Show 77Y7 I S oj —- "l fA V- - wj V "WwnvwJU "WIT - ’ ' ’ &0s ’ wjc' at Ii 1 i r 'V in 4 1 i m £- ft SO IT YOUIEAVE CUT BURNED fORBRUISED irfcirttXiPUMelfpive any horse cow dog J jrubird or jjyjjifilmal that 1s wounded ' as V - 1 t' ' - J Furniture Store I JX$‘ - -s ofr ' - i a' uv ai - a in'1 Sfv Irc vno ' OtiteeA ’ FURNITURE pidr ' CARPETS AV I i f s: 'i’i'j People of (Joijvrim Wiru:" f Let a miiu from the city young ’ i V- V ncw-papci- elves-generall- ' ' NDOW SHADES LACE CURTAINS BABY' CARRIAGES’? any country town and seed tniillinmnenlriislT WALL TAPER liqsbws you will find i t J f JOi!I ViOA BLACK OIL C which when harvested upsets all e ami tihuhi its plqce AVo are agents for the celebrate 3l j unite there is an ordiranco against loatinu A CURE THAT CURES notions If he wears an immacu' If t should for the sake of our younger only imltatlvus late tie a Derby hat and striped boys be onfoicrd Our officers could Articles of ueorporation Of the trousers if he sports a cane and his lisperse such crowds anil ita wOuM’nf LakeRaomg assocl ition an or shoes it require much time to ho volt generally feet are encased in I- - Drug Dept A its object the es vani7ation — he tips his hat to the girls and show- inderstocd that this loadag is hot taliMshment haviugfor If'-'- ? xUi 'frig iu of a sace track at soutli-ertolerated in Tioio— Utonian ers sunny smiles along his path 'only UtaYs weuic icsort and to pro-one’ law could be puqsert and on a few days will elapse until all the It ueei mote of forced there would he little lacing interests in ike southern "ICf men in town will be assuming young ' i AND Thst one law must be 4 part of the Fate weie filed yesterdiy dudish airs and profiting by the object any other Il’y Missouri f State One dal-the with is Secretary that time Trasteof loafing V lesson There will be a demand for L SALd ARNICA BUOKLLN’S one great sin that fathers more sins ur i named as iimp'r value if lie i Fastest time shortest line and best more stylish garments and a labored rest combined It is when shaies uul the limit of the capital than the all for feeding are the A CO? accomodations RAILROAD world for Tim Best Salve in HS effort made to establish a sort of local OOl is offer Ro shippers of live R W Sivy we the boy is idle that he learns to stunk stock is $2 piosident Cuts Jlrulses Sores Ulcers TOURisT OR FAMILY SLEEPING CAR Salt JKX and Kansas aristocracy There is nothing wrong ind Puebib ' J Toiin F ubf-nFever Sores Tettor Chapped toclt between J Steiner chew tobacco Itis vtbqn his mind SERVICE for as about it Human beings are irmta stock trains live Ar Hands Chilblains Corna and all 6kin City Special 'I' Owens s not nropeily engaged that lie learns jcjiidesler secretary Do you know that every evening the tors so are A &nd positively cures Tiles reasonable number of cars monkeys But again: Oie lainous dime novelRexualltreisur'rl and iliee wijii William Eruptions Denver &Rio Grande R R in conneo foulbred C F & P A k to locale concludes no °1' youth required It is guaranteed II B Kooscr direc- "Yjlon With the fo0 W runs a Tourist s and also otthe E J inijmrity Flyun T F & P A to give perfect satisfaction or money JiiFanlSkpieepingCar to Denver in I one of the country towns lie may Lake City Utah Salt am ids v : imes a1 e conceived and planed L5 cents refunded Price pCr box be secured for a lawyer a drummer a doctor a gem Geuer Is and For Sale all mind when the idle by druggists r this daily — anything goes lie dresses with if a veal pity to see so much of al dealers it 'Vic6'theD & R (T‘ also operates on taste his manners are gay lie rglei XX our money go to Provo which ought to Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays IT uurls— they think him divine the stay at home AY'e drink ’Provo so'n !us Holmes afer dieting In the there conii We wear Provo woolen g Kids into himself their ingratiates ines toj for several days has returned water Provo We eat bologna AYe put on a Boston Lil!f!Mv' York— no changeful dence and affection IJe flies high lie from Gold Mountain on tba Sevier DO St® tne way laundried Piovo fclmjii ly Utah passengers— at greatly reduced is full nf gall Time passes' Tough and I says that prospectively it Js one we sweep wit h a Salem broom AW ‘t: