Show - ' -z -- Xj r J - f 41 " ' - - i Id i)lLWHTVlllY'FRDy!ATf ' By CROSBY AND MORRISON Kf--r State Directory iu — fc— - - Z DOITED STATES SENATORS Frank J Cannon (iJL ! lrn Rawlins TQ CONGRESS REPRESENTATIVE EV" ' ktnf (“ id'rioVgRNOR UpritoU Wells tioETARVi OF STATS ' T HHnUcoud AUDITOR BTJATE ' Vi ' Morgan RlchiiraJr1 Attorns ‘ 0 Bishop" A 1 IJfSTRUC PUBJICJ ' TION ’ ' John R Park on' by ‘iriaking improvements' and SUPREME ’JIIDOES OtKers tay the bills"' The tq eavIng ObarloaJSi Zane favb? 6t graded "streets Densor Is in Q W BARTCH J A MINER' nd!1 In time electrfc letter sidewalks DISTRICT JUDGE FOR SIXTH DISTRICT! igbts b'ut riot until they can be paid i' I Wm M McCarty ' for By the way the city would be SEVIER COUNTY DIRECTORY ' ' ’ hia fences and his other Is’ fast becoml’ an Befote hls work is done provements" t ifd fact that the women who be mend the leaky ahoulda’tJorgetto to &' mVe been'eiec'ted to office are" doing In roof 'M places V the walks arrange it thp their duties sq well that even the dis- and door and yards remember thpt bis ' gruntled 9tJnhQt find fault wife needsa few conveniences ’il t stables It - 1 if f nearer able to pay for such No tendency ojtmodern times hasa bee spent more hurtful not if had it appearance than has the H H Bell Glen wood ' V IJ Robin son Salto a nreoovcring its water supply that the congregating ipto cities Just- before J A ‘Ross' Joseph friends Vnd clients en- Rome fell the had Richfield Advocates County Olerk— Sam’l O Clark) ' decreased apd degenerated Here ih I ay te nr Ftchfield deavored to ' take" away E ' f n Moproa A SmithAspessor-J- ps country pa Utah the country and-thi $ W Occns JUcleld roe Alai 'gupt Mafilety There Is onething right here ii pers shoqld stand shbtjlder to shonld Treasure' And cOfEcer TfS Collecto- rRichfield Richfield that we wpuld likotp know er and resist the allurements that city ' Hansen v life hplds eutto the young active anc Richfield the Justice of McDaniel qfrbsecutlng AH'y—ElV Excepting in the two Salln Survcyor-- P D SUoobar of our villages and towns printing offices there la not a place Hi energetic ‘ ' ' CITY DIRECTORY town where women are paid the samfe Brandlcy OOU N CIL—E 0 Peteraon One of the most huitful features o: wages as men It'Jsa well'knoy J M Jensen k hired trustees our school fact that I Seyier county farming is that too N P Peterjon Morteno Jensen for the sixth grade be many of the farmers would like to be teacher lady Joseph 8 Horne cause the wages she demanded were glu doing something else as so6n as Goldbsnson Record a male demanded those than by lower Treasurer— James Christiansen possible Farming and school teach' Justice of the Peace—Simon Christensen Yet people aslc why that lady is paid ing are two of the best and most - hon Marshal— G W Blomqutst such wages “for a woman’’ The very orable accusations of the world but City Attorney- -I J Stewart POPeterson best employes of our stores are ladies both suffer from the evil of temporary Poundkeeper— John W Coons yet the salary of the best is lower by devotees ator Mastor Nlols L Anderson DQuarantine Physician— n K Neill M half than that of the poorest salesIn private business s man we have Why is It that bur lawyers can not WAYNE COUNTY DIRECTORY man will get all the work he can for cross question a witness without COMMISSIONERS as little money as possible but for throwing insinuations against :the Fremont 'Aloqzo Billings public plaoes it ill becomes people to witness’s private character? When it Teasdale Charles Snow remark that “her wages are too high comes to 7 Giles any i consistent statements Levi C White for a woman “when the “oman" It in the evidence or anydlscorinectec "OUlitY CLERK A counTy recorder doing the same' work Just as- - Well r facts they are the attorfiy’s to use but Loa ILiBI Ilansen better for one fourth less salary the witness in'fegard to ills every day peasant-populatio- neor V M n 1 K - hn ‘ cb - ' MAYOB-Theod- ore ' i nr-- Oarl Street-Supervisor- - - - assessor: ti J II Car few Gainesville sheriff: ' Lyman supt schools: W E Robinson f Loa - treasurer A Jeffery - Loa r-- 1 ' PROSECUTING ATTY: Joseph Eckersley AT K extractors : honey tin and alumi- ' num ware eaves trough and roofing work East of Social Hall Richfield Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! at the Richf- ield creamery a large supply of the best cheese ready for use We will be pleased tq supply It in amounts heeded for family use or to merchants Youug& Lawson Richfield 21— 2i MERCHANT TAIUOR C Nielson (formerly head’workmen for