Show r KEEP XT HANDY j LL f eu ' JAL1NA -- : witttr--i — Hare--he- r sur) rising Alex Erase- - t !s home Salina Tres Will Nelson is here fiom Mcreur last Friday night T’e young man and is outfitting for Klondyke' He is will leave for a m!si n a few week I buying burros provisions and clothing hence and will start for Ala-klti a fe Tlieo Brandley Jr ishopio lrcm days Mexico Since liis return hlias been a a J Marinus and Ot Jenson left here quite unwell Wednesday billed through to Old Mrs Andrew Gilbert $jentth!s Mexico What the boys are going to week and partoflast visiting Performdo in the land of hot tomales and fiery er neighbors here (D()Q - IP tOU HAVE CUT BURNED “ m OR BRUISED pulque the Lord only knows One or two terni3 spent at an acad- Iura?lf or have any horse cow dog emy doesn’t qualify any young man or animal that is wounded ilrd oi any woman tj teach school Neither docs ' will find ' ’ any way you t a year spent in idleness qualify any man to preach the gospel of Christ JOflXSOX’S BLACK OIL A CURE THAT CURES tlaware of Imitations f ? rea Sold - Genuine only (hnrrvr at z CM I Drug Dept The DENVER i Salina young people when they wish to get married invariably go to Mantl They claim they can get a better Job done there than in Richfield The side attractions are the temple and Pete Madsen’s brdal chamber Mika Hogan is another retired This week he sold his entire EIO GRANDE flock of sheep about 3000 head to Manti parties In the future Mike L RAILROAD CO : will devote his whole time to the catTOURIST OB FAMILY BLEEPING CAR tle business We congratulate him on SERVICE the good Judgment he has shown you know that every evening the ' Denver & Rio Grande'R R In conneo At the last meeting of the town 'tlb’ni with the R G W ruris a Tourist council an ordinance restraining bicy"Jdf family Seeping Car t6 Denver in cle riding on the north side of First Vhlch a lOWer berth can be secured for South Street was passed Owners of 200? ' In addition to this daily the & R G also operates en wheels feel aggrieved other people are ’‘Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays happy Tho bicyclists will have to hit Hhere distluct ' Tourist Sleeping Car the middle of the road in the future mes to'Onqiha Kansas City Chicago A fellow named Goss professing to 'Boston and New York— no change for U tah passengers— at greatly reduced be a devout Mormon is visiting around berth rates ' These Tourist cars are among the bretliern iu Wayne County managed’ by the Pullman Company Incidentally he sells a recipe for makand are provided with all necessary dolThe ing soap imposing a tariff of one conveniance9 and appliances old women All lar the recipe per tourist car feature' together with the g ‘'admirable train service and scenie about Loa are now engaged in the route has placed the burning their fingers and T) & R G in the loremoBt ranks of the missionary Bass was in roasting Western Railroads For rates and Salina a few weeks ago lie preached Retailed information apply to any a sermon in the meeting house and as Ticket Agent of the R G W Ry to B Y Novins General Agent or II he has a powerful pair of lungs innoH Cushing Traveling Passenger cent parties living ten blocks away Agent' D & li G No 58 West 2nd distinctly heard bis flighty discourse South Street Salt Lake City A Goss told of having met all the prominent statesmen in America lie drank hard cider with Tom Reed had FE wool-grow- er AND - ser-Vl- p soap-makin- SANTA - : :4 ROUTE ' Lake in v You leave‘bgden or Salt and after breakfasting in cjouihg he sumptuous dining cars of the $ANTAFE ROUTE on the third yorning yoii arrive in Chicago or St Louis n season to attend to business or connect with all fast trains for the East Ifome one has said recently that the track of the ATCniSON TOPEKA & SANTA FE railroad was in such perfect condition that the long distance run of the “Flyer” on the New Vork Central could be equaled if not ixceeded by its magnificent trains JD KEN WORTHY v Gen’l Agt Passenger Dept 50 West Second South Street Salt Lake City Utah tf WARREN 0 F Traveling Agt SALOON RICHFIELD II W ItDILO