Show — -- - k t 4 4r ' ’ Jl i ' — — rMcnu JOUI ftlMfli’jt'OTMS- — bv b aa I f for n r THE SOUTHERN CENSOR tbjjy forj h n cr coo a will ii lit to ittsnl jbooT'in- ' t i iff-f- rj j - poltinb upCt"110 j 6iitrMii s M-ontiii- i v t PERFECT HE SLTU lTlOAINED THE ' WONDER OF THE AOE do yurr honor cf yoTtr pjvorts tr U’r “ G lemvocd U tal i 1 ' n Fna Ti turn bc1cmieh and dy oimj same thing Grandest discovery in the annals of people end would TIM c uf some toll i knows your RICHFIELD SEVIER COUNTY UTAH IVhcn r nee said li el’ medicine leaving Hf friend will pick outaed votefor the best O I ticrsnnIrcp to see yoii correct tlem In the to Cure Guaranteed a ever CRQSBY AND MORRISON fleers to a yom g man: ‘Always lorcember like there candidates IVaj place eU7 by the than any other medicine treatment orThe Lest Place To Get Hu who you arc and vrluit J on name Is” people will ct c that ot ylur habit 11 the system known to the medical profepState Directory: and that Injunction has often caused have lorccd on 0 tVm partisan eot to sJon “No MAN made” remedy but undertake the caclier utl me him to avoid' Kid romi any and to nature’s’ true panacea to politics je ajs the haUt do all yoo can break up one eorao germicide pride Yatumaisan antiseptic Family strive to be UNITED STATES SENATORS! Enquire regarding aid him or her It positively destroys all “microbes’ Frank J Cannon when used in a discorteous or dogmchildren get their lessons while voting on party lines has been SULPHUR if'OE DIPP IKU und germs of every kind name and the J R Rawlins whether atical manner is sure to hurt the user towns REPRESENTATIVE to congress nature it is healing and soothing or not and If not come to the teachers Uyjc(j in the smaller cities and V W H King of it bu family pride when properly was At Orson Go’s- - the mucuous membrane worked It will and It at never children has the It Utah either Maglfcby assisting aid by 0j governor used has done much to elevate the cure the majority of caseof to Lhe iaw of “the survival of the fittest” or talking encouragingly Heber M Wells voxnoE vtmi j Catarrh You should home or JJitpcpsia (Rl Bronchitis belt hmke it and world killed it The fittest wa7 of UORETARVOF STATE is a wpong to your child and It of tbp them diseases all troubles Stomach tomake of think too much your father Jaaes T Hamtnond 10000 pounds of sulphur for you to Lrnint?9inaller towns and cities is by have We teacher to Liver its Bowels Kidnpys Bladder injustice L ' STATE AUDITOR: him the sire of a bad bny If your Files Old Sores Rectal the teacher to do everything LptlnSf for the best men regardless of and are prepared to mate as good leave idorgan Richards Jr father has occupied on elevated j terms on it as ran bp made by Salt Diseases Ulcers Eczema RcrofnlPj STATE TREASURER: their national politics while you sit idly by for his sake community Blood Foisoil RbeniualismNeyralgi'-DlseaspJames Ohlpman Lake parties Rave the freight ' If Discharges DiseasnsipeouUgr 23 try to keep yourself in the place i Nervous and k ptivsio! Women favors man a to tell Censoe ’ The A true friend will always y01 d Ffi' 'dl etc nomiaat-fraiWeakness j&PERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUt reLm ticket but bad habits but he will also apprnba The bis among men leader a AILMENT YOUR C'lirlstfoftVrsisn krnsil — WHAT NO MATTER I TION is worse has always been a from telling them to others ed by a cloistered committee or where you live svrite1 made to ord-- r rrouiptly after of Shoes tlon parents ' JobnR Park consutt-inMeasurement friend to than a partisan one nomiuated by the and tory of your trouble1 and ur SUPREMEfJUDGES Every man should be a true strong moral factor in the wodd Alarsit ftfisortmont of' nt fe t ion los medwbatitc adviso bosses will yom of or committee H boss he LeopleTbe he physician ehwloa9Zane icines stationery and nnllons it is just that it should continue let his own town or city and if health “ your I to order In do regain or Cioahh Lim" Salt 0 W BARTCH worst See is the very thing Call and oim 1'ine : J A MINER us not do away with family pride Let will see the faults of the community in politics and is sacredly conConsultation