Show o f V I 7 ' Vo! 2 Professional and Business Cards jff 'Will ' R HOFFMANN Attorney at Bate practice ifl all the Courts State UTAH Brows M L Judge WALLACE a ' ' J unction t The Piute Co r Sett t Utah 19 1891 Mills murder case was close here last night Attorneys at Law ’G T Bison Wermel Rapp RAPP and BE AN ’ M W MANSFIELD 'Lawyer: 'Notary Publk) Utah ' R ditcher Woodward wtib is rldlHg Addison Armlstead's resident 'fit Pleasant drove was burned ou Tues- front New Ybrk to San Francisco pit 4 election feet paSsed day by two boys playing with matclibs donkey to pdy an He through Salt Lake this tveek Novembmust reach San Francisco by 'S W Ross of Lehi has been appointer 3rd ed postmaster of that town against the wishes of Ex Senator Brown The Beaver county Blade in its indeclared itself an out Mrs William U Giles of Heber City itial number and protection papeV in its second attempted Bulcide by taking poison R non- number if retracts Sunday partisan position -- UTAH bOA THURBEfe - - I f l r was full of drinking there probably were not less than fifty present Among all these no one took up a quarrel in which they had no interest excepting Johii Perjue Agfiin Mills protested against fighting men of such superior strength But Iurjueifiust heeds push tile thing and finally struck Mills who returned the blow ahd received a second blow from Perjue Perjue than grappled Mills and pushed him agai net the wall when they were separated by the sheriff Hills 'Went out of tiaO saloon turned Upward his house but stopped within the porch when he turn tftew feet of it j ed and went back to the saloon' Meeting the sheriff who asked if lie was gohe replied nd' he ing back for trouble A them the saloon hien - 1 1 o i j trans-pontinent- ' - ! ! t i r- qou'partisau moyemepfhf Povo’ Licensed Obstetrician iim ti I Rooms atxMfsi Millers cross the street north of the Public Square n MRS ANNIE M NELSON Midwife and Nurse f Aftor a year's absence foi study I am at my place ready to resumb my practice Elsinore Utah homer McCarty V ft 8- - says :tbl')h9Y®ment there of political bosseALi 'l N' v Will Association The Utah Press hold a meeting at Lehilb’n Septdbabfer 2nd Tile object is to'send a'! ddegi-tiol f 'J 'Juj iyl i s il J v n to a editorial f t ! I K WflidifT Edward Wood of Bountiful' was seriously injured by being thrown on a Btreet pavement in Salt Lake during away Wednesday was Proprietor emancipation day The colored people of Salt Lake celebrated it with cbnsiderablo ostentation !'i ii Pleasafit Grove Is to have a high school with two teachers this Winter Richfield led out in rural high schools see how others follow? White House to shoot President Richfield Utah &$ Tuesday He was arrested is now in custody The itberican Federation of labor Utah has glverii the Utah branch money to Quipped with all comforts Grain and hay always kept Good stables for &w'y -- the eight iaw the U heard soo be u by to hoUf test the constitutionality 8 supreme court F Mc- oil Kinley and JENSEN HOTEL i of 'jj' r ( UTAH '3 advOcatHs Tantrum Occasionally I t piteously then fell to the floor announced by the council committee in swoon The widow of John Perjue that the city’s flow was lessened And i was also there with her two little further than that the Advocate mfiH 1 t She presented a sad for- just mark this down: baby girls workl for any set The never Censor to the lorn appearance that appealed i or click clan has befriended and It hearts of all When at midnight it was announced that a verdict had will befriend officers of the law In do been agreed upon and Mr Mills sat ing their plain open duty as it did I tearless city f awaitirlg its unfolding bis fade was a befriend our sturdy' greater study than before He sat like councilmeu in downing thb trio whd a statue looking straight before him tried to take - city water It would never winking an eye hor moving a under no condition be fonnd tbadying muscle Wheh the verdict Wa3 slbwly to an office seeking office holdlbg f ra: ' read by’ the Cofi'nty Clerk his over ternity in an attempt to wrohg the wrought strength gave way his head “masses” See the poiht Uncle Johjr ii ti drooped fiis arms fell to his Side and one would almbst imagine that the NAMED