Show c "" " SLtf T -- r L T iTitij1 : jl 'V-- yv v ’ ” I 4 c SdQES AS BEFORE SAID ANNABELLA y monroe! head of sheep to L B Mrs Wm Spafiord and their and a Nebraska farmer here today Mr The Brooklyn creamery' is running pr Herbert is home again ibe on Don are spending this week it Mr Saunders purchased sheep again It turned out He first butter Our elevator is nearly complete and wc are most readf for euf books text has its stock of Tba from James Cropland and others ifnti on Wednesday la Mr aed Mrs E K Roberts spent a Editor Howard of thefiallna Press H 0 Magleby is travelling over the Host boX StdtionSfJr 25 Cents it the Mantl temple last cloth recently predicted lots of weddings in copoty in the Interest of the Scandi- few dayf at the Wdek once i started pttsOR BtbM Glenwood when they got Suits of ciotblhg ard od hand add we are AAliin navian reunion 7 h We hear that It starts next Week with Hid you sea ttioSS afciilds in the Mrs Jibksoh of Mexicoi daughter them at pHt&i rAHklng from tA5d to 115 four Couples the' first pop Announce-meht- s Tfames NilsSoti had $ liight AiigLpjc pf of John' Wilkinson left Auhabtilla window? one day fata Week Re ' ofde?id not appendicitis Wednesday after a visit to bit parents We hatb bf iiilph'ur for flipping sfalfep A Hew sldtik of shoes Jiist Id Hi the ' r Is now well from it brother--JUf- l her Rer accompllnea haiid aiVfayS on Editable Stbffe Job" tfrelSob Frank- Spehce- Chfls btJtnej Vfikg yelio one is of other the Cbrfatehsen fiylpg several but Thefe and v pubiiO school buiibing Id ina’rellkilvC' trom ’''L’E Carter Arrived In Ahhabelia ’ local musicians made a tour of Grass t fs at lira Browp j ' V : Wa have rebbbtiymceiVhd a tairload 8taait rodkj hkkribt coinpeletion' is ' ' ' ' afSictedi and Rabbit Valleys this week and San Pete is the one lecinesdey preparatory td the (ipfenTwo' memorandums for five cents a last' They held dances in each town ihg of the sbhools df which he will be Justice Wornock gave ‘ ' be Censor s'tbrt Obtitockof liAdei'W'eAti'aAt th lowest flghrAt a and' struck that they repot having ThuSson principal Mr Caller madd the trip agalniit Joseph ' Judgment visit-I- n lis ke WhfeHl ’and fex: et have iio lnf’etior arlicies Mrs Hatte Forthlngbam1 frond low A partly by good tftne dud oil a note 110875 for lutchioson ' her mother Mrs George Hales! Wobi preslls the bplhibit thAt this id the CGRBENT PRICES II beautiful most '' : vklldy be Zion's Savings Bank of Salt Lake ' kougbt an'd sold Elko Johp Hfeppler is bqme frm ” with 12 Nevada and was ln Rlciilfeld today bush'd Wheat coutitySchodls ' cents 6o the pWpted per Eggs Cty Tile School BdUrd fiebided to pht off All JIf ' cents Oats per cwt 05 cents Dairy a thousand rulers tot use luring the the opening of sbllooi for bh& Wteik 1 are the very lowest R L Young of the Dlnwoodey Fur" " ' ''?’ ' butter 15 and 20 cents’ Cattle yearling jresefat yC4r it the 2bth ' kushet keal kd cents mkiilg niture Co! Was In trb’wu’ esterday" ' ’ " f £tv :f t K ' ' 1250 to 1550 two dar olds 10 id 20 BkVs WunkreS fa cnte a Heh HOopesnd his barber tools Opt militia company K left for the itock sheep 170 to irfj mutton's 198 fc&A fetfiiOEt they1 whe laye np toynctlqii Salt Lake encampment Tuesday morn! ' to 210 ’s t 4(i!mA-f a wlji shsve and iljcar durliijf tile jre-sn- t -H&riistihg Is lh illi llalt ah ivery ' fug' ' ) mi v term of court well inown the ( E U Dr cAh machike he lseh being old that ' e j JIales Briiwn sr' and willtjB kaye " ei Our old fristid Unqla George si 4 specialist’ will often another class in ihtb and service' fixed jiifet pressed from a Ihp lo Rlchfleid returned brtdev up parents 4tthe