SE Prop ha's ' " had shot ducks with GroerClevclaud and was Iho bosom frienn of Governor Altgeld of Illinois It is on record that the Salina saints took a tumble to themselves and denounce J Bass as an fake Very4 few of them at purchased recipes for making soap George Crosby editor of the Richfield Censor is going to give our county seat town the marble heart The affable Geoige sees glory and greenbacks in Idaho When he quits Richfield Bro Mcteer will languish and grow thin (lie’s not going) U HERE AND THERE Arthur Williams was over from Grass Valley first of the week to gel State Engineer Young Mr Williams says that' besides having the engineer inspect the Box Creek reservoir they will have him look over another site a mile farther down The Greenwich people need two reservoirs Robert Young and Captain Willard Young retured frbm an inspection bf ALCOHOL the Three Creek reservoir Saturday 188 CALIFOBNIA GRAVE BRANDY The captain thinks the Three Creek Port and t Beat Brands of Blackberry dam is all right though the overflow Oherry Wine and such other liquor should be made three times as large as are needed in sickness WHISKY $300 A GOOD ' GALLON TEST-PROO- F Try qur H W B Cigars MONROE FURNITURE It Gammel has been engaged as con- struction engineer for the Otter Creek Reservoir Co The walls of the new opera house are completed and the carpenter work has been begun In the main the work Located opposite the public square is first class Some excellent scenery is being painted so that in the future Furniture Carpets Window our theater equipments will be the Shades Lace Curtains Baby Carbest south of Salt Lake City riages Wall Patou Clocks Wall and House Furnishings in general Fully nine tenths of the trees in the I will sell the cheapest in the county cemetery aie a live despite the dry summer Jilarktliat down Call and see me ROOM ' Also Undertaker Goods Amundsen and Cook have again A supply of caskets and colins of established their photograph gallery all sizes with proper trimmings are in Richfield always in stock and can be had by A sad death happened at Salina last calling on Miss Ilauuah Monday afternoon "John A Johnson of Salma one teachers the Scorup died from the effects of malarial fever Miss Scorup was one of the teachers R’y who took examination hero three and best line weeks ago On the second day she Fastest time shortest in arothe for feeding accomodations complained of not m ling wed it was Sucments wo oiler to shippers of live the beginning of her fatal illness The fork Lctwccn Tucblo and lvin-i- s for as jourg lady wa deaily loved by al City Special live stock trains M ay she lost in peace w lm knew leer reasonable number of cars 1 1 H Kooser C F & P A Ed Lund has gone to De Lamar to E J Flynn T F & P A work this winter Salt Lake Pity Utah Missouri Pacific yx if ’ rqTrr'Tv1J'vTrTTTlTc EKmPLEY’S republic and a fe n cL il of (’image is being done Still the lianestis much lettci than usual' The other curiosity is ml be shape of a pet tamed wild cat Its owners say that it lias a vety klnlc and gentle disposition and is especially fond of women and eliildien WlieTTyNUstioko its fur it wags its tail oprnis its mith and gives a peculiar cohtiiuousgiowl Since its arrival mice rat cats dogs and children keep a lesimlul distance! It follows the inmates of the house and rubs its head against their pants and in other ways exhibits more affect Ion than an ordinary house- Furniture Store” r-- OFijjp'titmcsm's Ki’ rTR: TO The Peddle oi Sevier andOtheu CSiUNTips ’With - J FURNITURE1 'Word received from Mexico tells broken that Charlie Bean had several weeks since The particulars have not at this wrltjngbeen received John Baker who Is working at Dc Lamar suffered a painful accident a hold cat few days since having his foothroken Lcxia Ilurrls dy Jumping from a load of woi d Mexico of City Sept 14 1897 M Stew R Dr week First of the art of Ogden looked over Richfield with the intention of locating here Ohio City of Toledo as The choice is between Richfield and State of Lucas County j Gunnison Mr Stewart thinks RichFrank J