is now located Elsinore the p of the street south across the of stock cloth on Store He has a hand as well as many samples from which to order A suit from stock can fbe had three days after the measure weeks requlr jinents are taken Two from samples to have ready Co-o- Co-o- Elsinore Utah! blacksmith life has as much right to accuse tlie Monroe people should begin to think lawyer of wrongs as the lawyer has to i' as to who are wanted for town officers accuse him IX Monroe conld and should be one of the t prettiest towns In Utah and a town Municipal politics are very slow this council that will compel the weeds to yehr Every little election causes more pe kept of the streets and sidewalks waste of' time1" and delay in bulsness the brush to be grubbed off th'e streets than it shouldf When great issues and the boys to keep better order are before the people' )lenty optima should be elected this fall Then am and plenty of thought should be put other subject should receive attention on the subject': but when we know the The lots on the lower lands of town men and about si what do if they will m corild really do with less watet’ and the elected to office a short campaign is U surplus could be sold to the dry lots best for a considerable sum that would go far toward making several substantial The Prophet Ezra is said to have improvements that are now needed held Sabbath t schools from daylight in the morning until midday and Irving made a beautiful story of yet the people were not tired of stande Rip Van Wibkle’stwenty years’ ing If the people did’nt get tired fezra is klwavs a tendency with was justified but in these tiipes people public officer to play the role of Rip do not like the two hour meetings and As soon as he has climbed up the who find try it dismissing at bishops rugged steep of the convention fight 330 the better plan and has reached the top of the ballot —box mountain he quaffs theliquoro! If man does boast of his productive a two years’ rest Wo ave a few in we are come year and go year Sevier county and other counties su f power any way Plenty of fruit going fer the same Brethern of the press people to waste in Sevier county this year do not be afraid of thunderingatthem and next year there is apt to be a shorta little It will wake them from their age yet we have no rteans of saving sleep and delight the people very it We complain of being poor yet much how much of nature’s bounties Waste right beneath our feet The government ownership of rail roads is condemned by many because Tonight the play “Joseph The Prothe government operation of railroads is being played in Elsioore Toin Germany doesn’t suit themCount-ie- s phet’’ will be played in didn't have to run freight wagons morrow night it With all the teaching that or stage coaches because they owned Monroe the people of U tah have bad they do the dirt roads nor will not fully realjze the wrongs of Joseph need Jo run the trains because it arid we trust the play will owns the railroad tracks The govern- Smith to them ment ownership and the government teach It ' operation of railroads are two separate questions The rush to Klondike has about subsided It was within the bounds of reason to rush ioto semltropical CaliThere are noneinUtah that are dofornia in 49 but this unordered rush ing more for the few Indians who are of men form the temperate zone Into left than are the people of Rabbit and the Frigid regions betokens untold Grass valleys The civilized nations misery if it is not stopped of the world have usually taken possession of the ahoriginees’ land and There aren’t half as many hogs be either by war or customs exterminat The modern way ng raised in this valley this year as' ed the natives should be to throw such influences last When pig raising began to be around the less advanced 'that they unprofitable too many quit it The man is who raises he wise what hia exterminatall and be civilized pot may i Greco’s Tin Shop You get best bargains We now have on hand u - Geo Chappell XQOLS FOR IIORSE$ I will trade a set of blacksmith tools r horses or a wagon Joseph L Jensen Rlcnfield than any other mediclpe1 treatment or system known to the medical “No MAN made' remefly but ' nature’s’ true panacea Yatuma is an iPtiscptlo germicide sleep-Ther- t n ed ppjgbbo ae discouraged jp raising' i To obtain it positively destroys1 al) "piicrobes'-jingerms of every klhdname ant nature it is healing iiritj soothftlg tc” the mucuoug mieriibrane Tt ’will ijei manently cure the majorit? of cases of Bronchitis Catarfh' Dlspehsla ar Stomach troubles