home of the l£ sojourning In Richfield for a few obstetrics at &l£ Lake in the near ast Tuesday some twepjy guests atThe b S Host ofce Inspector Is lh Pr Ev Hmilh will be In town two days ' future' Any one desiring to take the tended Jr and Mrs town on oikciai business! a reception of days this Week course will do well to write to her at Constant Thueson ilils Teeniaiudersoh Mlisbfnthla Boc mlth of ibchHeld is jit the are on All 5 Center Stiee‘ ialt Lake city- - 22 28 boy bofn Tuesday q returned quMonda' itrom atBagi ' house He bulls teeth ‘k' well AJ A7dfiW- - Innfrom rwifhiteh Blackburn Con fern pee V ' i '"’I V ’3 li tending Primary PeUr QottfredsoQ has just purchas 'i 't the Qr-gel- d without hurts but OTQhs it The just pain nighj San Pefe ai'd M John JoqgqqnMls? Emma ed 1000 trees besides many grape tines attow safely jetuf same j county WedRichfield schools on from the Pioneer Nursery He s:vVd& y ' U All qtroupty biacksmiiilil are the busiest thhog Jhe leaf of ffost has been STATIONS flopk when " Jn f'J the Ul tp jhem plan lk9 sheltepd commUsionenwej prguenj me now town men in just M (l session Was held last Tuesday AW Sit 4 ' SW u Genial Jake Israel of the Cousdlld-te- d near the mouth oQedar Ridge cany ' ’I M" i" Mxd Mxfi nXH0S Thebe Was first pf all a ' sev a In are usJbll best on Co Magetatufomns gom which he believe? tobe Supt Is whiling away a 180 p m At jOUQSS Lvi23D pm Implement oijr publlo bridges ' v Erca flr Biliks Awowid ex bad condition1'1 p m 528 p m At SALT LAXB LvISSpm rn ' eral Jeacbers failed fitthe-rce- i place id the valley to raise fruit X4S LlSAr TBISTLX JOTLvllOBseam 7 At AmU ’$500 MC?rsonpopriacct Another aminatloh r examipfjjon 810 ISS 120 recjyprj63 48S INDIANOLA Christensen held the 569 JC 8pfaf pizileFoMyth janitor Wednesday evening President W Will heheldin y The 'session city council 180 148 Oci9her ijrhentb6jitlJ from her illness that she Is able td bb Rlchfieljd MILBUEX 613 1006 $45 Aypp?te yesterday was utllmportent A few H SeeghUilef met with E C Peterson have 103 184 A 27 10W 1 faibvibw another phaupe Pembroke Stationery Cofl vg75 UK 114 around UTPiSABANf 616 Hll Again bills werd allowed A Pi Rasmussen and mutual and - a A Cannon i Sons 2320 ILS4 George Q 1257 SPRING CITY jjuii 6$ iU40 urveylnu party page and t)Fan Jr EPHRAIM 639 1299 650 1103 1223 Co left for Elsl- - friends tosettle difficulties that have The1 nosmer-Rds- s parties s ' an camped aofithof town TeU lays 06D MANTI 109 1730 hllipS Both preweat- aore thls morning They wiU have a existed over the railroad contract Bockall tpe lp 743 GUNNISON an IN here finish will more their work 1835 JoslahiiMjerti! mistake When had trouble all B ALINA s2i £n pn fierjoni given their mafipee there this afternoon FoH tended 1(QAly t R P Hansen for postal cards 2100 AURORA 839 tm version of the matter and talked 1 theyfwlli leave to puryey the Charlie fprgo't his pa'rt'ner agAln 1 680 SIGURD1 36B 'I 84 Ail the teachers now engaged in our )j j'H over together they parted frlehda & Camon jeseryn:? i v 438 907 1000 Richfield et was aside of President thMshpoi jptjt Last TuAy eiiing schools' have taken oourses of training ELSINORE 927 836 Udd fOMiayidg tne superintendent’s greelhg thgf MrjSeegmiher had noi R M Rogers readsgaard' 989 '605 SeegmiUef add’SCfl a fulliousa at at 'varfwisnQrihal schools' Joseph 1 done wrung the county examiners and such 880 Am 85SamLv BELKNAP Arl00pm660pa his capacity as con wile MrtefifiiHpaertfiito IftM Jo salary LpaProfuJilf vk other expenses Lars “ChritehSen left for De Lamar trackoiyanci fully exoneratiug him of Giles an OttoFfirFrth Train a will mi TtfeiOSyi Thursday arm y