Chaney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of field one of the best and most progress-lvF J Cheney & Co doing business In towns In the state the City of Toledo County and State A fine speciman of Sevier root crops aforesaid and that said firm will pay is Pmsldent W II Seegmiller’s patch the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLof mangle wurtzel beets No town in LARS for each and every case of itarrh that cannot be cured by tlio Utah can beat those beets use of his-le- "1 garpeTs ' vind6ty SHADES LACK CURTAILS BABY CARRIAGES WALL PAPEItN We are agtShts for the celebrated u4 '"CROWN” Organs and Pia'n 'R 1 PUMPMDE “ c °f is ?a i 'Red 1 ’ i&ZS Hall’s Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY The next lew years are destined to Sworn to before me and subscribed be years of growth for Richfield The in my presence thisCtbday of Decemnew reservoir system will supply ample ber A I) 18S6 water for the Sevier Valley Canal A W GLEASON thus putting 10000 acres of land onen fcs&g seal to cultivatian A few years from uow — kSetary Pi blic will see a figure “5” replace the' figure Hall’s Catarrh Cuie is taki-- intern iltwe in tilling ilns towns’s popula- ly and act directly on the Hood and mucous surfaces of t’ue sysiem Send tion for testimon i!s free Sunday school conference was held F J CHENEY t CO Toledo O at Monroe last Sunday The attend- Sold by Druggists 7V ance was fair though many stayed Hall’s Family Pills ?ie the away from fear of scarlatina Aspre viously announced Elders Goddard md NOTICE roil LUMBER Reynolds were present Some excellent exercises were carried out and The umlerslgur d board 'if tru'd ces of much of interest tcSunday school work FNImue DUtrifi No 4 hovin l'o t't:ili will rteoi' o bills for tlio followlmr 1111 of lumbir ers was talked over : to lo at Elsinoro or at tho Mlls uptoSo'cloetr p mOct lfjtli 1807 when all bids will lm opened at thn Social llall and ACAMBARO avoided to tlio lowest responsible Acambaro Ins the most delightful bidder Tliejlumbi'i- is to be delivered on or before Feb 1st 1897 Call on t rupees to see On ordinary world climate peoHlcatlon'iTlie Hoard reserve he right to occasions is neither too hot nor too reject any and all ids not rdvmt ’cions to in-th- j fssi? CO 5 (6 1 2® o 2 2 cC 1 2 2? 03 ?!lol CO ivT f — £ a °0£ QD ' i StM'f -- tv0 2 j A ijf 4&yj(j Tj crSrTva- - (d C3 co 72 zi‘i i l e it Genuine Singer Sewing Machine 1 cold too wet nor too dry It is just low enough to avoid the damp cold chilly eensations felt in the City and still high enough to escape the t) epical sun tb' I'isirii'’ LUMBER HILL places 2X11— 20 foot leuy white pine El 2X1- 2- ' n I :i :’s—is 21 IX 10 — 27 Th$ sl ndarr’ of excellence all over world I'd 2X17— IS 7X!‘!—1S hit i red v - 2 V Ei' v hito 71 two special attractions Ml lXs- -li the first and greatest is a large stone as red 2X10— Is :: x t IS bridge supposed to have been built EXit -- 24 while IS The over four hundred years ago 2' 1S 11 architect was an Indian uud he em20- vv ife ployed Indian talent to carry into ef li ml which The liis feet ihe” o'er plans :’( 2!i 11 it stretches is a treacherous turblent ICO lineal fen pile stream and had from tme to time 1000 ' “ 2' ’) washed away all their budges Re 2 " iHt0feitf sm faced sheet Iny ted p Inc or boasted that he would build one that balsa'c would withstand the wear and liar of 12O0 led of surfaced ratie i”areeild tho elements for a century ami his (loo-- r white nine or bals m 4V 0 fei t of V "7 'be en iting f clear June words proved to be no idle boast! 4s iiieees2l'j-2- 'i feet long Oregon tir The remarkable feature of the struct- 2x10-8 ure is that it contains only rock and 5000 ' ?a4 L AO Vertical Grain Oregon dirt neither iron nor wood forms a fir flooring No 1 W Sly vest er j Trustees O llerinanson part Tlie arches are slipped by placbos Ivelsim cut side side wedge shaped by ing rocks The piers of course are solid But the bridge and the masonry town are just now receiving a test of SUMMONS It possesses 10-- Ilpipmr" ’ - te'-i-- 0-- 21 If 800CXX) SOLD ANNUVLy More in use than all other combined 2VI-- ' -i -- 4 ' tr 1(1 11 "T Sold only by 2H-l- -U our gjripJoy-e- es -- ) m ! 