Ueneral office Suit Lake City the ground are placed loose cial II all and contract awarded to tho lowUtah lowest in the center oa fshowm A coat est responsible bidder jTho Board of trustees of cement two inches thick ia placed reserve the right to reject any and all bids over them the surface thus being made Call on the Trusties to see plans aud specifications saucer-shape- d J V Sylvester To this foundation is wheeled tlio Trustoes llo rmanson stalls cow horse and Tlios Nielsen ) the manure from the the latter le1ng spread evenly o'er 1 MANSFIELD MERCANTILE CO TnURBER WAYNE COUNTY UTAH A GOOD COOK STOVE STOltE AO W LOCATED AT Positive! J' at CEMENT AND — In Silver 19 to 1 and BUSINESS WITH SIIEEP AND good meals good beds that invite to CATTLEMEN ESPECIALLY DESIRED locp and pleasant dreams good Book Largest Best and Cheapest line of iUugiizInrn Gents Furnishings in tlie County that makes you feel home with a Sample Room oa Main street go to KNOW TO ’ If you believe Hospitality trouble to show goods It may be worth something to know that the very best medecinefor restoring the tired out norvous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters Is a promoter A Carpenter can not do good wotlf nor can good food be cooked on a poor stove of we have domestic happiness REMEMBER THAT‘ Supplies Dally Hhtpcra no Krofki Prop Best Values in All Lines AGoodLlne of Ranch and Range with poor tools and a fc FOUNDATION FOR MANURE HEAP its appointed mission marked out for it The New Townsite Liy Old Kentucky Homo fV I bright new stylish and seasonable the store is a bargain and a money saver to our AND Misses Ella Davis and Annie Beck of Glenwood spent a few flays here this week of old article in who is not now blessed with one of lieeo means of preserving manure at ils best does not In nine caaea out of ten see his way cJtr to pro vi de h i msx f with one of them The born that is now Joe Deal of Provo visited Mr and Mrs Lemuel Thompson last week Despite all that has been said and safe return done many of the field roads arc conIf waste Miss Sadie Staker will soon leave tinually being flooded ditches are not built some people will for Junction Piute County where she will have in charge the Primary dehave damage suits on their hands partment of the district school while Surveyor T J Breckon spent two Miss Llbbie Staker will go to Oak days of the week at the Kentucky Millard Co In the same capacity House preparing maps and plats of City Annabella Is enjoying a building mining property at Gold Mountain He has now gone to join his surveying boon John Jackson Is just finishing a fine modern house for Byron Ilancbett party in the cast mountains Wiley Ki It Mrs Joe-Low- e Mrs FURNISHING GQgDS ’ Jennings Miss Aurelia Hansen Is teaching at frrank Paxton and a Mr Whit Spanish Fork taker both of Kancsh have sold Calls are out for primaries of the their sheep to B F Saunders There two political parties to be’ held In the are 7000 head In the two lots near future tfiouie- the six year old son of Mrs The new bell for the school house is Mary Jane Winn died from typhoid here It Is the best sounding bell In ever The little fellow was at school the county part of last week J D Bertlescn reports a good local ' The four week old babe of Mr and Mrs Frank' Baker died last Saturday market for butterbut a present scarcc-tof milk The Censor symapathizes with the Peter Madsen who has sojourned at bereaved parents A fruit jar famine Is being had In Escalante for some time past is here K ' James B Sorenson Peter Christensen and Emma Jenson will teach Call Mass Meeting t school in town Miss Louie Baldwin " Whereas the cits election is now will have charge of the Brooklyn " ' nearly at hand we the undersigned ' citizens of Richfield believing that a some was hack The delivering non partisan election is for the best doing at the Roller Mill Thursday morning good of our city unite in calling a when the team backed into the mill mass meeting to be held at the Acarace dumping a trunk two bales of demy Hall next Thursday 'night Sepflour sacks and a boy into the race No tember 30th 1897 at 7:30 pm for'the hurts but several soaks of purpose Considering the advisability j The" wedding of Dan ninson and of putting