berttvrCSMf'rhese Tourist cars are are told of wild orgies held at if stories a factory of each well'run could Justus are that qow the Pullman ramps bigg's! Company manage5Ety&tie Hearier and are provided with all necessary unseemly hours Town boys and girl teingotr-r- ted in the AAest Mr ut the above in Paysdti— models of eruse uo virtue of have considered The always You complaints m conveniances and appliances flul'n'-are prospa-tinaid v’oii the with be Tourist4Mfft3Ief together if commit overt indiscretions and get them tliaiuearlioua the Trajipt r’s pried and the work l’aysm admlrrfOK5f®’a'fcrvice and sceuie come targets against which the jive to to We vu a!lllie wav trom cittf' go rite lias been such as to’ encouragr has placed the i and arc burk'd scorn ns nf Shame to Lake Chicago fooun nem i i the belief that the ’foundation Salt D & R G in the ioremost ranks ot n tow row fond come The “ to 4 ' parents for a mins is there Some- very Cood We8teif10W(k For rates arid sot v a detatwSK3®roton' apply to any is sneeringlv Alluded tq by docent peo- - values Jliave already been obtained Kiontlvkc mining cienpAnies I'mt dn I W of the R G Ily pjg in uther settlements The lewd and a force of me n is being worted not own an inep of ground in Alaska ol 'to lii F Novlns General Agent or II nasi)er spread the seed which comipl midir' an intelligent find and never will are buisly ilispo-unTraveling Passenger ’d the town The young meu and tin teadiiy of Cushing more will and gold take stock economical management During ids ever will ' suncers than ' of the -- " pockets ' t"'T i young women Imitated his ways Tlif absence he learned that In tiie new jV V veers— pi trom tue northern come one rotten apple spoiled the whole tunnel which Is being driven into tiie Bulletin heap The influence for good or bad Sevier ty Charley Lammersdn’rf a nic ii fut as the big fortunes of tie Unitwhich a granger Cab exert upon 'been orhud one f made the body ofhighgiade by ed States have been vk i'-- jp community is something wonderfulil encountered and that the property ganizers and brokers of raiir aid stock ELSINORE I g huraan nature to go to the bad when J C OSTLUND the company was in better condition while those who held large amounts Pxt October I want beckoned on and encouraged by the ofthan at anytime since Mr LamnuTT of the stack havo gone broke ties piled any place by the railroad Belknap' I pay proper sort of a captain Strange too tlorf staked off the ground and 'over track Wlti5ISS-''t“ 35 cents e’k fur all red pine ties piled ignq jt? 10000 lent above the level of thenea I State of Ohio Citv of Toledo i by thtCcVir4fill advance 20 cents search fora mine Lucas Count v tiie began in suJ?fiUggji'as the ties are piled Mr oath that makes J ho Breckeuridge Frank the At says Cheney tie is the senior partner of the firm of iNTms issue wili be found the cpj- - lames Long has and is accomplish" mir'A business in eluding chapter bf'tlie series of arti ing results that promise to enrich all F J Cheney & Co doing Doc Toledo of the City County and State cles on Science and Religion by who are interested while good workfs ufore-unI firm will pay said beet and have tint urticles These tor Thtllips i on at the Miller the Holland-Blu- e the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLof tlieunaccount oing on and read widely Bird Eagle and a- number of LARS for each and every case of usual nature of the argument s advancattention wide Spread others You leava Ogden or Salt Lake in ed have excited parties are repuiteri Catarrh that cannot be cured by the I lieatuse of Hall’s Catarrh Cure comment favorable much be evening and after breakfasting in and looking over the district and the I ed as FRANK J CIIENEY been have logically excelcars of the they the sumptuous dining prnvpector is ’satisfied witli average me and subscribed to before of Sworn ' a FE j ROUTE on the third sively and with profundity of Ins labors— Tribuuo iu my presence this 6iAid:iy of Decemlosophic thought the arguments ad the result all you arrive In ber A D 1880 duced have furnished irresistible proof A Ar GLEASON that there is no ronilict between the Tlu Springville Independent mourns Chicago or St Louis of religion those and SEAL truths of