free Utah Elsinore Lake City or any other city earn have For proofu low Terms DISTRICT JUDGE FOR SIXTn DISTRICT: us together share our brothers’ vic- tlm bad features cf tte municipality very fidential not is Win M MoOarty it 2 which in ccut attainments enclose sisters’ stamp ways our and the tories and COUNTY DIRECTORY Local agents wanted everywhere IT SEVIER lie may scold at his neighCarpenter Contractor not right nor justice be sacrificed Do the people of Monroe appreciate Let No mass COMMISSIONERS cauvasing We advertise you'dq at the for a relative’s welfare but let family bors talk “straight” the good music they have? Or will Address Witt ' H H Bell Glen wood your home paper A mi3S the water till the as long as the woild stands meetings and criticise the actions ‘'never cylst Sallra pride tliry Robinson H W stamp peo-- 1 town with t is he when officials COMFANY J A Ross Joseph the THE VATUMA well rutjg dryi9 The town at J C AfMKHSO V CHICAGO consider- will just as surely refrain ILIof he Z12 cfmusicians hut DUtnbcr a O ROX mill F the only planing ' Richflcid ornetorof pr The Sali na Tress takes the Censor pie I ' v e? ' the community down the see hat should running and uifcnt Jos- A Smith It says frtm V lhficid I in Richfield and is best iprepared of v to tame for opposing foot-ba(i Aessor— he is with strangers j next generation keeps up the workwhen Monroe' any one In the county to do all kind ’ISpUBlbotw'aSbM’agiebyV Brother Crosby should readuponthe rCollectoTax Leading of wood work TViite to him if you Treasurer and 3ubjoct 0f physical rulture ' ' land we LhP Hausen S!c?n‘ the town a frontier throughout educators in When residing vantany thing in his line : McDaniel lProsecutlHgAtt’y-E-- W foot-baand claim that such an t a books little few a u saraoir a trunk owned Turned Work molding exercise is essential to the well develohad a salary but v a and pony leach the Dr to student clothing CITY DIRECTORY pment and health of every experieuce starts us ten f MAYOR— Theodore Brandlcy Rough or I’Janed lunnbcr TTall one of the best known of $70 a mouth So they aessfid G Stanley COUNCIL— E 0 Peterson educators recently stated before the dollars toward building a school house J”M Jonson Sigurd Loa and Coyote was far bet i N P Peterson in Provo $5000 at owned it that who institute Missouri Pacific R’y A man of the town " 1(jncewould Ilut bencSt dead men Morten Jonsen Stage Line ter to occasionally kill a man in a ball was assessed)1 Joseph S Ilorno property unproductive Kansas to Line Colorado Short see thousands The to dying game than will the world learn RABBIT VALLEY Recorder— Carl Goldbranson for the want of proper exer- live dollars When are City St Louis Mo and all points GRASS AND year every Christiansen in planning dollars few A spent Trsasurer— James frontier of ROUTE to follow the example that cise and East Justice of the Peace— Simon Christensen oft worth many dollars spent iu labor South instead income man’s a W G and tax Blomqulst not bruialllty culture is town 'jMarshal— Physical Free reclining chair cars and pull Creek reservoir Stewart City Attorney— I J can led on in of his property? If the property always The board of the Otter is that The cars of most elePOPoterson way Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morning ' BtreetSuyervlsor— I seems to understand that when it man palace sleeping CoOns A t Poundkeeper— John W schools it affords exeroheto but produced wealth it would be different at our except Sunday reach Burrviile Direct connections see the co- gant design over to - hires an Wator Master Niels L Anderson or be would engineer equlvaCoyote jthdt noon and go on to Loa IC NelU M but ux'ng incomes one twentieth nr lhe students and th Quarahtlrie Physlclan- -n the magnificent Union Station St n fiht of its darn structiun as is most property afford to docs ntent productive laxing exercise that it Louis for every where Accomodations for passengers an II earned j (WAYNE COUNTY DIRECTORY brutal The game of foot ball is well well as men who produced or Tickets on sale at all stations on faelhtPs for carrying express described as "a pme fight with eleven wealth