a nonpartisan citizens Miss Clara Kikrman of Glenwood is to ticket in the field for the coming cam occur at the Manti temple next Wed- pai£n also ift such a move is decided to call the necessary caucus atd nesday Mr Hanson Is me of Sevier’s upon best known young men Mi°9 Kikr- do such other business as pertains ' ' ' man was the county queen at the car- thereto Theo Brandley nival being one of the county’s best William II Seegmiller as well as most beautiful young ladles Jas M Peterson Jjzn H Outzen ANNABELLA Morten Jensen Censor: Editor J M Jensen Anna-bella Born— To Mrs Sam nooper at J 09 S Horne this morning a hoy I K' Wright II K Nlell M D Elias Gardner is home from the Se Peter Jensen vler mine for a visit William Ogden exOrvel Gardner returnd from I J Stewart tended visit to Grass Valley J II Eversoll II W Ramlose Miss Ireta Dayls Is at home after short stay at Richfield - N J Bates Is teaching a music class In ICanab - Utah' fora tt attorneys After all the potato crop is Sgood all over the valley During the first part of the year the vines were rank But later they quit growing and the tubers began Mr and Mrs E T Tliurbcr left Richfield Wednesday to teach the pub-- lie school at Circlevjlle this winter Richfield is more an exporter than an importer of teachers this year Monroe 1 Fernando Erickson is building a al call Wednesday IJe tells us that residence addition to his store work on the Three Creek reservoir beTwo transient prospectors are workgins the middle of next week ing In the canyon Mr of and old Villa the year baby Born— To Mrs 0 P Washburn on Mrs Ruben Noye3 died last Saturday the 19th Inst a boy The Censor extends sympathy to the Supt Magleby attended the funeral bereaved ones of MlssScorup at Salina The Rode 'lack family Is making The mission school opened Monday to shortly open a rcsturant Miss Beekman as teacher with o'ln the building just vacated by JB N 7 Respectfully Walter Jones School Trustee ’Dist n Non-Mormo- The public schools open next MonJacob Dnstrup reports a growing business at b9 Store lu Sigurd Ho day thinks thattho general growth of the Tennis Mortenson Is home from Netown Is sure to keep from tills on vada Y underwear hosiery clothe and GENTS’ is almost complete opera-hous- i B DRY GOODS NOTIONS TRIMMINGS Non-aeo-tarla- n v - - OF - Carrie Marquardson has been selected to take a course of training for a Sunday school teacher of the kinder' No garten grade bst values for the - - ’ ’ ' ' Co-o- p " ‘ ' PurFdirStOcfe Mor-tpo- ’ r evening' WaiXDER1 offers the least possible money - -- i for some time pact died last Monday TfE re-si- 11 The old lady Zufelt who has been lying ill at her eon’s home in Sigurd fpt pre-par- ‘ r FUANJUBJ£ -A 20th 1317 M'ipros ter’s teachjug here Editor Censor: I see In youp issue of 17th Inst that The young folks have a neatly-fittesuite of rooms at Thomas Jensen's a statement was made by Rev Dr Wishard at the late Methodist Conwhere they will make their homo' ' ference held at Salt Lake Cit that a Father Chrlstoffprson and wife will ypung lady of this place was refused a leave for Manti tomorrow to again position as school teacher in the there school upon the grpjind that she Mis- B J- Sawyer bai gone to Minn- would not close her school an hour esota for a two month ylsit with her earlier on Fridays and teach the parents Religion By way of refutation I desire to state Mrs Nancy Anderson has replaced Store that the matter is wholly false That Miss Montgomery at the The Misses Nebeker and Thurbcr have pur district school is strictly as the l$w requires- that no charge of the furniture buisness position was offered on any such conPeter Christensen our town presi- dition that we have hired teachers dent is endeavoring to organize a whom we considered the best qualified here irrespective of their religions or tion companyto build an ' The move should be encouraged religions views of 1 H UAL — the last stock of !Io Highest price paid for Clilvfes Eggs drain ele BOUGHT AND SOLD Lumber Lath and Pickets Good Bargains on second hand Horse cower and drive well machinery Give U9 a call Will treat you well At The Elsinore M W MANSFIELD Mgr Co-o- when ycu need FIRE FIRE k I ? ‘I - i -- - (- - Jk JepBtfwr k t t i Al - A k |