science riot work well n season to attend to business or eon-- 1 exi&leoce 0f Deity has been because prohibition does d — v— Notary Public I More oect with all fast trains forjlie East dfMhunS'tr:Ued At there here’ arid says that itis a temperance Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken jriteintl-ljrci Some pne has said recently that tlie authori exactly er of leading town in name only That was ami acts directly on he blood and track of the ATCHISON TOPEKA and in Salt Lake Doc surfaces of the system now Seud are mucous There Logan’s experience & SANTA FE railroad was in Jt0f phuims will sliortly begin a free testimonials for where bouses tiie in city condition that the long flis Lnd series of articles which will com but three employby F J CHENEY & CO Toledo O solii at retail ns against sixis lance run of the “Flyer” on the New l audat hs attention as liquor 75c Sold Yp'ilA4rr51 by d Druggists Fork Central could be equaled if mrt The sub-- ’ teen during the prohibition days when Hall's Family Pills are the best j ow concluddd 1 txceeded by its magnificent trains “Philosotiie line: be dollar will hundred meanta scries conviction jectof Ibis tc JD KEN WORTHY of Mormonism” and its intent to and drunkenness was even more comphy Gen’l Agf 'Passenger- Dort demonstrate that the religion of the mon then than now Prohibition is SUMMONS 50 West Second Sohlh Street Latter day Saints is in the highest be made Utah could Lake if desirable Salt City will it tf highly The Doctor sense philosophic Is The Distkk t Court of the Sixth Judi-cSee C F WAltRENl Traveling Agt SINGER before buying vl Pisthk r oc treat his subject without any reference effectual but the universal experience or Sevier State Utah ot viewCounty thk not Li show can that will to scripture and seems to indicate that it f'lalntiiT Surah m Offices vs ed from this high standpoint the business brings it direcrly Sllkol censing J VOjlqr as tiie rahk highest must SALOONEIHFIELDthe center The SiAit of Utah Sends Ghfetixo to This under police surveillance iu well-dresse- top 1 d In- off in I t 1 old-tim- s i - J i v “CROWN” Tan-iguitc- ( h Organs and d I Pianoes- 'TjfiR3UNVER Si' f BRimPLEys or the same the world over is i rath- It is the u’k In Salt Luke-f-There exists two cm ‘h r been has it suggested— that that upon our 'streets It is very Immjliat-annual hold carnivals on asImMu a ermyd city mg to a lady to have to pass if boys nud men congregated upon rp! mo to that' of the LitiuhibiRtb W ouu stieet corner when she kaovs 'V'lli dve It out cob! fil it wo ire w i' he too they make reirhr'rs about nearly gainst Mich a scheme and tdvns on dram a tiie snnUen on) Is tlm' not big This very passerby source of annoyance as a rulo such vc call upon t'c country persons are very prolano in the use of in the event of such a tiling arising to Tim country words that a:e anything but elevatmr onp se the prt'postlon to get a be ebaflee should of tnwis given tliMmomit o( tohMcy ay nothing juice that is spread all over the place in a little cash— Neplit lRqnjbiic whore Uiey aro congregated' Tlie-mpiu pi public does itself honor in 1u°nce of parsons wlio deliberately ijuit protest The natural advantage'' hang about the slhmt burners In Uw bf Salt L:lko hH t0 front of public pi uts arjd uihkc tlii'ui- witli w nat It net s ii nort objectionable to ip - should Satisfy tlm mouopqiis hut ii poisons with higher aribition4ia urious to our yoiingor boys who are seems to flunk it Is all Utah and it irur into such society vvhenevu r i (o ol Vt'is as a duty of t lie cotint ry press hey chance to g6 upon the street If t 1 r v is Dot a editor of Tress The Tiie Still there are very close observer never which escape his somethings notice A jnan who doesn’t see some thing of a peculiar nature ih a community where he has made his home for a number of years would be blind Here is something which The Tress man has frequently observed Fcrliaps it Is human nature and human nature i T PESSIMISTIC lMfnT-42- ’ galina Brass iLINDY if-- v - 'KE GP'IT ' ’t ! fWl - 1 Pacific 1 eio grande 1 ‘ tl-- 1 I or'il P-- nine-tenth- ser-le- (lig-riug- s BESTjFUMR MADE s °S°C ill ’iiJavsiM-ktro- Jacket SL§ pUMP I I ‘ - - -- I S' fisisrv 1 M ’ - i - ri ) " - o ' i 1 d - Genuine