HTM LAZARUS poorfeliow had noli hefird the word A Clat Withstand several Hours Un ‘'not'1 in the verdict His counsdl der Water a Under Ground Judge Powers began to rally hini arid Brigham City Bugler The rather ‘ a presently hand shakings and fconiatu-latio- fishy old story that a fiat had nine lives felt thidk find fast was verified in Brigham not long ago Youf reporter called at the hotel It seems that a certain old ptuss gave where the Mills's were staying to offer birth to a litter of kitties There was congratulations on the following morn- a family consultative The unanimous ing and was met at the door by Mrs verdict was that the unwelcome inMills Fop just a moment We did not truders must die Finally it was decidrecognize the lady iso great was the ed to drown then! in the slop pail change that had come into her count- The kittens wei-f- i placed in a sack enance The change was almost as chuGked down into the pfiil how over? marked In the expression of her husflowing with water and the lid was band The anxious) bunted look bad on This was iu the morning They vanished and given place to an expres- were left there until noon' when the sion of freedom and happiness that sack was taken out hole was dug be would be difficult to portrayi neath a stalk of corn for a grave stone The Joust9 In the legal tournament and tbe limp find lifeless animals of the last day were worthy of the poured in and buried Several hours knights of the law who had entered later members of thfi family heard a’’ the lists They were characterized by terrible yowling in thfi neighborhood brilliance logic and force Each legal of the new grave Investigation brought combatant was worthy of the other to one of the “dead” kits full of light but public sympathy was with the de- life and yelling as lustily as a new fense and Ube ' filial division of the barn babe It had actually lived six 8dVer'eign jfirorS justified that choice hours under water in the pail quite q One wbrd for ' our district Judge period In the ground and finally when We cannot imagine finy man who it had aroused from its lethargy dug would grade that position with greater itself out of the ground and set up wisdom Judgment and dignity than yowling that bid fair to awaken does our own Wm Mcdarty dead That kit is alive m Brigham toMi M Johnson day and his name is Lazarus ifa'oaned fi ‘ -- Li ' 1 1 - 5 ’ n ' - h i ‘ ‘ ¥ 4 ‘ ‘ t t Change Not it t An Old Friend Maxim That Holds Good m Frie It Is Great Value usj i 'dship ess Co-o- p Better Summer Goods the 'cf " not be unt y fond ESTABLISHED Agent '4 if " th' ? t Li - - i tho' anhivbrsary of A crank named Jackson went to the "111 Terms Reasonable ’ 2 ' ii First Class in Every Way ' 'U ai xl- Lighthouse y-e- t : fJ Knwaui i thM at New meeting Orleans : MONROE UffiAH ' fl hile I' - x a ruil and NOTARY PUBLIC ’ Jt the trick is Deputy MINERAL SURVEYOR lumber home made and Imported shingles q well-season- satisfied again Street car wap coming down trouble Perjue not attacked Mills ahd called him a s— of J!$n Fprrt DohglaS to Salt Lake City a b of a coward Mi Ilk retorted ‘‘I sc'me opt faiselyehouted that the car fwis- running Tbit 'paused va am'fao moreofa 8— ©f ab— than you ‘The words had 'not left his lips planic add several were hurt by jump- are!’ before Perjue kicked at him with all ing from the car i'v i‘ it!' d " 1)!' ‘Ws'fofbe hls'Wot flying from eight to & thb khnk is eaffl t'o he ftrartebn Inches' a bow the head' of t (The sk'in the hebt of fdr' Itihas beeb sold finder Miilsj'the latter immediately drew his' the n am£ f Alaska sable' for r somle pistol frbbr’hiS pbfiket' and fired" The ' time Each ubprepired skin is' worth sheriff gfasped Mills and bwung vhimj ' a qilibfe Movement so 85 cents Several' fafinersafe given up afbund'lth that be embraced' him firound Ill's back' entirely to raising these animals tr and held the right ’wrist tightly in cThe authorities inNeV Oreleansare the effort to get hold of or control the Mills from succeeding admirably ln keeplng down gun Perjue tried to get at ot the ofover sides shoulders or the does 'hot yellow fever The- disease i' ficer It now became a desperfite Spread easily at this time of the year nd the strictness 6f