without the aid of property Wayne County suffers greatly fiom Rio Grande Western Eailna’ Fill me re Brothers COMMISSIONERS not do we flurrville Howard II but Prolber of really want icvenue Fremont ET Flynn pugs on each side” Alonzo Billings II B Koosir increased Proprietors Teasdale and culture he on Charles Snow A better read up physical C F & P A T F & Last week's Censor chronicled the believe It will materially Giles board more as the Itevi C White’ a bad by licensing sheep herds he will then find that it is the Salt Lake City Utah filings of two divorce suits It is and RECORDER the are contemplating more OOUNIY continual a J of commissioners CLERK the state over the COUNTY moaeraliP ail di for voices time I be tested in the Lea ILmsen m(jtc cheerful exercise that develops Duvorcc is not an unmitigated evil A At lens’ ’ot the bill hundreds oi ore j courts tust the physique There j assessor: coup’o that can not live happy better in rut could be II Cainesvllle profitably Lpoits to that need johd ft Curfew be sepi rated bat young people ball i U u t r of that vce a d tho pi y sheriff: We preti10m of the press have most yy bo taught that divorce is not & nc- be should Lyman courts out Geo Chappell and a)1 spokeu in regard to the recent light matter conference! a way the Llor( of tjl0 Methodist iu granting divcrccsBy 'fiuPT 6CH00LS! The telegraph is uatuialiy part of (' Keep Loa is n part or if as j !(i n notlcrblo tliat sexual impurity al- - aucj uKst ail agre U t! W E Robison os It mne pulyguiuy office— the pus of ' of litany not netb-otNow 1o avoid treasurer! tlio sowing machine is auartofad fss- Ltays inmeuso just atthe time Loa A Jeffery Siuuist the divoiccs The two seem to be insepor- - j yj that comj from outside we) COTITIn GA KETS HANDLES SCItEYS making establish meat ' n busi! 'prosecuting atty: government were in die Hoth ' ably linked and let a divorce epidemic tcttur keep quiet fill LININGS c - j 'Loa ofimwave a K and advantbum Lavea Jqseph Eckersley si nke Community ness (ns it might jj cuiitn'ued to nuralily is close at hand either just age dui ing the war) and Mill before ot iuot after new the garmems o itrelj ly hand t- WHlCh IS VVCll SeaS leaving the sewing m ifliine topi ivatc lO Sell leave them to pay for i ' a be would nniug it orijri'-ie- t The acquittal of Harry Mills comes tha we enjoy) b0 iutus liae water &C Op onecj not situation for private enlumo but e'e ecus n them lk w'tur ) wiU not verv delightful for llie govern ui illy a i riiuiiml yet he was not ens With sreb advantagi private ment tirely justified in the kifiirgof Perjue The men who hold the county state Le apt to deprive Pbe I nJ'erI'1 the that jury and city'otHces are usually among t he It is a bad pricecliiit honGV I government of tbc bct pirtof its laid down when it allowed him to go would be alumi- business iu spite of its Willingness to free It had often been said that mote talented inpeople They money if fcans careful spending work for Pcni'lc at co"t' Tllc s:im0 same one would have to kill Perjue right some people labor hard how they knew some extort thing has happened to bvt Harry Mills didn't have to and he for it with the tdegrapji and telephone and is to hluue for not avoiding trouble Show your regard for those who will hapLicn to a far greatei extent if It Is a licence given to armed men to As this year not a student has have gone before in yet in they are allowed to continue private shoot more freely thrn ever before Richfield to goto northern schools left V Hall control-- Prof Frank IVsens m Tru: of Northen schools have done our stuArena dents an Immense amount of good but look to race as old the wo are glad that our high school now It is nearly as so Cheese! ru’c a Cheese! rightened upon law a tie greatest profession keeps them at home ccin People as 1x‘ lias established ids Socialism Or anything sa'd tn L)cre But law is no longer justly en of Cheese! a of have to wfii-hnwant look who We the prioe’pleu must Those crcflit Of CO-O- J4 lG socialistic atirraJ OP IViarUMS now have an hand at the Rich Sodali-'name of the supreme the our blame find tax to arodonmltd income atu ing Jurists of the past of the cO