all diseases ' 'of "thf' Bladder Bowe)s Kidneys Liver 'fcon ' Mtlpatlon Piles pid Sores' Kta1 Diseases Ulcers B'cze'ma BCro?qla7 Diseased Discharges' Diseases pec ml a! to Women Neryoiis and PhV'sjqa! r Weakpess etc ’’ — NO MATTER WfJAT afitor : X the new has r text-book- s quite an expense fpr the parents they are slowtu believp that The they have gained an advantage general concensus of opinion is that text book9 are changed too often - bepn : 'nK phjstcian will' advise you order to regain your hpthj Consultation is fiee and saoredly ihttc dojri Utah eon-fldSnti- al enclose 2 Tefojvery low For proof peut Stepp i jigents panted everywhere JVe advertise IJq cuuvassing jou i yqur home papw Address vwit stemp LtkjtU Builder —J AiLMEN'i his-tory- Carpenter Contractor! at)d now YOUR or where you live' Write us a RilJ your trouble and dur 'opsuit? 'A laruB assortmentof confcctlonerlei nul lclne stationery and notions Uall amb Se Ocb Finb Limb or Ciosna KHslijofn RhedmatisraNenraiaf Blood Poison v s t s Jlaaauroment ) ' 1500 COMMISSIONERS Bchools-Jac- Grandest discovery in the annals o: medicine Guaranteed to eyre rnore diseasdl ' —Emil ChrUtofFeraon— taoea )u4( to ordee Promptly i V I ! h $- hbMff-Ho- HEALTH REGAINED Tmr WONDER OF THE AGE fit 1 tJPERINTENDENT ecorder-MaudiSpc- it - A James Chipmaq £’ I'Eltf flCT v 1 state' Treasurer:‘ r w XuIvLA- - Jikvq you done to TFake jornrwel verbottrr i?giiT£TJStTa'liy Young men what Oraham ' ? t- J Tty Utah UTAIX' SeYJEU Cou NTY jbnFC&LD1 (ji JIprs j-FO- f V U k The idcapTevalls tljal Sevier Wayne ThReand uarara counties are nbwsetr “XKOUDGXtniJW the( Did yfih'go to' school last -- win ter? If tied and those! ‘whri'Sro in seach cf party tnkt bppGso'BondinpRichflelii Glehwiiiod' to establish a gaqil system of watei ytm' did' go are 70U ‘any better off for1 homes go to' Arizona tdaho and Mexico works' ouyljttq be defeated at the itVOertainly you are we will both ad- f alittle of dellgentearnestwork that G v (f F! Pierson Prop November election and we trust it mit that But are as much better s do ne In those’ pioneer communities you will Advocate 7' oil gs you might have been? Have you were put- - into "'utilizing our- vacant ThqJBest place To Get We1 need a good system of waterreland over the miatakes’you made If would yield by far greater works in Richfield but there is no thought FIOMrit so that you won't make sults greater than thecewfarnri'lOf last year’ BonscU‘“are ’ to need of bonding get itl them again? We should learn to live other States': t p ' debts left for pospb'rity to pay! They ’’fM 4 ( 4 I to live by llvlpg dut 0 uver leave the future fcltizens of tfur city 4 SULPHIJRFOB DIPPING better unless We'triticlzeoirr bwri con1849 there were hundreds of wealthy In loaded so that they can not make I duct 'Orson 'Magleby and Go’s brokers and bankers who wanted tjhe other improvement that arenceded - : v'v ' ' I mcneyTunctiOri taken away from gol'd in their time i We are in favor bf ja - MONROE UTAH iwas now A there ris conslde ago year 'of Give from gold pleh'ty trip many City council that will tax sufficiently We hav® 10000 pounds of sulphur to lay by a surplus with which to'" pilt able murmuring because ladles would new fields arid ttibsri whoriave money We 'elected to'fill many posi- to lenb or deb'ts outstanding will clam- - and uhe prepared to make as good In a system of water' works' but tqo perhaps’ "v t of election or to careen( money again f tions terms on It as can be made by Salt ypubUctrust?'Aftr''' eltlcft and of have towns Utah's qany Iri I I H wercl murmurs" these till Lake parties Save the freight Uetaclj othrir Bard but times add Hqffered from the t t M' ceased! now 19-- 23 have 'Fray ‘why this they Most every farmer will now fix up his raqblbif that afflict' them nfteV the olfldis'satlt-'action? unnaturfel prosperity that Is ‘brought Silence? Why ho inurniurs im- THE SOUTHERN CENSOR ’" pay - £r 1 Tb V -- WM v c vAnnnsox — vm-h-- 4 THE VATUMA COMPANY ’ri- O Z12 BOX P “'CrifcAGO ILL r ‘ proprietor of 'this only': planing min w Richfield and la best prepaned of V M any one In the county to do all kind President George Q Cannon may or of wood work Wiite to hlni If you may not want the senatorshiprhut If want any thing in his line as: he U launching his boom already he Is Turned Work that iieWs Moving ' - i nottheshrfewd politician up‘fo be painted - Rough or Planed Lumber Sigurd Loa and Ooyote Missouri Pacific RV of our trees have a diseased ' ‘J Stage Linoi look because of the many’treb pests The Colorado Short Lincto Kansas A