2M0-I- 4 ( 4- - tv 7r 2 jSi'u t J i - Lk D i rectly V people from facteryto tjig iujust improved SINGER before buying Offices Everywhere J - 12 28 I T 1 ) The Burrville and Koosharen SAWMILL durability The river has overflowed its banks Is Tnc District Court oy the Sixth Judi'’ and all the bouses (about 1200) between cial District of To r State op Utah County of Sevier the rail road track and the river have Sarah M Oyler 1’laintifT V vs ' Mlkel V Oyler Defendant ) been swept away gj Orpetino to It was funny too to see the inhabi- Tiie State op Utah Sends Mitel V Ojler Defendant : tants as they were trying to rescue In an to are You appear hereby required tlieirsmall animals and house-hol- d action ’brought against you by tho above To named plaintiff In the District Court of ihe effects from total des ruction Sixth Judicial District of the State of Utah guide them they tied ropes from tlieir and to answer the complaint filed therein of tho day of dwellings to the rail road track either within ten days (exclusive after tho service on you of Oils sumaround fastened their scanty clothing mons— If served within this county or f their waists or placed them upon t heir si rvod out of this county but in this dlslrict Within twenty days otherwise within forty heads abovo the water then waded in days— or judgmcii by default will bo taken and began their work clinglngalways against you according to the prayer of said to the ropes Let us watch them! See complaint Tho said action is brought to dissolve t ho that woman with her pet cat in her bonds of matrimony existing between PlainA tiff and Defendant For tho custody of tin aims She is about to loose her cloth- rhlTdrou of said marriage and the allowance ing from lier head The water is very to 1’1'ilntiff of certain property of Defendant Said action Is based upon alleged adultery deep in places Here is a man with a committed by you at divers lines during the basket of ollas be has missed his foot- months of January Febuury and March 1897 In said counly Also with desert ion of Plaining and lost his cargo! but look at tiff by you since your marriage irtli Plainthat man with a squealing pig! Oh bow tiff and cruel treatment of Plaintiff by you to the extent of causing PlaliHiff great stubborn pigs are it is snuggling to bodily Injury and mental distress XOTilE get free! Look! look! They have both And yon are hereby notifiedsaidthat If you fail to appsar and answer the complaint o il ofTni-tceof The nndotuguul y Luckly tor him be as above required the said plaintiff will gone under water School District No 4 Sevier Co Utah demanded relief com t for tho totlie wl'l rocolvo bids fur tho quarrying of rocks kept hold of the precious l ope sec lie Witness THE HONOUAllLr JUDGE uud at thn Monron quarry for ono 4 room school and his pig arc both emerging Ihe Seal of the District torn I of tho Sixth huiiua to S o'clock p m October iSIli lip Yonder saloon man (An American) Judicial Uilriet in and for the State of F'iT when all bids will be opened at tho 8o-20 IT h this il Hall and contract awarded to tho lowemploy i every cargedor that puts in to the year of oar Lord i lie est responsible (ddorTlio Hoard of trustees ua V iff An an appearance and there aie none to tltoiwinil eight hundred ami ninety sevi u rest rve the il' lit to reject any and all bids S I lark Clerk to sno plans aud speci-- j fall on the the an for lit ii houe many cither falling Repp and ( for Pluluti'V j a p u Attorneys withT and some of the liquors arc still VV Pylvestor r manson Trustees fTi lio in Niel-i'us 2 q eept ember First Ytu the floods arc terrible— Tim HAS CHANGED OWNER§ ALL KINDS OF LUMBER Is continually on our yard 1 sei-vic- e) Bills promptly sawed Address: r CRAWFORD Piute Co Koosharem 1 S Elsi-nor- up-jil- cl 1 Tri-stie- s 1 - i - - - t i w 4 A‘‘ a 1 1 v ' Utah Growing Larger Our Trade Grows with each yea and the customer gets a fair share of the profits Try trading witU 11U TAKE CAPITAL STOCK and get your share of the profits a The Equitable Store Richfield i i |