the health offic- struggle for life or death Mills did was Perjue who not know but that er has do pp mpeh good laid his heavy Weight upon his back v assaildnt and A jA correspphdent to the Salt Lake he felt the blows of his fierce Kbrald hai discovered an Interesting a grasp at his throat believing in of he was about to be stabbed he feah that document in the records of Pefe there is Always one thing to be remembered in bufi copnty Under date of December 23 desperately wrenched his arm back lose Anything bp deallpg with tbe tried and trusted ness that you never 1855 ChiefAraplne deeded to Brigham ward and shot! the effect was fatal Rchflel'd has beeu doing business in Richfield Ever since 1871 Young as trustee for the Church all and Perjue had lo$t the fight the found wanting ih its trefitment of the public It to It has never been1 the Jury of San Pete county valued at $155000 Judge Mcyarjfr’s Charge substantial articles on its shelves andttll bas A Lad wa&adocument of remarkable clear nothing but the same When thb Uingley Bill was before ness justice and fairness He acknowcongress Senator Elkins managed to ledged that the defendant had as he Cc get an amendment which gave 10 per himself expressed it' as good a right to cent discrimunation in favor of goods be In the saloon) as any other man as hauled in American ships Attorney LONG AS HE BEHAvKD HIMSELF ' ' xA The face of Harry Mills was a study General McKenna holds that section 187i j of the trial u j(No 2) is pot legal and that the tax throughout the progress unnaTbeomust be uniform irrespective of who His wide open blue eyes seemed 'andley and anxious add Owns the vessels open fcager turally had deserted the ' TlKjProyofohn FLORENCE ALLRED f V 6 ro-test- a De-Lam- ar I i lt - ' i when some Incongruous The Advocate is on a tantrum this made by a '‘rattled” was Statement Kirst it gets after the CENSOR i week susbe a would faint witness there in a Write Up and tells “historical” picion Of a 8m lie pass over bis features but that was very rare His wife and the Censor that U 8 coriimisslobers s mothel Wer6 by hlS side almost con- can not “dabble” with state law tinually The elder lady maintained Many thanks old mfin we knew that t her equilibrium but the wife frequent- before but it is claimed by many that ly burst into tears which culminated the terms of tbe Enabling Act are day ddllilra for information in regard to on the last day when J udge Powers such as to allow the United States tie shooting of his dog Ab Peterson delivered his forcible brilliant argu-filei- law to prosecute polygamy case if the fiiid His brother Ern took up the gaiint-le- t to the jury She sobbed during state law was not enforced As to thb find vrords ensued that might have he greatet part of the forenoon and “change of tune” on the water racket' led lip to blows If Mills had not p when at the noon adjournment she Mrs Johnson was editifig the Censor that he ‘was unable to fight attempted to arise and go out she on January 22 besides it was not then i f v 7 PROPR i 'OW Coliins Silver Is raising in price quite fasti STE WART and COLLINS State Board of Pardons has There is considerable excitement in ' j Attorneys At Law pardoned S M' Butcher of Kanab He UTAH the market at Bombay 'RICHFIELD is tlje old(ttian lght7 years bid who J was convicted criminal relations with TUI ? II HERBERT The strike ampng the Pennsylvania his daughter Judge McCdfty signed minerkls'tibw over and they have the coal and Surgeon physician petition gone back to work : V c$ at Floneer prug Store ' For some time past a shit has been ’’UTAH A flood ln Ashley valley b as lately pending betweithe holders of toWn V j done milch damage to crops as di’d bue lots in and Captain De- n j MiMiejn ou the Uintah reservation Lamar over the ownership of the land wanted no troublq but baa left his hat DRM B SEIPP which Perju? had knocked off and deThe people have won the fight ' E i Physician and Surgeon v sired vto see Bajmeetlcatjtle man on ' There IS said to have been some rich Office andjejiaenco'at the discoveries of gold on the Uintah res- - It Is a laW ni China to execute any pei buisriess Wheh r he- returned he went itentlicky House buisness his qultly avoiding son