fruit that have not been fought! City St Louis’ Mo anti alh ftflfits GRASS AND RABBIT VALLE) tree inspector should've an officer of South and East :r ' " " ' RfifrTE' ’ ' ' our county Free reclining chair cars and pull man palabe sleeping' cars of ‘Aost ele Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morning The Advocate keeps on telling the Direct connections at except Sunday’ 'reach Durryifle aV gant design people that prosperity is herri There the iriagntficent to' Don )V Coyote that Union Station St noo'ri ahd'&u’b'n ' ' are some things people hever know un'' night Bcuis for everywhere' til they read it in the 'newspapers Tickets on sale at all stations on i k C Rio Grande Western Railway" All the towns of Sevier county are tt “ Jdruuitsni ii b: Koosar t“ v E J Flynn ifrrl)le' free from debt' May they ever be so " c & p L f: & p:a i Proprietors r Salt Lake City ’Utah'' THB GRANDEST REMEDY Many J ’ t ’ 1 ’ ’ '' ’ 1 1 ! t f - ‘ 1 ! : G reeve merchant of Ya certifies ’trial he Md was given up to dlt consumption bought all medlhal treatment that money could procUre'tried all cotih remedies he could hear bf but got " no relief spent 'many nlgh'ts sifting up In a chair 'was iUducfec to 'try Dr Mr R B Clillhowle find was cured of twri bottlris For past three years l(as been attending' to business ahd says Dr’ 'King’s New Discovery Is the grandest remedy ever made as It has done so much for hinjihd Ulsb Dr for btiiers in his community King’sNew Discovery is guaranteed for coughs colds and consumption It don’t fail Trial bottles free at all Drug Stores and General dealers King’s New'f'piscoVery by use tt Fine Comblnutliil for Fltf Dairymen who keep swine and they always should unless all the milk is sold grain of sopie kind with the 9kpi milk or whey that goes to the should mi Corn meal and skim milk mixed proper projections cannot be excelled as pig feed It is Improvident for a dairyman to grow hogs on the wastes from the daily without any grain yet the only way to prove this to some men would be by the use of the scales in tests with mixed rations — National Do fiof Forget Horne & T’Ka Miler Undertaker Keep constantly dri hand at their edibji9 merit in Richfield a supply of COFFINS C AKETS” HANDLES LININGS and thej &c notice- fcai SCBES fill qrdeli0HjfihdH - Having sold their Plarlip Mill they ifd an- xious to sell the lunrber Whidh i§ WfciiReasoned LATHS DOORS &6 ihfey have oL hand and will sell tHS grollRd 8fccli3ied by the lumber yard at a reslS8RMble price fot cm pigs in Stockman FACTS FOR FARMERS No other instrument is so well adapted to pulverizing small clods as the plank Remember the Dear Departed Show your regard for those who have gone before in Enduring EverlastihgGr4ve Stoned ARTHUli HENRIE drag great man once said that the most Important secret of success with crops is to remember to stir the soil Evea half a dozen sheep are better than none ns they will keep downthf weeds nnd prevent the farm from being seeded with such pests Feed up the corn fodder millet and other cheap forage as closely ns may be ONLY nnd save the timothy hay which is a INSCRIPTIONS cash article while the others are not Not only must the soil contain food elements but they must be thoroughly mixed and incorporated in the soil to I become available as plant food Therefore let the ground be heavily manured and every square inch for a foot in depth well pulverized Farmers who sowed crimson clover last fall will have an excellent fertilizing material for plowing under No nitrogenous fertilizers will be required where crimson clover has grown but A lias established his Marble Works on Center St East of Co-o- p Store and is prepared to make grave stones and do all kinds of Cemetery Work FIRST-CLAS- WORK EXCIIANGE FOR PRODUCE S K WRIGHT Pioneer Oil House JUST RECEIVED of phosphates and potash beneficial They cost but a application will be small sum however compared with the substances containing nitrogen It is seldom that a farmer can accumulate a sufficient amount of wood ashes for a large field but on farms where wood is used there is a limited supply which can be put to good use on the garden or on the young clover Ashes are excellent also on all grass lands and in orchards They are applied broadcast in any qunntiiy desired as many ns 100 bushels por(ncre having let"n used on certain soils— Prairie Farmer A Lot Of WHITEWASH BRUSHES Paint Brushes Paints and Oils Glass Sash Doors Lath Iron Roofing etc Farmers Attention Machine Oils Call and get my prices before you order Don’tforiegt the place L WEIGHT - |