ffilHls appiptmegt faUtM cape N C Rasmussen road Saturday! fyaia-4- will rdhUondays Wed- Report-owith teams horse twd four blame any ed thpmstlrtfl tptoiA drttoaflferoupe yesterdayFrlttaya hpbUs way supervisor of Salinawas examined and aeadaya BandLMotJtM''Akent) eveplngian(J load Richfield ' produce filied' agaip Lpmar Prof N oyes andRiu acceptediwl hisbllLof 91800 allowed Charles Jukes --fownan of Joseph Thfiyhayp gone towap D O Dodge Gen'tUanagerr n Leuls Jacobs was also allowed 6680 three Cents key Bland'sehsep herds drove into- town FA Wadlelgh Gen’l Passenger Agent 8 'about - jffJarteew 'poua(l Du'rjus Qf Ephrlpm were! the speaker 'talk They formateriaU il H IldgSlHLd'Uhaitis 0 Cents scratch tab-- with Mr Blaad Co Babcock Trafflo Mauager ' r 'He reports hahlesrhut Iphey ’pau'ally ’ilfibtMjfi Wpopa heiyMlt tqiWaJ06 As 62850 was through a mistake offlse Gsnernl store each Salt Lake at the Csmsob leteilp4 cont V buy good sales productiVi la of wllljbe of taken from the Aurora school fund of heavy sheep i( yfafa firttsefi Tr t J?th 1898 And put into the Sigurd fund the ' 'Jnres- a pleasant reminder of old county country' Fully 30000 hfea Roblsoft and ihat Benbie ar)ey WatahuWgffve Gflgg birty uj county treasurer was instructed to attend a theater In the Acad hfive been sold there lately the prices Weighed a ijgoaj a Juney Ransonprlll oAArt fdr Ephrlam taken like amount from I Sigurd fund uL will attend' entf aif! reidarked an old timer belbg from 9175 to 9&00 per headT tomorrow whea theyand place In Aurora’s fund for 1897 ) thrpPlflWfSfSi? " school this wlnietr jJoel BroRn wiU The treasurer was instructed to 'Grundy' Loa’i ell known C Callister bought £009Q head other ’) 'wlfil'tuted piffitfd'orcbhrdi Large Four THURIER WAYNE COUNTY tax sale against the property and forWeek Re CWlwjjl broiiht his' daughter over to buyers' taking the- remainder next Logam leave but during the Of S 7 Mount when $3078 was sold- out trete lastmsod have owned UTAH?4 atr herds Holden Pacepaid will attend the Agrlcul Nettle stsjnd the high school this week ' tn'hfm yeMtaanypAahbtfe mounfiTdllE Mr Jukes MOW that LOtAED AT 'says "IfetS Edward Toltoh of Beaver and entirely0 ' V- i- : 7 To fill vaclncies in registration CbliAtlahsen w8 turi (Joilegg J hOUB and are hard on sheep’ but Peter tain coyotes kef daughter Mrs Tiiitley of Mexico Joe RobinsoUiiadiP M Griggs have agents George W Bean was appointed The Hew Townsite" rJani Ma’glebt'wlfl eath this yfear Best Values In All Lines ' shtnigle mill on tot ltbe for Richfield precinct No 12 C W totted through Richfield bn Tuesday orchards ue sprlpg Walker for Glenwood andE W Crane ' A Good ’ Line of Ranch and Range Thousand Laketaoubtaln where they Bolton the' market gardener ''i Land Commissioner 'Fisher Harris fef Sallna No 15 ' lost ter Wlnh'his Mk entirely Supplies Is migding He has ‘behn drinking con-- j W®®' will make hpld? Has' ql'nce leaving Serler made a was f The auditor to instructed hold eye'slght BhUalhad dm filieartd BUSINESS WITH SHEEP AND 8idtraihs of latd bat has kept right a- We WUl toon hive anew1 harness a warrant for 11335 Issued to Ex Col of ' Wayne and la now In Piute eye foi somC time past ihfi'vsaV ‘to CATTLEMEN ESPECIALLY DElector Wllles until he (Willes) made a long with his regular peddling trips LaVeta receive treatenSpebi makdr fn town" George WdoBs It pul county'"" Sait SIRED proper settlement with the board to Gold Mbnhtaln He Wenfirp last! 110 was appropriated to assist James alists advised her to have the afflicted ling the waied efldfn urrheki’ ’Why Mra W A Seegmlller Is spending wC'ek' lA usuaVafid started haCkliouie Largest Best