guilty of killing apaientby slicing about ervation lately : : Monroe them to pieces- An ii year djd boy id the qrowd( turned agairj tdwird the - Utah 7 hU moth dotfi when perjuq stpped fbffvard and Janies Longsttfeet aged 80 Shan(fbai accidentally killed General instilled hipvdtb the yilest language:1 SMifii E DR er and must die the awful death married a twenty-twyear has just had ieqjned of " Dc7tatt tKiiiiMiiiti i d i by this tnieMrsuMlll§ v i old girl ' and had en- Tbe Union Paciflp and Oregon Short thebneounterand danger a t‘ Anderton Building r t iUTAH v tered the sajoou to coax her husband fi"'" RICHFIELD Line have disagreed over their Julius Greenwold the Trovo min work and (hereafter the away he replied thafche bad as good a MRS N H ST JOHN Evanston Wyom- Rdo Grande Westeren Denver arid Rio rtghtthere a? any other man so long who shotjhls wife at ' i 'Jthilwt 'J i'f 4" v iu murder to has guilty pleaded j5randevWUl handle the business of the as he behaypijbimselTMidwifery and General Can of the Sick ing ' second j Mrs Mills was persuaded to leave n the degree r i Short line t UTAH believin£ that there would be no more RICHFIELD ' U J Stewart fecfilfpD HO had been consumed and forty Witness- -- bounty Attbirbey forWapbeUtiiinity C iOf J States es I also handle Ijor the defenao alofte had been plac Arrayo the assailant 'of President has notified Spain that unless the Cu- ed upon tbd Witness standi moldingj lath CtC’ Diaz Of Mexico has been lynched bans war is ended by October 31 Uncle The like of defense? at first butlihefi Sam will help Cuba to gdinits inde by Judge Powers vtais well sustained MONROE Mrs M E Gianque of Bountiful pendence It yviis shbWu that J ohn Perjue hfid f t tfireateridd thg life of Mills was tteafly killed by an infuriated cow since and a few days that lie had upon the fathl morn-ic- ii Tle U Sgovferfiriient owns a hUmb-e- i declardd his intention of killing ef reindeer in Alaska It will keep lawyers Mills before evehlng The bad chai ’President Paiil Kinget Oom Paul of them handy to haul supplies Into Rlon: 'Will practice 'In all the Strfte'und’Fedral of Office Lund acter court and ‘United States Perjue a3 a man Who was over dike tills winter if heeded the South African republic is perhaps Werners Rapp and Bean are able and ex' bearing and qtlarrelsonle was estabperienced lawyers in all probate 'land 'Water fatally ill with BrigbtVaisease lished by bumerous witnesses tlat of ana criminal litigation qnlillng Wliitb engdged id a quarrel over Will attend all' sessions of ccuft'lp the Mills as a pedceable quiet man was t01xth Judicial pistrlct and adjacentcounties V A Nbrgdfirfi of Dehver 13 witer Bbnjaniln Eggintou of Sdndy likewise Dr assured by sufllcletitevidence bt Southern Utah tOffide In Anderton Building to have found a remedy lor the shot Martin Mock bis tieighbor MoCk Vrtlea Mills entered the Stewart sa said Richfield Utah Texas fever tliat is so fatal to cattle' will probably dlb 1 find offered ten iljdtl oii the fatal Attorney 'at Law 7 "S ’ JJ08EP‘M EGKERSLEP Year MAGLEBY Dr Hunter the Republican canabout when midnight tile jury brought didate for senator from Kentucky has As I Buy by tho carload I am able to sell Stoves Tlu lb a verdict of not guilty after deliberlately been a trial accused of bribery about and three ating hours Jacob B Blalt has been appointed The jury has found him not guilty casting Bedroom Sets Eefrlglraturs Sofas Cupboards at the very lowest pru fof ballots Nearly two weeks In alf have ever been had ' surveyor general tor Utah 1 roon8—WmaHT Block 'Richfield Dtalj SW111 practice In all the courts State and Fed erah Corporation Land and Commercial Business Solicited A $150 Pioneer F urniture THE MILLS CASE begtin work It Is thought that the United BROWN CLOSE OJF Harry brought to a The Branch Normal school at Cedar has JRICHFIELD Walwoi THE Since the Queen’s Jubilee the young of England have been returnSt George is to build a 25000 school people ing to the fashions of tho early part of building ' l the century 1 Office Ence Block w Richfield Utah Friday September 24th 1897 CONDENSED NEWS ana federal tfV 24 No OLA-- i 1 t - a 4' I- - ft? A r? r'7: v -- 7 ‘ lrrr£’ t 'Vl ‘Mi in M I $ J i k' |