is pi camery a largo supply public benefacof history but it for its decision Tim supreme court to sure are prove cbarietcis they rr(npst will We of 'se ready for use all tors as soon as the people have Iri'd is not so of the present 'It will not be ' amounts in it to supply them It Irishmen Jmt-h- ulc'i: reting so of the luture The very fact that Held ‘ot ’mily use or to merchants umnoderates v)n strove to in In turniotrl WORK EXCHANGED ' journalism lias reached what it has jjpstibVA Vu 05:LY TejRST-CLAAlready some parties are Youug & Lawson dvr amite tivee centuries stamps it as the greatFOR PRODUCE Socialism with Richfield INyCPD’TKH stock into theunfcuccd and jointly The on two disrepute the tliis of est n tliat brouplit iT fenced fields They wouldn’t do it United State public school a ud the II nc'mhhors’s mops ns tlmy loved their sEpaesi mail are both parts ofHo mfivuUt ah' T 1 m EVERY FRIDAY AT M PUBLISHED iwo ZA T ’ ! t at ® r i more-disease- coml0U' ITSi s -- Flour - ’Graham ly 11 gov-a- n 11 ATTORNEY-GENERA- 10-- : -- J 1 ' n non-paitis- g i ( J ' pro-gressi- Builder I 1 - prc-en- 1 - ’ 1 ll - c-- ll i m: ’ 1 1 1 i"i foot-ba- 1 ll D- - 1 I -- i L r Do TVof Forget T’if Horne Mil or Undertakers 5 j 1 constantly on hand at their establishmontin Richfield a supply u-tri- l J A AT f i you get best bargain on extractors tin and num though work ii East ssll tho ground occupied by the lumber yard at a reasonable price for hand 1111 Remember the Dear Departed J Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones ARTHUR IIENRIE Social -- i I j c i' 5 i u'-h- Cantor St East make grave oparcu Store and kinds stones and do Cemetery Work or!s mawr-acrean- d ’ n olc--io- I) and cash Richfield b they have BOORS eaves roofing and they are an their Planing the lumber nt Greco’s Tin Shop i orders on shor§ and they can - I end The Jury that tried Brother Snow' of assault her irrigation sj ctens hate prevci of the Brigham Cdy Bugler for a has brought In rankU j a cDedly weapon LOR the greatest! uo but they a verdict of not guilty The verdict socialistic It id mote rot less editors can pfi adapled Socialism that the whole Ip neural ly says tint is met 'cn for world is needing just tu t itieruhelvcs by that means if it mercantile 1 I i ? ! C" NieV?°" aoAn 1 - ItoTiaerly ’ 1 “ twe°ote VcA w 1113 Ho 0 tbc tW cnrc-- l tUe ® days after v?eeU9 miUu-R- I - V tho bra-danV- t r 'j£t: °rad orb°r3CG' H- j trad ’Ll & X L tmfl ' L'm p oppHfr'k raud I o Will Snow cm tip r:x-- - Vv'c congiatulutc Brother victory lie has won for the ot Utah 1 obis a mmtmgnoiX ' ris? ?01 X c1 J Eryan itqiiiitd II Some men never have any time for Did you ever notice home duties that the same have plenty of time to otherwise loaf? argue politics and emThe Mocroo school trustees have for music ot ployed a apeclal teacher The idea is an excellent the ir school the eastern papers too In fact tlcy one hit1 as a to to ay more attent ion to Issues piotlier Tester of Living u I u'Tens th ir I ay t: 1 to his i the Een thinks that the state should ownstate McKi'lej o President r hug Non streams ( f Utah Tire ' a jour ail st has i uje f‘ v Our Ne-p- r h'i'Hovn the streams if tho com he ' U t afil pnur ildc yah’3 “‘ElsTnoreH: V trcU ’ Growing Larger aT'-'-- 0 T’wo tromeatoP- n taka their 'own iT-ii- A °ra ttc-hri- l deal of notke of M CO gamp3 ©eutreted t lct Lr0Xa elocRcattU' &3 YvanOi"8 be outh ot The op -- 1 II pepirt ated s liou-e- Brvnn i i o’ is t ot sink it h'-ify- w oo’ The mutinies can notown them but irr d with ' t!IC FlOat so fu cinmuilty ownership of streams successful in Utah hat q isiee i ( ut be in tho needed in is ate ownciship neighboring states however th1 state wm k’ t smc no tvs with each year a share fair and the customer gets with oi t’ profits Try trading Trade G UG TAKE CAPITAL STOCK at and get your share of the profits The Ihjultablo More in I?1- asteit -' Pioneer JUST Oil a Rouse 5 RECEIVED-up2£!?- A Lot Of WHITEWASH BRUSHES Paints and Oils Paint Brushes Glass Sach Doors Lath Iron Roofing etc "FcItitiots Att(niiou Al-iicliiii- Oils Call and get my prices before you order Don’tforeg't the place I K WRIGHT Richfield esWHw ZJ |