Singer Sewing Machine - - - The standard of Ience over the world - t - 3 800000 SOLDANNlALY in use than all other y JXere hU-'- 1 combined our Sold only —i T J : ees Directly from factory - the people the Ircst improved Oj-U- Everywhere I t V sys-le- ii W1IIUY300 ! never to our knowledge been of town whereas prohibition spfead feel in the trade &U over the city and the explored and our readers who terested in such subjects may expect d lurrouuding conditions were more treat and will await the first number It is better to b'uvfe three lifield lias HAS GOOD thought of no!: rr v i:A A GALLON interest -- Logan Journal-t ' is strictly a'n age of basic philoThis GRAPE EH ANDY CALIFORNIA was a time BtstPraiufoof BtycTcberry Pod and sophic thupgkt There M'ijc and mjt otlur liquor when wiy thing that the Bible proved KJhtrry as are needed in sickness was all right Not so today Men want to reason on matters and the preacher H " 1S8 A TEST-PROO- F Try oup II ¥ Cigars livdreasoivs Park 13 NOWfOPEN’FOR The Season of 1897 i I bis great book “The Foundation Beliefs'” and the voikmubtaucl 'wU Lovely v Shade ' J of t AVITnA LAUGH PAYILLIOX I'LOOH ‘ilNTjDam ing who bases his eeiirum on authority alone is doing himself au Injustice The greatest religious peed of tho day is more philosophy aod less authority in our beliefs Sir A J Balfour of England has headed the work with of f Five Acres ’ with LCOIIOL 1 ' Mlkol V Oylur Defeudant: VoutiNi here by required to appear In an ctlon hmuKlit Humst you by llit) ubove In tiie District Uourt e tiie named Sixth Judlciul District of tho State of Utah harmful to answer tho complaint UUd therein censed houses open to inspection and and of tho day of serwithlilteu days (exthr-lr- e after the seivleo on you of this sumsubject’to invocation of 'license than vice) mons— If served within bus eouut-or If slxteeo dives half itf'Lheui in ccllafs out df tills county but in this district " Wil liln twen'y days otherwise wUhln forty —Logan Journal days—or judi?nien by default will be taker - f ' V against you according to the prayer of said complulut t The said action Is brought to dissolve the Even learned moo now marvel at bonds of DisiMimony existing between I’lalu-til- l and Ih temuiut Lor the rtivtudy of tin llm work of Joseph of old He lived hildieu of said marriage and Hie nllowune r according to tho Bible about 4000 10 Plaintiff of corlatu propcity of Defendant f Said action is based upon ulieged adullery years ago Yet today his good works committed by you at div ers times dui lug tne live after hint: a large population nea months of Juuuury Felmaiy and Mn-e- Is 7 oouhty' Also with desertion of I'l the Ilivcr N’ilo exist only by nieans of in’ said yon since yopr uiarrlagu with Plaina great CHiialbuilt by Joseph in that tiff to tho extent of causing riniutiff gieat bodily injury and mental distress fan off deyr This canal is actually And you nro licreby notllled that if you miles long followi ng like a perpeut the fail to appear and answer the said complaint required tho said plaintiff will apwinding Nile Butin all that distance as above ply pi tho coui t for tho relief demanded he canal fed by the rivef rises but Witness THE HONORABLE JUDGE and i tho Heal of the District Court of the low Nile feet above this seventeen At Judicial District In unit for tho fatutu of ail eti' an which it Utah this gains crnlqence point ’ ables it to turn westward through a dnyotAug' In tiie year of our Lord one hundred and nlnuty narrow pass and enter info a desert thousand elglit 3 G Clark Clerk Kapp and Bean valley which It soon made rich fertile ' Attorneys for Plaintiff and productive— Bugler First Publication September 3 ' ' 4 t Worms do not die of starvation in f Men women sight of plenty to cat and children do Strange isn't it that worms havo more common sense than Living Issues ICE CREAM CANDIES LEMON But if all men women and children followed that rule who on earth wOlild ADE COFFEE and LUNCH can tie hal at the Park produce the eatables? ineuV— - r SAWMILL sovl HAS CHANGED OWNERS r ALL KINDS OF LUMB’Ca? Is - iy J i 20 go 6n The Burrilla and Koosliarem i i - Bills promptly sawed j U ’ ' Address: i Sth i our yard continually on ' A! t Koosharem IP CRAWFORD j Piutq Co '1 |