and Cheapest line of tf sbme'of the reat of oilfbors who Winn Indigent poor two weeks at here formed home in OuVwhwi’ he chme'to' the' forks Of tb’el member removed to prevent communl- - don’t 1 Gents Furnishings In the County t school learn a trade? The clerk and his deputy were orothe- coun- can’t go to but trouble of cation the Holden leaving our post master to his dered to inspect the FredG Miller Positively the Highest price paid roafihe turned and drove up Clear'CreCkl ' sel prevailed Isbe came htihie and ' Loakai'Jbst received a flsit Horn accounts freedom and report results to the for Calves cahyenHe has one of hls sons with himj Eggs Grain etc n clalbitii'A'tobe a now both eyeaarebljnd one JG'BA court 1b in here" the but rest'bf Mr town family the BOUGHT AND SOLD FrpfJ MHeppler spent today missionary' He 'not onljr travels 'V'fk-i- ' t Lumber Lath and Pickets Good f Jelling olJ friends godd byt Fred will Bol&n! is a poor man and was helped vfllbout':pulce' or'scrijjbutwlthont ou second hand Horse power Bargains feave for a mlssldd tb northern Hit considerable by'WveralVf the townsEtSlMORE credent'iajs' also ’!fiy 'IW'way he’ls MONBOE FtJ&NITURE drive well machinery and onblii'od WMnesdCy dotohe seemed He this people Spring Phil Lockett’s family has again also selling soft i'aoap 'recelpjts pr 'one Will treat you well Give us a call syvJ liiROOM well until he took to drinking but ing ' ' Jim BllUpgsiypJoeephhaSsvld hls to Elsliiore There'and a dozen women M WMANSFIELD Mgr each mjpvcd dollar ince them hie gardens And other work '’ ‘'’j prospect and jppypd- hid family into 'j'1 totake'jkcents and sisters board- in Loa who ijrewlling Wreck to hasbeen’goidg Prof NPNellsen Located opposite tbe tblid square bknded that (own We have it second each for their recepts notwithstand' Hallos Thursday ed for train the Furniture Carpets Window he got 11000 for (he daini The pay of "Jpseph the Prophet" I have In my possession the impounding the one hundred dollars penalty car- ed animal described as follows Shades Lace Bast Curtaihs drew of a for time this audience W Mr affixed' of Orderville Bowers Mrs George transacts large J Qgilvie presented One black ' eight years old riages Wail Paper Clocks Wall small star lu horse ‘n forehead branded thus per husband with & baby boy yester- year to the jAcabemy HgUlast night ed business in this city Thursday and House Furnishings lit gdhlral daymorning George’s smije resem- The Stage was small and could not be fin Invited werfe icq I will sell the chqpewt Id tile county guests on right thigh saddet mark- out of a watermelon well Arranged but the comqahy did (Forty bles a slice k Miss Emma down Call find see me I Markthht djeam party given by Mr Hpsmer! each year with Our Grows Tbass A large number of Nebraska and first rate just the 'asrae 7 ' Also Undertaker Goods 77 night "md the customer gets a fair share if tilt above described hhirbh1 16 not p t' Jowasheep bdyerswere in town this in person!? log Joseph Smith looked A with Of tbe profits supply of caskets and coUds of claimed aqd taken away within ten Try tradlog Mlis 'Mri IiHma Cnas Anderson his many pictures' morning They wept to Various places wonderfully like us all sizes with proper trimmings are days from date I will sell the same on Hd fioubt resembled him in after Jenson Afid Mr John Johnson flitted and Monroe the Monday tbe 13 dap of Sept 1897 at one Fremont TAKE CAPITAL STOCK always in stock and can be had ys during day by o’clock p m at tbe town pound Elsilife better than la the early part of the county seat Wednesday and get your share of the profits at nore Utah Annie and Blanche two daughters calling on bis career The writing of the Prophet Dated this 4 day of Sept A D 1897 store The Equitable 'of Hon B H Greenwood have gone HJeldemar Ostlund left here SunJohn A Johnsoii Chris Johnson Richfield his that sermons and show published to Provo to attend the B of the Elsinore Town Pound A His day morning for Brovo to attend the Keeper be used aiuch simpler language and son Carl will attend the Richfield high 6 Y Academy this winter guepdsw Evenjugf f egtoiy th man defy than was used And was led school h! excltkbleyet the plSv carried with It J F Peterson is teaching the choir Richards Gomer sohoftho state plenty tb sbow the foriie apd ! cha- to sing several Danish songs for the OF auditor is spending his Vacation In racter Ihe man and is & warm re- Scandivanian Reunion at Ephraim these parts In company of Miss Sadie minder of his troubles It Would be Mr Albert Hosmer The Rosmer— Boss Dramatic Co Butler et al he left for the Butler-Ree- hard trike the part of Emma better aad will play Joseph The Prophet lb a 1 mine yesteyday &lss Ross took it The part pf than Miss Hattie Boss matinee this afternobh As well as” in 'v Willie Stewart of Inverury is serious- the Jallor’cl ebb wasalso excellent No ' ' 1" the evening ' Supported by their excellent com' ly 111 The hrie of the csmplaiut is one regrets the thoqey paid Qiynf conr i'l pany to the beautiful tdyl of tba 4 hokaown but unbearable pains shoot sider Nlt a iHost stiperb ’ produidtion Miss Lulu Montgomery A bow Frountler ‘ As I buy by’ the carload I am able tq sell Stoves' Tinware Ciialrfi 6tae has had ettedd-eat the through his head quite often He was with Moroni’s appearance as the best ' ' 'The BaobwoodsmailH Bedroom Sets Refrlglra tors Sofas Cupboards at the very lowest feported (ftfitd low yesterday experience at the business InXureka Part prices that prloi to coming here have evefieeaad filin’ t m On Wednesday licenses over RICHFIELD 3500 Den-man- I 4 Co-o- p CARLOAD of STOVES and RANGES) Suits of lrtg“ Cbm-Sfj- - SulphUF For Scab- - ’ f - Another Carload - k saaAi jury f KurhishiflgS16? GSnts’ k j HideSi - 1 ’ - Siir f Hi- - '’r-'-v-p- -- -i v 1 ' ' ’’ ’ 1 - k - S 1 : k k 1 v 0' i’ a t 1 ’ ' do-in- fr s i ! - ''¥ i A1 1 fc! - ’V cviiWcoMtissioins Jen-Mn'ilt- ( In-ten- ds in'' I- -- memlrsaoard 1 e East-Roun- West-Boun- d S 1 ! -- I f- 'St-’- te ‘ ii-0 ‘v-T- be ' ! 1- - i pingic Wl-neyds- f - Wflttl-'iablfe- - ’ -- to-da- y mh the'-'Milla- - MANSFIELD t J ii C? I a 3 Mercantile go i - - fcom-Ih- jr - - ! 4 fw're E'E moved-tfieliri- peh " ’ ll cer-fu- lf t A 7 Mor-ino- 'l - - ’ - T t ct Jen-sehla- st ) J Growing Larger a t f 1 ? Pioneer Furniture Store Return Engagement k i! ti “ I HO'MA6LEBY PROPRIETOR! jlalee-lad- y Co-o- p d ' j were inarrlage granted to Ahthony Soyka and FtJR THEBtelON H O Magleby of Monroe fffiht to Christ Ini fcanberg of Richfield and Ephraim bd Thursday on business fob For Reunion td Edward Warenski and Charlotte Cf o heeled with held at Ephraim the R G W Ry thandnAvian Refihlbn of Joseph Clerk Clark married heldit that lace pn (the 13thj will sell tickets op §?)iday and Sun both couples a few minutes later ' in j day froth all station?’ for one fare for insi Mempratlonof Jheirrlvarl ' B: F Saunders the Well known fcat- - the round trip Tickets good to re of the Rand cart Brigade ttgwara go buyer of southern Ltah Is turning turn until b&p'tembetls ib-tre- - J ' Deplete withstartliug'' situatious and auiuilnf ' ' - ' Lucidents - JnHw )STON STORED Addkisbiow SlATS 50 ots 25 cts ' - Rbsxrvkd CfilLPRXM 50 cts I alio handle molding iath etc j ! ome ajade find imported shingles " - 'M MONROE UTAH A |